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esd to iso build pe system

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#1 Tokener


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Posted 31 May 2021 - 01:34 PM

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File Name: PE-Customizer
File Submitter: Tokener
File Submitted: 31 May 2021
File Updated: 28 May 2023
File Category: Tools


Task: Create, customize and compile PE-systems.

Windows provides for the installation of Windows a so-called pre-installation environment (in the following called 'PE').
so to speak a small operating system with whose assistance the installation of Windows is accomplished.
This system can be extended to a rescue system with different functions.
Important is above all the supply of a suitable user interface for the coordination of the functions and programs.
This takes over in Windows the 'Explorer' in the PE system the so-called Shell.

The PE-Customizer uses the well-known CopyPE method of Microsoft to produce a PE system from a mounted Windows ISO.
Alternatively, the PE-Customizer can also extract the contained PE system from a Windows ESD file.

Source for the PE creation can be any official Microsoft Install-ISO or -ESD file but also a PE-ISO file from a third party.

The extracted boot.wim file, (PE base WIM) is the starting point for the modifications.
It can be extended or modified by adding packages, drivers and files.
Since a copy of the file is used, the original always remains unchanged.

Two ways to the startable PE-ISO as final product are available to the user:

- The 'mount way':
Copy base WIM into PE-WIM.
Mount PE-WIM with DISM or ImageX.
Add drivers and packages with DISM.
Add files and folders with Robocopy.
Unmount PE-WIM with DISM or ImageX.
Compile the ISO file with oscdimg.

- The 'Wimlib way':
Copy base WIM to PE-WIM.
Paste files and folders with Wimlib-Imagex directly into PE-WIM.
Compile the ISO file with oscdimg.

Depending on your needs you use one or the other method.
A graphical representation of the two creation methods can be obtained from the [Help] -> [Graphics] menu.

For the execution of the 'Mount-Way' the PE-Customizer needs help files which are included in the 'Windows Automated Installation Kit' (WAIK) from Microsoft:
- ImageX (optional)
- Robocopy
- peimg (optional)
- oscdimg

By the menu [File] -> [GetWaikTools (JFX)] these files can be downloaded comfortably.

For the execution of the 'Wimlib-Way' the PE-Customizer needs a file from 'WAIK':
- oscdimg
and the utility:
- Wimlib-Imagex (in the archive).

Included: (self-extracting archive)
BBLEAN_x64_CORE (Explorer++, Notepad3)
With this Extension-packs the programs 'bblean' and 'Launchbar', known from the Misty-PE are available to the user as (64-bit)-shell.
On the 'Wimlib way', by adding the files / folders of the (unpacked) archive,
a PE rescue system can be created very quickly from any Windows installation medium.

If a PE system already exists, e.g. Misty-PE, Win10PESE, Win10XPE, Gandalf's or Hiren's PE,
this can be, if it was extracted before into a PE base,
updated easily by adding newer file versions. (Wimlib way)

For creating / customizing the start menus in these mentioned PE systems, I recommend the program 'PE-Links', freely available on 'Reboot.pro'.

The PE-Customizer has
- the ability to transfer a Windows Install ESD file into an -ISO file,
with the ability to select the desired Windows versions individually.
- the ability to add the created PE system to the operating system list of the Windows Boot Manager,
and also to remove it again.

There are some videos available, showing the processing of several commands in realtime:
PE from ESD
ESD-PE to BCD (via GetWAIKTools)
Tutorial: PE to BCD

Good luck working with PE-Customizer.


Password for older archives (up to 210615): pec
Latest version is not encrypted as it contains an ISO file which should not be objected by virus scanners. You can extract this file or mount it as virtual disc.

I am very grateful for hints on malfunctions, suggestions and criticism in the forum of Reboot.pro.

My special thanks to the team of Reboot.pro at this point.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Click here to download this file
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#2 Guest_AnonVendetta_*

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Posted 31 May 2021 - 07:34 PM

What a fugly green/yellow/white combo! Besides that, I'm sure it's useful software.

#3 Tokener


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Posted 31 May 2021 - 11:01 PM

Thank you for the appreciation.

I assure you that I will try even harder with the coloration. :book: 




#4 Guest_AnonVendetta_*

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Posted 01 June 2021 - 12:49 AM

I dont have a need to use this software ATM, so i actually dont really care what colors you use. But i also think that a standard color palette would be more appropriate. or better yet, and my personal fave...all black, with font colors that contrast nicely.

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#5 Tokener


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Posted 01 June 2021 - 09:03 AM

Sounds good, I switched the style in the new version 210601.


Best regards   T.

#6 alacran


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Posted 10 June 2021 - 07:37 AM

Hi my friend, I hope you don't mind, but I suggest you to use Explorer++ in your program for the 'Wimlib way', it is better than bblean, Misty included it (and also some other file explorers options) in this project (more recent than MistyPE project): ChrisPE - a PEBakery Team release.


It feels and looks almost as Windows explorer.


There are several scripts made by Misty included in the mentioned project, and also some more I made that (links) are available on the mentioned Project Topic, and also on the Downloads section of reboot.pro forum (more recently updated versions) that I think could be easily integrated by your tool.


Explorer++ page: https://explorerplusplus.com/


Lang translations: https://explorerplus...om/translations



#7 alacran


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Posted 10 June 2021 - 03:37 PM

For future readers convenience.


From first post:


For creating / customizing the start menus in these mentioned PE systems, I recommend the program 'PE-Links', freely available on 'Reboot.pro'.


It is available in Downloads section, here.



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#8 Tokener


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Posted 10 June 2021 - 08:47 PM

Thank you alacran


I implemented Explorer++ to a new PE-Extension-pack, download it here: BBLEAN_x64_CORE


capture_20210610_192510.jpg capture_20210610_192554.jpg


The PE-Extension-pack should be just the minimal bunch of files needed to give a shell to any origin (CMD-only)-PE.


The PE-Customizer does not claim to create a PE-system like other builders do, but to update and customize existing ones.


Not to forget: it is (should be) capable to convert ESD to ISO with the help of wimlib-imagex and oscdimg.


Best regards   T.











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#9 alacran


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Posted 10 June 2021 - 10:06 PM

Thanks my friend.  I appreciate a lot the time and effort you invested to integrate Explorer++ to the program.


As I understand we can add some new files/folders or drivers to a previously made *.wim file.


But I have 2 questions:


In wimlib way is this program capable to offliline load the registry of an already made *.wim file and add a *.reg file to it?


Or maybe the Mount way could be useful for this task?


No problem if not, and I'm not requesting you to add a new feature, I just want to know.


In case it is not coded for that, there is no problem.


So far to update my old WinPEs without rebuilding them, I have being using your DismMountService and after mounting the *.wim file to a known location and add some files/folders, the offlinereg commandline program from erwan.l works fantastic to add a *.reg file if required.


By the way my friend the wimlib-imagex files embeded into the program are not the last released version, maybe it could be better to keep them outside the program, perhaps in a folder into the program folder root to make it easier to update without having to make a new program version, but please take your time, there is no rush, you could make it latter on a future version, as for now both wimlib-imagex versions work very fine (in fact I don't know what is different between the last Beta and the last release), also I know Wimlib_clc 21 is your priority for now.



#10 alacran


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Posted 10 June 2021 - 11:44 PM

@ ReTokener


Well I think I can now answer myself after looking carefully to BBLEAN_x64_CORE and compare it to BASIC_x64_BBLEAN_MIN


It seems the easier way is include files/folders with programs in BBLEAN_x64_CORE folder:


If I add a program to \BBLEAN_x64_CORE\Program Files\   and include the *.reg file (if required), the program will be copied/injected to Program Files and the *.reg file will be added/loaded to the Registry.


Then I need to edit also \BBLEAN_x64_CORE\Program Files\Launchbar\LaunchBar.ini to create an entry to run the program from LaunchBar.


Also the folder \BBLEAN_x64_CORE\Windows\System32\ is usefull to add additional System files or dependecies as *.dll files (if required)


And in \BBLEAN_x64_CORE\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Programs\Administrative Tools sub-folders I can add links to *.exe files that will be available to run from LaunchBar but separated by category


Please correct me if I'm wrong or missed something.


In the main time I will run some tests to verify if this works fine, I will start with a Portable Program not requiring a *.reg file and latter will test adding maybe wofadk.sys that require a very simple *.reg file, but first I need to make a new minimal WinPE build based on 7x64 to play with it as all my WinPEs already have all I need.


See you latter



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#11 Blackcrack


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Posted 11 June 2021 - 06:40 AM

looks nice,

would it maybe not better, if you att at the name directly the pw,

a.e. "PE-Customizer_210607-pw-pec.7z" so it is more easy

to not forgotten and see the pw directly..

the pw is for filescanner like antivir soft, as i think.. ? (falsepositive or deleting as so)?


edit: and maybe would it better if you put the needed files in the same folder as the headbinarys be..

because, the folder should decompressing and it should work..

maybe directly in x86_64 and x86 folders and the starterbin who checks the Ach in the headfolder who start the right binary..

like https://blackysgate....ot/exe-creatorswho start the right binary..


and not need to search in the filesystem or so copy in the files you still need ...

put all in a subdirectory for finish to start.. that's more better ..


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#12 Tokener


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Posted 11 June 2021 - 07:10 AM


Thanks for testing


(...)  and the *.reg file will be added/loaded to the Registry.

Adding the REG-file does not load it at boottime. You have to write a command line to one of the autorun*.cmd files.

In the autorun7_REG.cmd REG types are collected to be imported, in the autorun8_EXT.cmd EXE files are collected which run at boottime.



Then I need to edit also \BBLEAN_x64_CORE\Program Files\Launchbar\LaunchBar.ini to create an entry to run the program from LaunchBar.

Launchbar is looking for files(LNK) and folders in the above mentioned Quick Launch folder. Valid links are available after bootup.

The mentioned ini has other function but I cannot remember right now.


Regards   T.

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#13 Tokener


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Posted 11 June 2021 - 07:17 AM


Thanks for the friendly comment.



the pw is for filescanner like antivir soft, as i think.. ?

Archives containing exe-files are often blocked when downloaded or sent by email.


Adding the pw to the filename is a very good idea that I will take into account. :good:


Regards   T.

#14 alacran


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Posted 11 June 2021 - 04:12 PM

ReTokener, on 11 Jun 2021 - 02:10 AM, said:

Thanks for testing
Adding the REG-file does not load it at boottime. You have to write a command line to one of the autorun*.cmd files.
In the autorun7_REG.cmd REG types are collected to be imported, in the autorun8_EXT.cmd EXE files are collected which run at boottime.

Launchbar is looking for files(LNK) and folders in the above mentioned Quick Launch folder. Valid links are available after bootup.
The mentioned ini has other function but I cannot remember right now.

Regards T.

Thaks, this info is very useful, and yes LaunchBar.ini has other function, if I'm right it is for keep certain settings (basically those on LaunchBar.reg file [for PE environment]), when booting on real OS.  If I remember well when Misty was making the first tests to include it on his project.


By the way for readers convenience this is LaunchBar program page.



#15 alacran


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Posted 12 June 2021 - 01:44 AM


I tried to add diskmod.sys and wofadk.sys drivers and their respective *.reg files to an old 7pe_amd64_E.iso I have in my backups drive, both *.sys drivers were added fine to \Windows\System32\drivers folder and also the respective *.reg files were imported fine to the registry as I confirmed after booting, but none of both work fine.

When I ran net start wofadk from an elevated command prompt the wofadk service was not iniciated, and I got service name is not valid, same when I ran net start diskmod.

NOTE: I used same *.sys and *.reg files that I use when I make this task using DismMountService to copy the *.sys files to \Windows\System32\drivers folder and offlinereg to integrate the*.reg files to the PE Registry.

Also the previous desktop with Start button and all my shortcuts disappeared and were replaced by setup.bmp picture, bblean and QuickLaunch Bar, with links to run Explorer++ on both, and it runs fine from any of them.

Also tested creating a new WinPE from a mounted 7x64 install ISO, it was created fine and very fast, having as desktop setup.bmp picture, bblean and QuickLaunch Bar with links to run Explorer++ on both.

With same results for diskmod and wofadk.

Then I can say:

  1. PE-Customizer does a very good work creating a new WinPE from a mounted install ISO and adds bblean and QuickLaunch Bar with links to run Explorer++ on both. Good and fast creation of a simple WinPE.
  2. PE-Customizer did not work fine for me to integrate diskmod.sys and wofadk.sys on a previously made WinPE.
  3. PE-Customizer replaced  the previous desktop and shell on a previously made WinPE.

About the No. 3, I think very possible there is a way to avoid the shell replacement, but since diskmod.sys and wofadk.sys didn't integrate fine, for now I prefer to use DismMountService + offlinereg for this.


EDIT: For your convenience I attached my Reg_Files that work fine on DMS + offlinereg, for diskmod it is required to integrate first diskmod-1.reg and after this diskmod-2.reg if not it do not work fine, for more info see this Topic.



Attached Files

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#16 Tokener


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Posted 12 June 2021 - 10:59 AM


Thanks a lot for your detailed report my friend. :good:


I think very possible there is a way to avoid the shell replacement,

Yes there is a way.


BBLEAN_x64_CORE is only one user-defined Extension-pack that I have assambled for one certain result.


Do not use BBLEAN_x64_CORE when modifiying an existing PE, unless you wish to use BBLEAN-shell.


All data from "Add Files"-folder (Custom_Folder in the following) is copied to the "Build" and replaces existing files.

To modify an existing Build you should create a Custom_Folder with structure like default PE:

\Program Files





For conveniance here is an archive, Attached File  CUSTOM_FOLDER.7z   272bytes   436 downloads


containing an Custom_Folder which has folders like mentioned above.


Place your files / folders in there to find them again in the appropriate place in the build after you injected / (Robo-) copied them.


Hope this helps you to complete your project.


Best regards   T.








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#17 alacran


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Posted 13 June 2021 - 05:47 PM

Thanks for your info.


From Post No. 15


PE-Customizer did not work fine for me to integrate diskmod.sys and wofadk.sys on a previously made WinPE.


It seems to me the issue in this case is caused because the respective info to create and start the respective services is not already on the PE Registry when the PE boots, and it is integrated to the PE Registry a little latter, and then the respective services are not available during boot as they should be.


When I make this task using DismMountService to copy the *.sys files to \Windows\System32\drivers folder and offlinereg to integrate the*.reg files to the PE Registry, as the respective info to create and start the respective services is already on the PE Registry when the PE boots, then the respective services are created and started during boot, so in this case all works fine.


Then I can conclude:

  1. It is a timing issue.
  2. This issue do not mean PE-Customizer program is not working fine.  PE-Customizer is working exactly as designed.
  3. PE-Customizer is not the right tool for this especific task.  The right tools for this especific task are DismMountService + offlinereg.



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#18 alacran


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Posted 13 June 2021 - 08:41 PM

Just downloaded PE-Links-210416.7z from here and there it says:



The password for the archive is: PE-Links


But that password do not let me open the 7z file.


EDIT: Atfer testing several possible passwords, I found the right password for this 7z file is: Links



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#19 Tokener


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Posted 14 June 2021 - 06:48 AM


You downloaded an older version of the file, of which I intermediately changed the password.

Sorry for the inconveniance and thank you for providing the information.

But - no need to download older version as the newer has a bug fixed which made the GUI crash.

The password for the newer version (210504) is the one disclosed in discription.


Regards   T.

#20 alacran


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Posted 14 June 2021 - 03:52 PM

Thanks, but with so many versions in that page it is easy to get the wrong one, especially because they are not well ordered.


I think keep maybe only one or two previous versions will be better.



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