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Windows 8.1 (UEFI Boot) Issues

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#101 simonking


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Posted 09 July 2014 - 12:03 PM

I am quite curious what might happen in this scenario, so I am checking it out:


Running DoubleSpace, using WIMLIB also for the application, (and the INI file manually supplied, of course), under WinRE, inside the VM, in BIOS mode. Let's see if the compression test succeeds! I have never done this test before, so it would be quite a thing if the indefinitely spinning boot spinner issue doe not manifest.


The only problem is, I'd have to try this out again on the Surface platform; because I don't imagine many consumers would be happy with an indefinitely spinning boot spinner, no matter what the cause :)

#102 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 09 July 2014 - 12:06 PM

Wonko, I've taken your advice and reported your latest post for harassment. It appears my love for you was misplaced.

Cannot say if "misplaced", surely it is not (and never was) "reciprocal".




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#103 misty


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Posted 09 July 2014 - 12:35 PM

Watch out :w00t:, this is dangerously :ph34r: similar to the suggestions given in posts #2 and #4 ... :whistling:

LOL! Good advice is often worth repeating. Sometimes the same advice coming from a different person can be more acceptable - bizare, I know!

I wonder if it might be possible to install Windows 7 via VHD boot to Surface Pro's...

I'd suggest you take one goal/thing at a time and not move the goalposts on yourself.

Part of me just wants to distribute my own VHD alongside my software, hoping that Microsoft would understand :D

That would certainly make your project simpler to impliment. MS is not however known for being understanding when it comes to the illegal distribution of their copyrighted material. Whilst Windows PE usage has always been something of a grey area - distribution of a pre-compiled WinPE is not - it's illegal. Distribution in a commercial product is in my opinion corporate suicide as you run the risk of completely ruining your reputation.

Tied in to my earlier hunches documented here and on other forums, I seriously suspect that some of these imaging tools are at least partly to blame for the spontaneous corruption of my boot menu (like a downgrade into text menu)...

I'm not sure which file displays the GUI boot menu - it's one of the many files in the \boot folder. On my system I only use the \bootmgr and \boot\BCD files as everything else is unnecessary on my setup - this results in the text based menu - my preference - but then I actually have a working keyboard and don't require touch support. The bcdboot command, if correctly applied, should restore your boot files.

Next hurdle: WinRE boots into some more ugly square looking tiles with options to recover the system.

I believe that this is circumvented when running a custom shell via winpeshl.ini - or simply using winpeshl.ini to start a program as the shell.

D:\wimboot-analyze>wimboot-analyze-x64.exe d:

Which OS are you running this command from?

Running DoubleSpace, using WIMLIB also for the application, (and the INI file manually supplied, of course), under WinRE, inside the VM, in BIOS mode. Let's see if the compression test succeeds! I have never done this test before, so it would be quite a thing if the indefinitely spinning boot spinner issue doe not manifest.

Have you considered that the issue may actually be due to DoubleSpace and not wimlib? There are several reports (including my own) of --wimboot working with wimlib. There appear to be a lot of vaiables introduced by your programs and requirements - making further support difficult. My recommendation is to take things one step at a time. If wimboot is your goal then just do a basic wimboot setup - not using doublespace and not introducing a vhd file. If this works, then try adding the vhd file. No offence but the Windows boot process/WinPE do not appear to be your area of expertise and you appear to be attempting to run before you can walk.

Without having a Surface Pro of my own to experiment with I'm actually out of further suggestions.



#104 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 09 July 2014 - 01:07 PM

LOL! Good advice is often worth repeating. Sometimes the same advice coming from a different person can be more acceptable - bizare, I know!

Sure :), more generally repetita iuvant:

http://en.wikipedia....tin_phrases_® <-invalid link due to the stupid board software transforming ( R ) - without spaces - into ®  :frusty: tinyurl to the rescue :smiling9::



AND errare humanum est BUT perseverare autem diabolicum (and of course et tertia non datur ;)):



though in this particular case the version by Cicero in (Philippicae XII, ii, 5) is possibly more suited :dubbio:





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#105 simonking


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Posted 09 July 2014 - 01:28 PM

I ran the analyze command from WinRE.


Thanks for your winpeshl.ini suggestion, I will check that out as well. Hopefully I'll be able to use it to run my product, and with access to the desired partition - without laborious login processes.


My original goal for this thread was to ID the problems I had with the Surface, but I gave up on them since everybody will give you a piece of their mind, but almost no one will actually provide workable help. As such, me using VMware to determine whether WinRE is applicable for DoubleSpace, versus me not using VMware to fix my weird issues with the Surface, are completely different issues.


Ditto with Windows 7, that is a completely different topic all unto its own. You cannot downgrade a Surface, but I wonder if VHD booting might allow a downgrade to NT 6.1, or maybe even all the way down to NT 5.2. Merits a different thread, for sure.


To be honest I don't care much about my reputation - not because I don't want to, but because it is practically unmendable at this point; you could Google online and see that it has been ruined as of some years ago, again on a similar forum setting. All I do care about here is actually help people increase their storage space - those who actually need it - I realize you cannot please everyone, and there'll always be people talking crap about you, and taking every opportunity they have to take potshots at you, that's what happens invariably when you put something out there.


Repeated harassment by certain individuals leads me to conclude that I may have been overly sensitive to their viewpoints; for example, I had updated the FAQ page on my website per the concerns raised by Wonko; it appears to me more and more that he just has an ax to grind for whatever reason, and cannot be satiated no matter what gestures are put forth by myself. As such, I will be removing that FAQ update, since the EULA's shown by the installer ought to be sufficient for most practical purposes. There's no point in scaring people away, especially when they already have plenty of FUD scaring them about. Why would I let Wonko's admitted biases against me affect what I am doing myself?


In fact, it is really good to see that Wonko was not acting out of some selfless concern for the well-being of the software community at large, but out of an ax to grind with me personally; possibly because of actions I took to protect my reputation some years ago, during a forum incident at which time he probably heard of me for the first time (as he had shared at msfn). However one thing that I have understood thanks to Wonko is that having "RAR" in my brand name attracts bsolutely the wrong kind of audience for my product. For that I owe him much thanks, and my rebranding on that front is almost complete; I am definitely not going after the religiously opinionated geeky user type with my tool. Such users have all they need in their armories of software anyways; my tool could really not do much for them in absolute fairness to their use cases.


I also owe Wonko thanks for the WinRE idea, provided of course, that in further testing, it continues to prove viable. There's things you can learn from anyone, clearly :)


I have already shared DoubleSpace's code with Eric, I don't know how closely he looked at it, but it did not seem that there were any obvious issues with my usage of WIMLIB. Eric himself has found some superficial differences between configuration files created by his excellent library versus native Windows; I don't know if these (or other inexplicable matters) would account for the indefinitely spinning boot loader. It could be an issue in DoubleSpace, it could be an issue in WIMLIB, it could be an issue with the Surface, I really don't know at this time. Software development is extremely complex. There's bugs in all kinds of software, libraries, third party code, Microsoft Windows, etc. Only a naïve developer would make a claim unequivocally that the blame has to lie in some component or the other, without having exhaustively researched everything. And I don't believe I have to convince anyone here that Windows itself is full of bugs :D


I realize these forums do attract a lot of people who are very undertrained and don't read; I can assure you I am at the opposite end of the spectrum - but even this sometimes does not prevent mistakes of the sort you just corrected today. So thanks again for not only uncovering the difference between "r" and "p" in the batch file that I posted, but also for actually going out of your way to help.


I'd take practical advice from you any day, rather than crap from Wonko or anyone else. Wonko's a hypocrite as far as I'm concerned, he'll be the first to ridicule me for "not reading", for example; when he himself logged on to my OSS repo, found my documentation, and yet was unable to read far enough into it - that he had to ask about some obvious trivialities at another forum.

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#106 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 09 July 2014 - 03:46 PM

My guess is that you are generically oversensitive, and you react to anything that offends your sensibility, you know, like:


by badmouthing the people that you feel touched some particularly sensitive chords of yours, calling them either incompetent or accusing them of non-existent second (or third or fourth) scopes (or hidden agendas).


Really, I tried in every possible way to assist you with the actual issues you had (and you still have, though seemingly less or less relevant than before) on MSFN and here, just as I would try and help anyone else.


The methods with which I try to help fellow members are of course up to debate, but the actual contents (the ones you do not listen to until they are repeated to you over and over) are self-evident, and the hidden agenda is obviously existing only in your mind, you have been treated by me EXACTLY (for the good or for the bad) as all other people (i.e. grumpily ) .


On the thread on MSFN which has now been removed from public view, you asked me for my opinion and I gave it to you, and since it was not of your liking because it involved some critics to your application, you were very quick in calling me names, then, after some time and a conspicuous (and rather civil) exchange of PM's you became convinced of the opportunity of clearing some aspects of your tools in the FAQ's.


At the same time I continued attempting to help you (with little success, alas) in these two threads:




Then, you disappeared from MSFN, re-appearing here, and here as well, as soon as I pointed out some critical aspects of your new project and of the procedures that you used (or failed to use properly)  you started calling me names.


Basically, your reactions are binary or Black and White:

  1. if you like (or understand, or both) what I suggest, I become instantly your best friend and you thank me profusely
  2. if you don' t like (or fail to understand, or both) what I suggest, I become instantly your worse enemy and you start calling me names, invoking hidden agendas, etc.

You might consider adopting multiple shades of gray in your view of people ;):





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#107 cdob


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Posted 09 July 2014 - 10:30 PM

And the bigger bit of bad news: WinRE is not updated to PE 5.1.
2) Need to figure a way to update WinRE to PE 5.1.

Can you check again: open Winre.wim at 7-zip? Which newest files date refers to the files?
If it's the year 2013, then it's 5.0 only.

Update WinPE 5.0 to WinPE 5.1

Windows 8.1 Update version of the Windows ADK contains WinPE 5.0 still.

To support your request:
it's appropiate a end user downloads part of Windows ADK 5.0
And to Update WinPE 5.0 to WinPE 5.1

Which running OS do you like to support?
Win 8.1 x86, 8.1 x64, Win 8.0 x86, 8.0 x64, Win 7 ?, Vista ?. XP ?

A note:
I've the impression: nobody likes to hurt you on purpose.
Communnicataions glitches at different languages result to different impressions.
We are here to help you.
Distribution a prebuild WinPE is not a good idea in the long term.

I volunteer to a 90 per cent solution, should work at most cases.
It's fun to create this one.
Contraty tough work to build a 99,9 per cent solution.

#108 devdevadev


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Posted 10 July 2014 - 04:09 AM

Hello Everyone.......


Can anybody please tell me what is the difference between 'WinPE 5.1' and 'WinRE 5.1' ?


And what is the exact goal of this whole thread ? Can anybody please describe in simple ENG :D



#109 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 10 July 2014 - 12:29 PM

Hello Everyone.......
Can anybody please tell me what is the difference between 'WinPE 5.1' and 'WinRE 5.1' ?

The fourth letter.
A winPE is a "Windows Preinstallation Environment".
A winRE is a "Windows Recovery Environment"

And what is the exact goal of this whole thread ? Can anybody please describe in simple ENG :D

It is not fully clear (to me at least) as it seems like it is a bit of a "moving target". :dubbio:

Things that we have established till now:
  • A WinRE is a simplified (or more focused and thus with reduced functionalities) form of a WinPE.
  • A WinRE is present on *any* installation of Windows 8/8.1, you may think of it as a replacement for the "Recovery Console" present (optionally) on previous Windows NT based system (but on Windows 8/8.1 is not anymore optional).
Things that are to be ascertained (by experiments/tests):
  • Which (EXACT) parts of a "plain" WinPE (built from WAIK AIK ADK) are missing in a WinRE (if any)
  • Which (EXACT) parts of a WinRE are missing in a "plain" WinPE (built from WAIK AIK ADK) (if any)
  • Is it possible (if needed for running a specific given program)  to transform a WinRE into a WinPE (by adding missing parts)?
  • Or, is it possible to add to the WinRE only some specific "missing" parts (still if needed)?
  • Is it possible to make this transformation by using EXCLUSIVELY files coming from the main OS install and using third party utilities (i.e. without ANY component from the WAIK AIK ADK)?
  • etc., etc.
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#110 Tripredacus


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Posted 10 July 2014 - 03:41 PM

Some perspective on WinRE... back in the Vista days there was no "WinRE" as such as it is now. It was only a WinPE with the SRT package injected using the OPK. You may recall topics of the day where people were trying to get the SRT package to work as was found in the WAIK. When Windows 7 came about, there was still an OPK vs a WAIK, but the SRT package was unnecessary as the OS contained a pre-built winre.wim. Only OEM/OPK users were given documentation for making Windows 7 Hard-disk based recovery. When Windows 8 came about, there was no secret OEM files or instruction to make a recovery and Microsoft made it available to all in the ADK and on Technet. (there is a policy reason behind this decision, which makes about as much sense as any ideas MS had with Windows 8, IMO)

Not knowing Windows 8 Winre.wim (because sales are abysmally low... say less than 1% actually purchase W8/1 without Downgrade Rights) I cannot say what is the difference. However, I had seen the Windows 7 Winre.wim and it looks more like what a Setup DVD is like. It was from this post:

So, it should be simple to compare either a 7 or 8 WinRE. Just mount a WinPE and the WinRE.wim in separate mounted dirs and run a compare! You can also do a package compare against both WIMs, using DISM's /GET-PACKAGES command and output to a text file. It would be a start, at least.

#111 simonking


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Posted 10 July 2014 - 03:50 PM

@cdob: ZIPmagic (which also uses 7zip to access WIM files) cannot read every WIM file (as cannot 7zip). Unfortunately, this makes it impossible to check dates easily; but the findings are conclusive that WIMBoot is not natively supported, at least inside of the default Windows 8.1 recovery WIM. I have not checked with the Windows 8.1 Update 1 recovery WIM, it may or may not be updated (it would be great, of course, if it was).


My project should support all OSs that WIMBoot runs on. Currently, this is rather limited - only Windows 8.1 Update 1, but at least, both 32 and 64 bit versions, as well as BIOS and UEFI, ought to work (I haven't had a chance to test BIOS yet, but it has been reported elsewhere that it does work, contrary to MS docs - no surprise there).


I agree that downloading WAIK (several gigs) and the Update 1 (another gig, give or take) is going to be time and cost prohibitive - especially when the user is trying to use DoubleSpace to save disk space in the first place :) So I am still placing my bet on the WinRE approach; but there's two main concerns remaining:


1) Unexplained problems using WIMLIB to restore, [indefinitely spinning boot loader]

2) Unknown WinRE partition as I encountered on only one of my Surface's.


The second may be OK - after all, if the WinRE partition is inaccessible as an edge case, I could always ask the user (or build additional code) to build and create a PE 5.1 USB. However, the first, because it might permanently damage an end-user system, concerns me more. I'll have to keep trying and let you know what I find.

#112 simonking


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Posted 10 July 2014 - 03:55 PM

@devdevadev: The current goal is to come up with a programmatic way to:


1) Locate WinRE,

2) Copy the WIM file inside it, change it to run DoubleSpace instead of anything else,

3) Make this WIM the default boot choice and reboot the computer.


If this doesn't work (per the concerns raised in my immediately preceding reply), then, we could summarize the new goal as "booting Windows PE 5.1 off of a VHD drive".


The target OS for both goals is Windows 8.1 Update 1, in both 32 and 64 bit modes, and in both UEFI and BIOS modes.


The ultimate goal could be summarized as follows: Provide a way to run WinPE or WinRE or any other Windows instance, in order to be able to run DoubleSpace, and access the main C: partition it is to process; while the Windows contained itself on that partition is offline (so that we can make breaking changes to that partition).


I also thought of using VSS (Volume Shadow Copy Services) for this job, but that most likely would not allow to format a drive that is currently in use and hosting the OS...or, it would most likely not allow to delete OS files from a drive that is hosting a live OS...as such, I have not explored that much.


But the possibilities are endless, just hoping to realize one sooner than later :)

#113 simonking


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Posted 10 July 2014 - 03:57 PM

@Trip: Based on my research, WinRE does have the capabilities to run DoubleSpace - with the only handicap being that it has not been updated for Windows 8.1 Update 1. In fact, one might even think of a scenario where one could install the WoF driver on top of a Windows 8.1 without Update 1 WinRE; I don't foresee any complications with that approach since I'd be using files already on the target system to do everything, and I'd be modifying a custom WIM file, and not the actual rescue WIM file.

#114 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 10 July 2014 - 04:38 PM


Could you expand on the actual *need* of this copy of WinRE (modified into a WinPE) to be:

  1. updated to 5.1
  2. needing to contain the WOF driver (which may or may not be similar to the #1 above, i.e. it could well be possible to add the feature to a 5.0 by just replacing a bunch of files and adding a few Registry settings)


I mean, the WOF driver is needed to boot a "full" Windows 8/8.1 from a .wim (but it is not needed to boot a WinPE from a .wim, nor to "service" *any* .wim image).



Sure :), but since Vista :ph34r: a "Setup DVD" actually runs a form of WinPE.


There was a nice (abandoned since a long time) project called LiVistaRescup:





that created a PE from the actual "Setup DVD" and used an interesting (and simple/human readable) approach to add components to it:



At the time it made a lot of sense, as most people would have had a Vista "Setup DVD", but the nice idea was never developed, as the Author *disappeared* and what had great development was VistaPE instead:



This topic may *loosely* follow that path, now that really *everyone* with a 8 or 8.1 do have a WinRE.wim that can be used as a "skeleton" to build simple PE's.




#115 simonking


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Posted 10 July 2014 - 06:57 PM

Yes, 5.1 is probably 5.0 with the WoF driver, although there's no way to be certain until its tried out.


My need is due to the fact that I have had the most success with WIMBoot when I use WIMGAPI to do the restore, instead of WIMLIB.


The WIMGAPI libraries return an "invalid parameter" error when you try to restore a WIM image in WIMBoot mode when you aren't running PE 5.1 or 8.1U1. It remains to be seen whether they'd be satiated by a simple driver/DLL update, or not.


In fact, since the WIMGAPI DLL's themselves issue IOCTL calls, as Eric was letting me know, I would hope that kernel updates wouldn't be necessary in this scenario. That would be a show stopper for the WIMGAPI approach, which is the most reliable restore mode I have come across so far in my own testing.


I've never had WIMGAPI leave even the most problematic Surface of mine in an indefinitely spinning boot loader stage. That's saying a lot!

#116 misty


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Posted 10 July 2014 - 08:14 PM

So, it should be simple to compare either a 7 or 8 WinRE. Just mount a WinPE and the WinRE.wim in separate mounted dirs and run a compare! You can also do a package compare against both WIMs, using DISM's /GET-PACKAGES command and output to a text file. It would be a start, at least.

A good suggestion.

In my opinion there are at least four different types of Windows PE in current circulation from Microsoft and it would be useful to compare all of them. Obviously these would need to be like for like comparisons - e.g. compare the ADK for Windows 8.1 with WinRE and Windows Setup from the same Windows 8.1 sources. The different WinPE's in circulation include -
  • WAIK/ADK - probably the leanest in size unless some of the many Packages/Optional Components are installed/added.
  • WinRE - included on Windows Setup DVD's (hidden away inside install.wim) and installed by default in Windows 7/8/8.1 - possibly missing in OEM Windows 7 systems.
  • Windows Setup DVD - boot.wim runs as part of the Windows installation process and is simply WinPE modified to run the windows installer as a shell - possibly with packages installed.
  • Windows Defender Offline - offline virus scanner - last time I checked I believe this was based on WinPE 3.*. I have no idea if any packages are included.
MistyPE/Mini-WinFE can be created from the first three variants - I've never tried with the fourth (Windows Defender Offline). Simply adding winpeshl.ini with the relevant settings to start a different shell appears to be enough to convert an ADK/WinRE/DVD WinPE.

I've never tested it, but I believe that the Diagnostics and Recovery Toolkit (DaRT) is also WinPE based. There used to be a number of commercial products based on WinPE however I believe these have disappeared due to a change in licencing.

In terms of the differences between the versions listed above - I haven't got a clue. I suspect that anything that runs on the basic WAIK/ADK build (without packages) will also work in WinRE and the WinPE from the setup DVD. I also suspect that the WAIK/ADK build is at the core of all the variants. Note the use of the word suspect - I haven't checked this out it's just an educated guess. In terms of the .wim file sizes, using Windows 8.1 variants -
  • Setup DVD= 166MB
  • WinRE = 170MB
  • ADK = 133MB
In regards to the differences in a WinRE - the optional components reference (http://technet.micro...y/hh824926.aspx) lists three recovery packages -
  • WinPE-Rejuv
  • WinPE-SRT
  • WinPE-WinReCfg
I need to check again when I have more time, but I'm sure when I added the option to build from the ADK to MistyPE, the only WinRE package available with the ADK was WinPE-WinReCfg. Not sure where the others are obtained from.



I'm going on holiday for a week from tomorrow so this is likely to be my last post for a while. Even if I can access the internet whilst away, laptop usage will be frowned upon and could result in a hard smack to the back of my head. I'm out for now - unless I finish packing and can't sleep - in which case I might log on.

#117 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 10 July 2014 - 08:37 PM

I'm going on holiday for a week from tomorrow so this is likely to be my last post for a while. Even if I can access the internet whilst away, laptop usage will be frowned upon and could result in a hard smack to the back of my head. I'm out for now - unless I finish packing and can't sleep - in which case I might log on.


"Only" frowned upon or all the way down to a stern look of disapproval? ;)



Have fun.




#118 simonking


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Posted 10 July 2014 - 09:35 PM

Enjoy, Misty :)


I hope to finalize my rebranding efforts tonight and I shall resume this project in full concentration at that time!

#119 alacran


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Posted 10 July 2014 - 09:41 PM

You may try this approach (Idea taken from misty last post):


Download Windows Defender Offline Beta (required for Win8.1): http://windows.micro...r-offline-beta


It's only 276 MB (x64 version, UEFI capable), and it's a good WinPE to start with.





Then to get Waik tools (including Dism) without downloading the ISO, you can use this tool from JFX:




Make scripts for Dism in order to inject all your required folders and files, also you may remove unnecessary components from the PE.


I think this is the easyest way for your costumers.



Best Regards

#120 simonking


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Posted 11 July 2014 - 12:10 AM

@alacran: That sounds like a good failsafe!

#121 synchronicity


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Posted 11 July 2014 - 12:14 AM

In principle you could compress the filesystem online, incrementally, by

creating a series of WIM files, each containing a subset of the filesystem.
This would avoid the need for Windows PE entirely, although this certainly would
not be easy to do and would come with its own set of problems.
wimlib can indeed generate WOF-compatible reparse points directly, without the
need for the WOF driver itself.  This is, however, experimental, due to the
undocumented data in the '\System Volume Information\WimOverlay.dat' file that
needs to be updated or created, and to a lesser extent the undocumented reparse
point format itself.
I haven't yet been able to do anything about the "infinitely spinning boot
spinner", since this report provides no useful information.  It's not clear to
me that it's been shown in a controlled test that wimlib has this problem but
WIMGAPI does not.  And I don't have the latest crappy tablet computers to try to
reproduce this problem myself.  I have, however, done several tests where I
verified that the reparse data and WimOverlay.dat file produced by wimlib are
byte-for-byte identical to those produced by WIMGAPI.  So if there *is* a
difference it's probably something like an undocumented registry key that needs
to be set.  When I have time I might do a registry dump before and after WIMGAPI
to see if it made any changes.

#122 simonking


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Posted 11 July 2014 - 12:28 AM

You could say that again about the crappy tablet! I have another Surface a friend of mine is using, and I've been pulling my hairs apart, trying to get Windows 8.1 Update 1 to install. It's easily taken me four hours without luck...in the meanwhile, the tablet ended up installing fresh firmware upgrades, lost its video modes other than maximum resolution, regained them, powered off without coming back up during an update installation automated reboot; among many other annoyances :)


Speaking of which, I'm going to check if the recovery partition on this tablet is currently usable...


Currently it has re-downloaded W81U1 and is stuck at the "preparing to install" stage in Windows Update...been stuck there for a while, in fact. No clue what its doing :)

#123 simonking


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Posted 11 July 2014 - 12:30 AM

Could you also expand on your incremental file system online compression idea with multiple WIMs? I don't see how it would help get around the issue of being unable to access locked system files, even with VSS?

#124 synchronicity


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Posted 11 July 2014 - 12:41 AM

Well, Windows contains like 100000 files (or more) these days.  How many of them are even going to be locked at any given time?  Probably not too many, and the ones that are are most likely ones you don't want to touch anyway.  So just exclude the locked files.

#125 simonking


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Posted 11 July 2014 - 12:56 AM

That's actually a brilliantly simple idea. I suppose one wouldn't even need to use multiple WIMs or VSS for that - just leave the locked files uncompressed, right?

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