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  • Submitted: May 31 2021 01:34 PM
  • Last Updated: May 28 2023 09:41 AM
  • File Size: 22.06MB
  • Views: 16000
  • Downloads: 10347

Previous Versions

  • 07 Aug 2021 Download PE-Customizer 210805b
  • 15 Jun 2021 Download PE-Customizer 210615
  • 01 Jun 2021 Download PE-Customizer 210601
  • 31 May 2021 Download PE-Customizer 210531

Download PE-Customizer 230528

* * * * * 1 Votes
build pe system esd to iso


Task: Create, customize and compile PE-systems.

Windows provides for the installation of Windows a so-called pre-installation environment (in the following called 'PE').
so to speak a small operating system with whose assistance the installation of Windows is accomplished.
This system can be extended to a rescue system with different functions.
Important is above all the supply of a suitable user interface for the coordination of the functions and programs.
This takes over in Windows the 'Explorer' in the PE system the so-called Shell.

The PE-Customizer uses the well-known CopyPE method of Microsoft to produce a PE system from a mounted Windows ISO.
Alternatively, the PE-Customizer can also extract the contained PE system from a Windows ESD file.

Source for the PE creation can be any official Microsoft Install-ISO or -ESD file but also a PE-ISO file from a third party.

The extracted boot.wim file, (PE base WIM) is the starting point for the modifications.
It can be extended or modified by adding packages, drivers and files.
Since a copy of the file is used, the original always remains unchanged.

Two ways to the startable PE-ISO as final product are available to the user:

- The 'mount way':
Copy base WIM into PE-WIM.
Mount PE-WIM with DISM or ImageX.
Add drivers and packages with DISM.
Add files and folders with Robocopy.
Unmount PE-WIM with DISM or ImageX.
Compile the ISO file with oscdimg.

- The 'Wimlib way':
Copy base WIM to PE-WIM.
Paste files and folders with Wimlib-Imagex directly into PE-WIM.
Compile the ISO file with oscdimg.

Depending on your needs you use one or the other method.
A graphical representation of the two creation methods can be obtained from the [Help] -> [Graphics] menu.

For the execution of the 'Mount-Way' the PE-Customizer needs help files which are included in the 'Windows Automated Installation Kit' (WAIK) from Microsoft:
- ImageX (optional)
- Robocopy
- peimg (optional)
- oscdimg

By the menu [File] -> [GetWaikTools (JFX)] these files can be downloaded comfortably.

For the execution of the 'Wimlib-Way' the PE-Customizer needs a file from 'WAIK':
- oscdimg
and the utility:
- Wimlib-Imagex (in the archive).

Included: (self-extracting archive)
BBLEAN_x64_CORE (Explorer++, Notepad3)
With this Extension-packs the programs 'bblean' and 'Launchbar', known from the Misty-PE are available to the user as (64-bit)-shell.
On the 'Wimlib way', by adding the files / folders of the (unpacked) archive,
a PE rescue system can be created very quickly from any Windows installation medium.

If a PE system already exists, e.g. Misty-PE, Win10PESE, Win10XPE, Gandalf's or Hiren's PE,
this can be, if it was extracted before into a PE base,
updated easily by adding newer file versions. (Wimlib way)

For creating / customizing the start menus in these mentioned PE systems, I recommend the program 'PE-Links', freely available on 'Reboot.pro'.

The PE-Customizer has
- the ability to transfer a Windows Install ESD file into an -ISO file,
with the ability to select the desired Windows versions individually.
- the ability to add the created PE system to the operating system list of the Windows Boot Manager,
and also to remove it again.

There are some videos available, showing the processing of several commands in realtime:
PE from ESD
ESD-PE to BCD (via GetWAIKTools)
Tutorial: PE to BCD

Good luck working with PE-Customizer.


Password for older archives (up to 210615): pec
Latest version is not encrypted as it contains an ISO file which should not be objected by virus scanners. You can extract this file or mount it as virtual disc.

I am very grateful for hints on malfunctions, suggestions and criticism in the forum of Reboot.pro.

My special thanks to the team of Reboot.pro at this point.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

What's New in Version 230528 (See full changelog)

  • fixed: starting 64bit version on x86 system.
  • updated: wimlib binaries (1.14.1)


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