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WinBuilder [074] Networking Tutorial & Info

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#1 ispy


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Posted 11 April 2008 - 10:02 PM

Hi Everyone :D ,
Revision 1
After a lot of head scratching, help & procrastination, here is what I hope, will be a helpful tutorials & guidance notes, to aid you the fellow user, in the beginners mystical art of networking!

Posted Image

Are you sitting comfortably in the correct posture, if not?

Here's what you should do!

1) Adjust your chair height so that your arms are approximately level when your fingers are on the keyboard.
2) Adjust your chair to afford maximum back support.
3) Position your monitor so that the top of the screen is no higher than eye-level, slightly tilted & approximately situated at an arms distance - centralise if possible in front of you!
4) If you work a lot from documents, use a document holder at the same height as your screen.
5) Use a wrist and /or footrest if they make you more comfortable.
6) Position your keyboard straight in front of you allowing enough room in front to rest hands when not keying.
7) Avoid strong light & glare - When you switch your monitor off and look at it can you refected glare? Adjust blinds and clean your screen.
8) Avoid unnecessary clutter around & under your desk.
9) Don't sit in the same position for long periods of time - take regular breaks from keying activities at least hourly.
10) Within a reachable safe distance set up your favourite beverage & maybe a chocolate biscuit or two or three or four.

Thats it, you are now ready to peruse the "Networking Tutorials"
Here is a checklist or breakdown of the title headings for the compositions. I have presented the tutorials in Pdf format because its easier to compile, tis easier on the eyes (for you to read), & you can print the document to a paper hard copy if you need any enclosed information for reference material? Good bedtime reading ZZZZZZ!

The two attachment Pdf files as follows:

1) NETWORKING.Pdf (15 pages long)
2) IS_NIC_OK.Pdf (3 pages long)

NETWORKING.Pdf is the main "Tutorial file" where all, the juice is!
IS_NIC_OK.Pdf is a complementary companion Pdf file entitled, "How to Verify That an Ethernet Network Interface Card (NIC) Driver Is Installed Properly in Windows XP"
The basic headings (or Index) within the NETWORKING.Pdf document are as follows:

General Introduction:
1) What are NIC Drivers, the basics?
2) How can I find which files are attributed to my specific NIC drivers?
3) Network detection in regards to WinBuilder [074]
4) Wpeinit Command-Line Options (for VistaPE)
5) PENetwork:
6) What's this myNIC program used for then (Author Peter Schlang [Psc] one very kewl individual?)
7) Is there a Generic alternative to PENetwork method?
8) The Driver Packs Method ("Shotgun Shampoo")
9) The Next variation we will call "Galapo's way"! (In Respect of LiveXP Project)?
10) Various Projects use a program called PE Network Configurator PENetCFG
11) More Universal Solutions
12) For VistaPE

Feed back, suggested improvements are always welcome!!!

& last but not Least "ENJOY"


ispy :thumbsup:

EDIT (15/04/08)
Revision 2 :tabletalk:

I have been editing & tweaking the Networking tutorial to improve the navigation features within it.
The good news is you can now, from a front end contents menu, "jump to" any heading within the document & having once read the relevant paragraph chapter jump back to the Contents first page.
I have altered the layout, removed some typo's & repaired several broken URL web-page links that were broken! (NETWORKING.doc.gz)

The bad news is it is no longer in Pdf format as it is now a .doc. Why! Well when I try to convert the the doc to Pdf all the internal linking becomes broken? Now the more discerning amounst you are going say that unless you have MS Word installed on your PC this document is pretty useless!
However in antiscipation of this shortcoming can I suggest that you obtain a (freeware) program called "Word Viewer 2003" (11.7Mb Wdviewer.exe) that can be obtained from the following link:
With this program you can view the contents & also print it off if you so desire. Please follow the installation instructions provided on the web-site.

Hope you like it Enjoy?

Regards & Best Wishes,

ispy :D

Attached Files

#2 Galapo


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Posted 11 April 2008 - 10:18 PM

Wow! 15 pages! Good work!

Hopefully this will get people new to WinBuilder up and running quickly with networking.


#3 ispy


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Posted 11 April 2008 - 11:34 PM

Hi Galapo :thumbsup: ,

Thanks for the reply!

Hopefully this will get people new to WinBuilder up and running quickly with networking.

Just as long as the content is OK! Would really appreciate you casting your expert eye over it to check there is nothing fundamentally wrong with it?

I have not mentioned Wireless Networking as I'm not sure where the various projects are up to in this area & if it is feasible for any for that matter?

Any way need some ZZZZZZZ's to may late nights, thanks again!


ispy :tabletalk:

#4 Brito


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Posted 12 April 2008 - 03:54 PM

Very good tutorial ispy! :thumbsup:

I thought that 15 pages would take a long while to read but I was happy to see a text filled with many different colours to capture attention to the important topics (instead of the usual black) and the images you've included also make it extremely easy to follow your explanations.

Excellent work indeed. :tabletalk:


Only one detail to note: some of the web links inside the pdf work while a few others don't, I'm using foxit PDF reader - would this be a detail exclusive to this reader or everything works find under the Adobe acrobat reader?

#5 pscEx


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Posted 12 April 2008 - 04:17 PM

Great :thumbsup:

Just with look to my post here let me say: I'm in doubt whether you are a developer :tabletalk:


#6 ispy


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Posted 13 April 2008 - 09:29 AM

Hi Nuno & Peter :thumbsup: ,

@Nuno :tabletalk: - Many thanks for the feedback in respect of the tutorial. Yes I also agree I was a little concerned about the length of it, as you know I am not known for short concise explanations LOL! I considered breaking it into Modules, i.e maybe smaller Pdf files but then became worried it would be a little dis-jointed. Unfortunately "Networking" is a large topic & even @ 15 pages I have barely scrapped the surface, the beauty of Pdf's files is you can easily print the bits that you need.

I was also a little worried in respect of some projects that the explanation content was a little sparse?
I've noticed a couple of things already that I am not happy about it & will need to amend & edit it already. I think it may be advantageous to add a front end "page number" index as outlined in the initial post for easier navigation around the Pdf document, along with the other amendments.

In respect of the broken links within the Pdf I'm not sure what is going on there, but will investigate further. As a "stop gap" measure can I advise that users of the "Tut" cut & paste the links into their browser bar until I can find a way to rectify!.

@Peter :D - Sorry Peter to burst your Bubble, I am not a developer merely a "Hobbyist", me not clever enough for that!
Posted Image
Or in some cases put them to sleep LOL!
Regards & Best Wishes,

ispy :D

P.S. Does anyone know of a freeware automatic Text to HTML writer that is capable of setting background page colours, insertion of annotated Pics, cuz i think there may be distinct advantages to writing Tuts in HTML format for link & internal navigation etc? "Options & choices" as you can see from the question I know absolutely, "0 byte zip" about HTML coding!

#7 Brito


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Posted 13 April 2008 - 04:04 PM

Try out kompozer, very simple to use and also freeware.



#8 ispy


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Posted 14 April 2008 - 10:52 PM

Hi Nuno :thumbsup: ,

Appreciated the link to Kompozer, when I get more time I will have a go at it! Html Documents seem to be a good option for "tuts". :D

I have made some improvements to the network pdf tut, in the respect of several typo's I found, wrongly structured sentences, minor tweaks & I think I have repaired most of the url links etc. The main improvement is the insertion of what I would call a front end Contents section with "Jump to" commands for fast navigation around the 15 page document which is a particularly a nice feature incorporated. I have also inserted return to Contents links so that once the user has read the relevant paragraph if his/she wants too, simply clicking on the link permits a return to the initial contents page.

The contents table now has page numbers listed so if printed off will provide some reference to the user for relevant paragraphs.

The downside is it is not a pdf file! I can only keep it working in .doc format because when you convert to pdf it loses the ability "Jump to" & links, something in the conversion kills it? it seems like a common fault noted around the WWW.

Anyway I could zip it up as a doc file extension with these additional features intact but only as .doc sorry!

Should I upload it?


ispy :tabletalk:

#9 Brito


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Posted 14 April 2008 - 11:35 PM

Sure, why not? :thumbsup:

I personally prefer PDF to read but .DOC are very handy when you need to copy text or something similar.

But also, why don't you write it up in html?

There is a cool feature on kompozer that allows you to edit a html file straight from on a web location (your web space for example as ispy.boot-land.net). I can teach you how this can be done (would even write a short tutorial.. :tabletalk: )

This way you keep all the functionality of the doc format and also keep the readability provided by PDF (except for the printing part as 100% equal to the pdf)

Just an idea.


#10 ispy


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Posted 15 April 2008 - 07:02 AM

Hi Nuno :thumbsup: ,

Yes indeed that sounds like a good idea but I have one "niggling" reservation & it is respect of a comment that Amalux has made?

I'm just about ready to post a little tut on this myself, along with some examples of scripts I've made using Nuno's awesome tools. Hopefully this will help round out the process for ya (and give Nuno a break

The "and give Nuno a break" part is the bit that concerns me!
I do NOT want to be responsible for the contribution of someones failing health due to over work so if this is a possibility! (Also I would at this point to thank Amalux for his contributions it is excellant tutorial material, respect!)

(would even write a short tutorial..)

but it causes additional burdens then I would like to respectively decline the offer with grateful thanks.
Your health (to me) is the most important asset you have!

Anyway what I think I will do is add the doc to the first post for now as a stop gap measure, I have downloaded the portable version of Kompozer, so will read up on that, & if & when you have suitable time or you find yourself "twiddling your thumbs" yes a tut as you describe would be beneficial & greatly appreciated!

Thanks very much for your reply!

Regards & Best Wishes,

ispy :tabletalk:

#11 ispy


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Posted 15 April 2008 - 06:59 PM

Hi all :thumbsup: ,

I have amended the Networking tutorial & uploaded it within the original #post 1, the details of which are under the heading Revision 2 (again #Post 1)


ispy :tabletalk:

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