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improving VistaPE

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#1 forumimp

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Posted 24 January 2007 - 09:34 AM

Hi NightMan, hi VistaPE-fans

First of all: Thank you NightMan! It inspired me very much and I hope you keep up your great work.

I tried the VistaPE en version and did some experiments myself. I created some install scripts myself which I am going to publish this week. But it is not a replacement for NightMans work. It is a experimental project which hopefully helps developer and everyone interested to get a deeper understanding of VistaPE. And maybe I can contribute to NightMans project.

my questions (for NightMan):
  • Did you get "Salas Password Renew" to work? Using your "VistaPE en" I run into a non-working "select target"-window. But I have found something. Using the instructions posted here: http://www.msfn.org/...php/t73692.html it is possible to get PasswordRenew run properly. The drawback is, that you have to have explorer.exe running (which I would like to avoid).
  • I read that in your next release you wont use programs.wim. You said it doesnt work properly. Why is that exactly?
my ideas/answers:
  • I was able to create a VistaPE-version which resembles NightMans work but at a smaller size. Using only Microsofts WAIK and no Vista-Setup-DVD. All files a actually inside Microsofts (free and public) WAIK-Download. Again the drawback is: no "explorer.exe" and "shdocvw.dll" which are needed up and running in order to use the Vista-"open file"-dialog.
  • I was able to "legalize" NightMans VistaPE-project by removing certain files like "imagex.exe" from his project and using the files the "Windows AIK"-Installation provides. I think this enables people to share the WinBuilder-VistaPE-Project without any worries.
  • Using "OSCDimg.exe" (again provided by "WAIK") it is possible to get rid of "mkisofs.exe"
  • Certain packages and language settings dont have to be set manually. Using Microsofts WAIK command lines you can add/delete a lot of stuff to VistaPE more easily and probably less error-prone.
As I said, I am going to release my experimental scripts very soon. There are a lot more things that can be improved. But without NightMans work there would probably nothing. I want also to thank everyone who is involved, developing and improving "WinBuilder".

I am hopeing this can attract VistaPE-fans and developers to this forum and this project.


#2 MedEvil


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Posted 24 January 2007 - 11:18 AM

Wow, VistaPE license free, that sounds great! :P

the drawback is: no "explorer.exe" and "shdocvw.dll" which are needed up and running in order to use the Vista-"open file"-dialog.

Can't you replace those files?
Don't know about shdocvw.dll but explorer.exe should be replacable.

#3 NightMan


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Posted 24 January 2007 - 08:01 PM

Your work is very interesting, i not have time for minimize size of boot.wim and will be glad see your project :P

Did you get "Salas Password Renew" to work?

hm.. http://vistape.boot-...est/screen1.jpg

(yes, it's standart explorer :P)

I read that in your next release you wont use programs.wim. You said it doesnt work properly. Why is that exactly?

did you test it?

no "explorer.exe" and "shdocvw.dll"

explorer and mmc will be working in next version :P

I was able to "legalize" NightMans VistaPE-project by removing certain files like "imagex.exe" from his project

it's done - we have free alternative :P

Using only Microsofts WAIK

you can use WAIK and create basic system with upcoming 006 version :P

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