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Error occurred when mounting BootWim!

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#1 jwatt

  • Members
  • 4 posts
    United States

Posted 06 August 2010 - 11:05 AM

I am a toddler at this geek thing but I really love messing around with computer and want to do some good through it. I have being trying without any success to use Winbuilder (080). I don't know how to properly state what's happening but the program has saved a log file outlining the problem. Please treat me like Human as you give advise, infact, if I get help insult is a cheap price to pay. Therefore I will pay whatever for help.

WinBuilder [080]


Main Configuration Version[1] ( ) 0.753 seconds
Pre Config Version[11] ( ) 11.595 seconds

2 scripts processed.
Project time: 15 seconds and 746 miliseconds


[Warning] (1-Preconfig.script) Error occurred when mounting BootWim!

%BaseDir% = P:\W7PEX\
(WinBuilder's path is replaced by the variable %BaseDir% to make the log easier to read)
WinBuilder Version [080]

%7pecfg% %BaseDir%\Target\Win7PE\windows\system32\Win7PE.cfg
%7pecfgCD% %BaseDir%\Target\Win7PE\Win7PE.cfg
%API% %BaseDir%\Projects\Win7PE\api.script
%AppMode% wbaNormal
%AtRam% False
%AutoRunFile% %BaseDir%\Target\Win7PE\windows\system32\autorun.cfg
%AutoStartMode% 1
%BaseDir% P:\W7PEX
%BootSRC% %BaseDir%\Temp\Win7PE\BootWimSrc
%Build% 2010-Mar-02 12:00
%Day% 6
%ES% "%BaseDir%\Target\Win7PE\windows\system32\shortcut.inf"
%ExecCmd% #$s#$s#$s#$s#$sEXEC#$s=!CMD.EXE#$s/C
%ExePath% #$pSystemDrive#$p\Program#$sFiles\%ProgramFolder%\%ProgramEXE%
%GlobalSupport% %BaseDir%\Workbench
%GlobalTemp% %BaseDir%\Temp
%GlobalTemplates% %BaseDir%\Workbench\Common
%grubsrc% %BaseDir%\Projects\Win7PE\Finalize\grub4dos
%HIVE_HKCU% %BaseDir%\Target\Win7PE\windows\system32\config\default
%HIVE_HKLM% %BaseDir%\Target\Win7PE\windows\system32\config\system
%HIVE_HKU% %BaseDir%\Target\Win7PE\windows\system32\config\software
%HostOS% Win7
%InstallSRC% %BaseDir%\Temp\Win7PE\InstallWimSrc
%IsoDir% %BaseDir%\ISO
%IsoFile% %BaseDir%\ISO\W7PEX.iso
%IsoFileName% W7PEX.iso
%Link% #$s#$s#$s#$s#$sLINK#$s
%LinkDesktop% #$s#$s#$s#$s#$sLINK#$s#$pDesktop#$p
%LinkDesktopPath% #$s#$s#$s#$s#$sLINK#$s#$pDesktop#$p\%pTextBox2%#$c%PE_Programs%\%ProgramFolder%\%ProgramEXE%
%LinkPrograms% #$s#$s#$s#$s#$sLINK#$s#$pPrograms#$p\%pTextBox1%
%LinkProgramsPath% #$s#$s#$s#$s#$sLINK#$s#$pPrograms#$p\%pTextBox1%\%pTextBox2%#$c%PE_Programs%\%ProgramFolder%\%ProgramEXE%
%LocaleScript% %BaseDir%\Projects\Win7PE\locale.script
%Month% 8
%PE_Programs% #$pSystemDrive#$p\Program#$sFiles
%pecmd_en% %BaseDir%\Projects\Win7PE\Finalize\system32\pecmd_en.ini
%ProcessorType% 586
%ProgExe% #$s#$qstart#$s%ProgramEXE%#$q
%ProgPath% #$pSystemDrive#$p\Program#$sFiles\%ProgramFolder%
%ProgramFilesDir% C:\Program Files
%Programs64% C:\Program Files
%ProgReg% #$s#$qregedit#$s/s#$s%ProgramTitle%.reg#$q
%ProgRun% #$s#$qstart#$s%PE_Programs%\%ProgramFolder%\%ProgramEXE%#$q
%ProgSys% \%pTextBox2%#$c%ProgramEXE%
%ProjectDir% %BaseDir%\Projects\Win7PE
%ProjectName% W7PEX
%ProjectTemp% %BaseDir%\Temp\W7PEX
%ProjectTitle% W7PEX
%reg%\ wb-hive\
%reg_temp% wb-hive
%RegDefault% %BaseDir%\Target\Win7PE\windows\system32\config\default
%RegSoftware% %BaseDir%\Target\Win7PE\windows\system32\config\software
%RegSystem% %BaseDir%\Target\Win7PE\windows\system32\config\system
%RegUser% %BaseDir%\Target\Win7PE\windows\system32\config\default
%source_sys% %BaseDir%\Temp\Win7PE\InstallWimSrc\Windows\System32
%source_win% %BaseDir%\Temp\Win7PE\InstallWimSrc\Windows
%SourceDir% N:
%Sys32% #$c#$c#$pSystemDrive#$p\Windows\System32
%target_drv% %BaseDir%\Target\Win7PE\Windows\System32\drivers
%Target_Prog% %BaseDir%\Target\Win7PE\Programs
%target_sys% %BaseDir%\Target\Win7PE\Windows\System32
%target_win% %BaseDir%\Target\Win7PE\windows
%TargetDir% %BaseDir%\Target\Win7PE
%TempDir% C:\Users\WATT\AppData\Local\Temp
%Tools% %BaseDir%\Projects\Tools
%UserName% WATT
%UserProfile% C:\Users\WATT
%Version% 080
%WBexe% %BaseDir%\WinBuilder.exe
%win7info% %BaseDir%\Projects\Win7PE\project.ini
%WindowsDir% C:\Windows
%WindowsSystemDir% C:\Windows\system32
%Wow64% False
%Year% 2010

This log is probably not suited to be posted in the forum for support questions.
To decrease build time, a couple of internal tests are switched off and not shown in the log.
That might make it impossible to find the real background of actual issues.
To produce a 'qualified' log for support questions, please check 'Tools >> Options >> Debug log'.

[Script] Main Configuration

[Info] File [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win7PE\Config.script] Version[1]

[Ignore] IF - [False] is not equal to: [True] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox2%,Equal,True,IniWriteTextLine,%pecmd_en%,"ID","CALL#$sInstallDevi"]
[Ignore] IF - [1024x768] is not equal to: [800x600] evaluated string: [If,%pScrollBox1%,Equal,800x600,IniWriteTextLine,%pecmd_en%,"DR","#$s#$s#$s#$s#$sDISP#$sW800#$sH600#$sB32"]
[Success] IF - [1024x768] is equal to: [1024x768] evaluated string: [If,%pScrollBox1%,Equal,1024x768,IniWriteTextLine,%pecmd_en%,"DR","#$s#$s#$s#$s#$sDISP#$sW1024#$sH768#$sB32"]
[Success] IniWriteTextLine - Wrote INI text line in [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win7PE\Finalize\system32\pecmd_en.ini] Section [DR] line [ DISP W1024 H768 B32]
[Ignore] IF - [1024x768] is not equal to: [1280x1024] evaluated string: [If,%pScrollBox1%,Equal,1280x1024,IniWriteTextLine,%pecmd_en%,"DR","#$s#$s#$s#$s#$sDISP#$sW1280#$sH1024#$sB32"]
[Clock] Script time: 753 miliseconds

[Done] Finished processing script: Main Configuration

[Script] Pre Config

[Info] File [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win7PE\Build\1-Preconfig.script] Version[11]

[Info] Preparing system...
[Ignore] IF - File exists: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Tools\wimutil.exe] evaluated string: [If,notExistFile,"%Tools%\wimutil.exe",run,%ScriptFile%,WimUtil]
[Ignore] IF - Directory exists: [%BaseDir%\Temp] evaluated string: [If,notExistDir,"%basedir%\Temp",DirMake,"%basedir%\Temp"]
[Ignore] IF - Directory exists: [%BaseDir%\Custom] evaluated string: [If,notExistDir,"%basedir%\Custom",DirMake,"%basedir%\Custom"]
[Ignore] IF - Directory exists: [%BaseDir%\Custom\Win7PE] evaluated string: [If,notExistDir,"%basedir%\Custom\Win7PE",DirMake,"%basedir%\Custom\Win7PE"]
[Ignore] IF - Directory exists: [%BaseDir%\Temp\Win7PE\BootWimSrc] evaluated string: [If,notExistDir,%BootSRC%,DirMake,%BootSRC%]
[Ignore] IF - Directory exists: [%BaseDir%\Temp\Win7PE\InstallWimSrc] evaluated string: [If,notExistDir,%InstallSRC%,DirMake,%InstallSRC%]
[Ignore] IF - Directory exists: [%BaseDir%\ISO] evaluated string: [If,notExistDir,%ISODir%,DirMake,"%ISODir%"]
[Ignore] IF - Directory exists: [%BaseDir%\Target\Win7PE] evaluated string: [If,NotExistDir,"%TargetDir%",DirMake,"%TargetDir%"]
[Info] [#]
[Ignore] IF - Directory does not exist: [C:\Windows\SysWOW64] evaluated string: [If,ExistDir,"%WindowsDir%\SysWOW64",Set,%SysType%,"amd64"]
[Success] IF - Directory does not exist: [C:\Windows\SysWOW64] evaluated string: [If,NotExistDir,"%WindowsDir%\SysWOW64",Set,%SysType%,"x86"]
[Success] SetVar - Sucessfuly changed the value of [%SysType%] to: [x86]
[Ignore] IF - [x86] is not equal to: [amd64] evaluated string: [If,%SysType%,Equal,"amd64",run,%ScriptFile%,Sys_amd64]
[Success] IF - [x86] is equal to: [x86] evaluated string: [If,%SysType%,Equal,"x86",run,%ScriptFile%,Sys_x86]
Run - Processing section: [Sys_x86] From file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win7PE\Build\1-Preconfig.script]
Run - Processing section: [AutoDetectWimTool] From file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win7PE\Build\1-Preconfig.script]
Run - Processing section: [AutoFindImagex] From file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win7PE\Build\1-Preconfig.script]
[Info] Detecting "imagex.exe"...
[Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [\Tools\x86\imagex.exe] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%pFileBox1%\Tools\%SysType%\imagex.exe",Set,"%IMAGEX%","%pFileBox1%\Tools\%SysType%\imagex.exe"]
[Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [\Tools\x86\imagex.exe] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%pFileBox1%\Tools\%SysType%\imagex.exe",Set,%ImageTool%,"ImageX"]
[Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [\Tools\x86\Servicing\dism.exe] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%pFileBox1%\Tools\%SysType%\Servicing\dism.exe",Set,"%DISM%","%pFileBox1%\Tools\%SysType%\Servicing\dism.exe"]
[Ignore] IF - File does not exist: [\Tools\x86\Servicing\dism.exe] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%pFileBox1%\Tools\%SysType%\Servicing\dism.exe",Set,%DismTool%,"True"]
[Info] [#If,ExistFile,"%Tools%\imagex.exe",Set,"%IMAGEX%","%Tools%\imagex.exe"]
[Info] [#If,ExistFile,"%Tools%\imagex.exe",Set,%ImageTool%,"ImageX"]
[Success] IF - File exists: [C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\imagex.exe] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%ProgramFilesDir%\Windows#$sAIK\Tools\%SysType%\imagex.exe",Set,"%IMAGEX%","%ProgramFilesDir%\Windows#$sAIK\Tools\%SysType%\imagex.exe"]
[Success] SetVar - Sucessfuly changed the value of [%IMAGEX%] to: [C:\Program#$sFiles\Windows#$sAIK\Tools\x86\imagex.exe]
[Success] IF - File exists: [C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\imagex.exe] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%ProgramFilesDir%\Windows#$sAIK\Tools\%SysType%\imagex.exe",Set,%ImageTool%,"ImageX"]
[Success] SetVar - Sucessfuly changed the value of [%ImageTool%] to: [ImageX]
[Success] IF - File exists: [C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\Servicing\dism.exe] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%ProgramFilesDir%\Windows#$sAIK\Tools\%SysType%\Servicing\dism.exe",Set,"%DISM%","%ProgramFilesDir%\Windows#$sAIK\Tools\%SysType%\Servicing\dism.exe"]
[Success] SetVar - Sucessfuly changed the value of [%DISM%] to: [C:\Program#$sFiles\Windows#$sAIK\Tools\x86\Servicing\dism.exe]
[Success] IF - File exists: [C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\Servicing\dism.exe] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,"%ProgramFilesDir%\Windows#$sAIK\Tools\%SysType%\Servicing\dism.exe",Set,%DismTool%,"True"]
[Success] SetVar - Sucessfuly changed the value of [%DismTool%] to: [True]
[Ignore] IF - [x86] is not equal to: [amd64] evaluated string: [If,"%SysType%",Equal,"amd64",run,%ScriptFile%,Win64Check]
Run - Processed section [AutoFindImagex] in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win7PE\Build\1-Preconfig.script]
[Info] [#]
[Success] IF - [ImageX] is equal to: [ImageX] evaluated string: [If,"%ImageTool%",Equal,"ImageX",If,"%pCheckBox5%",NotEqual,True,Begin]
[Ignore] IF - [True] is equal to: [True] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox5%,NotEqual,True,Begin]
[Skipped] [System,ERROROFF]
[Skipped] [RegRead,"HKLM","SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\FltMgr","DisplayName","%RegName%"]
[Skipped] [If,NOT,EXISTVAR,%RegName%,run,%ScriptFile%,FltMgr]
[Skipped] [If,NotExistFile,%WindowsSystemDir%\drivers\fltmgr.sys,run,%ScriptFile%,FltMgr]
[Skipped] [System,ERROROFF]
[Skipped] [RegRead,"HKLM","SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WimFltr","DisplayName","%RegName%"]
[Skipped] [If,NOT,EXISTVAR,%RegName%,run,%ScriptFile%,WimUtil]
[Skipped] [If,ExistFile,"%pFileBox1%\Tools\%SysType%\wimmount.sys",Begin]
[Skipped] [System,ERROROFF]
[Skipped] [RegRead,"HKLM","SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WIMMount","DisplayName","%RegName%"]
[Skipped] [If,NOT,EXISTVAR,%RegName%,run,%ScriptFile%,WimMnt]
[Skipped] [If,NotExistFile,%WindowsSystemDir%\drivers\wimmount.sys,run,%ScriptFile%,WimMnt]
[Ignore] [End]
[Ignore] [End]
[Info] [#]
[Success] IF - [ImageX] is equal to: [ImageX] evaluated string: [If,"%ImageTool%",Equal,"ImageX",If,"%pCheckBox5%",Equal,True,run,%ScriptFile%,Find-WimUtil]
[Success] IF - [True] is equal to: [True] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox5%,Equal,True,run,%ScriptFile%,Find-WimUtil]
Run - Processing section: [Find-WimUtil] From file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win7PE\Build\1-Preconfig.script]
[Ignore] IF - [x86] is not equal to: [amd64] evaluated string: [If,"%SysType%",Equal,"amd64",Echo,"WimUtil not compatible with Windows x64. #$x#$xExiting..."]
[Ignore] IF - [x86] is not equal to: [amd64] evaluated string: [If,"%SysType%",Equal,"amd64",Message,"WimUtil not compatible with Windows x64. #$x#$xExiting..."]
[Ignore] IF - [x86] is not equal to: [amd64] evaluated string: [If,"%SysType%",Equal,"amd64",exit,"Exiting.."]
[Info] Detecting WimUtil...
[Info] [#RegRead,"HKLM","SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\FltMgr","DisplayName","%RegName%"]
[Info] [#If,"%RegName%",NotEqual,"FltMgr",run,%ScriptFile%,FltMgr]
[Info] [#RegRead,"HKLM","SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WimFltr","DisplayName","%RegName%"]
[Info] [#If,"%RegName%",NotEqual,"WimFltr",run,%ScriptFile%,WimUtil]
[Info] [#If,notExistFile,"%Tools%\wimutil.exe",Halt,"Something wrong with WimUtils..."]
[Success] System,ErrorOff
[Success] RegRead - read specified key from: [HKLM]Section: [SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\FltMgr] Key: [DisplayName] to variable:: [%RegName%] with value: [@%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\fltmgr.sys#$c-10001]
[Ignore] IF - Section exists [@%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\fltmgr.sys,-10001] evaluated string: [If,NOT,EXISTVAR,%RegName%,run,%ScriptFile%,FltMgr]
[Ignore] IF - File exists: [C:\Windows\system32\drivers\fltmgr.sys] evaluated string: [If,NotExistFile,%WindowsSystemDir%\drivers\fltmgr.sys,run,%ScriptFile%,FltMgr]
[Success] System,ErrorOff
[Success] RegRead - read specified key from: [HKLM]Section: [SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WimFltr] Key: [DisplayName] to variable:: [%RegName%] with value: [WimFltr]
[Ignore] IF - Section exists [WimFltr] evaluated string: [If,NOT,EXISTVAR,%RegName%,run,%ScriptFile%,WimUtil]
[Ignore] IF - File exists: [C:\Windows\system32\drivers\wimfltr.sys] evaluated string: [If,NotExistFile,%WindowsSystemDir%\drivers\wimfltr.sys,run,%ScriptFile%,WimUtil]
[Ignore] IF - File exists: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Tools\wimutil.exe] evaluated string: [If,NotExistFile,"%Tools%\wimutil.exe",Halt,"Something wrong with WimUtils..."]
Run - Processed section [Find-WimUtil] in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win7PE\Build\1-Preconfig.script]
[Success] IF - [ImageX] is equal to: [ImageX] evaluated string: [If,"%ImageTool%",Equal,"ImageX",If,"%pCheckBox5%",Equal,True,Set,"%ImageTool%","WimUtil"]
[Success] IF - [True] is equal to: [True] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox5%,Equal,True,Set,%ImageTool%,WimUtil]
[Success] SetVar - Sucessfuly changed the value of [%ImageTool%] to: [WimUtil]
[Success] IF - [WimUtil] is not equal to: [ImageX] evaluated string: [If,"%ImageTool%",NotEqual,"ImageX",run,%ScriptFile%,Find-WimUtil]
Run - Processing section: [Find-WimUtil] From file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win7PE\Build\1-Preconfig.script]
[Ignore] IF - [x86] is not equal to: [amd64] evaluated string: [If,"%SysType%",Equal,"amd64",Echo,"WimUtil not compatible with Windows x64. #$x#$xExiting..."]
[Ignore] IF - [x86] is not equal to: [amd64] evaluated string: [If,"%SysType%",Equal,"amd64",Message,"WimUtil not compatible with Windows x64. #$x#$xExiting..."]
[Ignore] IF - [x86] is not equal to: [amd64] evaluated string: [If,"%SysType%",Equal,"amd64",exit,"Exiting.."]
[Info] Detecting WimUtil...
[Info] [#RegRead,"HKLM","SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\FltMgr","DisplayName","%RegName%"]
[Info] [#If,"%RegName%",NotEqual,"FltMgr",run,%ScriptFile%,FltMgr]
[Info] [#RegRead,"HKLM","SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WimFltr","DisplayName","%RegName%"]
[Info] [#If,"%RegName%",NotEqual,"WimFltr",run,%ScriptFile%,WimUtil]
[Info] [#If,notExistFile,"%Tools%\wimutil.exe",Halt,"Something wrong with WimUtils..."]
[Success] System,ErrorOff
[Success] RegRead - read specified key from: [HKLM]Section: [SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\FltMgr] Key: [DisplayName] to variable:: [%RegName%] with value: [@%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\fltmgr.sys#$c-10001]
[Ignore] IF - Section exists [@%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\fltmgr.sys,-10001] evaluated string: [If,NOT,EXISTVAR,%RegName%,run,%ScriptFile%,FltMgr]
[Ignore] IF - File exists: [C:\Windows\system32\drivers\fltmgr.sys] evaluated string: [If,NotExistFile,%WindowsSystemDir%\drivers\fltmgr.sys,run,%ScriptFile%,FltMgr]
[Success] System,ErrorOff
[Success] RegRead - read specified key from: [HKLM]Section: [SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WimFltr] Key: [DisplayName] to variable:: [%RegName%] with value: [WimFltr]
[Ignore] IF - Section exists [WimFltr] evaluated string: [If,NOT,EXISTVAR,%RegName%,run,%ScriptFile%,WimUtil]
[Ignore] IF - File exists: [C:\Windows\system32\drivers\wimfltr.sys] evaluated string: [If,NotExistFile,%WindowsSystemDir%\drivers\wimfltr.sys,run,%ScriptFile%,WimUtil]
[Ignore] IF - File exists: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Tools\wimutil.exe] evaluated string: [If,NotExistFile,"%Tools%\wimutil.exe",Halt,"Something wrong with WimUtils..."]
Run - Processed section [Find-WimUtil] in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win7PE\Build\1-Preconfig.script]
[Success] IF - [WimUtil] is not equal to: [ImageX] evaluated string: [If,"%ImageTool%",NotEqual,"ImageX",Set,"%ImageTool%","WimUtil"]
[Success] SetVar - Sucessfuly changed the value of [%ImageTool%] to: [WimUtil]
Run - Processed section [AutoDetectWimTool] in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win7PE\Build\1-Preconfig.script]
[Info] [#run,%ScriptFile%,Find-Win7]
[Info] [#If,%Win7CD%,Equal,"OK",run,%ScriptFile%,MountWin7]
[Info] [#If,%Win7CD%,NotEqual,"OK",run,%ScriptFile%,Find-WAIK]
[Success] SetVar - Sucessfuly changed the value of [%SDIR%] to: [N:]
[Success] SetVar - Sucessfuly changed the value of [%Win7CD%] to: [OK]
[Info] [#]
[Success] IF - [True] is equal to: [True] evaluated string: [If,%pRadioButton1%,Equal,True,Begin]
Run - Processing section: [MountWin7] From file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win7PE\Build\1-Preconfig.script]
[Ignore] IF - [WimUtil] is not equal to: [ImageX] evaluated string: [If,"%ImageTool%",Equal,"ImageX",run,%ScriptFile%,MountWin7-imagex]
[Success] IF - [WimUtil] is equal to: [WimUtil] evaluated string: [If,"%ImageTool%",Equal,"WimUtil",run,%ScriptFile%,MountWin7-wimutil]
Run - Processing section: [MountWin7-wimutil] From file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win7PE\Build\1-Preconfig.script]
[Info] Mounting Windows Win7 files with wimutil.exe...
[Info] [#ShellExecute,Hide,"#$q%tools%\wimutil.exe#$q","mount #$q%SDIR%\sources\boot.wim#$q #$q%BootSRC%#$q %pScrollBox1%"]
[Ignore] IF - [False] is not equal to: [True] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox3%,Equal,True,ShellExecute,Hide,"#$q%tools%\wimutil.exe#$q","mount #$q%pFileBox3%#$q #$q%BootSRC%#$q /%pScrollBox1%"]
[Success] IF - [False] is not equal to: [True] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox3%,NotEqual,True,ShellExecute,Hide,"#$q%tools%\wimutil.exe#$q","mount #$q%SDIR%\sources\boot.wim#$q #$q%BootSRC%#$q /%pScrollBox1%"]
[Success] ShellExecute: [Hide] using: ["%BaseDir%\Projects\Tools\wimutil.exe"] with parameters: [mount "N:\sources\boot.wim" "%BaseDir%\Temp\Win7PE\BootWimSrc" /2]
[Success] IF - [3] is not equal to: [0] evaluated string: [If,%ExitCode%,NotEqual,0,run,%ScriptFile%,MountBootWimErr]
Run - Processing section: [MountBootWimErr] From file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win7PE\Build\1-Preconfig.script]
Run - Processing section: [UnMountWim] From file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win7PE\Build\1-Preconfig.script]
[Info] UnMountig WIM files...
[Ignore] IF - [%WimTools%] is not equal to: [ImageX] evaluated string: [If,"%WimTools%",Equal,"ImageX",Run,%ScriptFile%,UnMountImagex]
[Ignore] IF - [%WimTools%] is not equal to: [WimUtil] evaluated string: [If,"%WimTools%",Equal,"WimUtil",Run,%ScriptFile%,UnMountWimutil]
Run - Processed section [UnMountWim] in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win7PE\Build\1-Preconfig.script]
[Success] Message: Error occurred when mounting BootWim! The project is forced to be terminated...
[Warning] Error occurred when mounting BootWim!
Run - Processed section [MountBootWimErr] in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win7PE\Build\1-Preconfig.script]
Run - Processed section [MountWin7-wimutil] in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win7PE\Build\1-Preconfig.script]
Run - Processed section [MountWin7] in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win7PE\Build\1-Preconfig.script]
Run - Processed section [Sys_x86] in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Win7PE\Build\1-Preconfig.script]
[Clock] Script time: 11 seconds and 595 miliseconds

[Done] Finished processing script: Pre Config

[Clock] Project time: 15 seconds and 746 miliseconds

You can post this log on the Boot Land forums whenever you need help to properly debug the errors on this project
More detailed documentation can be found on our wiki

WinBuilder © 2006-2009 Nuno Brito

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#2 amalux


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Posted 06 August 2010 - 02:49 PM

I am a toddler at this geek thing but I really love messing around with computer and want to do some good through it. I have being trying without any success to use Winbuilder (080). I don't know how to properly state what's happening but the program has saved a log file outlining the problem. Please treat me like Human as you give advise, infact, if I get help insult is a cheap price to pay. Therefore I will pay whatever for help.

Hi jwatt :D

No problem, happy to help and welcome!

You probably saw this pop-up but must have declined or ignored,
you need to install to allow mounting the WIM :D

p.s. next time, zip the log file and upload as an attachment to save space :unsure:

#3 jwatt

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Posted 07 August 2010 - 02:06 PM

Thanks a lot for your assistance. :dubbio:
Is there anyway I can install this driver separate? I don't remember seeing it during the load.

#4 amalux


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Posted 07 August 2010 - 05:16 PM

Hi jwatt :dubbio:

Sorry for troubles, looking closer at your 'log', it seems to be a different issue; are you using the recommended Win7 source? Can you confirm, in the failed build, do you have a boot.wim file in your %baseDir%\Target\Win7PE\sources?

#5 paraglider


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Posted 08 August 2010 - 11:45 AM

As you appear to be running on Vista / Win 7 did you run winbuilder as an administrator - right click on winbuilder.exe from explorer and choose 'Run As Administrator'? Or from explorer right click on winbuilder choose the Compatability tab and click the 'Run as Administrator' check box.

#6 amalux


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Posted 08 August 2010 - 03:08 PM

Because I don't use Vista/Win7 much, I always forget this nonsense :) , thanks for reminder.

#7 jwatt

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Posted 10 August 2010 - 07:09 PM

As you appear to be running on Vista / Win 7 did you run winbuilder as an administrator - right click on winbuilder.exe from explorer and choose 'Run As Administrator'? Or from explorer right click on winbuilder choose the Compatability tab and click the 'Run as Administrator' check box.

Yes I ran as Admin I just mounted RTM Windows I got from here; then linked to that as the source, shut down antivirus program and still no success even without adding to kit.

#8 amalux


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Posted 10 August 2010 - 08:14 PM

I need to check your source boot.wim, install WAIK (if not already installed) and using PETools Command prompt run the following command on (mounted) source:
imagex /info K:\sources\boot.wim /xml > C:\bootwim.xml
where K: is drive letter of (mounted) source (image). If you have questions on this just ask and post the resultant bootwim.xml here.

added: I just finished successful builds, using the recommended source (ISO mounted in imdisk) in Vista and Win7 hosts. It's come to my attention that WAIK install is required from x64 host (I can't test x64 myself). Even though you didn't get the expected warnings, if WAIK wasn't installed in initial test failures, best to try again with WAIK installed.

Specify WAIK install dir here:

#9 paraglider


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Posted 10 August 2010 - 11:58 PM

I had to manually run wim install on win7 as its using and installing the vista wim filter driver

Projects\Tools\win7pe\WimUtil.exe Install

will need to run elevated as an administrator

#10 amalux


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Posted 11 August 2010 - 04:49 PM

I had to manually run wim install on win7...

Can you explain what you mean by manually run wim install, I've tested this every way I can think of and can't reproduce what I think you mean :mellow: . If I build W7PEX project on Win7 (32bit) host running Winbuilder.exe as administrator, I get the 'Driver not installed, Install now?' prompt as expected (first run only) but if I choose OK all goes as expected to successful completion. Is there some additional step you needed to perform? What happens if you just click OK? Is this an x64 thing? What (if anything) can be done to alleviate this issue (where it exists)? Thanks paraglider, I appreciate your help since I'm unable to test or reproduce the issue myself.

#11 PaPeuser


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Posted 11 August 2010 - 05:25 PM

From post 1 Multi Win7PEs

How to install FltMgr
For newly build, first put all the files in text file plus fltMgr.sys which I forget to mension.
Secondly, right click on FltMgr\fltMgr.inf and click install and you may need to derect the file when windows ask.
Do not restart your PC on this stage and finally right click on wimfltr.inf and click on install. After installing, you may need to restart your PC. Now you can start your project.

Also look here

hope this helps.......................

#12 amalux


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Posted 11 August 2010 - 06:08 PM

Thanks PaPeuser :mellow:

I realize now my question was poorly written, what I mean is why these additional steps are required for him and not me. e.g. why the automatic installation fails (apparently) for some but works fine for me. My only clue so far is that it's an x64 issue, I'm hoping to get it working properly for x64 if indeed this is the issue but can't test since I have no x64 machine available. I'm thinking it's just some x64 version files missing but will need to investigate further. Here's a plea, anyone with access to x64 hardware, try to run the project and see if the automatic install fails or succeeds; you'll know very quickly since it occurs at the very beginning of the build.


#13 PaPeuser


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Posted 11 August 2010 - 06:48 PM

Ok my test Machine is Win7 Pro x64 I will try ...

I down loaded Win7PEX128.exe from this site ???

select source Win7 pro x64 copied to file on C:
Aik for windows 7 is installed, and selected in Pre Config
error mounting source, ---error occured when mounting InstallWim!

#14 amalux


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Posted 11 August 2010 - 07:20 PM

Well, that pretty much confirms it's x64, thanks for testing!

What happens if you uncheck this option?

#15 PaPeuser


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Posted 11 August 2010 - 07:25 PM

I tried checking and unchecked all of them,

I am also looking at your tools folder, other project have a x86 and a x64 folder in tools,,

Let me play some more..
Without pointing to where WAIK is .. I get .. Please install WAIK
with path to WAIK selected i get... Error occurred when mounting BootWim! the project is forceed to be terminated....

is there something about versions of winfltr.sys..?????? for x86 and x64??

#16 amalux


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Posted 12 August 2010 - 02:18 AM

Looking through the project, there's a lot of work to get it x64 ready; doable but I need an x64 machine to really get started. Thanks again for the interest and help :mellow:


#17 amalux


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Posted 13 August 2010 - 07:26 PM

I managed to scrounge up an amd64 machine, installed XP sp2 x64 and ran W7PEX128 without issue to completion. No error mounting WIM or any other issue. It did require AIK (win7) installed and informed me of that fact at first run. So is it only Win7 x64 that causes problems? I'll install that next and test.

I see, the problem is the x64 source -- and what are the advantages again of building an x64 PE? :mellow:

#18 PaPeuser


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Posted 13 August 2010 - 09:29 PM

Right now I see no advantage to using an x64 source… :mellow:

If you built a brand new machine,, which would you buy and load??
An x86 version, or the x64?? :)

I see this as what you have available, same as all projects, some people have limited access to Sources… so you pick the project based on sources available. Then you read up about the different projects based on that source..

For me I have used many Win7 projects and built most with both x86 and x64 sources

I will not get into comparing different projects. Some Win7 x64 projects will do ALMOST everything an x86 build will do…,, “almost.”

In six months a year, x64 will be the way to go ….

You have a fine project.. but look ahead… ;) :)

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