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Help with fbinst

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#1 TruePurple



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Posted 14 December 2009 - 09:55 PM

Ok, can I use this with win98? If so, may I please get the instructions for that?

If you say "just get XP" etc. or something, fine, get this working for me under win98 and I can/will. (as long as my flash drive size isn't too limited in size as a result)

#2 maanu


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Posted 14 December 2009 - 10:05 PM

Ok, can I use this with win98? If so, may I please get the instructions for that?

If you say "just get XP" etc. or something, fine, get this working for me under win98 and I can/will. (as long as my flash drive size isn't too limited in size as a result)

i guess it will work on 98 . but i am not sure . get the cmd script with fbinst.exe in above posts of mine or use fbinst manually . search this topic . you will find many examples./

#3 TruePurple



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Posted 15 December 2009 - 12:07 AM

I don't understand what much of the thread starter post's instructions. Like what formate to use for what and much else.

I don't know what you mean by command script. Some file you run that enters the commands for you? This "http://www.zshare.ne...02780aea7847f/" has some command script built into the file? If it automatically uses certain commands, how do I know if those commands are right for me?

I looked through all through this thread, find many examples of what exactly??

Does that force format thing force delete too? So that it actually deletes existing files, so that the flash drive doesn't slow down a bunch when it comes to overwrite those not really deleted files?

Might someone please post instructions for making my 8gb USB flash drive bootable under win98 for a motherboard that only has USB FDD as a boot option? In the first posts instructions, I could find almost nothing about USB floppy drive-motherboard booting..

#4 was_jaclaz



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Posted 15 December 2009 - 08:45 AM

In the first posts instructions, I could find almost nothing about USB floppy drive-motherboard booting..

Well, there is enough:

The tricky thing about flash boot disk is compatibility. There are three modes, HDD, ZIP and FDD, and different bios uses different disk parameter. Some bios support lba mode to access flash disk, some don't. Some of them even skips a certain number of sectors at the beginning of disk. It's difficult to create a flash disk that would work in all these circumstance.

This is what fbinst is for. I've come up with a special disk layout that works arond the various compatibility issue.

Cannot say if fbinst runs under DOS/Win9x, though.

Just open a command windows in your Windows 98, navigate to where you put fbinst.exe and type:
fbinst --list

what happens?
Is your USB device listed?


#5 TruePurple



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Posted 15 December 2009 - 07:59 PM

So if the program sees my flash drive, it would certainly be fully compatible without me having to worry about it causing damage to my flash or something?

Which should I download, bin or src?

All that bit you quote says is that fbinst can be used for FDD, not how. And its followed by explanations of options that suggest different situations call for different options.
For example,

What format do I want to use, fat16, fat 32, NTFS, or as a "zip"?

Whats that grldr and mbr business about?

The other options, they have me very lost, I don't understand most of it. Is that something I mostly don't need to worry about?

From how much knowledge do you speak of in regard to this particular program?

#6 was_jaclaz



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Posted 15 December 2009 - 08:53 PM

So if the program sees my flash drive, it would certainly be fully compatible without me having to worry about it causing damage to my flash or something?

The only thing you should be worried about is if the sky falls on your head, tomorrow:

From how much knowledge do you speak of in regard to this particular program?

"Enough" or "sufficient". :thumbup:

With all due respect :thumbup: you seem to me like being a bit insecure, you read half the internet without tackling the single problem you are facing and/or tackle it one step at the time.

After all, you came here asking for help , which should mean that more or less you believe that we won't set your PC on fire (or at least not intentionally B))

The "common sense advice" attached to Rules:
points #f. seem like written exactly for these cases.....

You want to download latest binary version (unless you want to compile it from SOURCE - that is what src stands for):

You don't want to use a format yet, you just want to run

fbinst --list

and report the output.

If you actually read just the initial post, you would have seen that NTFS is NOT an option.
Depending on the size of the stick you may want to choose between FAT16 and FAT32.
Which size is it?

Let's do one step at the time, OK?



#7 TruePurple



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Posted 16 December 2009 - 06:05 AM

My flash is 8GB

By reformatting the data partition as NTFS, you can change these two signatures and therefore trick the bios into using HDD mode.

It seems it doesn't work for win98, I click on the exe and a dos window flashes open for a second then closes, no apparent result.

Is there a way to get it to work? Or do you know of another program I can use?

#8 was_jaclaz



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Posted 16 December 2009 - 09:21 AM

It seems it doesn't work for win98, I click on the exe and a dos window flashes open for a second then closes, no apparent result.

Is there a way to get it to work?

We are not going very far. :thumbup:
Does this:

Just open a command windows in your Windows 98, navigate to where you put fbinst.exe and type:

fbinst --list

look like:

Double click on the file.


fbinst is a Command Line application, you DO NOT double click on it, you open a command prompt and run it from there with parameters.

Again, if you do not at least try to read and do what is suggested we won't go very far.

Or do you know of another program I can use?

Sure I do. :rolleyes:
Point is that this particular one will (probably) do what you need others may not.
However, try these:

I am splitting these posts to a new thread, as I feel it will be a loooong process and don't want to increase abnormally the main fbinst thread.


#9 TruePurple



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Posted 16 December 2009 - 11:47 PM

Sorry about that jaclaz, I didn't read your post closely enough.

Ok I opened a dos shell and went into the directory and typed "fbinst --list"

I get a momentary pause then it goes to a new prompt with no effect or message.

#10 maanu


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Posted 17 December 2009 - 12:00 AM

Sorry about that jaclaz, I didn't read your post closely enough.

Ok I opened a dos shell and went into the directory and typed "fbinst --list"

I get a momentary pause then it goes to a new prompt with no effect or message.

IF your usb drive was connected to your system when you run this command , then chances are , fbinst does not work in 98... :rolleyes:

#11 TruePurple



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Posted 17 December 2009 - 12:47 AM

Of the programs listed here, http://www.boot-land...?showtopic=9460 only fbinst seems to be something that can handle a issue like this. Do you see any of them that might help with this? One that will work with win98 too?

Or do you know of any other programs that might help?

#12 maanu


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Posted 17 December 2009 - 01:43 AM

dont you have access to any other system or may be a pe available so that you can boot from it and use fbinst from there ?

that pe got to be xp or 2k3 based.

#13 TruePurple



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Posted 17 December 2009 - 03:45 AM

Well it seems fbinst won't work on win9x and I don't know of any other program that would work like that. Does any of you know of such a program?

#14 TruePurple



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Posted 19 December 2009 - 06:35 PM

What does PE stand for/mean?

#15 maanu


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Posted 19 December 2009 - 08:00 PM

What does PE stand for/mean?

pre environment . it seems Boot land for you is like a university to a student who is in primary school ( no offense) .

#16 dera


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Posted 19 December 2009 - 08:08 PM

Preinstalled Environment

when you shut down the PE
the registry changes is not written back to the medium you booted off

#17 TruePurple



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Posted 19 December 2009 - 11:59 PM

I finally got access to a PC with XP, a neighbors PC. So I did a bunch of running back and forth trying to get this to work.

First I tried following the instruction on page 1, but using the grldr listed in this thread for download, I got some error a bit like 'invalid archive file' or something

I tried maanu's automatic package file. I used the first option. Everthing seemed to install fine.

How do I know if its now detectable by my bios for booting? No aspect of the boot seems to mention it and the flash drives LED doesn't start flashing till window loads, does that mean its no good?

If I choose option 5, that means my 8gb will show as only 2gb? Would I be able to recover that space latter by reformating?

Also, right now my 8gb drive is only showing as 7.5. Any way to recover that mysteriously lost space? I think I lost it when I removed U3

#18 TruePurple



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Posted 29 December 2009 - 11:29 PM

Geez, there was no reason to move that last post to this thread, it was not related to win98.

Anyway, is anyone there who knows any of the answers to my last post? Please answer.

#19 matx



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Posted 24 February 2010 - 11:12 AM

how to put vistape or win7pe on extended [ud][not visible in windows] partition and load bootmgr ?
I putted vistape folder using fbinst gui, but how to chainload to boot vistape or win7pe fromUD ?


#20 maanu


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Posted 24 February 2010 - 12:00 PM

how to put vistape or win7pe on extended [ud][not visible in windows] partition and load bootmgr ?
I putted vistape folder using fbinst gui, but how to chainload to boot vistape or win7pe fromUD ?


not possible AFAIK .

any particular reasons why you dont like iso boot ?

#21 matx



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Posted 24 February 2010 - 12:28 PM

on 512mb ram ?
I don't know how this will work ?
win7pe - iso without apps = 384mb...
it will be ok ?

what if some computer will have 256mb ?

it is ok. but if too low ram ?

#22 maanu


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Posted 24 February 2010 - 02:41 PM

on 512mb ram ?
I don't know how this will work ?
win7pe - iso without apps = 384mb...
it will be ok ?

what if some computer will have 256mb ?

it is ok. but if too low ram ?

dont use it on slow systems , use PE1

#23 matx



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Posted 24 February 2010 - 03:48 PM

And could you tell me please to things:

1.For fbinst where is newest and best grldr file, from where check for update and downloads ?

title w7peZ
map --mem (ud)/boot/firadisk.gz (fd0) //what is that line for ? is this important ?
map --mem (ud)/boot/w7pe.iso (0xFF)
map --hook
chainloader (0xFF)

OR CAN BE: (i didnt tested yet)

title w7peBZ
map --mem (ud)/boot/w7pe.iso (0xFF)
map --hook
chainloader (0xFF)

Please tell me answers for this two (1 and 2) questions, please.thans

#24 kDn



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Posted 24 February 2010 - 10:34 PM

or alpha versions:

#25 maanu


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Posted 25 February 2010 - 11:31 AM

And could you tell me please to things:

1.For fbinst where is newest and best grldr file, from where check for update and downloads ?

title w7peZ
map --mem (ud)/boot/firadisk.gz (fd0) //what is that line for ? is this important ?
map --mem (ud)/boot/w7pe.iso (0xFF)
map --hook
chainloader (0xFF)

OR CAN BE: (i didnt tested yet)

title w7peBZ
map --mem (ud)/boot/w7pe.iso (0xFF)
map --hook
chainloader (0xFF)

Please tell me answers for this two (1 and 2) questions, please.thans

u can use

map (ud)/boot/win7pe.iso (0xff)
map --hook
chainloader (0xff)

make sure you properly make the iso defraggment , use wincontig for this .

and u can use whatever version u want of grub4dos . i am using latest one from Chenall , (second link from above) .

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