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fbinst.cmd script

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#1 kDn



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Posted 20 December 2009 - 12:58 AM

I writen script to more simple using fbinst.exe.
You can dowload full version (as I use) or version without *.iso files (wich have big size). Note: files cmdcons.iso, NERIH.GZ, OfflineNTPassword.iso, RusLive_RAM_Mini_2009.iso been replaced by "zero-files" to reduce the size of the archive fbinst_empty.7z.

The script was created to facilitate the work of fbinst and capabilities automate the process of creating a bootable flash drives.
Ie I have a course of action is:
1. Formatting (if necessary) and copy files to the zone (ud) with a script
2. Copying files to partition data
3. Thats all.

Now about the contents:
fbinst.cmd - the main script, the startup options [-h] - support, [--format] - formatting (if the zone (ud) is no, then the formatting is necessary), name of the device type (hdX)
Try run it with the -h and see everything for yourself. Without the --format format did not, therefore you do not ditch, if the formatting is enabled, be extremely careful with the choice of device. Killed with fbinst data on hard disk is not very easy to revive... And do not say that I did not warn you.
fbinst.txt - description of the commands and keys, you can look through the analog fbinst.exe -h 
FbinstTool.exe - GUI for fbinst, unfortunately sometimes buggy. Still under development. The first time you get the Chinese language, but through the menu you can choose English.
format.cmd - script formatting submitted separately
format.ini - the formatting options to change here
extended\boot\*.* - floppy disk image and iso-files, to run from the extended (ud) 
extended\boot\splash\*.* - Splash and gfxmenu put here, again, for the extended (ud) 
menu\fb.txt - menu description fbinst, which you see when you start with stick 
menu\readme.txt - a little HELP menu commands, translated from Chinese into English using Google translate
primary\*.* - files for the primary zone (ud), mainly for different boot loaders, while image disks can put and here. Iso-files put here is not recommended 
syslinux\ldlinux.bin - syslinux-loader for a special approach, and therefore a separate directory.
All files in the directories (and subdirectories) extended\, primary\, syslinux\ will be placed in the zone (ud) 
There are some peculiarities. First about the zone (ud) besides from fbinst, FbinstTool grub4dos and no one knows, respectively, neither Windows, or Linux, or DOS from there no load can not, take this.
Second: for the normal operation of a loader ntldr boot.ini file you need to see the data (ie in the visible section), its contents can be like this:

[boot loader]  


default= C:\grldr  

[operating systems] 


C:\boot\plop\plpbtldr.bin="PLoP Boot Manager 5.05"

Please note, this is a special ntldr with integrated ntdetect.com, normal ntldr from the zone (ud) will not work correctly if there ntdetect.com near boot.ini
Third: for syslinux in the visible area must be a directory /syslinux or /boot/syslinux with the relevant syslinux-files, and its configuration.

If not specified drive to work, it will be executed automatically attempt to find a USB-drive ... If the disk set forcibly, then no search will not run.
I honestly do not know how to behave automatic search if you use multiple flash drives simultaneously, but in any case, the script will wait for the latest USB-drive, so that the HDD connected to IDE or SATA drive, with automatic recognition is not exactly hurt)))

If the zone (ud) on a flash drive there, the request for formatting will not be issued ... Use in this case fbinst.cmd --format. Maybe you need to change the options in the file format.ini to save large files in the zone (ud).

Some images:
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Files to download:
http://www.mediafire...pty.7z (2,40Mb)
http://www.mediafire...nst.7z (70,4Mb)

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