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  • Submitted: Sep 20 2022 03:03 AM
  • Last Updated: Oct 11 2022 12:42 AM
  • File Size: 14.59MB
  • Views: 2434
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Download Integrate grub4dos UEFI and MBR in Ventoy devices v1.2

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ventoy grub4dos mbr grub4dos uefi

Integrate grub4dos UEFI and MBR in Ventoy devices:

Ventoy is an excellent tool for booting Windows and Linux ISO files, and Filedisk boot Windows and Linux VHDs.

But when dealing with Windows VHDs there are certain features Ventoy lacks:

Boot VHDs in RAM.
Boot and Ramboot VHDs installed in Wimboot mode (especially from a USB device).
Boot and Ramboot WinPEs flat installed VHDs, in Compact LZX or Wimboot mode.

This project was made with the idea to add to our Ventoy USB device all features Ventoy lacks, and improve the versatility of our multiboot USB device, by means of chainloading to grub4dos for MBR/CSM or UEFI respectively, that works fantastic when dealing with Windows OS installed VHDs.

Just extract the content of each 7.z file in the respective partition, a complete Layout with some empty folders will be avilable in your Ventoy partition, each folder has instructions to use.

To also integrate alive's grub2 File Manager see instructions in agFM folder.

alive's grub2 File Manager can be loaded directly from Ventoy Menu, or from grub4dos in MBR and UEFI environments.


When extracting the Ventoy_partition.7z, in case you are adding it to your current alredy made Ventoy USB device with all your ISOs and VHDs, allready there, there will be no problem, to preserve your personal settings in your ventoy.json, file, it is not present in this package.

But the Ventoy_partition\ventoy\ventoy_grub.cfg file needs to be overwritten, (or at least manually edited adding the content of the new version), as the new ventoy_grub.cfg file is where are located the commands to chainload to grub4dos for MBR and UEFI respectively.

Grub4dos MBR and UEFI versions and their respective menu.lst config files will be available when booting from Ventoy, just by pressing F6 and selecting to run.

Also the Ventoy plugins for booting WinPEs and Win10 VHDs were included for users convenience.

Additionally my FD-VHD-Loader-USB_x64 and Load_Ramdisk_x64 programs are available to be run on demand, from Ventoy partition root, instructions into VHD_from_USB and RamDisk folders respectively.

NOTE-2: Load_Ramdisk_x64 program requires to have previously installed ImDisk v2.1.1 by Olof Lagerkvist, or as a bare minimum v2.0.10 into your WinPE or VHD to make use of it.

NOTE-3: Users can update anytime the Verntoy version, all the content of VTOYEFI_partition, will be deleted and replaced by the new version, so it will be necessary to extract again the content of VTOYEFI_partition.7z, to that partition, in new v1.2 all secondary UEFI grub4dos menus have being moved to Ventoy_partition, to preserve them from deletion, making easier keep user changes/editions to them.

Integrate grub4dos to Ventoy USB v1.2.7z >>> Pasword = alacran

Hope you enjoy it as I do.


What's New in Version v1.2 (See full changelog)

  • v1.1 UEFI grub4dos secondary menus moved to Ventoy partition, optionally integrate "alive's grub2 File Manager".
  • v1.2 ntloader secondary menus were unified.
  • Entries for Linux_VHD(s) moved from both menu.lst to new secondary menus to avoid editing both menu.lst.
  • .ventoyignore file was added to RamDisk and VHD_from_USB folders to avoid listing their content to be loaded by Ventoy.
  • Now both partitions are easily identified by means of Ventoy icon.



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