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Win8 on ARM devices

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#1 Brito


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Posted 13 May 2012 - 05:51 PM

The next generation Windows will be supported on ARM tablets, however I stumbled on this interesting declaration:

If we enabled the broad porting of existing code we would fail to deliver on our commitment to longer battery life, predictable performance, and especially a reliable experience over time. The conventions used by today's Windows apps do not necessarily provide this, whether it is background processes, polling loops, timers, system hooks, startup programs, registry changes, kernel mode code, admin rights, unsigned drivers, add-ins, or a host of other common techniques.


Our work will get even more difficult, perhaps even considered as "clandestine" or not available to end-users if only "toy" programs from the Windows Store can be installed on devices.

Things like running programs with admin privileges seems headed to the need of "rooting" the device as needed on current smartphones for google and apple.

#2 MedEvil


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Posted 13 May 2012 - 06:23 PM

I never understood the willingness of people to put themselfs in chains, just to feel safe.
But that's, how the majority of people rolls.

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#3 u2o


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Posted 14 May 2012 - 05:18 AM

For portable devices with minimalist features, I think it will apply... but no for desktops computers or laptops.
Windows 8 will be the most flamboyant failure of Microsoft. If the system (and/or hardware) conditions the use of software, I think many people will be no happy with it.

#4 TheHive


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Posted 14 May 2012 - 06:30 AM

So the Windows 8 version for ARM is going to be limited. Thats shouldnt be a big deal. ARM is not an X86 or x64 based PC system or tablet. Logical if you ask me. Since The Windows 8 ARM version is meant to compete with IOS and Adroid devices. Plus they dont have a need to support legacy Software there. Windows 8 ARM will be used on Phones, tablets, and or, other similar devices. Battery life will need to be very good in order to compete with other OS's available on these other devices. Just dont limit the Os on intel or amd versions.

That is why i'll probably be going for a Windows 8 x86 or x64 version on a hybrid Tablet or PC. We just need Intel and AMD to push out some good processors wich use less power and create less heat. As they are doing according to some news reports. Oh! and add some good gpu video.

For portable devices with minimalist features, I think it will apply... but no for desktops computers or laptops.


#5 TheHive


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Posted 14 May 2012 - 06:55 AM


The first wave of Intel-based Windows 8 tablets are expected to land in retail stores in November, a source familiar with device makers' plans told CNET.
"The schedule is tight," said the source. "Looking at what Windows is trying to achieve not only with a new OS, but a new OS that needs to run four to five architectures -- three ARM, Intel, and AMD," according to the source.

And don't expect just tablets. "More than 50 percent" of the "more than a dozen" designs will be hybrids, aka convertibles, the source said. Those designs combine aspects of a traditional physical keyboard-based laptop and tablet.

Heck! no. Will expect more hybrids then just mere simple tablets.

#6 MedEvil


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Posted 14 May 2012 - 01:37 PM

Windows 8 will be the most flamboyant failure of Microsoft.

It's high time too for another one. Windows ME and Vista are already almost forgotten! ;)


#7 Brito


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Posted 14 May 2012 - 02:12 PM

This does seem to be a pattern. I'm really happy to be doing my software in Java nowadays, not worried about whichever CPU or OS it will be running on.

#8 MedEvil


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Posted 14 May 2012 - 03:47 PM

I would worry very much, when running your program on a 486 or a real time OS. ;)


#9 Zac Bowden

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Posted 14 May 2012 - 04:00 PM

Well, I thought the iPad was restricted, since we can't run any old app from the internet, it has to be downloaded from the App Store (or Cydia)

So why are people upset about restrictions on Windows on ARM? It's the same as the iPad! I think we'll get people who can "hack" an alternative 3rd party store onto the system like Cydia on iPad.

#10 MedEvil


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Posted 14 May 2012 - 05:15 PM

I would love to know, why people even buy such cripple-ware?
It's not like those things are soo especialy cheap, that even with the investment of own sparetime, to get it to work properly, it would still be a good deal.

It's a really, really bad deal to start with, imo.


#11 Tripredacus


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Posted 14 May 2012 - 06:39 PM

How longer before someone creates an x86 Windows emulator for ARM that lets you run regular desktop programs? It probably wouldn't be let in the Metro Store, so someone will have to figure out how to copy apps onto an ARM PC so you could run it.

#12 u2o


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Posted 16 May 2012 - 08:19 AM

So why are people upset about restrictions on Windows on ARM? It's the same as the iPad! I think we'll get people who can "hack" an alternative 3rd party store onto the system like Cydia on iPad.

The problem is dependency, and as the internet today (politically controlled by the U.S.), I think there will be no such freedom in the future, nor adequate access to information ... For this we need be independent from all DNS of U.S..

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