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File missing or Space unavalaible on USB key after creating boot VistaPE11

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#1 denistr2379

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Posted 06 May 2008 - 01:14 PM

Need help to undersatnd this situaton. I have a 4g USB key. I compile a VistaPe11 project and save it to my USB key. After that I mignt copy on it a few files. But once I boot with the Key, Only 65mg out of the 4g are avalaible. And any file copied to the USB key are unavalaible. In total Commander I see drive X with 65mg space. So how can I access the remaining 3.9 g or see any file I copied to the USB key after creating the Boot KEY.

#2 ludovici


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Posted 06 May 2008 - 06:09 PM

Please excuse my english as I speak french

Hello denistr2379,

You have maybe build your vistape version 11 without y: option.
I have no probleme with the option Y: to update files,
How have you create your vistape project ?
(I think it's normal because vista is installed under x: with the ram disk option just, the free space is create by FWBF...)

Tu as peut etre fait ton vistape sans l'option y: au départ, j'ai moi meme fait un vistape avec le y: ou sont stocker mes programmes.
Je peux les ajouter normalement.
(Je pense que c'est normal car vistape s'installe sous x: et reserve tel ou tel espace de libre préciser par la fonction FBWF au départ aussi sous vistape version 11)


#3 denistr2379

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Posted 06 May 2008 - 09:21 PM

:lol: Thank for your reply Ludovici,

But I beleive I have perhaps explained my problem incorrectly. Well let"s for now assume I am not using Y switch. Now I have to USB key. One 8g and one 4g. I compile my VistaPE project using forcing every program in ram and copy to USB. Once this is done, both key start well. But when exploring my key ( Drive X:) from VistaPE environnemnent using Commander for example, both USB KEY report to have only 65mb of free space. ( When I boot from one key and try again with the other one). The only exception is my 8g key.After a while once every background process for loading VistaPE are completed, I get another Drive letter ex: K for the remaning space of my key avalaible. But this is not happening qith my 4g USB key. Only 65mb avalaible.
Hopefully it make sense.

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