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grub2 and wimboot can't load startup.bat

Best Answer alacran , 12 June 2022 - 01:03 AM

@ jakub.j


Also if you prefer, you can install dikmod to 7 and 8.x boot.wim files.


Please see this topic about installing diskmod to my old WinPEs



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#1 jakub.j



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Posted 29 May 2022 - 03:05 PM



I have USB 3.0 pendrive with installed grub2 bios. I have wimboot files from this site:




That is my function to boot Windows with wimboot:



function wimboot {

    loopback loop $iso
    echo Using /sources/boot.wim...
    set installiso=$iso
    save_env installiso

    linux16 /wimboot/wimboot
    initrd16 \
    newc:bootmgr:(loop)/bootmgr \
    newc:winpeshl.ini:/wimboot/winpeshl.ini \
    newc:null.cfg:/wimboot/null.cfg \
    newc:startup.bat:/$folder/startup.bat \
    newc:boot.wim:(loop)/sources/boot.wim \
    newc:bcd:(loop)/boot/bcd \
    drivemap -s hd0 hd1


And example entry to select in menu:



if cpuid -l; then

menuentry "Windows 8.1 2021 64bit"     {

   if [ "$grub_platform" = "pc" ]; then
    set folder="W864"
    set iso="/Windows/$folder.iso"

    if [ "$grub_platform" = "efi" ]; then
    echo Nothing to do




My problem:


Windows 10 32-bit and 64-bit work correctly, but Windows 7 SP1 (both versions with USB3 drivers) and Windows 8.1 can't find startup.bat:


ERROR – could not find \W864\startup.bat on any drive!


This is W10 bat file (works):



@echo off

TITLE %~dpnx0 (WIMBOOT startup.bat)
REM prevent wpeinit from running again
ren X:\windows\system32\wpeinit.exe wpeinit.exe.old
for %%I in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%I:\W1064\startup.bat set USBDRIVE=%%I:
IF "%USBDRIVE%"=="" (
echo ERROR – could not find \W1064\startup.bat on any drive!
@echo on
for %%I in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%I:\W1064\startup.bat set USBDRIVE=%%I:
goto :EOF
color 1f
FOR /L %%A IN (0,1,5000) DO ECHO NOTHING > nul
cd /d %USBDRIVE%\
set MYISO=/Windows/W1064.iso
echo MYISO sets as %MYISO%
echo Looking for X:\Windows\System32\null.cfg contents...
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%a in ('find "installiso=" X:\Windows\System32\null.cfg') do set isopath=%%b
REM change linux forward slash to Windows backslash
set string1=%isopath:/=\%
if exist "%USBDRIVE%%string1%" set MYISO=%string1%
if not exist "%USBDRIVE%%MYISO%" if exist X:\Windows\System32\null.cfg type X:\Windows\System32\null.cfg
if not exist "%USBDRIVE%%MYISO%" echo ERROR: Can’t find %USBDRIVE%%MYISO% && pause && goto :EOF
if exist "%USBDRIVE%%MYISO%" echo Loading %USBDRIVE%%MYISO%...
REM Load ISO using ImDisk
call \wimboot\imdisk\IMDISK_install.cmd
call \wimboot\imdisk\IMDISK_instiso.cmd
REM Find mounted DVD drive
FOR %%D IN (A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO (
DIR %%D:\SOURCES\install.* > nul 2>&1 && (call set DVDDRIVE=%%D:) && echo FOUND %%D:\SOURCES\install.*
FOR %%D IN (A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO (
DIR %%D:\SOURCES\x86\install.* > nul 2>&1 && (call set DVDDRIVE=%%D:) && echo FOUND %%D:\SOURCES\x86\install.*
FOR %%D IN (A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO (
DIR %%D:\SOURCES\x64\install.* > nul 2>&1 && (call set DVDDRIVE=%%D:) && echo FOUND %%D:\SOURCES\x64\install.*
FOR %%D IN (A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO (
DIR %%D:\x86\SOURCES\install.* > nul 2>&1 && (call set DVDDRIVE=%%D:) && echo FOUND %%D:\x86\SOURCES\install.*
FOR %%D IN (A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO (
DIR %%D:\x64\SOURCES\install.* > nul 2>&1 && (call set DVDDRIVE=%%D:) && echo FOUND %%D:\x64\SOURCES\install.*
IF "%DVDDRIVE%"=="" echo WARNING: install.* not found on any mounted volume.
IF "%DVDDRIVE%"=="" pause
ver | find " 10."  && set WINVER=10
ver | find " 6.2." && set WINVER=8
ver | find " 6.3." && set WINVER=8
ver | find " 6.1." && set WINVER=7
set R=
set S=
set M=
if exist X:\sources\recovery\startrep.exe if "%WINVER%"=="7" echo REPAIR (startrep.exe) found & set S=1
if exist X:\sources\recovery\recenv.exe                      echo RECOVERY ENVIRONMENT (recenv.exe) found & set R=1
if exist X:\sources\recovery\tools\MSDartTools.exe           echo MSDaRT (MSDartTools.exe) found &  set M=1
echo ********** REPAIR WINDOWS? ************
if "%S%"=="1" echo S = Repair Windows  (Startup Repair)
if "%R%"=="1" echo R = Recover Windows (Startup Repair, System Restore, etc.)
if "%M%"=="1" echo M = MSDaRT          (Microsoft Diagnostics)
echo N = Install Windows (Windows Setup)
if "%R%"=="1" if not "%WINVER%"=="7" echo NOTE: Startup Repair may crash for Win8/10!
set /P ASK="Choose an option (press [ENTER] or N to Install Windows)? : "
if /I "%ASK%"=="R" start /w X:\sources\recovery\recenv.exe
if /I "%ASK%"=="S" start /w X:\sources\recovery\startrep.exe
if /I "%ASK%"=="M" start /w X:\sources\recovery\tools\MSDartTools
REM startnet.cmd normally only contains wpeinit.exe, custom ISOs may contain other commands, so try to run them
if exist X:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\startnet.cmd call cmd /c X:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\startnet.cmd
if not exist X:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\startup.bat exit
IF "%DVDDRIVE%"=="" cmd
REM X:\Sources\setup.exe /Unattend:%E2BDRIVE%\AutoUnattend.xml
REM X:\Setup.exe will allow the repair option, X:\Sources\Setup.exe will directly run Setup


And W8 bat (fails):



@echo off

TITLE %~dpnx0 (WIMBOOT startup.bat)
REM prevent wpeinit from running again
ren X:\windows\system32\wpeinit.exe wpeinit.exe.old
for %%I in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%I:\W864\startup.bat set USBDRIVE=%%I:
IF "%USBDRIVE%"=="" (
echo ERROR – could not find \W864\startup.bat on any drive!  <-- Fails here
@echo on
for %%I in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%I:\W864\startup.bat set USBDRIVE=%%I:
goto :EOF
color 1f
FOR /L %%A IN (0,1,5000) DO ECHO NOTHING > nul
cd /d %USBDRIVE%\
set MYISO=/Windows/W864.iso
echo MYISO sets as %MYISO%
echo Looking for X:\Windows\System32\null.cfg contents...
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%a in ('find "installiso=" X:\Windows\System32\null.cfg') do set isopath=%%b
REM change linux forward slash to Windows backslash
set string1=%isopath:/=\%
if exist "%USBDRIVE%%string1%" set MYISO=%string1%
if not exist "%USBDRIVE%%MYISO%" if exist X:\Windows\System32\null.cfg type X:\Windows\System32\null.cfg
if not exist "%USBDRIVE%%MYISO%" echo ERROR: Can’t find %USBDRIVE%%MYISO% && pause && goto :EOF
if exist "%USBDRIVE%%MYISO%" echo Loading %USBDRIVE%%MYISO%...
REM Load ISO using ImDisk
call \wimboot\imdisk\IMDISK_install.cmd
call \wimboot\imdisk\IMDISK_instiso.cmd
REM Find mounted DVD drive
FOR %%D IN (A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO (
DIR %%D:\SOURCES\install.* > nul 2>&1 && (call set DVDDRIVE=%%D:) && echo FOUND %%D:\SOURCES\install.*
FOR %%D IN (A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO (
DIR %%D:\SOURCES\x86\install.* > nul 2>&1 && (call set DVDDRIVE=%%D:) && echo FOUND %%D:\SOURCES\x86\install.*
FOR %%D IN (A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO (
DIR %%D:\SOURCES\x64\install.* > nul 2>&1 && (call set DVDDRIVE=%%D:) && echo FOUND %%D:\SOURCES\x64\install.*
FOR %%D IN (A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO (
DIR %%D:\x86\SOURCES\install.* > nul 2>&1 && (call set DVDDRIVE=%%D:) && echo FOUND %%D:\x86\SOURCES\install.*
FOR %%D IN (A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO (
DIR %%D:\x64\SOURCES\install.* > nul 2>&1 && (call set DVDDRIVE=%%D:) && echo FOUND %%D:\x64\SOURCES\install.*
IF "%DVDDRIVE%"=="" echo WARNING: install.* not found on any mounted volume.
IF "%DVDDRIVE%"=="" pause
ver | find " 10."  && set WINVER=10
ver | find " 6.2." && set WINVER=8
ver | find " 6.3." && set WINVER=8
ver | find " 6.1." && set WINVER=7
set R=
set S=
set M=
if exist X:\sources\recovery\startrep.exe if "%WINVER%"=="7" echo REPAIR (startrep.exe) found & set S=1
if exist X:\sources\recovery\recenv.exe                      echo RECOVERY ENVIRONMENT (recenv.exe) found & set R=1
if exist X:\sources\recovery\tools\MSDartTools.exe           echo MSDaRT (MSDartTools.exe) found &  set M=1
echo ********** REPAIR WINDOWS? ************
if "%S%"=="1" echo S = Repair Windows  (Startup Repair)
if "%R%"=="1" echo R = Recover Windows (Startup Repair, System Restore, etc.)
if "%M%"=="1" echo M = MSDaRT          (Microsoft Diagnostics)
echo N = Install Windows (Windows Setup)
if "%R%"=="1" if not "%WINVER%"=="7" echo NOTE: Startup Repair may crash for Win8/10!
set /P ASK="Choose an option (press [ENTER] or N to Install Windows)? : "
if /I "%ASK%"=="R" start /w X:\sources\recovery\recenv.exe
if /I "%ASK%"=="S" start /w X:\sources\recovery\startrep.exe
if /I "%ASK%"=="M" start /w X:\sources\recovery\tools\MSDartTools
REM startnet.cmd normally only contains wpeinit.exe, custom ISOs may contain other commands, so try to run them
if exist X:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\startnet.cmd call cmd /c X:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\startnet.cmd
if not exist X:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\startup.bat exit
IF "%DVDDRIVE%"=="" cmd
REM X:\Sources\setup.exe /Unattend:%E2BDRIVE%\AutoUnattend.xml
REM X:\Setup.exe will allow the repair option, X:\Sources\Setup.exe will directly run Setup


Files with wimboot is on second (NTFS) partition:


/W764/startup.bat (and more folders for W8 and W10)

/Windows/Windows_ISOs (W732.iso, W764.iso etc.)








Edited by jakub.j, 29 May 2022 - 03:06 PM.

#2 steve6375


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Posted 29 May 2022 - 03:30 PM

Can windows setup see the usb drive?

#3 jakub.j



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Posted 29 May 2022 - 03:58 PM

I can't check it by diskpart because i can only "Press any key to reboot...". I will test another isos.

#4 steve6375


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Posted 29 May 2022 - 04:03 PM

Run diskpart from startup.bat to display all drives.
I suspect usb 3 drivers are missing from win7/8

echo List Disk
) | diskpart

#5 jakub.j



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Posted 29 May 2022 - 06:30 PM

Diskpart in Windows 7 x64 show all disks. On USB i have dwo 0 partition (zero is number). Booting from USB 2.0 not working. Change ISO of Windows 8.1 don't work too. My version of Windows 7 should includes USB 3 drivers: https://basewin.pl/7mod1

#6 steve6375


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Posted 29 May 2022 - 06:44 PM

So you are saying that you boot to the Win7 x64 Setup from ISO and perform a Diskpart command and the USB drive is listed?

Does it have a drive letter?

So why not do a dir command on the USB drive?

show a screenshot here...

#7 jakub.j



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Posted 30 May 2022 - 07:00 PM

On USB i have 3 partitions: bootloader grub2 in FAT32, isos in ntfs and unpacked WIN10XPE in FAT32.


This is after normal boot:




This is diskpart:




Well... I can select #0 partiton but... Which #0?

#8 steve6375


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Posted 30 May 2022 - 07:30 PM

The USB drive seems to be corrupt?

Can you use Drive Info - 0  with RMPrepUSB.exe to view the data in sector LBA0 and look at the partition table?

It does not seem right.

Did you try a Dir command  to list the  ISO file on the USB drive?


If it is a Removable flash drive, Windows 7/8 will only 'see' the first partition, but Windows 10 will see all partitions.

So to work under win7/8 you need to ensure that the ISO and start.bat, etc. are on the first partition in the MBR partition table.

#9 jakub.j



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Posted 31 May 2022 - 05:21 PM

Yes, it is removable flash drive. I moved startup.bat files to first partition with grub:




Startup.bat work, but can't see ISO file. I can't move iso files of Windows because size is more than 4 Gb (too big for FAT32 file system). 

#10 steve6375


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Posted 31 May 2022 - 05:49 PM

Yes, as I said, there is something wrong with the partition table on your usb drive.
There should not be two partition 0s.
Please use rmprepusb drive info and show the MBR contents.

#11 Wonko the Sane

Wonko the Sane

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Posted 01 June 2022 - 07:36 AM

If it is a Removable flash drive, Windows 7/8 will only 'see' the first partition, but Windows 10 will see all partitions.

So to work under win7/8 you need to ensure that the ISO and start.bat, etc. are on the first partition in the MBR partition table.




Otherwise you need to add/install/integrate a special filter driver that allows Windows 7 to see removable drives as fixed (and thus see the second partition).


There are a few of these drivers, namely cfadisk.sys, dummy.sys and most recent/should work fine on 7, this one (diskmod by karyonix):


which has also other features.




#12 alacran


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Posted 01 June 2022 - 05:46 PM

Additional info about diskmod.sys filter driver by karyonix, Including the signed version from paraglider.:


Download page:  diskmod


Support topic: http://reboot.pro/in...showtopic=22249



#13 jakub.j



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Posted 01 June 2022 - 06:14 PM

This is from disk info:




RMPARTUSB v2.1.753 ©2022 RM Education plc [SSi]
Accessing Drive 2 - "SanDisk Ultra USB 30" (61,530,439,680 bytes)
Sector at LBA 0
============= SECTOR DATA ================
[Sector 0]  0MB
0000 EB 63 90 5C 80 00 20 39 - FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00  .c.\.. 9 ........
0010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ........ ........
0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ........ ........
0030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ........ ........
0040 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ........ ........
0050 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 80 01 00 00 00  ........ ........
0060 00 00 00 00 FF FA 90 90 - F6 C2 80 74 05 F6 C2 70  ........ ...t...p
0070 74 02 B2 80 EA 79 7C 00 - 00 31 C0 8E D8 8E D0 BC  t....y|. .1......
0080 00 20 FB A0 64 7C 3C FF - 74 02 88 C2 52 BE 80 7D  . ..d|<. t...R..}
0090 E8 17 01 BE 05 7C B4 41 - BB AA 55 CD 13 5A 52 72  .....|.A ..U..ZRr
00A0 3D 81 FB 55 AA 75 37 83 - E1 01 74 32 31 C0 89 44  =..U.u7. ..t21..D
00B0 04 40 88 44 FF 89 44 02 - C7 04 10 00 66 8B 1E 5C  .@.D..D. ....f..\
00C0 7C 66 89 5C 08 66 8B 1E - 60 7C 66 89 5C 0C C7 44  |f.\.f.. `|f.\..D
00D0 06 00 70 B4 42 CD 13 72 - 05 BB 00 70 EB 76 B4 08  ..p.B..r ...p.v..
00E0 CD 13 73 0D 5A 84 D2 0F - 83 D8 00 BE 8B 7D E9 82  ..s.Z... .....}..
00F0 00 66 0F B6 C6 88 64 FF - 40 66 89 44 04 0F B6 D1  .f....d. @f.D....
0100 C1 E2 02 88 E8 88 F4 40 - 89 44 08 0F B6 C2 C0 E8  .......@ .D......
0110 02 66 89 04 66 A1 60 7C - 66 09 C0 75 4E 66 A1 5C  .f..f.`| f..uNf.\
0120 7C 66 31 D2 66 F7 34 88 - D1 31 D2 66 F7 74 04 3B  |f1.f.4. .1.f.t.;
0130 44 08 7D 37 FE C1 88 C5 - 30 C0 C1 E8 02 08 C1 88  D.}7.... 0.......
0140 D0 5A 88 C6 BB 00 70 8E - C3 31 DB B8 01 02 CD 13  .Z....p. .1......
0150 72 1E 8C C3 60 1E B9 00 - 01 8E DB 31 F6 BF 00 80  r...`... ...1....
0160 8E C6 FC F3 A5 1F 61 FF - 26 5A 7C BE 86 7D EB 03  ......a. &Z|..}..
0170 BE 95 7D E8 34 00 BE 9A - 7D E8 2E 00 CD 18 EB FE  ..}.4... }.......
0180 47 52 55 42 20 00 47 65 - 6F 6D 00 48 61 72 64 20  GRUB .Ge om.Hard 
0190 44 69 73 6B 00 52 65 61 - 64 00 20 45 72 72 6F 72  Disk.Rea d. Error
01A0 0D 0A 00 BB 01 00 B4 0E - CD 10 AC 3C 00 75 F4 C3  ........ ...<.u..
01B0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 40 54 DE 59 00 00 80 22  ........ @T.Y..."
01C0 23 00 0B 9B 02 29 80 08 - 00 00 90 2A 0A 00 00 9D  #....).. ...*....
01D0 05 29 07 FE FF FF 90 33 - 0A 00 99 61 D5 06 00 FE  .).....3 ...a....
01E0 FF FF 07 FE FF FF C0 BF - E9 06 00 00 40 00 00 00  ........ ....@...
01F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 AA  ........ ......U.
[Sector 1]  0MB
0200 52 56 BE 1B 81 E8 39 01 - 5E BF F4 81 66 8B 2D 83  RV....9. ^...f.-.
0210 7D 08 00 0F 84 E2 00 80 - 7C FF 00 74 46 66 8B 1D  }....... |..tFf..
0220 66 8B 4D 04 66 31 C0 B0 - 7F 39 45 08 7F 03 8B 45  f.M.f1.. .9E....E
0230 08 29 45 08 66 01 05 66 - 83 55 04 00 C7 04 10 00  .)E.f..f .U......
0240 89 44 02 66 89 5C 08 66 - 89 4C 0C C7 44 06 00 70  .D.f.\.f .L..D..p
0250 50 C7 44 04 00 00 B4 42 - CD 13 0F 82 AF 00 BB 00  P.D....B ........
0260 70 EB 66 66 8B 45 04 66 - 09 C0 0F 85 97 00 66 8B  p.ff.E.f ......f.
0270 05 66 31 D2 66 F7 34 88 - 54 0A 66 31 D2 66 F7 74  .f1.f.4. T.f1.f.t
0280 04 88 54 0B 89 44 0C 3B - 44 08 7D 79 8B 04 2A 44  ..T..D.; D.}y..*D
0290 0A 39 45 08 7F 03 8B 45 - 08 29 45 08 66 01 05 66  .9E....E .)E.f..f
02A0 83 55 04 00 8A 54 0D C0 - E2 06 8A 4C 0A FE C1 08  .U...T.. ...L....
02B0 D1 8A 6C 0C 5A 52 8A 74 - 0B 50 BB 00 70 8E C3 31  ..l.ZR.t .P..p..1
02C0 DB B4 02 CD 13 72 46 8C - C3 8E 45 0A 58 C1 E0 05  .....rF. ..E.X...
02D0 01 45 0A 60 1E C1 E0 03 - 89 C1 31 FF 31 F6 8E DB  .E.`.... ..1.1...
02E0 FC F3 A5 1F BE 23 81 E8 - 57 00 61 83 7D 08 00 0F  .....#.. W.a.}...
02F0 85 24 FF 83 EF 0C E9 16 - FF BE 25 81 E8 42 00 5A  .$...... ..%..B.Z
0300 EA 00 82 00 00 BE 28 81 - E8 36 00 EB 06 BE 2D 81  ......(. .6....-.
0310 E8 2E 00 BE 32 81 E8 28 - 00 EB FE 6C 6F 61 64 69  ....2..( ...loadi
0320 6E 67 00 2E 00 0D 0A 00 - 47 65 6F 6D 00 52 65 61  ng...... Geom.Rea
0330 64 00 20 45 72 72 6F 72 - 00 BB 01 00 B4 0E CD 10  d. Error ........
0340 46 8A 04 3C 00 75 F2 C3 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  F..<.u.. ........
0350 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ........ ........
0360 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ........ ........
0370 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ........ ........
0380 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ........ ........
0390 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ........ ........
03A0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ........ ........
03B0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ........ ........
03C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ........ ........
03D0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ........ ........
03E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ........ ........
03F0 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 71 00 20 08  ........ ....q. .
========= END OF SECTOR DATA ================
Disk Signature bytes (1B8h-1BBh) = 40 54 DE 59
Partition 1   SIZE=325,32MiB   Type: 0B FAT32 (2047GB max)  *ACTIVE*
START POS   = CYL:0 HD:34 SEC:35       END POS = CYL:41 HD:155 SEC:2
START (LBA) = 2,176 (00000880) SIZE (LBA) = 666,256 (000A2A90) [End=668,431]
Partition 2   SIZE=55980,2MiB   Type: 07 NTFS\exFAT       
START POS   = CYL:41 HD:157 SEC:5       END POS = CYL:1023 HD:254 SEC:63
START (LBA) = 668,560 (000A3390) SIZE (LBA) = 114,647,449 (06D56199) [End=115,316,008]
Partition 3   SIZE=2048MiB   Type: 07 NTFS\exFAT       
START POS   = CYL:1023 HD:254 SEC:63       END POS = CYL:1023 HD:254 SEC:63
START (LBA) = 115,982,272 (06E9BFC0) SIZE (LBA) = 4,194,304 (00400000) [End=120,176,575]
Partition 4   SIZE=0MiB   Type: 00        
START POS   = CYL:0 HD:0 SEC:0       END POS = CYL:0 HD:0 SEC:0
START (LBA) = 0 (00000000) SIZE (LBA) = 0 (00000000)
P1   Start=2,176 (1,114,112 bytes) End=668,431 (342,236,672 bytes)
P2   Start=668,560 (342,302,720 bytes) End=115,316,008 (59,041,796,096 bytes)
P3   Start=115,982,272 (59,382,923,264 bytes) End=120,176,575 (61,530,406,400 bytes)
Drive 2  SanDisk Ultra USB 30  F/W Rev.=100  Serial No.=01011e70 [ bytes = 30 31 30 31 31 65 37 30 ]
Reported size 61,530,439,680 bytes (57.3046GiB)  Last LBA 120,176,639
RMPrepUSB Max 61,516,869,120 bytes (57.2920GiB)  Last LBA 120,150,134


I will check diskmod.

#14 steve6375


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Posted 01 June 2022 - 06:30 PM

Ok, well the first ptn is the fat ptn so that explains why winpe 7/8 will not see the NTFS partition with the iso files
You can use the tab in rmprepusb to reorder partition 2 and swap it with partition 1. It will set the accessible ptn.

#15 jakub.j



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Posted 06 June 2022 - 06:36 PM

Diskmod doesn't work on my USB Drive. In rmprepusb use Set Windows accessible partition and everything works.

#16 jakub.j



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Posted 11 June 2022 - 12:00 PM

I have problem with swapping partition - i can't boot grub2 in uefi :(. I install diskmod and usb drive is view as hard drive, but Windows 7 installer can't find volume with iso files so it can't find startup.bat too.

#17 steve6375


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Posted 11 June 2022 - 03:10 PM

Does win7 have the diskmod driver applied also?³

#18 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 11 June 2022 - 03:21 PM

I have problem with swapping partition - i can't boot grub2 in uefi :(. I install diskmod and usb drive is view as hard drive, but Windows 7 installer can't find volume with iso files so it can't find startup.bat too.

You can try installing it "on the fly" from the ramdisk in the running setup PE, see cdob's post here:





#19 alacran


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Posted 12 June 2022 - 01:03 AM   Best Answer

@ jakub.j


Also if you prefer, you can install dikmod to 7 and 8.x boot.wim files.


Please see this topic about installing diskmod to my old WinPEs



#20 jakub.j



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Posted 12 June 2022 - 11:33 AM

Does win7 have the diskmod driver applied also?³


Yes, but it didn't work



You can try installing it "on the fly" from the ramdisk in the running setup PE, see cdob's post here:






Hmm... I never do that



@ jakub.j


Also if you prefer, you can install dikmod to 7 and 8.x boot.wim files.


Please see this topic about installing diskmod to my old WinPEs




Now works. Thank you. I got to know new program to edit Windows iso files NTLite :)

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