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[PortableApps] [App Scripts] Guide1/2/3 + considerations

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#1 rawr


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Posted 14 August 2008 - 03:23 PM


App scripts, Be careful in developing
in short

Before you publish an app script:
Test it in a minimum configuration of nativeEx_barebone or a similar 'low level' project!

App Scripts Guide-1

App Scripts Guide-2

App Scripts Guide-3
(Registry- boot-land.net/forums/?showtopic=5518)

Some files have to be registered as InProcServer32 in the PE's registry.
One possible way is to do it at boot time by using regsvr32.exe.
That works fine; but the disadvantage is that it is done at every boot.
And if there are a lot of entries, boot time will increase remarkably.
Therefore many developers prefer to register at build time.

RegisterServer, Small Tutorial

maby the links are usfull to have in this section as they relate to adding aplication's in to aproject

also (ihave added (EG) link/s,nuno's quote below)

Simple programs that fit on this tutorial are those that match the following restrictions:

- Have few files
- Don't require registry keys
- Don't require additional files on the system32 folder
- Don't require registration of any DLL/OCX activeX dependency
- Don't require any file associations and such (file associations:EG)

This may seem like a long list of restrictions but many small sized programs will fit nicely on this category.

list of restrictions (for basic appScripts) should become a list of links to technique's (for more advanced appScripts )
showing 'how to' instead of 'Don't require' ,

eg 'how to : registration of any DLL/OCX activeX dependency' . . .
DLL/OCX-dependency registration (REGSVR32.EXE -http:// support.microsoft.com/kb/249873)
registry below to add 'register/unregister' to right click menu

; ActiveX DLLs




@="Register ActiveX DLL"


@="regsvr32.exe \"%L\""


@="Unregister ActiveX DLL"


@="regsvr32.exe /u \"%L\""

; ActiveX Controls




@="Register OCX Control"


@="regsvr32.exe \"%L\""


@="Unregister OCX Control"


@="regsvr32.exe /u \"%L\""

; ActiveX EXEs




@="Register ActiveX EXE"


@="\"%L\" /regserver"


@="Unregister Active EXE"


@="\"%L\" /unregserver"

#2 TheHive


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Posted 16 August 2008 - 06:38 AM

Good advice! Have to pin it.

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