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Make your own updated (x86+x64) esd(s), to install OS(s) from USB

win7 win8.1 win10 usb install

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#1 alacran


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Posted 29 September 2018 - 08:09 AM

This is my collection of tools I use to offline update the install.wim files, and latter make multi-architecture (x86 and x64) install.esd files for each OS (7, 8.1 and 10), to let all them fit on a 16 GB FAT32 USB (2.0 or 3.0) stick and even have some extra GBs free.


Of course you must have required original Isos to make use of this.

My tools:

 I use some programs and batch files to update the .wim files as:


I strongly suggest to download all required files/folders and read authors instructions before start doing anything.

1 - WHDownloader from Alphawaves to download Updates directly from MS servers:



You need to extract WHDownloader on a folder on your PC (preferable on the root of a partition and do not use spaces on folder name).

See first OPTIONAL note No.8 at the end for additional info before downloading update lists.


Latter just run the program and download all Updates you previously selected (read carefully the info for each one, some are problematic like those to forced update to Win10).


2 - Also to install updates offline on .wim or on actual running OS, from abbodi1406 batch scripts you need: Windows 10 Updates Installer, WHD-Windows8.1-Updates-Installer,  WHD-Windows7-Updates-Installer 4.5, but for Win7 I prefer Symplix Pack from Symplix.  All this uses DISM to mount .wim and update indexes, and rebuild .wim




You need to extract the required abbodi1406 Updater(s) into WHDownloader folder located on your PC.

Just copy/move the install.wim to same folder before running the Updater batches, You may also modify them to select your prefered location for the install.wim if you want too.


3 - Optionaly if you want to remove/add something from/to .wim files as removing Apps, One Drive Desktop, Skype,
etc or adding Windows Data Deduplication, Direct X9c, enable Photoviewer, etc.. I use MSMG ToolKit from MSMG this uses DISM and wimlib-imagex




You need to extract MSMG ToolKit on a folder on your PC (preferable on the root of a partition and do not use spaces on folder name).


4 - Then to make a multi architecture install.esd you need to rename in x64 install.wim file all indexes adding x64 at the end of name/description, and latter export all or selected indexe(s) to an install.esd file to do this on a graphical environment (GUI) I use wimlib-clc from ReTokener a GUI for wimlib-imagex from Synchronicity



You need to extract wimlib-clc on a folder on your PC (preferable on the root of a partition and do not use spaces on folder name), open the folder an create a subfolder x86 or x64 (or both as required) and add libwim-15.dll and wimlib-imagex.exe (x86 or x64 versions) to the respective folder, I recommend download version 1.13 Beta 5 (the latest)


5 - BootIce 1.332 2015-02-16 from Pauly




6 - RMPrepUSB from steve6375 to prepare the USB stick:




7 - Then before start, just read carefully all readme files contained on each download and follow instuctions from the authors, all instructions are very clear and easy to follow.


8 - OPTIONAL: If you as me prefer to do not install updates after December 2017 (on January started all the messed updates for MeltDown and Spectre), Do not update the Updates lists on WHDownloader, fortunately I keept a copy of December 2017 Updates list:




Just extract the 7z content on WHDownloader folder.


9 -Use WinNTSetup  from JFX to install OSs:



You need to expand it on a folder on your PC and run it at least once to let it download some files/folders from MS servers, latter just copy it to your USB where you have your WinPEs and all .esd files on a folder for each one.


NOTE: For using majority of this tools it is better to disable AV and right click and run all of them as Administrator, what I do is create shortcuts on desktop and modify them to run as Administrator to do not forget it, also have all of them togeter and easy available.

Also as some Update tools and create a install.esd require high CPU and RAM usage I strongly recommend do not run any other program (including internet browser) when they are running.


IMPORTANT: When using MSMG ToolKit, at the time you will apply all changes and dismount the .wim image it is better DO NOT have any other window or program running, DISM is very prone to create troubles if you do not follow this instruction, the batch has code to prevent this issue every time you quit and run it, but it is better to be on the safe side.


I hope this info about this great tools for update OSs offline and latter install them may be useful for you.


The other forum (MDL) requires to make an accout to view some posts/links, I put all links to source to give proper credit to all authors of this GREAT tools, but there are links available for dowloads on the post for your convenience.


EDIT: See this thread for additional info and updated links to download useful tools: http://reboot.pro/to...sible-on-win10/


Best Regards



Edited by alacran, 27 July 2020 - 04:11 PM.

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#2 alacran


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Posted 29 September 2018 - 09:03 AM

There are available tree diferent approaches to make almost automatically a multiboot USB:


1 - WinSetupFromUSB (sorry but I can't find author name on new page, but on MSFN there is an old thread from ilko_t), this was the first in doing this, it started as a batch file and finaly got a GUI, I haven't used it since long time ago, but AFAIR it used to extract the content of the install Isos on a subfolder and run the install from it. This approach is not useful for our actual procedure, but it deserves to be listed here as it was the first tool to install OSs from USB, actual site is: http://www.winsetupfromusb.com/
2 - Easy2Boot (from steve6375) this is a very good tool, and has tons of info on his site: http://www.easy2boot.com/
3 - AIO Boot (from Tu Nguyen) this is a very good tool too: https://www.aioboot.com/en/
Both make a multi bootable USB, Easy2Boot uses usually grub4dos as boot manager, but also has other boot manager options, AIO Boot uses usually Grub2 as boot manager but also have several other options.
Both make automatically the menu.lst and config files respectively, and both let you install from the stick booting from a WinPE and running WinNTSetup.
But for the pourpose of this thread, it seems to me both are overloaded of options we do not need for this task.
That's why I suggested using RMPrepUSB to format the USB and add grub4dos as MBR and grldr file to single first active partition root, only thing we need to add is our menu.lst to let us select the WinPE we want to boot.
This is an example of menu.lst, to boot Isos located into Iso folder, just copy and save as menu.lst



Actually the defragmentation of Iso files is not required if using grub4dos 046a (RMPrepUSB uses grub4dos 046a). I can confirm this as I have booted from Isos with several fragments, AFAIR 4 fragments.

But it is required for grub4dos 045c (not recomended to use this anymore).


Additionally you may install grub4dos yourself if you prefer:


grub4dos-0.4.6a: http://grub4dos.chen...egories/0-4-6a/


grub4dos-0.4.6a-2018-09-19 (last version) download: http://dl.grub4dos.c...a-2018-09-19.7z


You may also download the example menu.lst from attachment and just edit where required.
EDIT: I forgot to mention there is another Tool to make a multiboot USB, this is the very unique approach: UEFI MULTI from wimb


This tool let you create a USB device capable to boot on Legacy MBR and also on UEFI/GPT,  capable to boot on UEFI Secure boot.

And you may also boot several Linux distros too, directly from the iso.


Please also see: http://reboot.pro/to...sb/#entry209431



Attached Files

  • Attached File  menu.7z   661bytes   471 downloads

Edited by alacran, 26 February 2019 - 09:17 AM.

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#3 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 30 September 2018 - 02:02 PM

This approach is not useful for our actual procedure, but it deserves to be listed here as it was the first tool to install OSs from USB, actual site is: http://www.winsetupfromusb.com/

No, it wasn't. (just for the record).


It was the first one with a GUI:

as even the names says, the batches USB_MultiBoot.cmd by wimb pre-date it:


And both came out of this thread:





#4 alacran


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Posted 30 September 2018 - 04:26 PM

No, it wasn't. (just for the record).


It was the first one with a GUI:

as even the names says, the batches USB_MultiBoot.cmd by wimb pre-date it:


And both came out of this thread:






Thanks, it is good to give proper credit to developers/authors as they work very hard to make all this free tools available to us.



#5 alacran


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Posted 06 October 2018 - 07:05 PM

If you make a Win10 AIO to install using WinNTSetup, you are going to find the EULA do not show during the second reboot (settings pass="oobeSystem") and you can't go further, to avoid this issue it is necessary to use an unattend.xml file.


I have made for your convenience a very basic unattend.xml file (valid for x86 & x64 installs), you may copy, paste and save as unattend.xml or download the attachment if you prefer (it requires to be modified before using it):




And this is how to edit it for your use (required) , also included on attachment:




NOTE: You must change all mentioned fields with your own settings. For time zones valid on 10 see (use Name of Time Zone):




Hope this may be useful for some of you.


Best Regards



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#6 alacran


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Posted 07 October 2018 - 10:37 PM

If you do not want any App tiles on your 10 Start Menu, you may use this LayoutModification.xml (from abbodi1406 and modified by me), it is a requirement to have at least one short cut on it, so I selected WindowsPowerShell for this.




This has to be into "Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\"  before the first boot, so to make things easier I made an $oem$ file that allows WinNTSetup to do the job for us. You can download it from attachment.


NOTE: This do not delete the Apps or anything else during install, then Updates can be installed without any problem.


And if you like better the old style start menu you may (only or additionally) use Classic Sell, not under development anymore, but version 4.3.1 can be installed on any 8.1 &10 versions upto 10 1809 (tested by me).


Best Regards



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#7 alacran


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Posted 20 October 2018 - 10:19 AM

I want to share with you this more complete Generical Full unnatend for Win10, you need to modify it with your own data before using it, since as I said it is generical and only a guide that after editing, it will work for you.


Edit instructions are on download, there is a separated version for x86 and x64, valid for Win10 1709, and 1803; for 1809 there is a new one on following Post.





Also attached the complementary files on their respective $oem$ folder one for 1709 and another for 1803 (for 1809 see next post).





I made some minor changes to unnatend and created $oem$ folders, to make them easier to use for you.


This time you will have to download the attachments to see them, since unnatend and the other files are very long to put them in the post even in Spoilers.


This set of files disable Cortana and Edge and make IE the default browser and adds Google as the default search engine not Bing, also disable System Restore, and reenable Photoviewer default, also disable a lot of services and tasks related to telemetry, better check carefully specialize.cmd and setupcomplete.cmd and if there is something you want to keep as default just put a rem followed for a blank space where the line starts, sorry for not being more specific but all depends on user preferences. The specialize.cmd and setupcomplete.cmd especificaly for 1809 may be improved soon, (there are some new services and tasks that need to be added to both .cmd).


Please check carefully the files, or install in a virtual machine and then make notes about what you miss or would like to keep, and make required changes on the respective files before install on real PC.


NOTE: This set of files are for clean installs and works better on Pro and higher editions of 10.


EDIT: There is also a new unattend.xml and $oem$ folder especificaly for 10-1809 on following post.



Attached Files

#8 alacran


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Posted 21 October 2018 - 12:45 AM

This is new unattend and $oem$ set of files for Win10 1809, I put all of them in a single attachment, you need to modify unattend.xml with your own data before using it, since it is generical and only a guide that after editing, it will work for you. Edit instructions are on download.




I made some minor changes to unnatend and created $oem$ folder, to make it easier to use for you.


This set of files disable Cortana and Edge and make IE the default browser and adds Google as the default search engine not Bing, also disable System Restore, and reenable Photoviewer as default, also disable a lot of services and tasks related to telemetry, better check carefully specialize.cmd and setupcomplete.cmd and if there is something you want to keep as default just put a rem followed for a blank space where the line starts, sorry for not being more specific but all depends on user preferences.


Please check carefully the files, or install in a virtual machine and then make notes about what you miss or would like to keep, and make required changes on the respective files before install on real PC.

Attached Files

#9 wimb


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Posted 22 February 2019 - 08:54 AM

There are available tree diferent approaches to make almost automatically a multiboot USB:


1 - WinSetupFromUSB (sorry but I can't find author name on new page, but on MSFN there is an old thread from ilko_t), this was the first in doing this, it started as a batch file and finaly got a GUI, I haven't used it since long time ago, but AFAIR it used to extract the content of the install Isos on a subfolder and run the install from it. This approach is not useful for our actual procedure, but it deserves to be listed here as it was the first tool to install OSs from USB, actual site is: http://www.winsetupfromusb.com/
2 - Easy2Boot (from steve6375) this is a very good tool, and has tons of info on his site: http://www.easy2boot.com/
3 - AIO Boot (from Tu Nguyen) this is a very good tool too: https://www.aioboot.com/en/
Both make a multi bootable USB, Easy2Boot uses usually grub4dos as boot manager, but also has other boot manager options, AIO Boot uses usually Grub2 as boot manager but also have several other options.
Both make automatically the menu.lst and config files respectively, and both let you install from the stick booting from a WinPE and running WinNTSetup.


It is a nice topic with a lot of interesting information, but I miss in the list UEFI_MULTI which is used for


Install Windows 10 from USB after booting with WIM or VHDX


UEFI Secure Grub2 booting supports quite well Multi-Boot of Linux ISO + Windows Boot Manager for WIM and VHDX

BIOS Windows Boot Manager supports quite well Multi-Boot of WIM + VHDX + Grub4dos for Linux ISO

All boot options are made with UEFI_MULTI and are direct available on booting in BIOS or UEFI Secure mode, which is NOT the case for any of the other Tools.

#10 alacran


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Posted 23 February 2019 - 04:34 AM

@ wimb


Yes, you are right and I apologize for the omission.


Post No. 2 has been updated to include UEFI MULTI



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