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[Update] TEXTSTAT.G4B v0.8 count, print and read


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#1 deomsh


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Posted 20 January 2023 - 11:57 PM

There is an update of TEXTSTAT.G4B v0.8


I Better:

a if more than one (counted) phrase exists in same line, printed in one line (instead for each instance a new line). Most extreme example in first print-screen:


TEXTSTAT v0.8 with more counted phrases per line, printed in same line view spaces in uefi with grub4efi in VBox (128x40).jpg


BTW: first print-sctreen is with grub4efi in (crippled) text mode on VBox.


b I raised maximum file-size to 2MB


II New:

a conditional counting (and printing) with switches for [not] After and [not] Before [/][N]A:phraseA and [/][N]B:phraseB. Als offset is variable with [/]O[N]A:n and /O[N]B:n (without switch: default n=0). Also a range is possible with [/]R[N]A:n and [/]R[N]B:n


Some examples, see print-screens two and three:


TEXTSTAT v0.8 advanced counting or printing with COUNT + B + RB searching echo-system in ATTRIBFT.LLL + extra filter with A + RA VIII.jpg TEXTSTAT v0.8 advanced counting or printing with COUNT + B + RB searching echo-system in ATTRIBFT.LLL + extra filter with NA + RNA IX.jpg


Also colors are possible, just unlock line 21 #COLORTEST#, change $[0x..] color-codes as desired, see fourth print-screen:


TEXTSTAT v0.8 unlocked line 20 = colortest + combining A and NA II.jpg


b Possibility to read text files (numbered lines!) with switch /R[:s[:n]]. Some reading examples from grub4dos source code builtins.c See print-screens five, six and seven:


TEXTSTAT v0.8 READING big file = above 255.5 KB builtins.c I.jpg TEXTSTAT v0.8 READING big file = above 255.5 KB builtins.c starting at line 18000 II.jpg TEXTSTAT v0.8 READING big file = above 255.5 KB builtins.c NO problem reading horizontal TAB's starting at line 174 BUT first tab reduced because of number III.jpg


BTW horizontal Tab's are no problem, only first tab must be interpreted from h=0, cat somehow has an absolute column orientation ? :unsure:




I updated bonus file PAGESTAT.G4B too, with grub4efi even text mode is now correct. First two parts are in VBox-(u)efi mode (crippled text mode). Last part on real hardware with uefi (right text mode). TEXTSTAT.G4B uses new sub-routine if variable @uefi exists. See last print-screen:


PAGESTAT v0.2 and v0.3 on UEFI VBOX (128x40) and v0.3 only on UEFI ASUS board (80x25).jpg


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