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Firadisk CMD Question

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#1 laddanator


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Posted 06 January 2012 - 07:13 PM

Hello again. I am installing XP from ISO file with this command using Firadisk

iftitle [find --set-root --devices=h /laddsbootusb.tag && call set USBRoot=%@root^%] XP Home Setup Part 1 from %USBRoot%nDec 11

password --md5 $1$A$hzYlFap3SLNNQ/tA7c3.S.

find --set-root  --devices=h /laddsbootusb.tag

map --mem (md)0x800+4 (99)

checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd1) (hd0)

checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd0) (hd1)

map /XP/HOME.ISO (222)

map /XP/firadisk.img (fd0)

map /XP/firadisk.img (fd1)

map --harddrives=1

map --hook

write (99) [FiraDisk]nStartOptions=cdrom,vmem=find:/XP/HOME.ISO;floppy,vmem=find:/XP/firadisk.img;n0

rootnoverify (222)


and part 2 of install like this

iftitle [find --set-root --devices=h /laddsbootusb.tag && call set USBRoot=%@root^%] XP Home Setup Part 2 from %USBRoot%nDec 11

password --md5 $1$A$hzYlFap3SLNNQ/tA7c3.S.

find --set-root  --devices=h /laddsbootusb.tag

map --mem (md)0x800+4 (99)

# map (hd1) (hd0)

# map (hd0) (hd1)

checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd0) (hd1)

checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd1) (hd0)

map --hook

write (99) [FiraDisk]nStartOptions=cdrom,vmem=find:/XP/HOME.ISO;n0

root (hd0,0)

chainloader /ntldr

chainloader (hd0)+1

which works very well. Part one of install will take you through text setup....partitioning of the hard drive, reboot and if you using DriverPacks like I am...presetup.cmd launches and all is well til GUI setup starts and XP will give error that can't find CD to finish install. I assume at this point firadisk has been lost and that's where part 2 of setup from the g4d menu comes in. If I boot setup from part 2 from g4d menu listed above all loads fine and I have a running XP. My question, I would like to get this down to just one part install of XP from ISO instead of 2....since DriverPacks presetup.cmd will load, can I use Firadisk from that same presetup.cmd to do the second part of install?

This is what I have tried so far. This is my modded presetup.cmd

REM +==========================================================================+
REM | |
REM | This presetup.cmd file was dynamically generated by the DriverPacks |
REM | BASE, to work with the DriverPacks without any further editing. |
REM | However, if you would like to add some custom functionality, you can |
REM | edit this file without any problems. Just take into record that this |
REM | file will be erased if you run the DriverPacks BASE on these Windows |
REM | installation files again! |
REM | |
REM | With special thanks to: |
REM | -Pyron, a06lp and iLE for their help with this method; |
REM | -schalti for the optional 'Keep the Drivers' system and Pyron (again) |
REM | for turning it into an executable. |
REM | -SuperTibaldoKart for creating un7zip.exe |
REM | |
REM +==========================================================================+

If exist "%systemroot%system32setupold.exe" DEL /F "%systemroot%system32setupold.exe"

REM +==========================================================================+
REM | Finding CD/DVD driveletter. |
REM |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|
For %%I in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B) do (dir %%I: 1>nul 2>nul && if /i exist %%I:laddsbootusb.tag set CDDRIVE=%%I:)


REM +==========================================================================+
REM | Decompressing the DriverPacks to the harddisk - using un7zip.exe. |
REM |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|
Start /wait /realtime /separate "" %CDDRIVE%XPOEMbinun7zip.exe %CDDRIVE%XPOEMDP*.7z %SystemDrive%

REM +==========================================================================+
REM | Copying/decompressing the files to finish the installation. |
REM |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|
%CDDRIVE%XPOEMbinun7zip.exe %CDDRIVE%XPOEMbin*.7z %SystemDrive%
COPY /Y %CDDRIVE%XPOEMbinDPsFnshr.ini %SystemDrive%

REM +==========================================================================+
REM | Scanning for driverdirectories. |
REM |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|
%CDDRIVE%XPOEMbinDevPath.exe %SystemDrive%D

REM +==========================================================================+
REM | Disable Driver Signing Policy and keep it disabled. |
REM |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|
START %SystemDrive%DSPdsblr.exe


everything works (DP Wise) except for the Firadisk command in bold. Not even sure you can run Firadisk this way?

I am using a SP3 XP Home with Dec Updates and DP(all of them) Like I said if I use the two part setup from g4d menu, all is well and XP loads fine. My goal is to get this down to one part install without having to load the ISO to ram totally so to speak.

I guess my main question is will Firadisk or how to get Firadisk to locate the ISO to be loaded from .cmd file

#2 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 06 January 2012 - 07:24 PM


WHERE did you find that command line?
That is written in grub4dos language and it is about a parameter option written by grub4dos write (99) (and obviously connected with the previous "map --mem (md)0x800+4 (99)")!

That is NOT batch language, to write a batch command to be used in a batch .cmd file, strangely enough :whistling:, you need to write it using Batch SYNTAX! :frusty:
More generally WHERE from did you get those menu.lst entries?

It seems like you are trying to modify an existing method without actually knowing what you are modifying :ph34r:, maybe if you state from which original you started it will be easier to help you. :)


#3 steve6375


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Posted 06 January 2012 - 07:39 PM

I think you load firadisk like this
\firadisk\i386\devcon	install \firadisk\firadisk.inf   root\firadisk

but you need to have the firadisk file payload files present.

#4 laddanator


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Posted 06 January 2012 - 07:41 PM

WHERE did you find that command line?

I got the commands from here


5th one down I believe.

Like I said as long as I follow the 2 part setup, XP loads fine from ISO using the 2 g4d command above and I have a working install on my HD at the end. I was hoping to get this down to a 1 part.

That is NOT batch language, to write a batch command to be used in a batch .cmd file, strangely enough ../public/style_emoticons/default/happy22.gif, you need to write it using Batch SYNTAX!

Now that I know this, I'm sure there is no cmd fix for Firadisk. I was hoping basically to take part 2 of the install and have this command load from cmd instead or having to boot back to my USB stick and run the part 2 command from the g4d menu.

#5 laddanator


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Posted 06 January 2012 - 07:45 PM

I think you load firadisk like this
firadiski386devcon install firadiskfiradisk.inf rootfiradisk

I read this and was going to try that command to install firadisk but didn't see how or the command to rehook the ISO in question like this command


Like this maybe?

firadiski386devcon   install firadiskfiradisk.inf   rootfiradisknStartOptions=cdrom,vmem=find:/XP/HOME.ISO;n0

#6 steve6375


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Posted 06 January 2012 - 07:49 PM

If you want to install XP in one go from USB, you can try this method. It uses WinPE v3 (Win7PE) to boot to and prepare the hard drive and then runs winnt32.exe to start the setup process.

#7 steve6375


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Posted 06 January 2012 - 07:53 PM

\firadisk\i386\devcon   install \firadisk\firadisk.inf   root\firadisk\nStartOptions=cdrom,vmem=find:/XP/HOME.ISO;\n\0

NO - you just need to load the driver. The grub4dos StartOptions command has already set the ISO filename and it is stored in memory - when the firadisk driver loads it will look in memory for a StartOptions command and get and load the specified ISO file automatically.

#8 laddanator


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Posted 06 January 2012 - 07:58 PM

NO - you just need to load the driver. The grub4dos StartOptions command has already set the ISO filename and it is stored in memory - when the firadisk driver loads it will look in memory for a StartOptions command and get and load the specified ISO file automatically.

Very interesting! :dubbio: I can add this to my presetup.cmd and give it a try

firadiski386devcon install firadiskfiradisk.inf rootfiradisk

#9 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 06 January 2012 - 08:05 PM

As expected. :rolleyes:

The post is this one, I presume:
(strangely enough ;) post #45 in a thread is at offset #n-1 and thus has an address that ends with "/page__st__44")

See if this rings any bell:

Hi, I am just dropping in to report that the installation of XP from an ISO, where both the mass storage drivers needed by the mobo and firadisk have been integrated using nlite, works fine. I built a XP ISO with drivers for all types of Intels ICH7(x) to ICH10(x) controller ( both raid and ahci drivers ), NVidias Nforce7 chipset ( raid and ahci ) and firadisk itself. Then I used the following configuration ( winsetup.lst ) for grub4dos:

The OP had already the firadisk integrated in the source.

But any (senceful) modification won't allow you to have it not in two parts.

In any case you seem like NOT having the basic idea on HOW a XP setup normally works.
You do understand that you boot first time from a (USB) device and second time from another one (the internal disk)?


#10 laddanator


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Posted 06 January 2012 - 08:06 PM

If I set Firadisk up this way %CDDRIVE%XP ...does the rootfiradisk part have to be changed?

%CDDRIVE%XPFiraDiski386devcon install %CDDRIVE%XPFiraDiskfiradisk.inf rootfiradisk

#11 laddanator


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Posted 06 January 2012 - 08:14 PM

In any case you seem like NOT having the basic idea on HOW a XP setup normally works.
You do understand that you boot first time from a (USB) device and second time from another one (the internal disk)?

I been install XP before you was born. ;) I do know this and when I use winsetupfromusb, I always skip the second part and allow the hard drive to boot, but if you allow the hard drive to boot without using this command for firadisk install...setup will fail in gui mode


I assume firadisk has lost the path to the ISO?

The issue is not that setup has to reboot, my issue is I would like to perform step one from g4d (and needs no more attention from me) and if I am doing something else and the computer reboots, the setup will continue without having to boot the second command from g4d. I am very pleased with winsetupfromusb but I am just trying different methods to hone my skills with Firadisk. Winsetupfromusb has two parts if need be but I never use the second part of install from the winsetup.lst. Xp reboots from the textsetup and goes right into GUI no problem but this doesn't work with Firadisk at the moment (I am the one at fault, not firadisk)

#12 steve6375


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Posted 06 January 2012 - 08:32 PM

The problem is that after the 1st reboot, memory will probably be cleared by the BIOS, hence the need to boot to grub4dos a 2nd time and put the iso path into memory again.
Maybe WinVblock could mount the iso or ImDisk but you would have to hard code the filename unless you just look for any file on any drive called say XPUSB*.iso ???

#13 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 06 January 2012 - 08:42 PM

I been install XP before you was born. ;)

Let me doubt that. :dubbio:

WHY, in MY DAY....:

The issue is not that setup has to reboot, my issue is I would like to perform step one from g4d (and needs no more attention from me) and if I am doing something else and the computer reboots, the setup will continue without having to boot the second command from g4d. I am very pleased with winsetupfromusb but I am just trying different methods to hone my skills with Firadisk. Winsetupfromusb has two parts if need be but I never use the second part of install from the winsetup.lst. Xp reboots from the textsetup and goes right into GUI no problem but this doesn't work with Firadisk at the moment (I am the one at fault, not firadisk)

You are using a deviation from WinsetupfromUSB, do you understand that the whole idea was to NOT needing to remove the USB thingy/change BIOS boot order after first part of the setup?
Or, if you prefer, what you need is to have the "normal" way (that worked for a few tens thousands of people by now :whistling:):
  • Set BIOS boot order to USB
  • Insert the USB thingy
  • Let it boot (twice)
without you introducing the "remove the USB thingy variation":
once you solve the REAL issue (having the USB thingy stay there) it is TRIVIAL to automate the grub4dos menu.lst using the default command or by checking for some .tag files on the target disk (written as a flag to signify that first part of setup has ended successfully).


#14 laddanator


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Posted 06 January 2012 - 08:54 PM

You are using a deviation from WinsetupfromUSB, do you understand that the whole idea was to NOT needing to remove the USB thingy/change BIOS boot order after first part of the setup?
Or, if you prefer, what you need is to have the "normal" way (that worked for a few tens thousands of people by now

Without "deviation" from the plan how would anything else not be discovered is the real question? I'm sure Albert Einstein, Wright Brothers and few other well know folks "deviated" from the plan. What I am saying is, I can boot to my USB stick, run the first part of the winsetupfromusb and once the computer reboots for continuation of setup, I can remove my USB stick and all loads fine. If my computer is set to boot my USB stick after the first part of install, this is my default entree,

timeout 15

color white/blue

write 0x8274 0x2001

title Boot From Hard Drive (Windows Vista/7 or Xp)nBoot Into Main OS Drive

checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map () (hd1)

checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd1) ()

checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map --hook

rootnoverify (hd0,0)

chainloader +1 || chainloader /ntldr

so if I leave the room or step out, this will boot the hard drive and setup continues as normal with WSFUSB. Step 2 from winsetup.lst is not needed but my point is Firadisk ISO installs..step 2 is needed to relocate the ISO and I wanted to automate this step without the need to boot back to my USB.

As for the link you just posted, you see I responded to the person having the issue and he followed my "deviation" and that person reported back successful XP install.

#15 steve6375


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Posted 06 January 2012 - 10:12 PM

Well, you could do it using the 'default /default' command in the grub4dos menu. Set the PC to always boot from USB as the first device, then in the first Step 1 menu, set the default to menu item 2, then when it reboots, it will auto run menu 2, in menu 2 set the default to the 3rd menu item which will then force it to boot from the internal hdd.
But won't you still need to accept the firadisk driver unsigned prompts, etc???
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#16 laddanator


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Posted 06 January 2012 - 10:42 PM

But won't you still need to accept the firadisk driver unsigned prompts, etc???

I installed Home, Pro, and MCE with the Step 1 and 2 commands listed in my fist post and all three loaded fine and I never got the unsigned prompts.

#17 laddanator


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Posted 07 January 2012 - 12:27 AM

If I use Imdisk to mount ISO to finish install, would I need to mount as the same drive letter that Firadisk did in the beginning?

#18 cdob


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Posted 07 January 2012 - 12:51 AM

If I use Imdisk to mount ISO to finish install, would I need to mount as the same drive letter that Firadisk did in the beginning?

No, drive letter dosn't matter.

What about XP RAM load approach from msfn.org
update firadisk driver version
set menu.lst: add (99) part and remove --mem
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#19 laddanator


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Posted 07 January 2012 - 01:47 AM

What about XP RAM load approach from msfn.org
update firadisk driver version
set menu.lst: add (99) part and remove --mem

You mean this?


Tried this (I updated the firadisk version) also and works great. The only problem is I was only able to get my ISO size down to 738mb for Home. I use a untouched SP3 source that I slipstream updates with RVM_Integrator_1.6.1b2.1.exe. I use DriverPacks too but with the method in the link, I leave the drivers outside of the ISO to save space and map the DriverPack stuff to load from the USB drive and not ISO. cdob, do you have a link to the method of removing the --mem part?

Do you mean remove the
map --mem (md)0x800+4 (99)
checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd1) (hd0)
checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd0) (hd1)



Ok, actually got something working here. I modified the XP_INST.IMA from here


Did this

expand.exe SETUP.EX_ setupORG.exe

Changed the name of my ISO in the ISOimage.ini and changed the paths to the ISO in the setup.cmd (Inside the XP_INST_v04.7z) updated Firadisk and changed my menu.lst ..removed the --mem commands as cdob suggested

iftitle [find --set-root --devices=h /laddsbootusb.tag && call set USBRoot=%@root^%] XP Home Setup Part 1 from %USBRoot%nDec 11
password --md5 $1$A$hzYlFap3SLNNQ/tA7c3.S.
find --set-root --devices=h /laddsbootusb.tag
map --mem (md)0x800+4 (99)
checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd1) (hd0)
checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd0) (hd1)
map /XP/HOME.ISO (222)
map /XP/XPH_INST.IMA (fd0)
map /XP/XPH_INST.IMA (fd1)
map --harddrives=1
map --hook
write (99) [FiraDisk]nStartOptions=cdrom,vmem=find:/XP/HOME.ISO;floppy,vmem=find:/XP/XP_INST.IMA;n0
rootnoverify (222)

Now instead of XP giving me an error about can't find the SP3 install CD after DP finishes and having to reboot into the USB stick to run part 2...the installs continues as normal. DP does it's thing, then the GUI kicks in and never misses a beat.

If you use the one command above, this one is no longer needed

iftitle [find --set-root --devices=h /laddsbootusb.tag && call set USBRoot=%@root^%] XP Home Setup Part 2 from %USBRoot%nDec 11
password --md5 $1$A$hzYlFap3SLNNQ/tA7c3.S.
find --set-root --devices=h /laddsbootusb.tag
map --mem (md)0x800+4 (99)
# map (hd1) (hd0)
# map (hd0) (hd1)
checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd0) (hd1)
checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd1) (hd0)
map --hook
write (99) [FiraDisk]nStartOptions=cdrom,vmem=find:/XP/HOME.ISO;n0
root (hd0,0)
chainloader /ntldr
chainloader (hd0)+1

#20 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 07 January 2012 - 09:46 AM

Without "deviation" from the plan how would anything else not be discovered is the real question? I'm sure Albert Einstein, Wright Brothers and few other well know folks "deviated" from the plan.

Sure, but rest assured that they did know what they were doing/experimenting with, and did not do "random" things, like using grub4dos syntax in a batch!
The infinite monkey approach is OK :thumbsup:, as long as you have INfinite resources, otherways you will need INfinite time to reach your goal. :w00t:

The post you referenced is a report about an user having success in a given context:
  • firadisk integrated in source
  • second reboot manually chosen (but still from USB)

It would seem to me only logical to go in steps like:
  • firadisk integrated
  • second reboot automatically chosen (but still from USB)

  • firadisk added on the fly
  • second reboot automatically chosen (but still from USB)

  • firadisk added on the fly
  • second reboot automatically chosen (this time from internal disk)
But of course it is just me....


#21 laddanator


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Posted 07 January 2012 - 02:54 PM

Sure, but rest assured that they did know what they were doing/experimenting with, and did not do "random" things, like using grub4dos syntax in a batch!

Crazy I know but I like to try all things. I knew going into using that code in a cmd wasn't going to work most likely, that's why I started this topic but I have seem to accomplish my goal. By the way I am willing to bet you Albert Einstein and many others didn't know the exact of everything they were doing...that's why it's called experimenting. :magic:

My problem, I started out having to boot to g4d twice to use Firadisk. First time to locate the ISO and the Second time to relocate the ISO.

My solution, I am now able to install all three versions of XP I have from ISO without loading the ISO to ram and only having to boot to g4d menu once. I used part the method from here http://www.msfn.org/...aded-iso-image/ and use the attached XP_INST_v04.7z mounted the XP_INST.IMA file with Imdisk, changed a few things

1st. I changed the ISOimage.ini located in the XP_INST.IMA file to match the path of my ISO From the mounted XP_INST.IMA

2nd. I expanded my setup.exe to setupORG.exe and placed it in the proper folder located in the mounted XP_INST.IMA

3rd. I added the newest Firadisk ( http://reboot.pro/8804/) drivers and of course deleted the older one from the mounted XP_INST.IMA.

4th. I changed the default ISO paths to match my ISO paths in the setup.cmd from the mounted XP_INST.IMA

5th. Saved and unmounted the XP_INST.IMA and renamed it from XP_INST.IMA to HOME.IMA (or whatever version of XP I used) and copied the ISO and IMA to my USB stick

6th. Removed the Second entry in my g4d menu.lst as it's not needed any more(my goal)

iftitle [find --set-root --devices=h /laddsbootusb.tag && call set USBRoot=%@root^%] XP Home Setup Part 2 from %USBRoot%nDec 11

password --md5 $1$A$hzYlFap3SLNNQ/tA7c3.S.

find --set-root  --devices=h /laddsbootusb.tag

map --mem (md)0x800+4 (99)

# map (hd1) (hd0)

# map (hd0) (hd1)

checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd0) (hd1)

checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd1) (hd0)

map --hook

write (99) [FiraDisk]nStartOptions=cdrom,vmem=find:/XP/HOME.ISO;n0

root (hd0,0)

chainloader /ntldr

chainloader (hd0)+1

7th. Changed the first menu.lst entry that installs the XP to match the paths on the USB stick and removed the --map --mem part (Thanks cdob)

iftitle [find --set-root --devices=h /laddsbootusb.tag && call set USBRoot=%@root^%] XP Home SP3 Install From ISO From %USBRoot%n							

password --md5 $1$A$hzYlFap3SLNNQ/tA7c3.S.

find --set-root --devices=h /laddsbootusb.tag

map --mem (md)0x800+4 (99)

checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd0) (hd1)

checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd1) (hd0)

map %USBRoot%/XP/HOME.ISO (222)...no map to mem anymore

map /XP/Floppy/HOME.IMA (fd0)

map /XP/Floppy/HOME.IMA (fd1)

map --harddrives=1

map --hook

write (99) [FiraDisk]nStartOptions=cdrom,vmem=find:/XP/HOME.ISO;floppy,vmem=find:/XP/Floppy/HOME.IMA;n0

rootnoverify (222)

chainloader (222)/I386/SETUPLDR.BIN

And if I have my computer set to boot to USB first, becasue with the method I just listed, not necessary but if I got the USB booting first in Bios and when the first part of my XP installs reboot, I don't have to be in the room, all is well as my first menu option is on a timer to boot to hard drive

timeout 15

color white/blue

write 0x8274 0x2001

title Boot From Hard Drive (Windows Vista/7 or Xp)nBoot Into Main OS Drive

checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map () (hd1)

checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd1) ()

checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map --hook

rootnoverify (hd0,0)

chainloader +1 || chainloader || chainloader /ntldr

firadisk integrated in source

I did not slipstream the Firadisk driver into my source but that's a good idea

#22 steve6375


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Posted 07 January 2012 - 04:29 PM

As the HOME.IMA is mapped as a floppy in grub4dos, it should be writeable. So it should be possible to run a cat --replace command on the various files to replace the name of the ISO with a different name (as long as the length of the filename is not changed). Would that mean you only need one (or two if different one needed for XP 64 bit) setup.exe???

For an AHCI PC, how do you add the AHCI SATA drivers to the XP ISO?

#23 steve6375


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Posted 07 January 2012 - 04:51 PM

I tried this using the FiraDisk 1.3.0 F6 disk files and XP SP3 OEM version and it works fine but I still get the 'cannot verify driver' pop-ups during stage 2 - how did you suppress this? Did you have a winnt.sif as well?

#24 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 07 January 2012 - 05:32 PM

These makes NO sense to me :w00t::
chainloader /ntldr

chainloader (hd0)+1

You EITHER chainload ntldr OR chainload the MBR (the implied boot statement will actually boot the latter one).

also this one doesn't sound "right" to me:
chainloader +1 || chainloader || chainloader /ntldr
I read it as: chainload current root (bootsector), if it fails then chainload "thin air", if this fails then chainload ntldr. :unsure:


#25 steve6375


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Posted 07 January 2012 - 06:33 PM

This seems to work. :beer: .
There is a string in setup.cmd for XP_*.ISO,
if exist c:InstXP_*.ISO set reassign=true

so we need to match the string "XP_X" so we don't corrupt this. So the XP ISO files can be called XP_X??.ISO where ?? can be any two characters.

This example uses XP_XP2.ISO.

I tried using %MYISO% in the --replace line but it doesn't seem to work :dubbio:

iftitle [find --set-root --devices=h /INST/XP_XP2.ISO && call set USBRoot=%@root^%] XP Pro SP3 Install From ISO From %USBRoot%n

set MYISO=XP_XP2.ISO												  

find --set-root --devices=h /inst/%MYISO%

map --mem (md)0x800+4 (99)

checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd0) (hd1)

checkrange 0x80 read 0x8280 && map (hd1) (hd0)

map %USBRoot%/inst/%MYISO% (222)

map /inst/XP_INST.IMA (fd0)

map /inst/XP_INST.IMA (fd1)

map --harddrives=1

map --hook

#iso file must always be XP_X??.ISO

cat --number=1  --locatei="XP_X"  --replace="XP_XP2.ISO" (fd0)/setup/isoimage.ini

cat --number=10 --locatei="XP_X"  --replace="XP_XP2.ISO" (fd0)/setup/setup.cmd

cat (fd0)/setup/isoimage.ini


cat (fd0)/setup/setup.cmd


write (99) [FiraDisk]nStartOptions=cdrom,vmem=find:/inst/XP_XP2.ISO;floppy,vmem=find:/inst/XP_INST.IMA;n0

rootnoverify (222)

chainloader (222)/I386/SETUPLDR.BIN

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