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Install and Boot Unsupported for Native Boot OS from VHD

vhd native boot winvblock grub4dos win7 winxp

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#1 sambul61


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Posted 11 December 2011 - 09:02 PM


Presently native boot from VHD is supported by MS only in Windows 7 Enterprise, Ultimate, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Windows 7 Embedded Standard. Any other Win7 version by default has deactivated VHD drivers, while older OSs don't have any, and would require a 3-rd party virtual disk driver installed on it, and boot via a 3-rd party bootloader like Grub4DOS or Vboot to run from VHD. MS also provides deployment tools like DISM for driver injection to an offline OS and other tasks, which might not always work as expected. As well, Windows versions prior to Vista must be installed to a hard drive from a running DVD, while versions from Vista can be applied offline to a HD by restoring with ImageX a WIM image, available on Windows Setup ISO or created from a previously installed OS volume.

Booting OS from VHD has many advantages: portability, ready to use distribution requiring no user effort, agnostic to environment, and running on real hardware without performance drop - culmination of Virtual OS-in-File concept. Do you want to try running on your PC from a single file your old Windows install with all apps, or a new Windows version unsupported for native boot from VHD? No problem... There are several 3-d party Virtual Disk Drivers currently available allowing to install OS from Windows Setup ISO to VHD, like FiraDisk, ImDisk, WinVBlock and others. Some of them also allow to boot Windows from VHD, once installed. In this Tutorial we'll use WinVBlock driver for both tasks: to install and boot Win7 Professional from VHD. Instead of Win7 Pro you may want to install WinXP or another Windows version, unsupported for native boot from VHD.

1. Create a Base VHD:
If your existing OS is Win7, create on your hard drive and format a new fixed Win7Pro.vhd by running Diskpart from Console as per Create Native Boot VHDs Tutorial. In WinXP you can install and use VHDMount to create and attach a VHD, then format as usual, or create and format the VHD in Virtual PC 2007. Otherwise boot from Win7 Setup ISO or WinPE, and create the VHD of size, minimally required for a selected OS according to its spec. Make sure to select Format command options suitable for your OS version - see Diskpart Help. Pre-formatting a VHD with specific to target OS and disk type & array size format options allows to avoid "non-compatible hardware" errors, when starting OS install and later when booting OS from VHD with Grub4DOS. Read more on choosing optimal format options in Hitachi's Advanced Format Technology Brief. Once created, you can also attach, detach and mount the VHD volumes in Win7 Disk Management.


create vdisk file="C:Win7Pro.vhd" maximum=25600 type=(fixed|expandable)

select vdisk file="C:Win7Pro.vhd"

attach vdisk

online disk noerr

attributes disk clear readonly noerr

create partition primary offset=(32|64|128|256|512|1024|2048) align=(2|4|8|16|32|64)

online volume noerr

attributes volume clear readonly noerr


assign letter=V:

format quick fs=ntfs label="Win7Pro VHD" unit=(512|1024|2048|4096|8192|16K|32K|64K)


bootsect /nt(52|60) v: /force /mbr

[*]For example, you may format a small service VHD for WinXP install with Win7 or WinPE 3.0 Diskpart:


create vdisk file="C:WinXP.vhd" maximum=6144 type=fixed

select vdisk file="C:WinXP.vhd"

attach vdisk

attributes disk clear readonly

create partition primary offset=32 align=4

attributes volume clear readonly


assign letter=V:

format quick fs=ntfs label="WinXP VHD" unit=4096


bootsect /nt52 v: /force /mbr

2. Install Grub4DOS to your hard drive:
Download and install Grub4DOS to your current system drive or a new clean drive as per Diddy's Tutorial. Then add Boot Grub4DOS entry to Windows Boot Menu. Older Grub4DOS versions like 0.4.5b of Sep.17, 2011 may work better with WinVBlock - you may need to try several to find a match, if having relevant boot problems. Place Win7Pro.vhd, Windows Setup ISO and a floppy image with WinVBlock driver (test signed 64-bit / not signed 32-bit) to your HD root. Copy the floppy content to a real Floppy disk, or add mapping WinVBlock.ima in Grub4DOS Menu below, or copy the floppy content to the HD folder (for Win7 install only). You can also download WinVBlock binaries via links posted by Sha0, then install and test, which driver version will work for your OS. Grub4DOS is needed to map and mount the VHD in real mode supported by BIOS, then transfer control to BOOTMGR or NTLDR (depending on OS version) on the ISO or VHD disk that starts OS from it. WinVBlock must be installed on that OS to hot-swap in protected kernel mode the ISO or VHD disk mounted by Grub4DOS to allow complete Windows install or boot.

3. Add Windows Install and Boot from VHD sections to Grub4DOS Menu:
Add the sections, based on instructions of its developer Sha0 regarding WinVBlock use, to the Grub4DOS Menu.lst. When installing and booting WinXP, replace bootmgr in the code with ntldr. In the code below Grub4DOS is used to map contiguous files WinVBlock.ima, Win7Pro.iso and Win7Pro.vhd as sector mapped disks. It then creates a dummy RAM disk and writes the ISO and VHD file names into it, associating them with the disks. Grub4DOS then starts booting WinPE into RAM from the OS Install ISO, and WinVBlock is auto installed from IMA into WinPE at that step. WinVBlock then reads the ISO and VHD file names from the dummy disk, and replaces associated with them sector mapped disks with file-backed disks thus hot-swapping them. WinPE boot from the mounted ISO then continues, and once booted, it shows Windows Install Menu. Now the IMA, ISO and VHD files, auto mounted by WinVBlock as disks, can be used for OS install. Similar disk hot-swapping technique is used at 1st reboot to finalize OS install, and at regular OS boots to allow Windows boot from VHD.

title Start Win7 Pro install from ISO to VHD

find --set-root /Win7Pro.iso

# map --mem-min=2G

# Sector-mapped disc

map /Win7Pro.iso (0xff)

find --set-root /WinVBlock.ima

map /WinVBlock.ima (fd0)

map /WinVBlock.ima (fd1)

find --set-root /Win7Pro.vhd

# Sector-mapped disk

map /Win7Pro.vhd (0x80)

# Dummy WinVBlock "parameter" disk

map --rd-size=2048

map --mem (rd)+4 (0x55)

map --hook

# Tell WinVBlock to switch the sector-mapped disks to become file-backed disks

write (0x55) #!GRUB4DOSx00v=1x00Win7Pro.vhdx00x80Win7Pro.isox00xFFx00

# Boot the .ISO

chainloader (0xff)

title Finish Win7 Pro install from ISO to VHD

find --set-root /Win7Pro.iso

# map --mem-min=2G

find --set-root /WinVBlock.ima

map /WinVBlock.ima (fd0)

map /WinVBlock.ima (fd1)

map /Win7Pro.iso (0xff)

find --set-root /Win7Pro.vhd

map /Win7Pro.vhd (0x80)

map --rd-size=2048

map --mem (rd)+4 (0x55)

map --hook

write (0x55) #!GRUB4DOSx00v=1x00Win7Pro.vhdx00x80Win7Pro.isox00xFFx00

root (0x80,0x0)

chainloader /bootmgr

title Boot Win7 Pro VHD with WinVBlock

find --set-root --ignore-floppies /VHD/Win7Pro.vhd

map /VHD/Win7Pro.vhd (hd0)

map --rd-size=2048

map --mem (rd)+4 (0x55)

map --hook

write (0x55) #!GRUB4DOSx00v=1x00Win7Pro.vhdx00x80x00

chainloader (hd0,0)/bootmgr

rootnoverify (hd0)


4. Start Windows install from ISO to VHD
Using Windows deployment tools ImageX for offline Win7 install to VHD and DISM to inject WinVBlock driver to it is fast and works every time (some call it alternative method), with matching DISM version found in Win Setup ISO Sources folder, and ImageX extracted remotely from Windows WAIK ISO (or use GimageX GUI). You may want to copy ImageX to Win7 Setup ISO or PE, and inject WinVBlock driver to its Boot.wim with DISM (see example below), then proceed:

[*]Boot to Win7 HD, Setup ISO or PE, and mount with Diskpart empty Win7Pro.vhd created in Step 1 as V: drive, and Win7 Setup ISO with WinVBlock as D:

[*]List offered on the Setup ISO OS image versions:

Imagex /info D:SourcesInstall.wim

[*]Select required OS image number and apply it from the ISO to VHD:

Imagex /apply D:SourcesInstall.wim 1 V:

[*]Add boot environment to the OS on VHD:

bcdboot v:windows /s v:

[*]Remove V: drive letter from the VHD Volume, remount it to an empty C:VHD folder, and inject the driver to OS on the VHD with DISM:

open Console and change directory to Win7 Setup ISO D:sources, then run

dism /image:C:VHD /add-driver /forceunsigned /driver:C:WinVBlockWinvblk.inf

[*]OR boot to Win7 Setup ISO via Grub4DOS Menu (see Step 3), attach the VHD in Console, choose Repair OS --> Load Driver

in Win Setup Menu, and run driver install into offline OS on the VHD:

select Winvblk.inf from Winvblock folder on your HD and click OK to install

Or instead you can follow the legacy method to install Windows online to the VHD:
reboot your PC, select Boot Grub4DOS from Windows Boot Menu, then Start Win7 Pro install from ISO to VHD from Grub4DOS Menu. Once the Setup ISO starts loading, it will auto install WinVBlock from a floppy disk or image, then auto attach the pre-made VHD, and proceed with OS install to it. If auto install or hitting F6 doesn't work for you, you must install WinVBlock from a folder and start WinVBlock service manually from Command Prompt (SHIFT+10) after the Setup ISO boots, then use WinVBlock driver commands to attach ISO, IMA and VHD disks if not auto mounted, and proceed with OS installation:

[*]Copy WinVblock.ima content to a new Winvblock folder on your HD C:WinVBlock,

copy sc.exe (32-or-64bit matching OS version being installed) to it from your system drive or a mounted with Imagex Install.wim from Win7 Setup ISO.

If your OS is 64-bit, sc.exe 64-bit would be in WindowsSystems32 and sc.exe 32-bit in WindowsSysWOW64 folder.

Boot Windows Setup ISO with Grub4DOS (using the above Menu section).

Press any key to boot from CD or DVD... -> Start hitting F8 repeatedly (for Win7 64-bit only).

Windows is loading files... At the F8 menu, choose Disable Driver Signature Enforcement

Try hitting F6 and installing WinVBlock at this time.

[*]At the first Install Windows window, select Locale settings and click Shift+F10 to open Console at x:sources>

type Notepad, click File Open to check mounted drive letters, and see if the VHD, IMA and ISO disks are visible. If not:

copy c:winvblocksc.exe x:windowssystem32

copy c:winvblockwvblk32.sys x:windowssystem32drivers

[*]Install WinVBlock driver to the running WinPE:

sc create WinVBlock binPath= x:windowssystem32driverswvblk32.sys type= kernel start= boot group= "SCSI miniport"

drvload c:winvblockWinvblk.inf

net start WinVBlock

[*]Switch back to Notepad and reopen File Open to see, if VHD, IMA and ISO disks are now visible. If not, you could:

- attach an .ISO with:

winvblk -cmd attach -m c -u c:Win7Pro.iso

- or a floppy disk image with:

winvblk -cmd attach -m f -u c:WinVBlock.vfd

- or an HDD or VHD image with:

winvblk -cmd attach -m h -u c:Win7Pro.vhd

You might need to repeat the attach commands a few times until successful, and wait each time for the result

[*]Return to Windows Setup with the command below or just click its window.


Wait for Win Setup to recognize all mounted drives, then proceed with OS setup to VHD.

You might need now to install WinVBlock to OS on the VHD by clicking Load Driver in Win Setup Menu and pointing to Winvblk.inf,

if OS can't auto install it from WinVBlock.ima at this time, or after 1-st reboot (with or without pressing F6) to finish setup

[*]Contents of your WinVBlock floppy and folder:







5. Finish Windows install from ISO to VHD & Boot the VHD
Reboot the PC, start Grub4DOS again from Windows Boot Menu, and select Finish Win7 Pro install from ISO to VHD from Grub4DOS Menu. If WinVBlock was installed correctly onto OS in Step 4, the setup will continue without errors, and other required system drivers and components auto installed to the OS on VHD. Your PC may need to reboot one or more times during OS setup. Once finished, you can boot the VHD with Grub4DOS by selecting Boot Win7 Pro from VHD menu.

6. Done :clap:

Depending on installed OS version, most reported success with WinVBlock loading Win Setup ISO as Filedisk, some used instead for online OS install FiraDisk loading the ISO into RAMDrive. Approach is similar for both drivers, while FiraDisk method details can be found in its section on this forum. The advantage of using WinVBlock shows up on PCs with limited RAM, since it doesn't require Setup ISO and Win7 VHD being loaded into RAM. Booting an unsupported for native boot from VHD 64-bit OS version requires Testmode activated and WinVBlock or FiraDisk signed with Test Certificate, since both drivers remain unsigned. One may digitally Test Sign a driver and activate Test Mode with Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider, or press F8 at OS boot. Booting Win7 32-bit doesn't require signed drivers and active Test Mode.

Grub4DOS currently supports mapping fixed VHDs, while Vboot supports fixed and dynamic VHD types, and has signed drivers, but its not free. Its also possible to indirectly boot via Grub4DOS dynamic VHDs with unsupported for native boot OS version and WinVBlock or similar driver installed by using VHD Loader:
  • Place VHD Loader onto a DOS floppy
  • Boot that floppy with Grub4DOS
  • Run VHD Loader to select a dynamic VHD from your FAT32 formatted hard drive and boot OS from it.
Enjoy the ride. Note, all code in this and my other VHD Tutorials is given as "example" ONLY, a user might need to modify based on his system config and feedback. :good:

#2 maanu


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Posted 12 December 2011 - 06:37 PM

hi thank you for the nice tutorial , if you dont mind , please answer following ,

1- advantage of VHD over IMG format ? specially when booting Universal xp like this.

2- is step # 4 needed ? , i thought winvblock , gets installed automatically , once it loads XP Iso through floppy image.

#3 sambul61


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Posted 12 December 2011 - 07:26 PM

Hi maanu,

VHD format has major advantage compare to IMG - native boot support from MS, no need to use a 3-rd party bootloader. Also, Win7 Bootmgr can boot OS from a non-contiguous & dynamic VHDs, while Grub4DOS can now map only contiguous & fixed size images - and this difference is very important, when using limited capacity USB Thumbs. Native boot is now limited by MS marketing only to higher OS versions - but not for a long, looking at their changed software distribution model. Meanwhile it prompted to develop 3-d party drivers to boot from VHD unsupported for native boot OSs. VHD format has another advantage: uniformity to avoid confusing a novice. You know well: in such complex area as OS boot every effort should be made to simplify and make some system out of chaos. :)

Some problems with booting WinXP from a fixed VHD with Grub4DOS after formatting in Win7 were seemingly caused by "default" rather than "targeted" disk formatting for older OS install to the new standard. When a fixed VHD is pre-formatted to the same standard as WinXP Installer does, there are no relevant OS install or boot errors. It has no specific relation to VHD as image type, though manifested lately, since similar G4D errors with IMG were fixed long ago, and most IMG files were default formatted in WinXP anyway, while VHDs in Win7. Hopefully, we'll see Grub4DOS directly supporting fixed and dynamic VHDs sooner rather than later. :thumbsup:

The instructions specific to using WinVBlock were written by its developer Sha0, as linked above. If you feel, this sequence can be simplified, please explain, it might help others. Lets consider 32-and-64 bit driver versions, also list unsupported for native boot OS versions your solution would be suited for. In particular, explain: :geek:
  • what mechanisms would allow to run WinVBlock Installer saved on IMA and at what stage?
  • when the driver would load Win7Pro Setup ISO, with or without user interaction?
  • what then allows Win Setup program to autoinstall WinVBlock onto OS on VHD?

#4 maanu


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Posted 12 December 2011 - 07:42 PM

well , i have never experienced to install xp via iso on VHD , but i used IMG file , and same entries as your's , but i skipped the manual part , means i did not simply know about it .

and winblock , was installed as a driver when i finally booted from the IMG file into installed windows. like i used , i used exactly the same menu lines as your's..

#5 sambul61


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Posted 12 December 2011 - 07:59 PM

Sha0 added "manual part" due to specific Win7 requirements for signed drivers. I updated the Tutorial from WinXP to Win7 Pro to make it more clear. Still would you care to detail the mechanisms involved?

If you used wimb's IMG_XP, pls read carefully what it does, and its HW & SW requirements. Did you transfer to IMG an existing OS install? Was WinVBlock the only virtual disk driver used, or ImDisk was preinstalled too? :)

#6 sambul61


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Posted 17 December 2011 - 04:26 PM

Updated the Tutorial to include alternative faster Win7 offline install onto a VHD with ImageX and injecting WinVBlock driver to it with MS DISM tool.

#7 maanu


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Posted 17 December 2011 - 08:09 PM


thank you for updating the tutorial . i have 2 questions to ask.

1- does win7ISO and VHD file can be on USB drive ? or they have to be on HDD ?

2- does this method of direct installing win7 from iso to vhd , requires pressing Shift + F10 , to overcome cd/dvd not found error of win7 iso ? that we usually overcome with IMDISK ?

3- what do you think we should use , for making VHD file read-only , because file backed VHD , will save any thing to it ,when we ll boot it. unless we use either EWF or FBWF to make it read only .

or else , if in mem mode , we can use tools by WIM to update VHD with newer changes.

#8 sambul61


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Posted 17 December 2011 - 09:27 PM

Not sure, I fully understand what do you want to achieve, possibly boot Win7 VHD from a USB drive...and ask about the ImageX & DISM OS install method. I'm not a proponent of modding the original Setup ISO, since an average user would never do that. However, this is possible from a different angle:

1. It doesn't matter where Win7 ISO and VHD are located, when Win7 is applied onto VHD. But... before the VHD reboots from USB to complete OS install, cdob's patch must be applied to it to support Win7 boot from USB. If however you want to boot Win7 Setup ISO from USB as Filedisk (not from RAM), you may need to apply similar Reg fixes to its mounted as a folder Boot.wim;

2. When Win7 Setup ISO and VHD are both mounted to apply OS offline onto the VHD, there can't be "CD not found error", since applying OS offline is different from installing it online. When installing OS to VHD from a booted ISO, there is usually no need for any extra VHD drivers except WinVBlock, if installed exactly as described above. However, WinVBlock support for Win7 was not finalized, and glitches are possible - see Win7VBlock thread.

3. Since VHD is a file, just open its File Properties and select Read Only. Then use pre-installed and configured EWF to write temp files. Or, if your Win7 version is supported for native boot from VHD by Bootmgr, create and boot a Differencing VHD instead of a Base one (see Create Native Boot VHDs Tutorial), no need for EWF in this case. In the future Grub4DOS might also support Dif VHDs.

4. One can install any updates and apps as usual to OS running from VHD. As to applying Windows Updates and other changes offline to OS on VHD, you're welcome to provide details, how to do that in Step-by-Step fashion. :) One thing is trying to catch someone else's omissions, another - offer your own concise guide in a way, anyone can reproduce. :D Note, updating a Base VHD would invalidate its Dif VHDs, hence all updates should be applied to Difs, or they must be recreated after changing the Base.

#9 sambul61


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Posted 08 January 2012 - 03:07 PM

Updated the Tutorial to include more info and references for selecting correct VHD Volume format options in Diskpart.

For VHD Boot troubleshooting tips see Troubleshoot OS Boot from VHD Tutorial.

#10 sambul61


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Posted 09 January 2012 - 02:00 PM

Shown below is a demo sequence of test installing WinXP inside Windows Virtual PC by Legacy method of above Tutorial. I created a 20Gb fixed contiguous VHD, installed Grub4DOS to it, added the above Menu sections for WinXP install from ISO to VHD, copied WinXP Setup ISO, WinVBlock.ima, and an empty 5GB fixed contiguous VHD formatted in WinXP style with Win7 Diskpart as suggested above (that's closest to default WinXP formatting the tool can do), then tested the install process inside VPC:

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

As shown, when the installation starts and mounted with WinVBlock pre-formatted VHD is recognized by OS Setup, the user is able to reformat the disk by WinXP Setup tool, or simply proceed with OS install, as I did. That choice didn't affect OS & drivers install or performance. I used the above linked WinVBlock floppy, since the driver repositories seems to currently offer its earlier versions. WinVBlock Disk driver was auto-preinstalled by Win Setup, no need to use WinPE, but had to finalize WinVBlock SCSI Bus device install via Device Management after OS install - make sure you do that to avoid BSOD after reboot. If you have problems finalizing WinVBlock install, adjust WinVBlk.inf and retry, possibly in Safe Mode.

WinXP Setup autoinstalled suitable Video & Audio & Network drivers, so I enjoyed familiar WinXP greeting at the end. :) No VPC Integration Components were installed to keep the test clean. I didn't interfere at all with automatic Setup process, just clicked the right Grub4DOS Menu titles when PC rebooted, and filled out usual data fields (PC name, serial, etc. at the end). The OS is ready to install your own apps, device drivers and go... My working WinXP VHD setup also uses WinVBlock, but was installed on real hardware, and has apps added to it and more drivers & HALs to run on real and virtual hardware. :thumbsup:

#11 Holmes.Sherlock


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Posted 18 February 2012 - 04:53 AM

Can't I substitute #1, #3, #4 steps of the original tutorial with a WinXp installed VHD created by Virtual PC/Virtual Box?

#12 sambul61


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Posted 18 February 2012 - 05:03 AM

It is possible to install Windows to a VHD inside Virtual PC as well. Initially it seems to be the easiest way to go if looking for a familiar way to do things. But its not. One would need to have Virtual PC installed, and know how to add drivers and HAL support to boot Windows from VHD afterwards on a real PC.

#13 Holmes.Sherlock


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Posted 18 February 2012 - 07:49 PM

and know how to add drivers and HAL support to boot Windows from VHD afterwards on a real PC.

To install WinVBlock, I think the below couple of lines are enough.

sc create WinVBlock binPath= c:windowssystem32driverswvblk32.sys type= kernel start= boot group= "SCSI miniport"

net start winvblock

But, what about HAL?

#14 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 18 February 2012 - 08:09 PM

To install WinVBlock, I think the below couple of lines are enough.

sc create WinVBlock binPath= c:\windows\system32\drivers\wvblk32.sys type= kernel start= boot group= "SCSI miniport"

net start winvblock

To be picky, to install only first line is needed.

But, what about HAL?

Doesn't BCDEDIT work allright for it?
bcdedit /set {current} detecthal yes


#15 Holmes.Sherlock


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Posted 18 February 2012 - 08:12 PM

To be picky, to install only first line is needed.

Grumpy Italian in action :good:

Doesn't BCDEDIT work allright for it?

Let me tell you my objective. If I follow the tutorial verbatim, I am likely to succeed unless I make any mistake. What I'm trying to achieve is to make necessary changes to a VHD containing Win XP SP3 installation to prepare it for native booting.

#16 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 18 February 2012 - 08:24 PM

Let me tell you my objective. If I follow the tutorial verbatim, I am likely to succeed unless I make any mistake. What I'm trying to achieve is to make necessary changes to a VHD containing Win XP SP3 installation to prepare it for native booting.

For XP you could use Oflline Sysprep allright:


#17 sambul61


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Posted 18 February 2012 - 10:54 PM

Native boot from VHD is not supported in WinXP. That's the whole purpose of this Tutorial to give a workaround - see the title, read the Tut? :)

If I follow the tutorial verbatim, I am likely to succeed...

That sounds about right...

#18 Holmes.Sherlock


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Posted 18 February 2012 - 11:13 PM

Native boot from VHD is not supported in WinXP. That's the hole purpose of this Tutorial to give a workaround - see the title, read the Tut? :)

Hmm, disambiguation needed as the confusion is from the wrong use of the term "native". Basically, I tried to mean running the OS on bare H/W without any hypervisor etc.

#19 sambul61


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Posted 18 February 2012 - 11:36 PM

If you still prefer to install WinXP inside a VM, and then run it on real PC, Migrate Win7 between PCs without Migration Tools Tutorial can help.

#20 Holmes.Sherlock


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Posted 19 February 2012 - 03:33 AM

Can anyone please explain these?

# Dummy WinVBlock "parameter" disk

map --rd-size=2048

map --mem (rd)+4 (0x55)


# Tell WinVBlock to switch the sector-mapped disks to become file-backed disks

write (0x55) #!GRUB4DOSx00v=1x00Win7Pro.vhdx00x80Win7Pro.isox00xFFx00

#21 sambul61


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Posted 19 February 2012 - 04:54 AM

Amended the Tutorial to include the explanation of parameter disk's purpose, and how Grub4DOS menu sections work during the OS installation process.

Why sudden interest to the VHD topic? Any relation to the Conference? :) May I suggest you to concentrate on YOUR OWN contributions and publications... :nuke:

#22 Holmes.Sherlock


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Posted 19 February 2012 - 05:01 AM

Amended the Tutorial to include the explanation of parameter disk's purpose, and how Grub4DOS menu sections work during the OS installation process.

Thank you.

Why sudden interest to the VHD topic?

To turn sambul61 mad.

May I suggest you to concentrate on YOUR OWN accomplishments and publications... :)

Sure, you are free to suggest anyone anything as long as SOSA(Stop Online Suggestion Act) is not put into action. At the same time, please take a note that "suggestion" & "abiding by that suggestion" are not the same.

#23 sambul61


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Posted 19 February 2012 - 05:05 AM

Speaking about suggestions...

Misrepresenting results of someone else work as one's own won't get one very far if anywhere, as far as I understand, how the system works and/ or may work in practice. In particular, to explain a small subset of options, one can be denied visa, denied entry to the US, removed from the US if allowed entry, fired from his work as obtained his position and visa by fraud. The consequences of being removed from the US or obtain US visa by fraud or misrepresentation aren't as lightweight as one may expect. That includes obtaining H1B and similar temp. employment visas upon submission of a prospective employer by defrauding the employer. That would also affect people encouraging one to misrepresent his work.

Just explaining the very basics, not related to you in any way.

#24 Holmes.Sherlock


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Posted 19 February 2012 - 05:16 AM

Misrepresenting results of someone else work as one's own won't get one very far if anywhere, as far as I understand, how the system works and/ or may work in practice.

Probably a wrong message has been conveyed to you somehow. I don't know why you are becoming so rude suddenly. If, by any chance, it seems to you that I'm trying to add/alter something to your effort, trying to achieve something a bit new & want to associate my name with that, then you are completely wrong.

However, in my last one & half year tenure in reboot, this is the first time some senior member accusing me without any reason good enough. I feel seriously HUMILIATED. It does not look good two members fighting this way. Better be silent, please. I will keep on asking question on this thread only as I find no reason for starting up a new thread only to ask questions.

#25 sambul61


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Posted 19 February 2012 - 05:22 AM

I merely asked why sudden interest in VHDs topic you never shown before, and whether its associated with the Conference discussed. No-one is fighting with you, just a friendly advice to concentrate on your own contributions, not others'. You can keep asking questions whenever you want, hopefully they'll be answered. :rolleyes: You're welcome to contribute to any subject as well.

Please refrain from unrelated comments. The thread contains enough info to accomplish the task it addresses.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: vhd, native boot, winvblock, grub4dos, win7, winxp

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