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#1 pscEx


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Posted 14 January 2012 - 10:31 AM

Posted Image

File Name: HoJoPE.exe
File Submitter: pscEx
File Submitted: 14 Jan 2012
File Updated: 26 Mar 2012
File Category: Tools

HoJoPE for nativeEx based project builds under WB 082 and later

The HoJoPe version currently used in nativeEX based project like nativeEx_barebone, LiveXP, picoXP, naugthyPE, ??? contains a serious bug.

Some RegWrite lines are generated with wrong syntax.

WB 80 as well as WB 82 generate "something" from this wrong syntax.

But while the WB 80 generated stuff does not harm the final PE during boot, the WB 82 generated stuff is more detailled and leads to some serious issues during boot like "I do not know, whith wich application i should open a file with extention '.exe'"

Therefore I fixed HoJoPE.exe to be used under WB 82 as well as under WB 80. (App version 1.2.2)

Question: Why use WB 82?
Answer: The 82 build needs only about 40% time compared with the 80 build.

To activate the new HoJoPE.exe just attach it to the %HivesFactoryScript%. Path inside your individual project see in script.project: [variables]%HivesFactoryScript%

Tested successfully with Amalux's LiveXP modification.

Click here to download this file
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#2 TheHive


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Posted 14 January 2012 - 06:35 PM


#3 amalux


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Posted 14 January 2012 - 09:28 PM

Hi Peter :)

This seems like a nice gesture on your part so, first, let me say thank you for the effort to support LiveXP in post 080 Winbuilder :thumbup:

Unfortunately, (most of) the issues I've encountered in 082 testing still remain, even after 2aCD updates and your new HoJoPE.exe :(

When I test a LiveXP project for release, I enable all supplied scripts (since I can't know which will be selected by user) and run the project.

In current project with 080 wb, this results in a build with no errors and few (minor) warnings (30 or so). The same project with 082 wb results in 250+ errors and 1500+ warnings. Attached File  log.rar   331.59KB   561 downloads

The vast majority of the errors come from a glitch (?) where ExpEnvVar_[x86].exe shows old (or missing) and WebGet attempts to download new, this loops hundreds of times during the course of the build.

IF - File exists: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Tools\LiveXP\x86\ExpEnvVar_x86.exe] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,%tools%\%SourceArch%\ExpEnvVar_%SourceArch%.exe,Retrieve,FILEVERSION,%tools%\%SourceArch%\ExpEnvVar_%SourceArch%.exe,%ExpEnvVar_vers%]
Retrieve - Sucessfully retrieved the file version from: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Tools\LiveXP\x86\ExpEnvVar_x86.exe] to variable: [%ExpEnvVar_vers%] with result: []
ELSE - [Set,%ExpEnvVar_vers%,0]
Run - Processing section: [Process-RegAdd_boot-prepare] From file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\LiveXP\Basic\Build\Common_Api.script]
IF - [] is smaller than [] evaluated string: [If,%ExpEnvVar_vers%,SMALLER,,WebGet,http://livexp.boot-land.net/repository/%SourceArch%/ExpEnvVar_%SourceArch%.exe,%Tools%\%SourceArch%\ExpEnvVar_%SourceArch%.exe]
WebGet - [http://livexp.boot-l...EnvVar_x86.exe] to directory: [%BaseDir%\Projects\Tools\LiveXP\x86\ExpEnvVar_x86.exe] Socket Error # 10013 Access denied.
FileCopy - Failed to copy [%BaseDir%\Projects\Tools\LiveXP\x86\ExpEnvVar_x86.exe] to: [%BaseDir%\Target\LiveXP\I386\System32\ExpEnvVar.exe]: The system cannot find the file specified.

Note: the latest version of the file is present at the start of the build but gets deleted (during update attempt) and then shows missing (of course). The problem is that it shouldn't try to update in the first place since the current file is present.

Most of the warnings are a result of

Reference to undefined variable

I'm not sure why these aren't covered by 2aCD's updates; I'll try to look when I have some time in Common_API script for clues.

Thanks again for your attention to these issues, it's much appreciated ;)

#4 pscEx


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Posted 14 January 2012 - 10:07 PM

Can you give me the link to the project you used, which produces the hundreds of warnings and errors?
Or is it just your project which I tested, with ALL selections true?

Maybe it is for the first test sufficient when you name a script where ExpEnvVar produces the above issues.


#5 amalux


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Posted 15 January 2012 - 12:02 AM

I don't have a link yet to that project but here are the four updated scripts, which include your new HoJoPE.exe.
Attached File  LiveXPUpdates.rar   131.96KB   462 downloads

You should be able to reproduce similar results in the project you have with these updates by simply enabling (some of) the apps scripts. I'll run a test here to see if I can narrow it to specific scripts for easy testing ;)

#6 pscEx


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Posted 15 January 2012 - 09:38 AM

Oops, my fault! I forgot to mention that some smaller modifications are necessary to run under WB 82.

The reason is a fixeed bug.

Write into codebox


Title=CodeBox test

Description=Running custom commands







and run under WB80. You see that Key is different from original.
When you try under WB82, Key remains ok.

I already made in my test LiveXP two modifications:
in hivesFactory.script











In CreateISO.Script:







Maybe there are some other conditions I did not see in my test.


#7 MedEvil


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Posted 15 January 2012 - 05:14 PM

So just for the record, even with the new HOJOPE.exe, the projects still need to have a general overhaul to work with WB082?


#8 amalux


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Posted 15 January 2012 - 05:28 PM

Oops, my fault! I forgot to mention that some smaller modifications are necessary to run under WB 82.

The reason is a fixeed bug.

OK, thanks for the fixes; testing now, will let you know results ;)

#9 amalux


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Posted 15 January 2012 - 07:13 PM

So far, results are about the same :( There may be some confusion here, in one of the scripts targeted for fix you give the following code:

in hivesFactory.script

but this ignores an existing line in the script:


so I commented it out; I will try again with the line added back.

Also, as a starting point I'm using scripts from that lx80rc3mtw-IEGN project we both have but in my case, the scripts have been updated by 2aCD (the ones I sent you). It's not clear which versions of the scripts I'm supposed to be patching. The original or the 2aCD updated?

I know you have more important things on your mind, there's no hurry; I'll keep playing with it until everything gets worked out. Best of luck to you.


#10 pscEx


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Posted 15 January 2012 - 08:16 PM

Looks like we have to postpone the tests with 082 for some time.

There is a serious bug in 082:

Echo,%xx_%SourceArch%% : > echoes '%xx_x86%' rather than 'Bla' :frusty:

EDIT: BTW: To work with the 2aCD scripts and made attached changes.


Attached File  PSC changed.zip   90.62KB   443 downloads

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