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Boot Land's Birthday!!

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#1 Brito


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Posted 13 June 2007 - 11:59 PM

Hi everyone!

I feel very honored to announce our first year of existence as boot-land.net and I truly hope that this is the first of many years filled with good teachings and really interesting topics to talk about.

It's been a very complete year if we take into account all the changes, developments and discussions that one way or another have come to produce excellent results in terms of quality and challenging the concept of what could be done with MS boot disks.

The roots of this forum when it was hosted on a free host should also be remembered and are available for a quick visit here: http://z3.invisionfree.com/Boot_Land or at the 911CD forums where DoctorXP and Bart Lagerweij first debuted a series of interesting projects and ideas that continue being extended and studied up to this day.

Personally, I am very, very happy and proud to have spent an year learning with everyone on this bright international community. This time here has also teached me how to become a better professional on my daytime work and I am really gratefull for this help.

Let this community continue to be where boot methods are discussed and let's keep boot disks a challenge to the future.. :1st:

#2 was_jaclaz



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Posted 14 June 2007 - 04:44 PM

I guess that being member #2 allows me to make a brief "speech" after the announce, since I am no good at speeches, I will use a summary of one of the masterpieces of Italian Humour, the Prof. Codaro speech by Achille Campanile in his "Manuale di Conversazione" (Handbook of Conversation), Prof. Codaro is a professor that claims to be able to teach people how to talk in public in no time:
Quando la folla d'interessati si raduna, il professore offre la sua formula miracolosa.
E' semplice.
Di qualsiasi cosa, situazione o avvenimento, in qualsivoglia istante e in tutte le possibili circostanze si parla, si deve proclamare, con la certezza di suscitare l'entusiasmo degli ascoltatori:
a. che il fatto di cui parlate è tale da permettere di considerare con giustificata fiducia l'avvenire;
b. che il fatto di cui parlate si deve considerare non un punto d'arrivo, ma un punto di partenza.
Si potrà dire, ad esempio, in occasione dell'anniversario della fondazione di una scuola: vi ringrazio d'avermi invitato a parlare e colgo l'occasione per dirvi una cosa sola e la cosa è questa: vorrei che tutti tenessimo presente che questo cui siamo giunti non deve essere considerato un punto d'arrivo ma un punto di partenza.

"La scolaresca si alzò e qualcuno disse a nome di tutti, ringraziando: ora ci sentiamo veramente d'affrontare qualsiasi occasione.
Saremo oratori.
Siamo giunti alla meta desiderata, alla possibilità di parlare in pubblico.
Codaro li guardò con un'espressione divenuta improvvisamente grave: ne sono lieto, ma quello cui siete giunti oggi non va considerato un punto d'arrivo, ma un punto di partenza!
Comunque sono lieto di costatare il vostro zelo e la vostra certezza in voi stessi.
Cose, queste, che ci permettono di guardare con giustificata fiducia l'avvenire.
Un secondo applauso risuonò nell'aula, entusiastico".


and its English translation:
To his classroom flooded with interested clients, the professor revealed his magic formula.
It was simple: in speaking of any things, facts or events you should, at any time and on every opportunity, announce with fervour (a.) that they give us reason for faith in the future, and (b.) that we should see whatever we are taking about not as an aim and an end, but as a new beginning.
Thus, for instance, a company director might announce successful achievements by saying that now we can look forward positively to the future and ask all those present to see this moment not as the end of their efforts but as the start of a new era of growth in the organisation; party members speaking at the funeral of a fellow politician might declare that the death of this special man is not an end but the beginning of a new life since the orphaned party will follow in his footsteps and so they may look forward to the future with confidence.

"The throng of listeners was pleasantly surprised - so it is that easy, we can all become good public speakers, this is an end to public stammering, we have achieved our aim.
The professor, suddenly grieving, started:
But this will not be your point of arrival, but a mere point of departure, the beginning of your new public life,....still, I see that your attitude is the right one, which gives me reason for faith in the future of your new accomplishments - the Professor Codaro concluded, and the crowd broke into appreciative applause."

So, though bootland is grown up as a very good technical board, Winbuilder is now a successful project, the participation from members all over the world has been overwhelming and it has already led to the creation from scratch of new beautiful projects and results, most even unthinkable about just one year ago, we must not see this day as the end of the first year of existence, but rather as the beginning of the second one, when more and harder challenges and problems are waiting for us to be taken into our hands and solved, as the exceptional results till now achieved allow me to declare as a definite fact rather than a mere supposition.




#3 pscEx


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Posted 14 June 2007 - 05:06 PM

I think the next is #3.

What I have to say I already did (maybe a little bit early) here

Congratulations to Nuno for the great job! :1st:

Peter :thumbup:

#4 TheHive


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Posted 15 June 2007 - 06:43 AM

edborg is our fourth member but Im number 5 and will proceed to say Thanks to all who have contributed to this forum by just being here and helping make Boot-land grow and become a reality which I forsaw when I first took notice of Nunos posting of his Script
Release of "Batcher". At that time Nuno called himself "neue"

Hopefully edborg is doing ok.

#5 edborg


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Posted 15 June 2007 - 10:05 AM

Yes, I'm OK. :1st:

I apologize for being late in celebrating the great event ...and not respecting the order! :thumbup:

I've been less active in the forum lately, due to other commitments, but I always plan to come back soon to improve my production of bootable CDs sticks with all the great new developments.

During this year I've learned a lot and enjoyed being part of this community.
Thanks to all the contributors, and particularly to Nuno, who has started this all and kept it live by animating the forum with his ideas, competence, attitude and continuous and cooperative presence.

Happy new year! :thumbup:

#6 blackmirror


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Posted 15 June 2007 - 10:44 AM

Posted Image

Happy Birthday Bootland

Some birthday treats for us

#7 Doctor xp

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Posted 15 June 2007 - 12:33 PM

Hi All,

It might be my first post in this great forum, but I've always watched it and participated with Nuno (whenever I could) in testing and providing my humble opinion, and I think that the project is a major one in the field (if not the most customizable right now) and that it is a great addition to the arsenal of every system administrator that needs the right kind of tools in the second that he/she needs them.

If it were not for my career shift (I moved to the GIS and cartography field 2 years ago), I probably would be part of this community, participating with my little knowledge in this great project.

To tell you a secret, I had a little project (not so little, it was about 8000~10000 lines of source code) that I hoped to do just what the WinBuilder is successfully doing right now, and I spent about 8 months coding it, it just came before I moved to the GIS field and I couldn't finish it to become public, and when I saw the first alpha builds (I think I'm one of the few that saw some of the first alpha builds) I became very happy and enthusiastic because the ideas I thought the community needed are not kept in the private drawers, but instead shared among them and built by their hands.

Thank you very much for your kind remembering of the (nearly dead) Doctor xp and the (still alive) 911 CD Forum, and let me tell you that the journey is not about the starting point, it is about how far we are now and how fast we are moving, and how much we are all enjoying the trip.
I almost forgot the awesome feeling of being part of an active community, where knowledge is transferred in faster-than-light speeds, and knowledge is sharing, it is not keeping secrets and protecting them with patents and selling them at high prices; guys, we all need to protect the community by participating and by keeping knowledge in the hands of the people who really needs it (the users themselves).

Happy birthday, and I hope to come and celebrate every year until we all meet in the first Boot Land User Conference (may I propose it to be in Egypt, where I can be the host of all this great community members?)

Ahmad Hisham (Doctor xp)

#8 blackmirror


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Posted 17 June 2007 - 12:49 PM

Count me in i always wanted to visit Egypt

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