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Windows 10 Pro (July 29 official upgrade) - XBOOT shutdowns itself with Error

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Posted 03 August 2015 - 07:04 PM

How to solve fast?

Windows 10 Pro official update July 29 from Windows 7 Ultra.

Error is following:


ERROR REPORT ( 08/03/2015 14:56:46 )
Please submit this error report to developer.
Operating System version  :Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
.NET Framework version    :4.0.30319.42000
Error Message            :
Could not load file or assembly 'PGK.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f93e897f802ddcb7' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
StackTrace               :
   at A.V.D()
   at A.V.D(ImageItemBase , ProcessLog )
   at A.KB.D()
   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()​

#2 Wonko the Sane

Wonko the Sane

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Posted 03 August 2015 - 07:24 PM

How to solve fast?


Quickly searching for the error? :dubbio:

Or reading any random post in this section of the board? (you have more than 50% chances to find this same error reported and the solution for it referenced).


Like here (last thread just before this new one you started):



Maybe (you never know with Windows errors) this:


Error Message :
Could not load file or assembly 'PGK.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f93e897f802ddcb7' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.


may mean that a specific file is not found  :unsure:





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Posted 03 August 2015 - 08:05 PM

Guys, I am not a software engineer and not interest in a technical matter.

What I need as a user (my task is) - to create multiply boot usb flash stick from 8 linux iso images loaded from internet.


Is that possible to do it right now with what I have: Windows 10 Pro and my USB stick on 32GB? (Is it there a solution as a guide / step-by-step to make my task done)

Edited by RIONGB, 03 August 2015 - 08:07 PM.

#4 Wonko the Sane

Wonko the Sane

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Posted 04 August 2015 - 09:09 AM

Sure it is possible. :)

You need to follow the given instruction and add the missing file to have XBOOT work.,

Then whether the long time discontinued XBOOT is the "right application" for doing this is of course debatable.





Nowadays if I were you I would rather try using RMPREPUSB or - even better if you are not a software engineer and not interested in technical matters - the Easy2Boot:






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Posted 04 August 2015 - 01:17 PM

Thanks. I am really did not understand first link, why to add something to new Windows 10?

And how to do it in step-by-step manner if I have to?


Second link I.. easy2boot is not easy for me. I failed. Yes , I am 40 years person fail to do it, because it's impossible (on exit I have to write in protocol suggested by developer some thing I don't have even idea what is that). Such way don't do any product including software.


So for now my task is failed.


Workaround for future users( and non-technical people) I found is:

To download Ubuntu Desktop (any on Ubuntu website):



To create USB stick with bootable software according their link in HOWTO:


After when you booted the system, downloaded from internet:



And actually to make several iso from Linux on one USB bootable stick ​

#6 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 04 August 2015 - 04:13 PM

Thanks. I am really did not understand first link, why to add something to new Windows 10?
And how to do it in step-by-step manner if I have to?

Don't fail for the new is better paradigm, in some cases it is true, in some it is not.
With the new stupid Windows 10 a number of programs may have issues and will need a fix/update, which simply means that some things (even if minor) have changed and may affect the working of programs otherwise perfectly working on - say - Windows 7, 

The XBOOT program was coded using the .Net "platform" or subsystem (whatever you like to call it) made of external libraries, unfortunately it was coded to require a specific version of a dll (PGK.Extensions.dll) that is still available:
but that you need to download on your machine and put in the same folder the XBOOT program is.
A later version won't work, because for *whatever* reason this specific version is required.
Then again the Author of the program prematurely died in an accident and he did not release the source code so this cannot be fixed/changed. (and after all it is only a minor issue)

Second link I.. easy2boot is not easy for me. I failed.

That is a problem :( as the developer expressly made that with the idea that it should have been easy enough for non technical users, and there are quite a few tutorials (plain text and video) on how to use it.

Yes , I am 40 years person fail to do it, because it's impossible (on exit I have to write in protocol suggested by developer some thing I don't have even idea what is that). Such way don't do any product including software.

Sorry, but I really cannot understand what you mean :unsure:

Another tool that you may want to try is the SARDU:
also actively maintained and supported and simpler (though with some limitations, in the sense that E2B allows more flexibility on certain aspects) than Easy2boot.




#7 S466531257BOSS



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Posted 05 August 2015 - 11:14 AM

Like Wonko i do not really understand what exactly the problem is ( besides feeling thrown overboard and drowned actively by the sheer and many options of Easy2Boot).

If you just need a FlashDrive ( USB-Stick as you stated given size 32GB ) with the possibility to run the Linux-Isos ( either as a live-system or Installer/Setup) ; the most simple solution is
: YUMI ( Yet another Universal MultiBoot Installer ) // WebPage
: YUMI ( Direct Download of yet available stable version ) // Direct Download

If you are in need of running Windows 10 as an installed system from that stick too, the safest way is ( as Wonko already told you ) Steve's
: Easy2Boot // WebPage
: Easy2Boot // Direct Download

: YUMI is self-explanatory or at a bare minimum of knowledge given easy to understand and usable and in my humble opinion far superior to XBoot ( in its usage and compatibility )

: Easy2Boot is even more simple to use, but Steve the author has a very unique and fancy way to cuddlemuddle Layouts up that you might think you are looking with stereo-glasses into an alternative world ( that obviously began around 84 built by a revolutionary LITTLE SISTER vs. the BIG BROTHER ) ; However ...

For using easy2boot to accomplish the task of running Windows 10 from the USB-FlashDrive ( Like a windows-To-Go ) besides some isos of Linuxes you need nothing but ( here comes the small recipe )

1. ) A Windows-system

2. ) 7-zip // to extract the Easy2Boot-Package
: download 7-zip from http://7-zip.orgfor example 7-Zip 15.05 Beta
: install 7-Zip
: start 7-zip once and close it ( to make sure it is registered with the windows Explorer and therefore available in the context-menu via right-click )

3. ) Download the E2B Easy2Boot-Package from http://www.easy2boot.com/downloadfor example the standard-package Easy2Boot 1.71
: right-click on the downloaded e2b-package --- 7-zip --- extract to "Easy2Boot_v1.71"

4. ) Plug-In your USB-Flash-Drive and make sure that it can be deleted by saving anything astonishing before you go on ...

5. ) Go inside the extracted ' Easy2Boot_v1.71 '-folder
: right-click on ' MAKE_E2B_USB_DRIVE (run as admin).cmd ' and choose ' run as admin ' in the context-menu

6. ) In the Easy2Boot-Installer-Application that has opened right now (after you confirmed by clicking ' yes ', that you wish to run Easy2Boot as Admin )
: your connected flash drives are listed and entitled by DRIVE 5 for example folowed by the size and their names
: type in the number that represents the flash-drive you wish to use and press ENTER/RETURN
: State that you are very very sure that it is the right drive and that you wish to destroy anything on it
: Choose NTFS as Type of Formatting
: follow the questions for options like language/localization / showing of file-extension and answer according to your needs

7. ) Copy any Linux-ISO you wish to have on that flash-drive into the ' \_ISO\AUTO\ '-Folder that was generated on your flash-drive after easy2boot has finished

--- You can defrag your flash-drive now to ensure the linux-isos will run without problems by double-clicking on ' MAKE_THIS_DRIVE_CONTIGUOUS.cmd '-file that you can find in the root of your flash-drive

8. ) Download WinNTSetup 3 from this OneDrive-Folder containing WinNTSetup v3
: when download is finished extract the Package via right-click --- ' 7-Zip ' --- ' Extract to WinNTsetup3 '

9 ) Now have your windows 10 iso ready ( if you run Windows 8 or above already you can doble-click the iso to become mounted and available as a virtual dvd-drive or you can use 7-Zip again to extract the iso via right-click --- 7-zip --- extract to blabla-my-windows-10.iso

10) Start Winntsetup by double-clicking ' WinNTSetup_x86.exe ' in the winntsetup3 -folder you extracted before ( if you are asked for granting admin-rights state 'yes' )

A : Use the top-most search button to select the location of your windows 10 installation files and navigate in the freshly opened ( after clicking the button ) minimal explorer to the mounted virtual dvd drive or the folder where you extracted your windows 10 from iso
: Go into the \SOURCES folder and select the ' install.wim ' file

B : Take a look at the properties of your flash-drive after you have already copied all your needed linux-isos and watch out for the remaining free space you have left. for example you have 10GB free right now
: In Winntsetup use the VHD - Button in the lower right
: from the 3 options showing off select the first ( to CREATE ) a vhd drive
: in the opened dialogue BROWSE to your Flash-Drive and there into the ' \_ISO\AUTO\ '-Folder
: type a name in the file-name-field at the bottom, like 'MyWin10' and save

: In the number-field right of Virtual Hard Disk Size: that shows 25 followed by VHD and GB you have to type in the space you wish to reserve for your windows 10; as for example if you have 10GB free on your flash drive type in ' 9 '

:choose ' Dynamically expanding ' instead of Fixed Size (recommended) in the ' Virtual hard disk format '-section below
: Push ' OK '

--- A new vhd will now be created with the maximum size of whatever you have typed ( in our example 9 GB ) in the \_ISO\AUTO-Folder of your easy2boot-flash-drive and it will automagically be attached as a drive with the letter z ( if you not already have a drive z )

C : Back in the main-window of winntsetup now
: push the second search-button to select the location of your boot drive and navigate to your usb-Flash-Disk-drive and push ' select folder'

--- The 3rd line whereas you can select the location of the installation drive should already point to z:\ if your generated vhd was successfully attached to your system, if not ( or if you have used another letter for your virtual hard disk ) use the search-button and navigate to your virtual-hard-disk-drive

D : you are steering to luxury, glamour and millions of fans right now ...
: in the upcoming dialogue change from 'update boot code via bootsect ' to ' do not update ' the bootcode
: Push setup in the lower right

After having a coffee

... you have an easy2boot-based USB-Flash-drive that just has to know one more thing; to be exact and precise
: On your flash drive navigate into the ' \_ISO\docs\Sample mnu files\Windows '-folder
: copy the ' Boot Windows bootmgr.mnu '-file via right-click ' copy '
: navigate to ' \_ISO\MAINMENU ' and via right-click --- ' paste ' --- you insert the copied ' Boot windows bootmgr.mnu '-file

One last time navigate to the root of your flash-drive and use ' MAKE_THIS_DRIVE_CONTIGUOUS.cmd ' to defragment your flash-drive .

Use the USB-Icon from the system-tray ( in the lower right of your desktop / possibly hidden behind that small so-to-say-arrow ) by right-clicking it and selecting your flash-drive to be removed safely .

Unplug your flash-drive , insert it into the PC that is powered off and awaits new life by booting extraordinary funky Operating Systems after powering on and choose usb-boot given by your bios right from the start ( HP = F9 || Dell | Fujitsu | Siemens = F12 || or just hail out for the messages given right after start which key is the right one ).

From your booted Easy2Boot Drive you have to choose the Windows BootManager Entry to start your fresh installed Windows 10 and finish the installaton ; After that you can restart the system and for example boot via your easy2boot-menu into one of your linux systems inside the auto-folder ( which is very sexy because you do not need to have knowledge of how to edit grub4dos bootmenu-entries as Steve was so kind to make that AUTO-folder AUTO, so it AUTOmagically recognizes the isos you spent there and you can AUTOmagically boot them if needed .

That's it ! Simple , huh ? :suda:


... if that was what you try to ask for ... :dubbio:



P.S.: Before for someone assumes right that one obvious point is missing here : YES, BECAUSE YOU RUN A FLASH-DRIVE AND NOT A HARD-DISK

: before you push the ' Setup '-Button in WinNTSetup you should use the 'Tweak'-Button and claim that you wish to have no page-file and that you wish to disable the system-restore-capability

:because they could ruin your flash-drive very easily in much lesser time then you would think they could.


All other settings DO NOT NEED TO BE TOUCHED - But if you wish to fuddle wit'em you are allowed to for sure ( as long as you studied Reboot.Pro | MSDN | TechNet | Easy2Boot | WinNTSetUp and the basics of file-systems | vhd-format | native-vhd-boot especially at least .



S466531257 BOSS

Edited by S466531257BOSS, 05 August 2015 - 11:28 AM.

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Posted 11 October 2015 - 01:11 PM


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