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How to make a multiboot build manually

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#1 moheshmohan



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Posted 30 October 2006 - 05:36 PM

dear guys

A few days ago i asked abt integrating a boot from ram build and normal build to a single iso and let user can choose which one to boot onto(link ) . Since then i have been searching the web for answers and i found how to do that.

:P Finally i have sucessfully builded a two in one iso.

i got th idea a post by TheTruth on 911cd

you will need a hexeditor,w2003 setup files (for ramdisk.sy_ and setupldr.bin ie boot from ram plugin), wXP sp2 setup files(you will be needing the old setupldr.bin from xp sp2 *), syslinux or any CD boot loader, an iso editor like ultraiso.

here i used syslinux and ultraiso

this is how i did it, manually

1) i made 2 ISOs using winbuilder , 1 with boot from ram enbled and other without it, lets call them RAM.iso and STANDARD.iso.

2) Now extract everything in STANDARD.iso to a folder & extract iso image in RAM.iso(we'll call it RAMBOOT.iso) along with WINNT.SIF to a folder

2.1) using iso editor save the boot records of both RAM.iso and STANDARD.iso to 2 files
lets call them
STANDARD.iso --->boot record saved to ---> cd.bin
RAM.iso --->boot record saved to ---> ram.bin

3) Now the syslinux part, download syslinux as zip from kernel.org it is a part of linux project
3.1) unzip syslinux, make sure it contains a file named "isolinux.bin"
3.2) create a folder say "multiboot"
3.2.1) copy everything extracted from STANDARD.iso to folder "multiboot"

3.3) create a folder in "multiboot" named "ISOLINUX" (the name isolinux is important dont change it)
3.3.1) copy cd.bin & ram.bin to folder "isolinux".
3.3.2) open notepad and paste following

default ram




label ram

 kernel ram.bin

label cd

 kernel cd.bin

save it with a file name "ISOLINUX.CFG" (name is important) in the folder "ISOLINUX"

3.3.3) copy extracted iso image from RAM.iso along with WINNT.SIF to "multiboot"

4) This step involves bit of hex editing so choose a comfortable hex editor, any errors means u would endup with funny errors. i used HEX WORKSHOP here.

4.1) copy setupldr.bin from w2003 package (291kb) to our "multiboot\I386\"

4.2) get setupldr.bin from wXP sp2 package (254kb),
rename it to setupld1.bin and copy to "multiboot\I386\"

4.3) Open the file "\isolinux\cd.bin" in your favorite hex editor (WinHex, UltraEdit, ...), and search for the ASCII string "SETUPLDR.BIN" and replace it with "SETUPLD1.BIN", then save the file.

4.4) Open the copied file "setupld1.bin" in your favorite hex editor (WinHex, UltraEdit, ...), and search for all the occurrences of the ASCII string "winnt.sif" and replace them with "winn1.sif" (there are about 8 of them including 3 that don't have to be replaced but there is no harm if you do), then save the file.

(here i chose to edit the file from wXP package coz if u edit w2003 file u would end up a "corrupt NTLDR" message)

5) now our folder "multiboot" contains folders below ( this directory structure is used for final iso)

\I386\*.* (standard build files)
\PROGRAMS\*.* (standard build files)
\isolinux\cd.bin (edited)
\isolinux\ram.bin (unchanged)
\RAMBOOT.ISO (iso image inside RAM.iso)
\WINNT.SIF (contains reference to RAMBOOT.iso)
\I386\SETUPLD1.BIN (edited from wXP sp2)
\I386\SETUPLDR.BIN (non-edited from w2003)

6) Here i used ultraiso it is a nice handy iso editor. Now using ultraiso i compiled a new iso with above mentioned directory structure.

6.1) Important dont forget to set boot sector of compiled iso to "isolinux.bin" from syslinux zip u are done

This type of build can useful when dealing with pc's with low amt of ram and high end. i hope our wizards at Boot-land will come up with a script soon making the whole process automated. since i have to go to higher studies to a new place in few days i dont have enough time to make a script for this. hex editing also makes things tough.May be when i get to new college and after setting down i will start working on a new script.

your valuable suggestions are welcome


#2 TheHive


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Posted 30 October 2006 - 06:20 PM

Good luck in your new studies and good research on dual booting. Will wait for Script.

#3 moheshmohan



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Posted 31 October 2006 - 05:04 AM

i am sorry guys,

yesterday due to the excitement i failed to fully test the multiboot, and today i found some problems.


the two booting works fine but the boot from cd (using patched setupld1.bin) when system boots up explorer, the desktop, taskbar everything works but u cannot use them, not even any programs work.

i dont know what went wrong, but my first impression is that the system registry somehow got messed up

i'd appreciate if someone can comeup with answers,

the problems are

boot from cd boots up into a destop with mycomputer, recyclebin, networking :P

no taskbar only a thick line :P

when u press windows key something comes up from top left portion of screen (blank startmenu) :P

mycomputer works (even detects usb drives) but u cannot start programs like regedit, taskmanager etc
but programs in programs folder works, when u try to run a program in system32 folder u gets error saying
"application settings are incorrect"

since no taskbar no shutdown

help me


#4 moheshmohan



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Posted 31 October 2006 - 06:42 AM

hai friends,

my boot from cd problem is exactly similar to drp's problem link

if you want screen shots just go to drps posted screenshots

i belive it is due to messed up registry

i am working on it now

BTW thankyou drp for screenshots


#5 smiley


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Posted 31 October 2006 - 10:00 AM

@moheshmohan :
Your method looks good but i'm not sure that it works 100%

Can you look at these methods?The use bcdw
How to combine different I386 folders on one CD
How do I combine different distributions of Microsoft Windows XP/2000/NT on a Bootable CD


#6 was_jaclaz



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Posted 31 October 2006 - 10:56 AM

4.2) get setupldr.bin from wXP sp2 package (254kb),
rename it to setupld1.bin and copy to "multiboot\I386\"

4.3) Open the file "\isolinux\cd.bin" in your favorite hex editor (WinHex, UltraEdit, ...), and search for the ASCII string "SETUPLDR.BIN" and replace it with "SETUPLD1.BIN", then save the file.

4.4) Open the copied file "setupld1.bin" in your favorite hex editor (WinHex, UltraEdit, ...), and search for all the occurrences of the ASCII string "winnt.sif" and replace them with "winn1.sif" (there are about 8 of them including 3 that don't have to be replaced but there is no harm if you do), then save the file.

(here i chose to edit the file from wXP package coz if u edit w2003 file u would end up a "corrupt NTLDR" message)

About the NTLDR corrupt problem, you need to modify the CRC check of setupldr.bin, procedure is here:

I believe that "mixing" files from different releases can be (part of) the problem.


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