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Creating a wb web server to publish and share scripts

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#1 Brito


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    European Union

Posted 26 April 2007 - 02:28 PM

Creating a web server is a simple and effective way to publish your scripts on the web and allow other users to get them quickly.

Web Servers can also allow you to update scripts from time to time and allow everyone to always get the latest versions.

All tools needed for task come included inside and all the steps needed to make everything work will be explained on this small tutorial.

What is it needed to create a new wb web server?

You will need FTP acess to a web server to where you can upload your files.

Usually we use accounts on boot-land.net - but any other server can be used.

If you don't have any web space for yourself or an ftp account with enough bandwith to support the heavy download rates - then you can ask for hosting on boot-land.net. All active members always get their own subdomains where scripts and other files can be placed and shared.

Steps to create your wb Web Server

-------- Add wb on a new folder

Start by placing your WinBuilder.exe file inside an empty path - this is a good method to ensure that all your files will be prepared for the next step.

This is not really obrigatory, but it is recommended to create yourself a clean working environment.

-------- Download all files from your web server

If you want to modify a web server that already exists - then you should download all files available on this server using the download center and this way ensure that you will have exactly the same files as all other users who will download your files for the first time.

If it is the first time you are creating then you can skip this step and proceed to the next

-------- Add all your modified scripts and files

At this moment you can add all your modified scripts and files inside the "Projects" folder - also remember to increase the versions of your scripts to ensure that others can later update their older scripts as needed.

-------- Configure the ftp account

Before you can upload any files we'll need to type the FTP account details like username, password and FTP web adress.

Click on: Tools --> Upload --> Settings

Attached File  upload_settings.jpg   46.9KB   98 downloads

You can start by writing your ftp account details - these are the same you would normally use when connecting on your account using an ftp client.

On this step you only need to worry about the WebServer Path because it can change according to your account settings.

The simplest way to select a valid folder is using the FTP client on the next tab - the currently selected folder will also be reflected on the settings tab.

Attached File  upload_ftp_client.jpg   45.78KB   90 downloads

Don't forget pressing the save button on the settings tab once you have completed these settings.

The "Skip upload test" can be used to test if the definitions are correct for acessing a web server that already exists. If you are creating a new webserver then you can skip the test and just save these definitions.

-------- Uploading all files to your new Web Server

If you've done all steps above - now you only need to press the "Create" button to start uploading all your scripts and files.

Attached File  upload_NewWebServer.jpg   33.99KB   76 downloads

One note: WB will upload all files inside your Projects folder - so you need to ensure that your project folder is clean from any unnecessary files like the files wich are created while the project is running.

Please ensure that you also clean any personal informations specific to your machine like the path used as source for your projects on the Paths tab.

The option "Skip file upload" won't upload your files onto your ftp account. It will create two needed files: updates.ini and index.html - and they will be placed on your Projects folder.

These files along with all the other files and scripts can now be uploaded manually to anywhere you wish without using wb.

At this point, all you need to do is upload the files yourself.
For FTP clients I personally recommend using smartFTP

-------- Uploading just one script

This is very useful if you only need to upload one script instead of uploading all files to a web server.

First you should ensure that you've increased the version of your script to make this update visible to other users.

Then, if you've already configured your FTP settings you only need to press the Upload button on the respective script you wish to upload.

Attached File  upload_SingleScript.jpg   16.35KB   75 downloads


If you are using a Firewall - also remember to authorize wb to acess the FTP ports otherwise all communications will be blocked.

Please post any questions you have on the Suggestions and Requests forum - and I will be updating this tutorial as needed.

Hope this small guide can explain how start your own web server - if your server is grows popular enough then it will be added on the trusted list of web servers that comes included by default inside WinBuilder.exe

Good luck! :cheers:

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