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[PortableApps] Suggestion for a common ports-collection

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#1 sanbarrow


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Posted 10 November 2008 - 11:02 PM

I just started a nice new project for MOA : a ports-collection.
Anybody who knows FreeBSD might know what it is ...

For our Windows-based LiveCD fiddling an adaption may look like this :
watch a 2 minute video that shows how it can be used to install VMware Converter on the fly - just to pick an example ....

I plan to make a directory for all the apps I usually hot-add to a running MOA like VMware Converter, Wireshark, Nmap or whatever.
Maybe you like the idea too and we could think about some conventions so that we can use the ports collection from Winbuilder and MOA.

For each app and each different version there should be its own directory which contains a port-info.txt and a make-all.cmd.
The make-all.cmd should then install the app in question and if wanted package it in a nice way so that it can be re-used next boot.

It would be nice to do this as a "joint venture" :cheers:


Don't know if the post fits here - move to where it fits ...

#2 Galapo


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Posted 10 November 2008 - 11:18 PM

This could be quite good I think.

What is the contents of port-info.txt and make-all.cmd?

Maybe a standard could be the setting of an environment variable containing the junction path? This way, the user has freedom to junction wherever, but the developer can code using the variable? What do you think?


#3 sanbarrow


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Posted 10 November 2008 - 11:29 PM

Galapo - in the video i used this batch (make-all.cmd)

@echo off

set mytitle=port for VMware-converter-3.0.3

title  %MYTITLE%


echo -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

echo ----- 

echo ----- port for VMware-converter-3.0.3-89816.exe

echo ----- 

echo -----

if not exist "VMware-converter-3.0.3-89816.exe" echo ----- sourcefile VMware-converter-3.0.3-89816.exe is missing

if not exist "VMware-converter-3.0.3-89816.exe" echo ----- if you do NOT want to download it now

if not exist "VMware-converter-3.0.3-89816.exe" echo ----- abort with CTRL + C


if not exist "VMware-converter-3.0.3-89816.exe" download http://download3.vmware.com/software/converter/VMware-converter-3.0.3-89816.exe

"r:\ports\converter_303\VMware-converter-3.0.3-89816.exe" /s /v/qn.

imagex /capture "r:\programs\vmware\vmware converter" r:\ports\converter_303\converter.wim "1" /compress maximum

echo ----- all done


My batch-skills are rudimentary at best so I just use hardcoded paths ... which is no problem with my fixed layout.

This is just a pretty simple example - I also have cmds for WS 6.5 - 5.5.8 which are much longer ...

We would need to make up some dependancy checks I guess.
Many of the apps I use need dotnet2 so we should make sure that such ports will not be launched with winbuilder.

The port-info.txt should contain file-information - download-links and things like that. Maybe we could use that as html and create a website for the whole ports-tree ?
FreeBSD ports are a pretty good example - this is not the same but the basic idea applies to this as well ...

Galapo - I would love to see a "offline-sysprep" port :cheers:

#4 Galapo


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Posted 10 November 2008 - 11:50 PM

We would need to make up some dependancy checks I guess.
Many of the apps I use need dotnet2 so we should make sure that such ports will not be launched with winbuilder.

Yes, dependency check is necessary. But at some stage i'd like to do a script for .NET, adding it like you do with your project or something along those lines.

The port-info.txt should contain file-information - download-links and things like that. Maybe we could use that as html and create a website for the whole ports-tree ?

Or maybe have port-info.txt in ini format to keep it simple, with mandatory entries to fill?

Galapo - I would love to see a "offline-sysprep" port :cheers:

well, that's indeed possible. All it would take would be converting the WB script to suitable batch file.


#5 sanbarrow


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Posted 10 November 2008 - 11:57 PM

Yes, dependency check is necessary. But at some stage i'd like to do a script for .NET, adding it like you do with your project or something along those lines.

We could simply run
if not exist X:\i386\microsoft.net echo ---- dotnet2 is not installed - it makes no sense to continue
if not exist X:\i386\microsoft.net exit

We should also follow the FreeBSD-pattern some more

make-download.cmd - only tries to download required files
make-clean.cmd - cleans up any temporary files
make-package.cmd - packs the app after installation into a wim-archive so that it can be re-used later


By the way - have a look at the original

#6 rawr


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Posted 19 November 2008 - 10:06 AM

It would be nice to do this as a "joint venture" :)

I agree ..

The port-info.txt should contain file-information - download-links and things like that.
Maybe we could use that as html and create a website for the whole ports-tree ?
FreeBSD ports are a pretty good example - this is not the same but the basic idea applies to this as well ...

another similar example of tree/list > xhtml > website idear-applied

http:// nirsoft.net/pad/pad-links.txt
http:// nirsoft.net/panel/
relativity simple probably using xsl + pad-files
is ther sumsort of eg 'port-info.txt'
text around
or any other Progressions made

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