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Winbuilder 051 beta 4

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#1 Brito


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Posted 08 September 2006 - 01:20 PM

This is a release of exe's wich are meant to be used by developers or any user who wishes to take advantage of new commands and improvements. It is not a stable release, so be sure to keep your old files before a package with the new build is published.

Beta 1

- Fixed the IF command option that checked if an Ini file section existed or not.
- Disabled popup after pressing the save script button
- Increased the editing window on the source code editor tab
- Added the option to use an external editor on the source code editor
- Added Call - a command similar to RUN, executing a script using the script variables (including interface vars)
- Fixed bug in bart plugin convert tool - comments and empty lines are now supported

Attached File  WinBuilder051_Beta1.zip   684.46KB   538 downloads -----------------------------------------------

Beta 2

- "stop" button more responsive when launching external apps - will also force them to terminate, solving alexei's hang with cmd.exe script in the testing project
- beta "Call" command was renamed to "Exec"
- Added a menu for creating new script files.
- Added "Options" tab.
- Added option to disable splash screen
- Winbuilder will no longer crash whenever WinBuilder.ini is not found, and will use default values

MD5 check - 5c031c33583db980e62ddce1c0b3bad9 WinBuilder051-Beta2.zip

Attached File  WinBuilder051_Beta2.zip   698.19KB   512 downloads -----------------------------------------------

Beta 3

- scripts can support dependencies, inside the options tab there is a box to specify wich scripts or files are needed for the script to run properly.


If the script is not found on the project, then winbuilder will search the archive folder - if a match is found then it will create a shortcut (.link file) or copy the file (if it is not a .script file) to the same folder where this script is located.

You can check this option adding a file on the archive folder and placing it as dependency on script. Whenever the user tries to (re)enable it - all dependencies will be checked and confirmed, if this doesn't occur it will either try to copy or show a message reporting wich files are missing.

MD5 check - 4fbc8449e5a7b942af2c02d2f211788a WinBuilder051-Beta3.zip

Attached File  WinBuilder051_Beta3.zip   699.28KB   540 downloads -----------------------------------------------

Beta 4

- Added dependencies on script files (improved coding since beta 3 - will enable dependency scripts that are disabled)
- Added command "encode" wich can be used to encode files inside script or text files (supports wildcards)
- Added command "system" wich allows specific actions outside the script engine - like the hability to refresh the script interface or rescanning all scripts again
- FileCreateBlank will now create new directories and a new file if none exist (and if the path is not read-only)
- HTML Log as been improved to add more details in builds like version, %basedir% value and a few more system messages
- Corrected "View Last log" button
- Rearranged a few GUI elements on the progress tab
- Added checkbox to use the same source directory for all available projects
- Added hint for images in script interface saying "Click on image to view in full size"
- Added keyboard support for navigation on the script window. Space=disable/enable, Enter=Run project, Up/Down=change script
- Added keyboard support for navigation on the log window. Up/Down=browse log messages
- Form resizing was disabled to avoid GUI problems under 120dpi

MD5 check: d6a0eaec8eeb7bf079a4819005cc315e WinBuilder051beta4.zip

Attached File  WinBuilder051_Beta4.zip   701.19KB   597 downloads -----------------------------------------------

Proposed features/bugfix for this current release:

- support for dependencies in scripts
- versioning support

- Commandline options like disabling splash screen, silent/automated run amongst others
- Tab in main window for options

Script engine
- make the "stop" button more responsive when launching external apps

BartPE convert tool:
- add specific code for 2600 sections (specific to winXP like [SetupReg.AddReg.2600])
- add delLine
- allow comments to be translated to echo commands


Proposed/still needing to be implemented or fixed:

- current selected component won't allow to be reselected
- add option to direct edit encoded files
- remove multiple errors when winbuilder.ini is not found
- add a common way to update winbuilder.exe, and scripts across several update servers
- fix the individual script interface issue when upgrading
- add a better system to handle with error messages
- adjust window to fit in more DPI settings
- support for vista machines

- Add Yes/No dialog boxes from commands
- AddVariables from interface sections in script files
- Command to encode files inside scripts


There are quite more features and bugfixes that can be added on this list and were proposed like macros. At this moment I'll focus on these ones. Feel free to suggest your ideas on the suggestions forum where they can be properly discussed with everybody - thanks!! :P

Edited by Nuno Brito, 22 September 2006 - 04:59 PM.

#2 smiley


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Posted 08 September 2006 - 01:31 PM

Can you release a full pckage to avoid re-releasing when the standard verison is ready?

#3 smiley


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Posted 08 September 2006 - 01:38 PM

Another bug found: When converting an inf file, the folowinf line is generated:
Echo,Loading registry hive: [%TargetDir%\i386\System32\Config\software]
While it has to be :
Echo,"Loading registry hive: [%TargetDir%\i386\System32\Config\software]"

This leads winbuilder to stop processing the script without any error message

#4 pscEx


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Posted 08 September 2006 - 02:19 PM

- Fixed the IF command option that checked if an Ini file section existed or not.
- Added Call - a command similar to RUN, executing a script using the script variables (including interface vars)

I'm missing it on the context menu.
But for now:
What is the syntax?


#5 pscEx


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Posted 08 September 2006 - 02:22 PM

I have .script associated to Textpad.
When I click the 'external editor' button there seems to be a reaction. But no editor appears.


#6 Brito


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Posted 08 September 2006 - 02:37 PM

Thanks for the quick feedback!

I've reuploaded the same beta - only adding "" as smiley stated in the inf convert tool.

Call will be added on next beta (hopefully tomorrow)

The syntax is:

This will allow to run a script using the [variables] found on this script - including the ones from the [interface]

There are two issues at this moment on this command - for a start it won't yet accept any parameters since all variables will be reseted inside the called script - meaning #1,#2,#3,#4 are empty.

This not affect however the variables on the script from where call was executed.

The last issue is since we are starting another instance of the script engine, all variables set on the script from where the call command is executed won't be available on this "called" script.

At this moment it would be required to write the keys somewhere on the called script (perhaps in [variables]) to then use them inside as parameters - will definitively work better to avoid this.. :P

psc, do you have .script files already associated with a text editor?

I'm using the standard shellexecute with the "open" option wich should be enough to open a file with the default associated application, here's the code:

if sender= bitbtn26 then  //edit in external associated program


			ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar(scriptfile) , '', '', SW_SHOWNORMAL);

			form1.ActiveControl := SynEdit1;



It might be a good idea to include a safety check in winbuilder to handle this case..

#7 pscEx


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Posted 08 September 2006 - 02:58 PM

psc, do you have .script files already associated with a text editor?

yes, here my registry


#8 Brito


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Posted 08 September 2006 - 03:05 PM

yes, here my registry


They seem correct to me.. I wonder why it doesn't open? :P

#9 pscEx


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Posted 08 September 2006 - 05:43 PM

I switched my PC on again, just for the following suggestion:

Call syntax should be possible as


and that defaults to [process]
Most cases as I assume use [process] and that makes the reading more clear.

Peter (switching off again) :P

#10 Brito


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Posted 08 September 2006 - 06:01 PM

Call syntax should be possible as

and that defaults to [process]
Most cases as I assume use [process] and that makes the reading more clear.

Yes it is a good idea, and could be done. The Section parameter however should remain as optional only to be used in case we'd like to use another section and not the default one.

What do you think? :P

#11 smiley


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Posted 08 September 2006 - 06:07 PM

Another testing result: Winbuilder works also good under WinXP-64 bit :P

#12 smiley


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Posted 08 September 2006 - 06:28 PM

Nuno can you add a function to encode inside script files other files?

#13 niche99


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Posted 08 September 2006 - 07:11 PM


Not sure if this is a bug or not. Using a Standard Build to Create a CD and boot both my PC's, I have found that both USB mice are not detected and hence unusable. If I connect my mice to PS2 connectors then everything is OK on boot.

USB mice are connected to USB 2.0 ports, but the ports are USB 1.0, 1.1 compatible.

Is USB support part of WinBuilder?


#14 Draugen


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Posted 09 September 2006 - 04:00 AM


Not sure if this is a bug or not. Using a Standard Build to Create a CD and boot both my PC's, I have found that both USB mice are not detected and hence unusable. If I connect my mice to PS2 connectors then everything is OK on boot.

USB mice are connected to USB 2.0 ports, but the ports are USB 1.0, 1.1 compatible.

Is USB support part of WinBuilder?


Let's say USB input support is on many people's wishlist :P

@nuno: i agree with psc. The 'call' command should work without having to specifya section. leaving the section as an optional variable would probably be a good idea though

#15 pscEx


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Posted 09 September 2006 - 06:50 AM

Yes it is a good idea, and could be done. The Section parameter however should remain as optional only to be used in case we'd like to use another section and not the default one.

What do you think? :P

Of course I ment the section parameter to be optional. Sorry that I did not tell that clear enough.


#16 pscEx


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Posted 09 September 2006 - 06:59 AM

A small brandnew concern: :P

In the 'common' prgramming language there is:

Call: executing some code usually in the same program , thread, namespace or whatelse.

Run: executing code usually external, that is a different program, namespace etc.

Introducing the 'Call' to winbuilder we define the opposite of the common opinion.

To exchange the code words would introduce too much troubles. So it is not recommended. :P

My suggestion: Instead of 'Call' use 'Exec'. That also points to something external and reminds on 'ShellExecute' :P


#17 Draugen


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Posted 09 September 2006 - 04:55 PM

@nuno: Another issu that needs to be adreesed rather quickly: the log output. The numbers refer to the line in the log list- not the line in the executed scripts. This makes the numbers, as is, rather irrelevant for debugging purposes :P


#18 Brito


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Posted 10 September 2006 - 10:52 AM

Another testing result: Winbuilder works also good under WinXP-64 bit :P

:P :P

Thank you for testing! :P

Nuno can you add a function to encode inside script files other files?

Yes, it will be available soon.

My suggestion: Instead of 'Call' use 'Exec'. That also points to something external and reminds on 'ShellExecute' :P

You're right, since it's still beta - this is the best time to rename it! :P

@nuno: Another issu that needs to be adreesed rather quickly: the log output. The numbers refer to the line in the log list- not the line in the executed scripts. This makes the numbers, as is, rather irrelevant for debugging purposes :P

Yes, sorry for not making that part of source code available for you to customize as you've proposed earlier - once I get my hands on coding again I'll send it to you, thanks.. :P

#19 smiley


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Posted 10 September 2006 - 01:51 PM

I have an idea:

Why not making the exit command like this:
Exit,Process,"exit message"

Exit,Script,"exit message"

Exit,Build,"exit message"

It will more flexible :P

#20 pscEx


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Posted 10 September 2006 - 02:07 PM

I have an idea:

Why not making the exit command like this:

Exit,Process,"exit message"

Exit,Script,"exit message"

Exit,Build,"exit message"

It will more flexible :P

But I think a hard job for Nuno because of the three level nesting with track of the exit condition. :P


#21 Brito


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Posted 10 September 2006 - 07:54 PM

I think I can figure a good way of coding this, but this syntax is not helping - exit should have them available as options - and default to exit the current script instead of exiting the whole script processing, something like:


It's no a priority at this moment, but it's a good idea to keep in mind.. thanks! :P

#22 Alexei


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Posted 11 September 2006 - 07:48 AM

This is a release of exe's wich are meant to be used by developers or any user who wishes to take advantage of new commands and improvements. It is not a stable release, so be sure to keep your old files before a package with the new build is published.
Beta 1

Congratulations Nuno :P
It looks and feels much better now. I'm playing with it :P
Just small request (again :P ). Could you please add to the download zip a short (preferably accumulative) description of what's new/changed/fixed in this release? It's rather inconvenient to keep your post handy just for reference :P


#23 Brito


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Posted 11 September 2006 - 09:10 AM

That's a good idea, I'll include history.txt - this reflects all changes on the beta and final releases.. :P

#24 niche99


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Posted 12 September 2006 - 12:05 AM


Messed about with a few ideas to get USB input devices working without success. I don't think I really know enough to get it working. Maybe someone with more knowledge on the subject will get USB working.


#25 Brito


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Posted 12 September 2006 - 08:37 AM


Messed about with a few ideas to get USB input devices working without success. I don't think I really know enough to get it working. Maybe someone with more knowledge on the subject will get USB working.

Thanks for trying!

It sure isn't an easy thing to do..


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