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Translators wanted for RMPrepUSB - please help!

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#1 steve6375


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Posted 16 May 2010 - 11:27 AM

Please see http://www.boot-land...?...ost&p=99260 for details.

This first Post #1 will be kept up to date and contain summary of progress and latest version.

The work should be quite simple for anyone (no programming experience required) and you can test the results instantly.

For example, if you can speak German...

1. Download RMPrepUSB from the link above
2. Copy the English.ini file to your chosen language - e.g. copy English.ini to Deutsch.ini
3. Edit the new Deutsch.ini file to change the text on the right of the = signs into German
4. Run RMPrepUSB.exe and select Deutsch from the language box
5. Check all buttons and text and Help text
6. Edit Deutsch.ini as required if needed and save file
7. Click on 'Deutsch' box again and it will autoload the new changes and test again
8. When finished, upload to Boot-Land in your post.

Don't forget to put your name in the INI file as a comment.

I will update the next version of RMPrepUSB with your INI file.

INI files still wanted for: (please check both threads as I can't keep this up to date quick enough!):

PT Brazilian
any other!

List of INI files actually received so far (20 Mar 2011) - please check latest Beta as this may be out of date:

Supported languages (all translations are kept in the \LANG folder):

  • Catalan - Translated by BennyBeat
  • Chinese Simplified.ini - Chinese WinPE Lover [tms2010] xiaohaizi02009
  • Chinese Traditional.ini - Chinese WinPE Lover [tms2010] xiaohaizi02009
  • English.ini
  • Espanol.ini - Translated By Octavio Martos
  • French.ini - Translated by Aiz
  • German - Translated by René Prieß
  • Indonesia Gaul.ini - Translated By Yudi Sitepu (MacTepu)
  • Indonesia Resmi.ini - Translated By Yudi Sitepu (MacTepu)
  • Italian.ini - Translated By Wonko the Sane and edborg & bovirus
  • Nederlands - Translated by Ivar Hendriks
  • Polski.ini - Translated By Damian K
  • Portugues.ini - Translated By Greifell Borges
  • Romanian.ini - Translated By Sir Deiu
  • Russian.ini - Translated by dFine2k
  • Serbian.ini - Ivan Starchevicy
  • Swedish.ini - Translated by Virtual-R
  • TÜRKÇE.ini - Translated by members of www.TncTR.com

Supported languages (included in latest Beta):

I am looking for any others??? If anyone has any INI files and they cannot include the download in their post, you can use www.mediafire.com or similar and include the link in the post.

Latest Version here http://sites.google....b-beta-versions version 2.1.622

Source Word doc source file for the PDF is now on RMPrepUSB website in Beta Download area.

If you click on Help and then OK, and you have a Deutsch language selected, RMPrepUSB_Deutsch.pdf will be launched instead of RMPrepUSB.PDF, so if you feel really bored you can also provide a fully translated PDF in your own language! You can use CutePDF to save the document as a PDF from Word if you like.

#2 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 21 May 2010 - 07:28 PM

I know have portugese with polish and turkish pending, any other volunteers please?

I hope you have not such a monster. :cheers:

This is "portuguese with polish and turkish":

RMPREPUSB harika bir program, mas o programador tem alguma confusao na angielski składni


Maybe it would be more accurate to say that right now you have volunteers to translate in:
  • portuguese
  • polish
  • turkish



#3 patsch


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Posted 21 May 2010 - 07:42 PM

If I have some time next week, I will try to translate into german

#4 steve6375


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Posted 22 May 2010 - 07:48 AM

If I have some time next week, I will try to translate into german

Many thanks :lol: , I am working on a new version which has an extra button 'Speed Test'. This performs a non-destructive read/write speed test which takes about 30 seconds and save the results into a .csv file. The Speed Test is also run when you run the Test Drive function too. This means you can record the read/write speed of every USB drive you have into the .csv file. The test that is performed is a block I/O test and the USB drive does not need to be partitioned or formatted. Thus the speeds measured are the fastest speed for that device and is not dependant on how the drive was formatted.

This means that I am adding a new button and new help text. I will post in the RMPrepUSB thread in a day or so.

Thanks again

#5 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 22 May 2010 - 11:47 AM

I am looking to the Italian translation.
I see a few problems in the "original" English.

cmdFileToUSB=File to U&SB
cmdUSBtoFile=&USB to File
chkBartPE=&BartPE to USB

I "translated" these as:

cmdFileToUSB=File -> U&SB
cmdUSBtoFile=&USB -> File
chkBartPE=&BartPE -> USB

and they should need not to be translated in any other language. :cheers:

This :

cmdGrubInst=Install &Grub Bootloader

since what is installed is grub4dos and NOT GRUB :cheers:
should be:

cmdGrubInst=Install &grub4dos Bootloader

the Italian should go as:

cmdGrubInst=Installa bootloader &grub4dos

but it won't fit in the button, if people doesn't know that grub4dos is a bootloader, they'd better not use this feature. :(

cmdGrubInst=Installa &grub4dos

lstLang_mouseMove=LANGUAGE SELECTION - Choose you language from a selection of INI files

lstLang_mouseMove=LANGUAGE SELECTION - Choose your language from a selection of INI files

There may be problems with hot-keys.

The Usual ones in Italian should be mantained, like:
  • A for Aiuto (Help)
  • C for Copia (Copy)
  • E for Esci (Exit)

it is likely that I will have to remove some Hot-keys (as they will be duplicated) unless you want to use an "unnatural" italian for the captions.
Is there a "priority" list of the "main" hot-keys?

More generally Italian is a little more "verbose" than English, this:

lbltip=Please note: Use FAT32 if you require a partition over 2GB in size. Edit the 'Size' textbox if you require a smaller partition.

Translates to:

lbltip=Per favore, da notare: usare FAT32 se volete una partizione di dimensioni maggiori di 2 Gb. Cambiate il valore nella casella "Dimensione" se volete una partizione più piccola.

that won't fit in the space available.
I can manage this particular issue:

lbltip=Nota: usare FAT32 per una partizione maggiore di 2 Gb. Cambiate il valore nella casella "Dimensione" per una partizione più piccola.

but if we had some more "available space, it would be easier.

FrameImgTools=Image Tools

translates to:

FrameImgTools=Strumenti Copia Immagini

I can tranlate to just "Immagini" but it won't be understanadable.

You miss a ( :

txtHBOX=To partition, format and make bootable a USB drive:\n===============================\nFollow the steps numbered 1 to 6\n1. First select a USB drive and change the partition size (optional).\n2. Change the Volume Label (optional).\n3. Select the boot option.\n4. Change File System and Overrides (optional).\n5. Select the folder containing your files that you want to be copied\n and tick the check box (optional).\n6. Click 'Prepare Drive' to partition and format your USB drive.\n\nNote: The Image buttons can be used to backup and restore USB drives.\n\n\n Click 'OK' to view PDF Help file...

I would "call out" the optional steps explicitly:
Follow the steps numbered 1 to 6
  • Select a USB drive
  • (optional) Change the partition size and the Volume Label
  • Select the boot option.
  • (optional) Change File System and Overrides
  • (optional) Select the folder containing your files that you want to be copied and tick the check box
  • Click 'Prepare Drive' to partition and format your USB drive.

About this:

Select the folder containing your files that you want to be copied

Wouldn't this be better:

Select the folder containing the files that you want to be copied


Please, don't take it as an offence, but I think that the parts of the GUI could be better organized, even in the original "quick help", the 1. in the GUI, actually correspond to second step of point #1, and an indication for "step #0" (choosing the USB drive) is missing in the GUI.
Also, cannot say if possible but the "text field" is populated as soon as you enter the corresponding item and INSTANTLY cleared as soon as you exit it with the mouse, the effect is when hovering with the mouse of flashing text.
Would it be possible to populate the text as soon as the GUI object is under the mouse arrow AND let it as is UNTIL another object is under the mouse arrow? :lol:
This effect is evident as it works like I am suggesting in the "Image Tools" buttons, but it doesn't with other objects like the buttons on the right.


#6 steve6375


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Posted 22 May 2010 - 03:15 PM

Hi Wonko
Thanks for taking the trouble to help. There was a similar situation with Portuguese, in that some frame labels would not fit.
I really don't want to make the boxes any bigger as it is already quite a large window for an 800x600 screen, so either leave them in English and put the help text in Italian or shorten the Italian words (maybe abbreviate?).
I like the suggestions of File -> USB, etc. Also, I will see what I can do about making the text stick.
I will fix the typos, thanks. I think that because of the help box, the text on the controls does not have to be full if it won't fit, as long as it does what it says on the tin. cmdGrubInst=Installa &grub4dos is fine.


#7 steve6375


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Posted 22 May 2010 - 06:04 PM

Hi Wonko
Thanks for taking the trouble to help. There was a similar situation with Portuguese, in that some frame labels would not fit.
I really don't want to make the boxes any bigger as it is already quite a large window for an 800x600 screen, so either leave them in English and put the help text in Italian or shorten the Italian words (maybe abbreviate?).
I like the suggestions of File -> USB, etc. Also, I will see what I can do about making the text stick.
I will fix the typos, thanks. I think that because of the help box, the text on the controls does not have to be full if it won't fit, as long as it does what it says on the tin. cmdGrubInst=Installa &grub4dos is fine.


new version here, has smaller text, new speed test button and portuguese.ini + corrections to english.ini (thanks to Wonko)

[Edit]see http://www.boot-land...?...st&p=100280 for latest version[/Edit]

#8 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 23 May 2010 - 10:50 AM


Sorry if I seem picky, (basically because I am picky :cheers:).

The bootloader you are using is NOT:
  • GRUB
  • Grub4DOS
  • grUb
  • GRUB4dos
  • etc., etc

It is:

cmdGrubInst=Install &Grub4DOS grub4dos

Cmdgrubinst_MouseMove=GRUB grub4dos - Installs grub4DOS grub4dos to the MBR and optionally copies over grldr. The executables grubinst.exe and grldr must be in the RMPrepUSB folder. Grub grub4dos will look for a menu.lst file when the drive boots.

Also, grldr is not an executable AFAIK. And grub4dos will look for a menu.lst in: root of the drive, \boot\grub\menu.lst and \grub\menu.lst.

This seems to me like more "exact":

Cmdgrubinst_MouseMove=grub4dos - Installs grub4dos' glrldr.mbr to the MBR and optionally copies over grldr. The files grubinst.exe and grldr must be in the RMPrepUSB folder. grub4dos will look for a menu.lst file when the drive boots in: root of the drive(s), \boot\grub\menu.lst and \grub\menu.lst.


#9 steve6375


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Posted 23 May 2010 - 12:51 PM


Hi Wonko

I have put a new exe and English and Portuguese files here [xxxxxx removed xxxxxx] (no DLLs or other files in this download - only the changed files).
The new RMPrepUSB.exe (v2.0.803) has scroll bars in the help box.
Also you can change font size and type for some labels now by changing settings in the INI file. This should help to fit the text in better. Many thanks!

[Edit]see http://www.boot-land...?...st&p=100280 for latest version[/Edit]

#10 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 23 May 2010 - 08:57 PM

I know I am a PITA :cheers:, but:

cmdtest_MouseMove=QUICKTEST - Tests the whole drive for missing memory and reports usable 'good' size. A cheap 16GB UFD may actually only have 2GB of memory!\nRe-format to the reported 'good' size, then test with H2TESTW.

A cheap 16Gb stick may be 16Gb.
A cheap 16Gb may be a "fake" one with smaller size, not necessarily 2 Gb, I've seen 512 Mb stick sold as 32 Gb.

What the heck is H2TESTW? :w00t:

cmdclean_MouseMove=CLEAN - Writes 0's to the Master Boot Record (LBA 0). Use this command if you are getting errors from RMPrepUSB.

cmdclean_MouseMove=CLEAN - Writes 00's to the Master Boot Record (CHS 0/0/1 or LBA 0). Use this command if you are getting errors from RMPrepUSB.

cmdFileToUSB_MouseMove=FILEtoUSB - Reads image file contents and writes them to the selected USB drive. The file must be a non-compressed binary image. Note: All other RMPrepUSB options are ignored.

cmdFileToUSB_MouseMove=FILEtoUSB - Reads image file contents and writes them to the selected USB drive. The file must be a non-compressed byte-by-byte or dd-like image of either a "superfloppy" or a "whole partitioned disk". Note: All other RMPrepUSB options are ignored.



cmdUSBtoFile_MouseMove=USBtoFILE - Reads USB contents and writes them to an image file. The file will be a non-compressed binary image.

cmdUSBtoFile_MouseMove=USBtoFILE - Reads USB contents and writes them to an image file. The file will be a non-compressed byte-by-byte or dd-like image of the whole device.

(i.e. if I get it right you select in step 0, in the case of a multipartitioned disk, a drive letter, but you actually image the whole device or \\.\PhysicalDrive, right? ;))

About USB INFO, can you use in the pop-up window some kind of control (like the field where contextual help is shown that is actually selectable for a copy and paste?

Anout the box where contextual help is shown, if the text is longer than the available space, it correctly shows scrolling bars, too bad that you practiacally cannot "get there" with the mouse to actually scroll. (actually you can ;) by carefully moving the mouse along the outer edge of the window and in the space between the buttons, but it's crazy :w00t:). Since most mice nowadays have a scroll wheel, maybe you could somehow give the focus to the "help box" so that the scrolling wheel works? ;)


#11 steve6375


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Posted 24 May 2010 - 06:59 AM

Hi PITA :cheers:

A cheap 16Gb stick may be 16Gb.
A cheap 16Gb may be a "fake" one with smaller size, not necessarily 2 Gb, I've seen 512 Mb stick sold as 32 Gb.
What the heck is H2TESTW? :thumbsup:

Two things here, first the word I carefully used is MAY - this means it might or might not report as 2GB. I think this is fairly clear. H2TESTW is THE standard test tool for USB flash memory testing - try google.

cmdFileToUSB_MouseMove=FILEtoUSB - Reads image file contents and writes them to the selected USB drive. The file must be a non-compressed byte-by-byte or dd-like image of either a "superfloppy" or a "whole partitioned disk". Note: All other RMPrepUSB options are ignored.

RMPrepUSB works on the \\physicaldrivex, yes, not on any logical volume.

and ... actually, no, the file can be anything you like. An MBR, part of an MBR, any sectors anywhere inside the file can be copied to any whole sector position of the USB drive. I used the word binary to indicate that the contents of the file must not be in ASCII or text or Unicode.

You can make an image of any part of a USB drive, just the MBR, first track, just partition x, all partitions (but not the sectors before the first ptn), or whole drive, or all sectors up to the end of any partiton or any group of sectors. The function is similar to dd but works on whole sectors only or chunks of 512 bytes.

About USB INFO, can you use in the pop-up window some kind of control (like the field where contextual help is shown that is actually selectable for a copy and paste?

I will look at this, it is a change to RMPartUSB.

re. scroll wheel on mouse. I will look into that too!



#12 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 24 May 2010 - 08:11 AM

first the word I carefully used is MAY - this means it might or might not report as 2GB.

Yep ;), sure, but at least to me it conveys the idea CHEAP=FAKE which seems to me unfair as there are excellent no-name el-cheapo sticks that deliver the advertised capacity, while most (please read as ALL) the ones that do not are actually "fakes" or "counterfeit" of re-known brands/models.

Just as an example, don't you find peculiar that there are Kingston 512 Gb drives around:

whilst Kingston official page lists 256 Gb as the very Maximum size of their products?


H2TESTW is THE standard test tool for USB flash memory testing - try google.

Really? Haven't thought of googling for it. ;)

Exactly ;):

cmdtest_MouseMove=QUICKTEST - Tests the whole drive for missing memory and reports usable 'good' size. A cheap 16GB UFD may actually only have 2GB of memory!\nRe-format to the reported 'good' size, then test with H2TESTW (google for it).

I may be wrong, but if anyone needs to test a stick and already knows how to, he/she will use any of a number of programs he/she ALREADY knows (which may or may not include H2TESTW) or knows nothing and needs some more explicit help.


Or, since it appears like being re-distributable and rather small-sized, why not attaching it to RMPREPUSB?

Maybe ctmag pecd.net could help in making sure about the re-distributability?

H2TESTW is not the *only* program, and, with all due respect :w00t:, it's hardly "the standard" (if not a self-declared one):

Another tool:

and also good/ol' Bart's Stuff test:

Back to work (and PITA :w00t:):

optFREEDOS_MouseMove=FREEDOS - Uses a FreeDOS Volume Boot Record and boot code to boot from the file KERNEL.SYS.

optFREEDOS_MouseMove=FREEDOS - Uses a FreeDOS Volume Boot Record and boot code to boot from the file KERNEL.SYS.ONLY compatible with FAT16 and FAT32

And "NTFS" should become grayed out when FreeDOS is checked. :cheers:

optsyslinux_MouseMove=SYSLINUX - Use to boot Linux. If booting isolinux rename isolinux to syslinux and isolinux.cfg to syslinux.cfg. FAT32 should be used when possible.

Why not FAT16 also? :cheers:

Optlargehddwinpe_MouseMove=WINPE - Uses a WinPE\Vista\Win7 Volume Boot Record and boot code to boot from the file BOOTMGR. You should boot the USB drive as a hard disk and not a floppy disk. Try setting the 2PTN option.

Optlargehddwinpe_MouseMove=BOOTMGR - Uses a WinPE 2.x or 3.x/Vista/Server 2008/Win7 Volume Boot Record and boot code to boot from the file BOOTMGR. You should boot the USB drive as a hard disk and not a floppy disk. Try setting the 2PTN option.

optMSDOS_MouseMove=MS-DOS - Uses an MS-DOS Volume Boot Record and boot code to boot from the file IO.SYS. The actual boot code will vary depending on whether you select FAT16/32 or NTFS.

Do we really have a NTFS bootsector invoking IO.SYS? :w00t:
Is there ANY other occasion where the boot code is the SAME for FAT16, FAT32 and NTFS? ;)

OptNTLDR_MouseMove=NTLDR - Uses an XP compatible Volume Boot Record and boot code to boot from the file NTLDR. Note that you cannot boot to XP unless you have specially modified the boot files.

OptNTLDR_MouseMove=NTLDR - Uses a WinPE1.x/NT/2K/XP/Server 2003 compatible Volume Boot Record and boot code to boot from the file NTLDR. Note that you cannot boot to XP unless you have specially modified the boot files.

What does the part in RED mean? :w00t:


#13 steve6375


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Posted 24 May 2010 - 11:07 AM

I may be wrong, but if anyone needs to test a stick and already knows how to, he/she will use any of a number of programs he/she ALREADY knows (which may or may not include H2TESTW) or knows nothing and needs some more explicit help.

Users who want to know more should click on the Help button. I include a large PDF with details, but do not specifically mention where to get it from.
Good idea about including it - I will investigate.

The idea about RMPrepUSB Quicktest is that it is *quick* !!! It takes just a few minutes to test true size, H2TESTW takes hours and if a read/write problem is hit it takes days!

And "NTFS" should become grayed out when FreeDOS is checked. :thumbsup:

I could do...

Why not FAT16 also?

I thought FAT32 was more reliable ?? Can't remember why now, but I am not at all experienced in linux.

Do we really have a NTFS bootsector invoking IO.SYS? ;)

No 'we' don't!

What does the part in RED mean?

I mean't to convey that you cannot just copy an XP CD to a USB drive and expect it to boot in the same way that Vista/Win7 will...

Thanks very much for being so diligent, I appreciate it (even though you are a PITA :cheers: ;) )

#14 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 24 May 2010 - 11:16 AM

I mean't to convey that you cannot just copy an XP CD to a USB drive and expect it to boot in the same way that Vista/Win7 will...

Sure :cheers:, too bad that there is no need to modify ANY "boot files", but rather a bunch of registry entries, optionally adding marv's USBbootwatcher service....:thumbsup:

Maybe it could be rephrased as something like:

Warning: specific changes to the Registry need to be made to have XP booting from USB bus.

Back to work (and PITA).
WinPE (v 1.x) do not boot from NTLDR, but rather from SETUPLDR.BIN.
Maybe you could include an option similar to the one of MakeBS:

chkCHS_MouseMove=CHS - Use this option if you have MS-DOS or FreeDos and want it to boot as Drive A: or have an older system BIOS. The ZIP option uses this option automatically.


chkUSBFDD_MouseMove=USBFDD - Use this option if you have MS-DOS or FreeDos and want it to boot as Drive A:. The USB drive will have no Master Boot Record or partition table. Alternatively try the ZIP option for A: booting.



#15 steve6375


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Posted 25 May 2010 - 07:10 PM

Next version 2.0.804 here

[Edit]see http://www.boot-land...?...st&p=100280 for latest version[/Edit]

This is a full version with all files (RMPartUSB is v 2.0.802).

Added H2TESTW folder to zip download
Mouse scroll of help window
Changed some help text and shortened tooltips
Help PDF revised slightly

I looked into a new window for USb info or file info, but this was quite tricky to do as I wanted RMPartUSb to be a command line utility and be able to redirect the output to a file.
I will look at running the info command and redirecting the output to a file and then displaying that file from RMPrepUSb at a later date....

#16 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 26 May 2010 - 06:45 AM

I'll check latest changes and finalize the Italian translation. :thumbsup:

For some strange reasons the board is failing to parse the address properly, this is clickable:

RMPrepUSB 2.0.804_REL.zip


#17 Brito


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Posted 26 May 2010 - 01:09 PM

Steve, would you please write on the first topic the languages that are already available on RMprepUSB?

This will help people know what is already translated.

I'm requesting the community support to help translate RMprepUSB on our weekly newsletter so I'd urge you to add the already implemented language as soon as possible, really hope you get more people to help with the translation.

Good luck! :thumbsup:

#18 alacran


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Posted 27 May 2010 - 12:14 AM

I can do the translation to Spanish, I allready downloaded the last version (RMPrepUSB 2.0.804_REL), as soon as it becomes ready I will let you know and upload it to where you tell me, also I can make the translation of the pdf file if you send me a link to download the doc file.

Best Regards

P.D.Spanish translation is ready, please tell me how can I upload it heare.
Any way it is at: http://www.mediafire...zhz/Español.rar

#19 Leonam2006



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    Thankyou All.


Posted 27 May 2010 - 02:10 AM

Hi Everyone.

Congratulation to these "tools", and I need know if Nuno Brito, or "otherone" is tranlatting to Portuguese by Portugal or You are needding some help to Pt-Brazilian Language?

tks a lot.

#20 JoopvanBuuren

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Posted 27 May 2010 - 04:42 AM

Please see http://www.boot-land...?...ost&p=99260 for details.

The work should be quite simple for anyone (no programming experience required) and you can test the results instantly.

For example, if you can speak German...

1. Download RMPrepUSB from the link above
2. Copy the English.ini file to your chosen language - e.g. copy English.ini to Deutsch.ini
3. Edit the new Deutsch.ini file to change the text on the right of the = signs into German
4. Run RMPrepUSB.exe and select Deutsch from the language box
5. Check all buttons and text and Help text
6. Edit Deutsch.ini as required if needed and save file
7. Click on 'Deutsch' box again and it will autoload the new changes and test again
8. When finished, upload to Boot-Land in your post.

Don't forget to put your name in the INI file as a comment.

I will update the next version of RMPrepUSB with your INI file.

I already have volunteers for:

I am looking for any others

Latest version is 2.0.804 at http://www.mediafire...nzqzx/RMPrepUSB 2.0.804_REL.zip

P.S. If anyone is willing to translate the PDF file, I can supply them with the original .doc Word file too!

I would like to translate in into DUTCH for you.

Joop van Buuren

#21 bodoo69

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Posted 27 May 2010 - 05:57 AM

Please see http://www.boot-land...?...ost&p=99260 for details.

The work should be quite simple for anyone (no programming experience required) and you can test the results instantly.

For example, if you can speak German...

1. Download RMPrepUSB from the link above
2. Copy the English.ini file to your chosen language - e.g. copy English.ini to Deutsch.ini
3. Edit the new Deutsch.ini file to change the text on the right of the = signs into German
4. Run RMPrepUSB.exe and select Deutsch from the language box
5. Check all buttons and text and Help text
6. Edit Deutsch.ini as required if needed and save file
7. Click on 'Deutsch' box again and it will autoload the new changes and test again
8. When finished, upload to Boot-Land in your post.

Don't forget to put your name in the INI file as a comment.

I will update the next version of RMPrepUSB with your INI file.

I already have volunteers for:

I am looking for any others

Latest version is 2.0.804 at http://www.mediafire...nzqzx/RMPrepUSB 2.0.804_REL.zip

P.S. If anyone is willing to translate the PDF file, I can supply them with the original .doc Word file too!

Hi i can help you with Romanian.ini (Romana) translation, if i have time i will help with pdf too.

#22 AiZ



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Posted 27 May 2010 - 06:26 AM


Can do French... If you already don't have a volunteer, of course.

Have a nice day,


#23 cto

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Posted 27 May 2010 - 06:53 AM

Hi there,

unless you found anyone for the translation to German / Deutsch already, I can do that.
And feel free to send me the word document, I will see if I find the time for it.



#24 ndra ncs

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Posted 27 May 2010 - 07:05 AM


I have a time, and i can translate it to Indonesian Language,



#25 Brito


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Posted 27 May 2010 - 07:21 AM

Congratulation to these "tools", and I need know if Nuno Brito, or "otherone" is tranlatting to Portuguese by Portugal or You are needding some help to Pt-Brazilian Language?



I've started translating to the "iberian" Portuguese. Will share what I've done with you so that you can reuse most of the file and adapt to PT-Brazilian where you see needed.

Just give me one or two days to complete the translation and then I'll send it to you.


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