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Looking for quick/painless way to overcome NTFS file/foldername restrictions

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#1 Guest_AnonVendetta_*

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Posted 28 June 2015 - 05:53 AM

I am trying to download an approx 100GB megatorrent, consisting of rare/old/specialty occult materials. It is mostly ebooks, along with some videos and photos. The intent is to get and keep it available and shared between me and others of a like mind. All of the files are already available for free legally, or are out of copyright/in the public domain. However, the people who originally compiled these torrents saved some of the files with characters like :, ;, etc. Windows cant have these characters in filenames. Utorrent complains that quite a few of the files either cant be downloaded/written to disk due to this, or says that some arent accessible.


We have decided that it will be necessary to save these files in a filesystem that is more robust than NTFS, and allows for these characters. Said FS needs to be shareable between Windows/Linux. File permissions are of no concern, but I think that NTFS, FAT32, and exFAT simply wont be suitable. A few of us use Linux, with varying degrees of familiarity with said OS. I'm that maybe EXT4 would be the best FS to use. There is a driver called EXT2Fsd, that allows both read/write access to EXT4 volumes in Windows.


A few possibilities I'm thinking might work (but not sure) are:


1. Create an encrypted container in TrueCrypt/VeraCrypt (TC clone/fork but with improvements), format as ext4, then mount the container with a drive letter/mountpoint, and instruct our torrent clients to save the files there. However,this adds unnecessary encryption overhead.


2. Create a raw disk image, like a VHD, then create a 100GB partition within the VHD and format it as ext4. This can then be shared between both OSes.The files within can be renamed/moved to mert Windows filename standards, which Linux/OS X/Android have no issues with. Afterwards the collection can be recompiled and publicly distributed. The disk image can also be easily cloned, checksummed, and split into smaller chunks for distribution.


Ia there a better disk image type than VHD for this purpose? Perhaps there is a different and more common filesystem that meets our standards? Are encrypted containere feasible or simply too much effort? We will also need to use common/standard/free tools that arent overly complex.


Any ideas/suggestions are appreciated...........

Edited by AnonVendetta, 28 June 2015 - 05:58 AM.

#2 Guest_AnonVendetta_*

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Posted 28 June 2015 - 07:08 AM

I'm also considering using the generic .img format, which is pretty much standard in Linux. I'm sure a 100GB img file can also be mounted in Windows via 3rd-party tools. The img must be both readable/writable and mountable on the fly, I'm not trying to treat this as read-only (although that would help to safeguard against the img being corrupted) like a forensics specialist would. I'm sure the ext4 FS within the img can be mounted in Windows if a ext4 driver is installed.


I got this idea from an app I use on Android called Linux Deploy, the basic idea is to be able to install a variety of ARM distros by creating an img file, formatting it as ext4, then downloading your chosen distro's install files from the Net into the img. The end result is a distro within an image, conplete with a root filesystem, and the ability to run real and full featured Linux commands, softwares, etc. This works great for learning Linux and as a dev environment, particularly for coding and creating Android apps. The img is mounted and accessed via an isolated chroot jail environment, which is similiar to running a VM on a PC.

#3 karyonix


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Posted 28 June 2015 - 07:12 AM

I think these characters restrictions are enforced by Windows API, not the NTFS.
Other filesystem will probably be subjected to the same limitation while running on Windows.

This problem can be mitigated by using escape sequence from application program (bittorrent client).
It is possible to find an open source bittorrent client and edit it to escape filename when creating/opening all shared data file.
Or store these "files" in an archive instead of real files.

If you don't want to edit and compile any program, just run a bittorent client in linux.

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