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My close experiences with Covid and the vaccine

covid vaccine

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#1 alacran


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Posted 12 August 2021 - 04:09 AM

Following I will tell all of you my 2 close experiences with Covid and the vaccine.

1.- On my aunt and uncle house are living three people: My aunt (86), my uncle (94) and my cousin (58), all got the 2 doses of Pfizer vaccine, their last dose was on April this year, without any adverse effect.

My uncle got the virus last month (source unknown), with the age (94) he became diabetic (requires insulin daily), with high blood pressure and overweight (the 4 worst conditions), and was with feber, his oxygenation levels were very low, he was isolated in a bedroom for 2 weeks, with suplementary oxigenation for 3 days, rest of the time no more oxigen required, after 2 weeks all symptoms had gone and he is very fine since then, but nobody else got the virus at his home.

2.- We are 3 in my home: My wife (63), my brother (58) and me (68), all got the 2 doses of Pfizer vaccine, my wife and myself last dose was on April this year, my brother last dose was on mid June this year. Only my wife had very minor myalgia for a couple of days.

My wife (with overweight) got the virus because she went to the church (against my recommendations), after we noticed the first syntoms she was isolated in a bedroom, symtoms just like flu, no feber and good oxygenation levels, but she lost smell and taste, tomorrow will be the 15th day since first symptoms, she seems to be fine now but still feeling weak and tired. But (so far) nobody else got the virus at home.

In my opinion, withouth the vaccine:

  • The two cases of the virus would have been much more severe, and at least the first one could have been fatal.
  • The rest of us would have gotten the virus more easily because the symptoms were not detected immediately on both cases.

We all know that there is a (minimal %) risk in vaccination, but it is less than get electrocuted at home during a thunderstorm.

All of you are free to make your own opinions about this, but please use your own brain and don't pay attention to misinformed ideas or conspiracy theories, better check the info on several sources, also let other people take their own decisions and don't influence them with negative ideas because you could be sending people to dead.



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#2 alacran


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Posted 12 August 2021 - 04:35 AM

Good news, a new drug for Covid-19 developed in Israel is under test, showing good results in hospitalized patiens during preliminary studies in Greece, of course still more tests required.

This are some relevant parts of the article:


Placebo study still to come, but inventor says medication ‘could be a game changer’ after around 9 out of 10 participants in Greek trial are released from hospital within 5 days.

The patients were given the inhaled drug EXO-CD24, developed at Tel Aviv’s Ichilov Medical Center.

“We are not suppressing or altering the immune system, but rather restoring it to normality by controlling the aspect of the system that causes the cytokine storm, the overreaction of the immune system that is often the cause of serious COVID illness”

For more info see:



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#3 Brito


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Posted 13 August 2021 - 02:25 PM

Thanks for sharing. I'm happy that you and your family are doing OK.  ^_^

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#4 v77


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Posted 15 August 2021 - 04:36 PM

better check the info on several sources

Unfortunately something that you didn't do.
A common issue for both the disease and the vaccine:
https://scholar.goog...=spike thrombus

This is not conspiracy, this is science.
If you still think vaccine is good for you, just do it, but it will not be limited to 2 doses...
The biggest issue is that some countries, including France, try to make the vaccine mandatory.
This is my body, my choice. And I will not sacrify my health for yours. Health is something to be deserved through effort and knowledge.

#5 alacran


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Posted 16 August 2021 - 03:34 AM

Hi my friend.


Since the beginning of the pandemic I have read all articles (positive or negative), every day, and go the source article, because the best you know an enemy, the best you can fight it.


And I'm talking of the virus, and the possible ways to fight against it, to give you some examples the articles from a french doctor using the antimalarial drug Chloroquine, another article from an Australian University lab where they found the antiparasitary drug Ivermectin had good efects against the virus in their in vitro studies, including the CDS (promoted by scammers IMHO) and also the advantages (degree of effectiveness of each vaccine), their secondary efects and also the possible risks of fatalities, etc.


I was aware of certain very low percentage of people had issues or even have died after get some of the vaccines, but I analized it diferently than you, making use of the probability law, there are many other things that have a very much higher probability to kill me, starting by the Covid-19 virus.


So my decision was not only informed but also matematically analized, after all before I got retired I used to be the Quality Assurance Manager of an american company located in my country, and I always relied on statistics and probability law, in this case it was not necessary to make use of Gauss bell as the percentages of probabilities were very clear and world widely known.  And I think this is the scientific way to analyze the events and not manged by fear.


Of course, as always, there is also possible new info becomes available after we got our decision, but I feel comfortable with my decision as I didn't had any issue with it, and in my opinion it worked fine.


But nevertheless I respect your decision.



#6 v77


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Posted 16 August 2021 - 10:09 AM

Of course, if you think the benefit-risk balance is positive for you...
But saying that the vaccine is dangerous, this is not an attempt to "send people to death". Except a few crazy people, nobody wants that!
If at least doctors prescribed antiplatelet such as aspirin or quercetin along with the vaccine... But no, we have to say that the vaccine is perfect, with no risk at all, otherwise we are just a conspiracy theorist. It's so ridiculous...

There are false informations in both "camps". For instance, I don't think that the ARN vaccines are genetical therapies... But the risk of clot due to the spike protein is real and, in my opinion, underestimated.

With a virus that regularly mutates, the vaccine will never be the definitive solution. So treatments (drugs or dietary supplements) should be more regarded instead of being forbidden, like it's the case in France and a lot of countries.

I was forced to get this vaccine to keep my job. You cannot imagine how I feel disgusted, to have something I don't want in my own body...

#7 alacran


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Posted 16 August 2021 - 09:06 PM

I understand your frustration to be forced to do something against your will.


I only try to promote get all info, and let each person make a well evaluated decision and don't  managed by fear.


I never said the vaccines are the perfect solution, and I'm agree there is (a very minimal) potential risk, but so far it is the only option available, let's hope the EXO-CD24 drug mentioned on Post No. 2 becomes a good treatment, in another article I read the developer of the drug said it is cheap and easy to produce, so it could be a good option. 


But let me tell you AFAIK the vaccine in those deadly cases caused very low plaket precence and the clots were a response of the inmunitary system of that people to the lack of plakets (very contradictory reaction in fact), so the aspirine (and drugs with similar effect) is not a good idea as you know it reduces the amount of plakets.


About the spike protein risk, the info needs to be read very carefully as many people has misunderstood or twisted the info and used it to scare the others about the vaccines, but the real info is in fact related to the real spike protein in the real virus, and it has nothing to do with the mRNA or old fashion vaccines with inactivated virus.


I extracted following from: https://www.verifyth...9a-06fa96fdf6c8


Is the spike protein in the COVID-19 vaccines cytotoxic?


  • Dr. Carolyn Machamer, cell biology professor at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
  • Dr. Monica Gandhi, infectious disease physician and professor of medicine at University of California, San Francisco
  • Dr. Benhur Lee, microbiology professor at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
No, there is no evidence the spike protein in the COVID-19 vaccines is cytotoxic. Experts say the spike protein created by the human body after mRNA vaccination is different than the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.

“The bottom line is the vaccine spike [protein] isn’t toxic,” said Dr. Carolyn Machamer, a cell biology professor at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

In a tweet shared thousands of times, Dr. Robert Malone, who identifies himself as the inventor of mRNA vaccines, wrote: "The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is cytotoxic. That is a fact. Who says so? Multiple peer-reviewed references. The Salk Institute. It is the responsibility of the vaccine developers to demonstrate that their expressed version is not toxic. Show us.”

Dr. Benhur Lee, a professor of microbiology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, said the potential cytotoxicity of SARS-CoV-2 has no bearing on the safety of the mRNA vaccines.

“The sound bite ‘SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is toxic’ is not technically wrong—also not news at per se—but that has nothing to do with overall established safety of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, especially the mRNA vaccines,” Lee said.

That’s in part because, according to Machamer, the spike protein in SARS-CoV-2 is different than the spike protein created after the administration of the mRNA vaccines.

“The vaccine, at least the Moderna and the Pfizer vaccines, the mRNA vaccines, they supply the information to make spike, but it’s not exactly the spike that’s in the virus,” she said.

“There are changes that were made on purpose that would prevent the spike protein from being able to undergo binding to the receptor and fusion,” Machamer explained. “And so, all this business about toxicity that has been shown for the real spike protein, the one that doesn't have that block, is totally irrelevant for the vaccine.”



I'm very glad you are an smart guy and we can talk openly about our different point of view, even if very possible you or me will not change our personal opinions.

I have seen on other forums real anti-vaccine fanatics that can't read or hear anything contrary to their beliefs.


See you later my friend



#8 v77


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Posted 17 August 2021 - 11:52 AM

There is no need of a new drug: https://c19early.com/

We could speak about many technical details, but it would be endless, and difficult for me in english. So I am afraid to give up.

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