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#1 steve6375


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Posted 05 April 2017 - 06:40 PM

I have two aged relatives, one over 80 and one over 90. One lives over 100 miles away and one quite near.

They do not know how to use a computer and they don't want to learn.

I would like to put a notebook into each of their homes so that we can video-Skype each other and I can make sure they are OK.


I have decided on Windows 10 as the OS (because I am not that familiar with linux and because Windows has a wide range of good and free software available and a good range of hardware drivers). The final system will be imaged onto different models/makes of notebooks. Also, I already have several old Windows 7/8 notebooks around which can be pressed into service.


The next step was to get TeamViewer working so that I can connect to the notebooks at any time (by logging in remotely) and also to install grub4dos and clonezilla. This was done and I can now remotely connect using TeamViewer at any time as long as the other system is on, and can also cause it to restore itself at any time.


If a remote connection is not possible, the user just needs to press F4 at the grub4dos boot menu to restore the image. If it is not booting at all, I will provide a USB stick for them to use which will automatically run clonezilla and restore the backup (completely unattended - they just have to plug in the USB drive and switch it on).


So, I have a basic (recoverable) framework OS.


I hope to get them hooked on video-Skype conferencing first, then YouTube, maybe then internet shopping and I can set up gmail and internet banking for them and 'drive' those remotely to help them manage online accounts.


So what's next?

Windows 10 Updates are a bit of a worry. I can always restore a backup image if an update goes wrong, but it will then start to update itself again.

A better AntiVirus is probably required (which one(s)?) as well as AdBlock, etc.


Any other recommendations, Chrome extensions, safety measures, etc.?


I hope to write up some sort of Tutorial about how to set this up, as I am sure many people must be in the same situation that I am in with aged relatives who don't understand why they have to do everything online these days!


P.S. I set up the F4 image-restore partition using a slight modification to this CloneZilla Tutorial.

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#2 alacran


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Posted 05 April 2017 - 08:16 PM

If you want to avoid troubles stay away of Win10, better install Win7 or Win8.1, unless you deactivate Windows Update Service, 10 is going to create a lot of troubles with updates.



#3 v_h



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Posted 05 April 2017 - 11:52 PM

For the video chatting part of it, you may want to take a look at the Nucleus Anywhere Intercom.  I was considering getting a couple when Amazon have it on sale for $149 each for my mom to talk to the grandkids.  Several of the reviewers on Amazon mentioned that they used it to check up on elderly relatives.


I know you want to re-use old laptops but it probably easier just to get a couple of cheap android tablets and install Skype, Youtube and their bank's app.

#4 steve6375


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Posted 06 April 2017 - 11:16 AM

Thanks for the replies.

I know Windows 10 is probably not the best OS for this at the moment, but I am hoping to find a workaround for the update issue (at least you can delay it for 30 days now). I try never to make anything using old technology if you want it to still be usable in 10 years time.


The notebook format is preferable because it can just sit it on a work surface, connected to the mains, with the lid open and camera/mic enabled. If they close the lid, then they have privacy. Tablets/phones have problems in this respect (and besides, I don't have any old ones to spare!).


The Nucleus Intercom looks good, but doesn't help with internet banking, online shopping, etc., however, depending on how this experiment goes, I may have to resort to that (or maybe a locked-down skype-only PC?).



#5 qnitech

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Posted 06 April 2017 - 07:23 PM

Linux has a project called HandyLinux with an overly simplified user interface for those who need simple, they're motto ... debian without headache, you can, as you mentioned, add a restore partition with filezilla, Teamviewer works great in linux anyway.


If you decide to stick to Windows, there is a cool free utility from aomei, One Key Recovery, which allow you to build in the simplest way the restore partition.


There is also ChromeOs, which is a good an robust alternative, reliable, simple ... but there is a catch ... you must obey to google rules ... I have sold a few to older customers and they are pretty happy about it.

#6 Blackcrack


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Posted 07 April 2017 - 07:47 AM

http://reactos.org it is comming too in the next Years, but it is Alpha

at moment, but it is installable and testable too at moment, you can download

the daily builds too..

It becomes ever week more and more stabile and windows application works all more and more.. so,

it is worth to hold it ever more in the eyes ..


best regards



sorry vor my bad english..

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