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[Topic Closed] XBOOT vs 1.0.0 beta5

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#1 shamurshamur


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Posted 05 December 2010 - 06:23 PM

XBOOT vs 1.0.0 beta5

(A utility for creating Multiboot USB/ISO.)

Official website of xboot


NOTE: This thread is now closed and will not be updated with latest information.
For latest Information , Guide etc. go to official website.

Finally after lot of work I am releasing this software on which i have been working for past few months. :worship:

Purpose of this software is to create multiboot USB/ISO from various ISO files.
Support for some ISO files have been added , support for some other ISO files will be added later on the request of users.

Right now the purpose for creating this thread are:
1) Debugging. As xboot is in beta stage so there will be some bugs.All of you who are interested in using this software can test it and report here if you have any success or failure.
2) point out if you want any changes or make request for new features on this software.
3) The current name "xboot" of this software is just temporary. so please do suggest some nice name for it.(EDIT: XBOOT now is the permanent name for this software.)

Many people have helped me directly or indirectly in this project by giving there valuable ideas and suggestions.
So they definitely deserves the credit. I do not remember all of the names but i am mentioning some of them here.

Wonko the Sane.
steve6375 (author of RPprepUSB tool)
and many others....

Here's some screenshots:

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

And Last but not least some precautions:

1) This software requires .NET framework vs 4 so install it before using this software.
you can download .NET framework vs 4 from here:.NET framework vs 4

2) If you are creating Multiboot USB :

a) Please defragment it after creating it.(else booting speed will be slow).(This is not because of Flashdrive but something related to bootloader)
EDIT: From beta5 , XBoot will automatically defragment all files which might slow down the booting speed , you don't need to defragment your flash drive manually.)
Note: All files don't need fragmentation , only some files , and they will be defragmented automatically by XBoot.If XBoot is not able to defragment some file due to low space or whatever reason , it will prompt you to defragment it later)b ) Also FAT32 is the highly recommended file-system format for Creating Multiboot USB. (NTFS is not supported now but will be supported in future releases).
EdIT: From version beta4 NTFS is supported , but be careful Some linux distros don't support booting from NTFS partitions.So NTFS is not a good choice for multibooting. FAT32 is supported by all.

Caution:XBOOT will not check if a particular iso file supports booting from NTFS partition or not , that should be taken care by the user.To be on safe side always use FAT32.

If you are worried about the size limitation of FAT32 partition , and wants large partition size , then please use RPprepUSB tool . It can create FAT32 partitions up to 2TB as mentioned by the Author of this software.

FYI - RMPrepUSB can format a 64GB FAT32 drive, it has no FAT32 size limitation (up to 2TB I think but never tested!)

c) For USB device USB-HDD is the recomended format, though others( USB-FDD ,USB-ZIP) are supported too.
3) Sometimes multiboot usb\iso doesn't work on vmware, virtualbox, qemu etc. but works on real PC. So If you are testing multiboot usb\iso on vmware, virtualbox, qemu etc. and it didn't boot .Then please do check it again on Real PC.

4) Only supported ISO file will works.
There are some files which are not supported but can be added using Grub4dos ISO Emulation.
I am listing some of them here for you reference:

1) MSDART6.0(vista) & MSDART 6.5(windows 7)
2) Windows vista recovery cd & windows 7 recovery cd.
3) windows vistape & windows 7 pe.
4) All DOS based cd's.
5) Darik's boot and nuke(DBAN)
6) Hiren's boot cd (HirenBootCD vs12.0 will not work)
7) ....

Here's a screen shot of adding a file using Grub4dos ISO Emulation
Posted Image

5) There will be some minor glitches so be patient and report them here . I will fix them ASAP.

changelog for XBoot vs beta5 :
- Added support for Gparted
- Added support for trinity rescue kit
- Fixed problem with defragmentation of files
- Fixed support for ubuntu v10.10
- Fixed support for Paragon utilities
- From this version you can update old ISO files on Multiboot USB.
For example if you have added ubuntu v10.04 to your Multiboot USB along with other ISO files and later you decide to update only ubuntu with newer version( ubuntu v10.10) while keeping the other ISO files intact .Then simply add new ISO(ubuntu v10.10) file to Multiboot USB using XBoot . This way older version of ISO file (ubuntu v10.04) will be deleted and new version of ISO file (ubuntu v10.10) will be added.
Note: You can not update ISO files on Multiboot USB created with previous version of XBoot.Only ISO files on Multiboot USB created by XBoot vs beta5 and onwards will be updated.

Known issues in XBoot vs beta5:
1) Hiren boot cd 12.0 not working ( previous versions will work)(Reason: This is due to buggy bootloader used in Hiren's boot cd. Future version might change the bootloader and it will work again , till then use previous version)

2) darik's boot and nuke (dban-2.2.6_i586.iso) might not work from multiboot USB but will work in multiboot ISO(Reason: Faulty bootloader( ISOLINUX 4.00 4.00-pre46) used in DBAN , If in future release bootloader is changed then problem will solve itself, till then use previous version)

3) knoppix will not work.It will give error during creation of multiboot USB/ISO( Reason : Silly mistake of mine.I unintentionally broke the code in latest release. will get fixed in next release)

Official website of xboot


NOTE: This thread is now closed and will not be updated with latest information.
For latest Information , Guide etc. go to official website.

Good luck.


#2 Brito


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Posted 05 December 2010 - 07:20 PM

Very good work! :frusty:

I will be sure to mention this on the next newsletter.

Haven't run it as I'm using another OS. However, can I suggest some repositioning on the buttons?

For example:
- the exit button is not really needed as every knows how to close a window
- the "Create ISO"/"Create USB" buttons are the most important functions of the tool and people intuitively expects to find them on the lower-right corner of the windows.
- I'd move the emulation box to the lower-left side of the screen since it is an intermediate step.

Despite of these details, very good for a first release!


#3 shamurshamur


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Posted 05 December 2010 - 07:36 PM

Very good work! :frusty:

I will be sure to mention this on the next newsletter.

Haven't run it as I'm using another OS. However, can I suggest some repositioning on the buttons?

For example:
- the exit button is not really needed as every knows how to close a window
- the "Create ISO"/"Create USB" buttons are the most important functions of the tool and people intuitively expects to find them on the lower-right corner of the windows.
- I'd move the emulation box to the lower-left side of the screen since it is an intermediate step.

Despite of these details, very good for a first release!


Thanks for the suggestions. Nuno Brito :smart:
I will implement your suggestion ASAP.

Also thank you for maintaining the boot-land form , from which i have learn't a lot. :worship:

#4 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 05 December 2010 - 07:46 PM

Thanks for the credits, but since your (nice :frusty: ) app is based on .NET :smart: (and version 4 when we are at it :worship:), I ask you to remove my nick from the references, as it simply cannot co-exist in the same universe as .NET. (you know those things like matter/anti-matter :smart:).

.NET is evil, IMNSHO, the most bloated thing ever invented. :smart:

I do understand that it may be easy to write a program in that environment, but comeon, how big are the runtimes needed to run it? :worship:


#5 steve6375


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Posted 05 December 2010 - 08:05 PM

First impressions

1. Have separate download tab
2. Should be called Download Sites,not Download as is doesn't actually download anything
3. When select a iso to download, there is no button to go to the site. The text Download Link is actually a clickable link but this is not obvious. A greyed out button with text 'Open Download webpage' should be here and it should become un-greyed when an iso download is selected by the user??
4. When minimized the title of the green download form is 'Form 4' - Exit button could be named 'Cancel' as it does not exit the app.
5. Green form could be positioned to nicely cover the Drag and drop box?
6. 'Boot USB on Qemu' selected by C: Drive when app first loaded - should list only USB drives?? or leave list empty for user to select?
7. About button should be at top as form menu item
8. When select an iso, you could guess what sort of linux, etc it is from the name, then ask user to check/change it?
9. What does boot USB on Qemu do? I pointed it at my USB drive letter but it did nothing?
10. It seems to have installed syslinux and so no longer boots to grub4dos which was on there previously. It could warn the user that it is going to do this?
11. Not sure about menu systems yet...
12. Create USB - could have some tooltip like 'copy files to USB drive and make it bootable via syslinux bootloader'
13. MD5 xsum button nice feature! WHat is difference between No and Cancel though?
14. Make Iso seems good - don't like these green forms with no borders - better to have a panel inside the app?
15. Need somehow to tell user to press CTRL+ALT to get cursor/kbd active outside of Qemu window!
16. I dropped in ylmf iso but called it puppy linux as there was no option for ylmf - accepted offer to emulate when I created an ISO of it, but 'Puppy Linux' menu item crashed out to grub4dos.
menu cmd was: .inux /boot/syslinux/grub.exe --config-file="ls /images/ylmf.iso || find --set-root /images/ylmf.iso;map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 /images/ylmf.iso (0xff) || map --mem blah blah ; map --hook;chainloader (0xff)
ylmf.iso was in /images - when tried manually chainloader (0xff) gave Error 25 Disk read error- but the iso file was not visible in WIndows Explorer when I looked at the USB drive (which gave same error). When I manually copied the iso file to /boot then the menu worked... not quite sure what is going on...

thats it for now! Looks promising though...

So it looks like a super version of http://www.pendrivel...-easy-as-1-2-3/ ???

#6 shamurshamur


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Posted 05 December 2010 - 08:51 PM

First impressions

1. Have separate download tab
2. Should be called Download Sites,not Download as is doesn't actually download anything

Hi steve6375 , thanks for the suggestion . I will implement them ASAP.

9. What does boot USB on Qemu do? I pointed it at my USB drive letter but it did nothing?

"boot USB on Qemu" will run your flash drive on QEMU.
1) select the flash drive from drop down menu.
2) click button "BOOT".

13. MD5 xsum button nice feature! WHat is difference between No and Cancel though?

In the case you don't know.
you can also drag and drop any file on "calculate" button to find its checksum.
theres no difference between "No and Cancel". they do the same thing. i will remove the "cancel" button.

16. I dropped in ylmf iso but called it puppy linux as there was no option for ylmf - accepted offer to emulate when I created an ISO of it, but 'Puppy Linux' menu item crashed out to grub4dos.
menu cmd was: .inux /boot/syslinux/grub.exe --config-file="ls /images/ylmf.iso || find --set-root /images/ylmf.iso;map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 /images/ylmf.iso (0xff) || map --mem blah blah ; map --hook;chainloader (0xff)
ylmf.iso was in /images - when tried manually chainloader (0xff) gave Error 25 Disk read error- but the iso file was not visible in WIndows Explorer when I looked at the USB drive (which gave same error). When I manually copied the iso file to /boot then the menu worked... not quite sure what is going on...

thats it for now! Looks promising though...

So it looks like a super version of http://www.pendrivel...-easy-as-1-2-3/ ???

i can not say anything about ylmf cause i have not used it . though i will add support for it later. Till then please check only supported ISO files and report both success and failure.

So it looks like a super version of http://www.pendrivel...-easy-as-1-2-3/ ???

i will support more ISO files on request from users. so yeah! this wil be a super version of pendrivelinux. :worship:

#7 pscEx


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Posted 05 December 2010 - 10:03 PM

Just for the record:

This functionality is contained in nativeEx_easyPE since several month.
You just define your ISOs:
Then in PEFactory define whether you want to have ISO or USB, and just click the "(Re)Build PE" button.
In case of ISO it runs into your choosen Emulator, with an ISO like this:
In case of USB the only upcoming dialog is (can be switched off!) to confirm to repartition your USB drive.
As a result, you get the USB stick:

BTW1: @Wonko: This does not need any .NET and propably will also run on a W2000 host (provided WinBuilder can).
BTW2: The Avira ISO is created from rescue_system-common-en.iso and contains only the functionality to boot the ISO (only 26 MB compared with 77).
The actual VDFs can be downloaded after boot.


#8 Galapo


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Posted 05 December 2010 - 10:56 PM

This functionality is contained in nativeEx_easyPE since several month.

Hi Peter,

But this functionality is actually built into easyPE and can't be run stand-alone (remember the issue with new WinBuilder not processing individual scripts not even in nativeEx).

Whereas shamurshamur's app can be run stand-alone and doesn't depend upon a WinBuilder project, which I think was the whole point of his development.


#9 shamurshamur


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Posted 05 December 2010 - 11:24 PM

I have made some quick changes based on suggestions made by users.
Some suggestion have been implemented rest will taken care of later as i get time.

This is beta 2 release.( refer to first post for download link.)
And keep on posting your results and suggestions

#10 shamurshamur


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Posted 06 December 2010 - 01:36 PM

Till now about 30 copies of xboot have been downloaded.But theres not much response here. :worship:
so whomever is using it please report here.Even if you have not found any bugs please report the success with the names of all the iso files you have been testing.

I can not know how this software is working if i cannot get response from all of you.

Reporting of success and failure are both equally impostant to me . so please don't hesitate to report here .


#11 shamurshamur


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Posted 07 December 2010 - 02:30 PM

This is beta 3 release of xboot vs
(see first post for download link)

- when creating multiboot USB , only disks with 'USB' interface are shown.
- added support for YLMF linux.

GUI is still in mess.i will fix it slowly as time goes by.
And please post your results. :worship:


#12 gmgfarrand



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Posted 09 December 2010 - 02:45 PM

How much different is this from the multi-iso boot from pendrivelinux?
I am running ALOT of iso files off a 64GB flash drive, fat32 is not going to work for me.

#13 steve6375


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Posted 09 December 2010 - 02:53 PM

How much different is this from the multi-iso boot from pendrivelinux?
I am running ALOT of iso files off a 64GB flash drive, fat32 is not going to work for me.

FYI - RMPrepUSB can format a 64GB FAT32 drive, it has no FAT32 size limitation (up to 2TB I think but never tested!)

#14 gmgfarrand



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Posted 09 December 2010 - 02:56 PM

Hmmm... Thanks!!
Now what about the first question?? :lol:

#15 shamurshamur


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Posted 09 December 2010 - 03:09 PM

How much different is this from the multi-iso boot from pendrivelinux?
I am running ALOT of iso files off a 64GB flash drive, fat32 is not going to work for me.

I have no problem in supporting NTFS. But some linux distros can't boot from NTFS , while every linux distro can boot from FAT32.

So limitation are in the ISO files you are going to use for making multiboot usb/iso. If all your ISO files can boot from NTFS. then theres no problem.

when you create Multiboot USB using XBOOT , Two types of menus are created
1) syslinux(which don't support NTFS)
2) Grub4dos ( which support NTFS)

In the current release( xboot vs beta3) By default syslinux is made the default boot loader.( so booting from NTFS pendrive is not possible)

In the next release i will give the option for choosing the boot loader.You can choose either syslinux (supports FAT32 but don't support NTFS) or grub4dos ( supports both FAT32 and NTFS).

if you wan't to create NTFS you have to choose grub4dos option.So NTFS drives will be supported from next releases , but you have to take care that all your ISo files can boot from a NTFS formated pendrive.

#16 Brito


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Posted 09 December 2010 - 03:15 PM

Hi, your project is being announced on the newsletter.

Please keep the first topic updated with a fresh screenshot and download links.

Thank you!


#17 shamurshamur


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Posted 09 December 2010 - 03:23 PM

FYI - RMPrepUSB can format a 64GB FAT32 drive, it has no FAT32 size limitation (up to 2TB I think but never tested!)

Thanks steve6375. That will be very useful. :lol: .

Hmmm... Thanks!!
Now what about the first question?? :lol:
How much different is this from the multi-iso boot from pendrivelinux?

1) First of all i will be supporting lot of ISO files. like antivirus , windows installation,etc. in addition to Linux distros.
2) If you wan't any ISO files to be added you can make request and i will add to to XBOOT.
Also if you find any feature which is on pendrive linux but not in XBOOT , mention it here i will add it to XBOOT.
3) you can check your multiboot usb/iso by running it in QEMU.
4) option for caculating checksum of files.

this project is just started so many ISO files and features will be added on request from users.


#18 gmgfarrand



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Posted 09 December 2010 - 03:25 PM

Back track 3 and Backtrack 4 R2 please. :lol:

I'll kick the tires and see how it performs!

#19 shamurshamur


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Posted 09 December 2010 - 03:25 PM

Hi, your project is being announced on the newsletter.

Please keep the first topic updated with a fresh screenshot and download links.

Thank you!


Thanks Nuno Brito . I will update the screenshots. :lol:

Back track 3 and Backtrack 4 R2 please. :lol:

I'll kick the tires and see how it performs!

i will add it soon.In a day or two.

#20 Vacon



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Posted 09 December 2010 - 04:27 PM

Hello everyone,

sorry, but I *have to* agree with Wonko! A runtime that is nearly as big as the OS (quote from Microsoft's download-page:
"Minimum disk space:

x86 – 850 MB
x64 – 2 GB" )
it is written for is bloated. Even worse, I installed it the other day and it perfectly ruined my OS (XP, SP3). I simply refuse to try it again and to be honest -> there are *very* few application that need Net 4.0 that *I* do miss.
By the way: I appreciate the idea you had, and wish you all the best. But I do wish all the best for me / my OS too ;-)

Best regards!

Edited by Vacon, 09 December 2010 - 04:44 PM.

#21 Chuggyboy

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Posted 09 December 2010 - 05:31 PM

:lol: I've been waiting for this one for quite some time! Good job on this one and thanks!

#22 steve6375


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Posted 09 December 2010 - 07:55 PM

Looking much better :lol:

I tried running Ylmf using the Qemu tab but it came up in chinese for some reason??? Same ISO normally boots in English using grub4dos

title Boot YlmF (Windows Like OS) Non-Persistent
find --set-root /Ylmf_OS_3.0.iso
map /Ylmf_OS_3.0.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /casper/vmlinuz file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper iso-scan/filename=/ylmf_OS_3.0.iso floppy.allowed_drive_mask=0 splash
initrd /casper/initrd.img

title Boot YlmF (Windows Like OS) Persistent
find --set-root /YlmF_OS_3.0.iso
map /YlmF_OS_3.0.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /casper/vmlinuz file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper persistent iso-scan/filename=/YlmF_OS_3.0.iso floppy.allowed_drive_mask=0 splash
initrd /casper/initrd.img

re. Refresh button on Qemu tab - could you do a refresh whenever the dropdown box sees a mouse-down click - then refresh button woul not be needed?
Still nothing happens when I select a USB drive letter and then click Boot button (I have Win 7 64-bit Ult).

Can Download dropdown box be made bigger so lists say 10 in the window instead of just 1? No title on box yet.

#23 shamurshamur


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Posted 09 December 2010 - 09:23 PM

Looking much better :lol:

I tried running Ylmf using the Qemu tab but it came up in chinese for some reason??? Same ISO normally boots in English using grub4dos

title Boot YlmF (Windows Like OS) Non-Persistent
find --set-root /Ylmf_OS_3.0.iso
map /Ylmf_OS_3.0.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /casper/vmlinuz file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper iso-scan/filename=/ylmf_OS_3.0.iso floppy.allowed_drive_mask=0 splash
initrd /casper/initrd.img

title Boot YlmF (Windows Like OS) Persistent
find --set-root /YlmF_OS_3.0.iso
map /YlmF_OS_3.0.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /casper/vmlinuz file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper persistent iso-scan/filename=/YlmF_OS_3.0.iso floppy.allowed_drive_mask=0 splash
initrd /casper/initrd.img

i tried to run ylmf on virtualbox it stills run in chinese.
may be you need to pass some parameter to kernel during booting to change the default language(chinese) to english.

IF you know that parameter then tell me , i will add that parameter during creation of multiboot usb/iso.

re. Refresh button on Qemu tab - could you do a refresh whenever the dropdown box sees a mouse-down click - then refresh button woul not be needed?

yes that can be done.Actually i had exactly the same function before releasing xboot here , but later i removed it and added the refresh button instead.

problem with the function you mentioned is that dropdown menu have to refresh every time you click dropdown menu . and you may have noticed it takes some time in refreshing.

what do you say?what will be the best?

Still nothing happens when I select a USB drive letter and then click Boot button (I have Win 7 64-bit Ult).

i generally test xboot in windows7 32bit and sometimes in windows xp 32 bit.
it works fine there . i will find later whether this is because 64 bit pc or some other problem.

Can Download dropdown box be made bigger so lists say 10 in the window instead of just 1? No title on box yet.

sorry i don't get it please explain again.

#24 mesrine_29



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Posted 09 December 2010 - 10:28 PM

Great application, I'll try and give my impressions, anyway congratulations ....
And good luck in the dévelloppement this script I think is very complementary. :lol:

Best regards


It's very long to create a usb boot, why...

Edited by mesrine_29, 09 December 2010 - 10:49 PM.

#25 shamurshamur


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Posted 09 December 2010 - 11:13 PM

It's very long to create a usb boot, why...

hi, mesrine_29
thanks for your response.

As to your question about the long time in creating a usb boot.
just for a experiment try to create the iso file. notice the time taken in creating iso files. if still it is taking too much time then it is problem of xboot otherwise its just speed of pendrive that is making so much delay.

report here what you got.


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