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WinBuilder 067 - Log of changes

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#1 Brito


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Posted 28 January 2007 - 07:37 PM

Build 067

It has been over two months since the last release (052) and now this build is numbered as 067 to reflect the changes from the previously released 14 beta versions. Unlike previous editions, the included projects are yet on a unstable condition, and some users may notice a the lack of icons on the desktop when using some Windows Install CD's as source.

The reason for the LiveXP to be released this way is to allow everyone to stay up to date with the latest changes and improvements. This project is based on the developments from NativeEX achieved by Peter (PSC) and will be subjected to modifications and improvements over the next weeks to make it stable for common use.

Please help us solve this issue reporting your experiences on LiveXP - international test

If you need a more stable project, please use the previous 052 edition wich will remain available on the download page of Boot Land until the newer project can fully replace it.

Might seem strange at first to release a project on this state, but there is a good reason - it is completely dynamic and flexible.

Meaning that no longer we have to use hives derivated from BartPE nor we need to use fixed paths like "Programs" and "Documents" since this project is aiming to use the folder names found inside the Windows Install CD and correctly use them as supposed.

This is in fact a groundbreaking development since it is evolving from the regular way to make PE based disks based on (Win/Bart)PE methods combined with XPE because none of them had to ever deal with similar dificulties and always opted for fixed drives and paths.

Using this new method, boot disks are no longer static and can be adapted to more flexible conditions, icons won't be dependent on finding their way to X:\programs but rather use instead %systemRoot%\%programfiles% as variables that make them more compatible to be used correctly.

ReactOS is a new project also included, and it meant to demonstrate a LiveCD based on ReactOS - an open source Operative System wich is aimed to be compatible with Windows programs, you can find more info on their webpage:


Last but not least - this type of projects really exposes a more advanced way to create boot disks, in wich everyone is free and invited to contribute with their own custom modifications.

Log of Changes for version 067:

- Fixed a bug on Exec command wich outputed wrong result messages.
- Added the hability to run section [process]inside the project file (script.project)
- Corrected the System,RefreshInterface message to: "System - Refreshing interface after finishing processing"
- Wizard window for encoding files was not centered when using desktop with two displays - fixed
- SetVars now support automatic update of all variables with new value
- Encoding tab presents filesizes in Kb and Mb (files inside scripts need to be re-encoded to reflect these changes)
- Links in the support tab have been updated
- Added quick-close, whenever the Escape key is pressed on the main window will quickly exit the program.
- Added a backup tool to make safe copies of Projects, Archive, Tools and ISO folders
- Added right-click menu options for expanding and colapsing sub-items on main window.
- Added a download tool for browsing files available on servers.
- Fixed a typo on webget wich made the secondary progress get invisible instead of showing the download progressing
- Corrected some GUI elements
- Download tool can now browse subfolders
- Changed designation of encoded files to attachments
- OVerall GUI changes in icons, logo, button position on Attachments tab.
- Added a button on description tab to visit website link
- fixed the script and link filtering wich prevented the scripts to be mixed along with linked scripts on normal view
- different icons added for either scripts or links.
- regwrite now supports the creation of single keys with no data
- removed the option to update winbuilder.exe because it was obsolete.
- removed the option to update individual scripts until a new handling method is added.
- overall logical speed optimization in .script engine
- cabexpand is using cabinet.dll to extract files instead of wrapper to expand.exe (faster)
- program's process priority is changed to HIGH when processing scripts, the same applies to child process launched by shellexecute.
- webget and webgetIfnotExist support MD5 checksum check to ensure 100% correct downloads
- Added command "regimport" to allow importing a .reg file straight into the local registry
- bugfixed the internal inf2script tool to correctly add "" on each converted value on registry keys of type 0x3 and 0x7
- DirMove has also been improved to allow moving files and folders silently - allowing to use *.* to only move files and subdirectories from a folder
- echo command was also bugfixed - was not translating variables
- Clicking to disable or enable a folder will also reflect this value on all scripts inside
- Added a new tab named "Tools" where "Backup", "Create new script" and "Create updates.ini" tools where placed
- Added webupdate, allowing users to view and download the latest scripts and projects
- Added a new command to refresh the variable list as an option of the system command - available on right-click menu on source code
- Projects no longer accept empty %sourcedirs% - displaying a message box for users to select a valid source folder
- Tools were moved to a sub-folder of archives to take advantage of webupdates, %tools% variable was also updated to reflect changes
- Replace the individual script update button with the option to run the selected script
- Added a global webserver edit option for using updates from alternative webservers
- cabexpand was reverted back to the previous expand.exe wrapper until a more stable code can be used instead.
- bugfixed webdownload - was not decoding filenames properly and wouldn't download filenames with spaces
- when winbuilder.exe is started for the first time without any project available will jump straight to the download center tab
- bugfixed regwrite - wasn't supporting empty 0x1 entries wich created registry section keys
- bugfixed regwrite - 0x3 keys were also not being correctly handled
- bugfixed open handles when looking for files - no more locked directories
- Methods for searching, filtering and categorizing files were improved - program starts significantly faster
- disabled the old method of sorting scripts under the options menu to avoid conflicts with new method
- refresh button will also reset the script window, whenever possible it will also try to re-select the previously selected script
- edited the description on the Paths tab to warn first time users that each project holds independent values
- re-added dependencies with the difference that now it is needed to add the path to the needed files or scripts - please use %basedir% to avoid to fixed paths (check explorer.script as an example)
- added the option to add scripts wich are incompatible when one script is selected (example: ramdisk vs fbwf), also valid to any sort of file if found.
- created a new section in tools where it is possible to convert files into native .script language, removing the respective buttons inside the source editor. BartPE plugin conversion is still incompleted - it's preferable to use external tool to retrieve accurate translations in the meanwhile.
- bugfix on filesearch - search is not case sensitive anymore
- removed the Archive folder and moved all static references to the Projects folder
- when clicking on folder, paths tab is now updated with directory values from respective project
- fixed error wich caused "abstract error" when trying to use interface buttons
- fixed error wich caused "Read error" when trying to use the "System,reScanScripts" command - occured when pressing button "Restore Options" on myOptions script from NativeEx
- derivated from the above fix, a command line parameter was added to allow select a script from startup, syntax: winbuilder.exe restore level gender "ProjectFilename" "ScriptFilename"
- .project files are treated as .script on download center
- read feedback button was fixed
- added progress bar to track the overall progress of the download process
- folders wich contain script.project files will use these files as description - usefull for describing projects just by clicking on the respective folder
- when a script on local host has a bigger version than the one available to download from the web server - it's not marked for update.
- Added support for using localhost even when not connected to the internet (or any network connection at all) - and use a download server from a local http server (localhost) - great to speed download testings, e.g.: http://localhost/winbuilder
- Added a button to stop the download process
- When running a single script - script.project variables are also loaded
- readded command "ShellExecuteEx" - similar to ShellExecute, but will launch the the program and continue to run the script
- fixed a bug that prevented the last file available on updates.ini to be downloaded
- when typing a new download server bug occured under some circunstances - the autosave was replaced by a button next to the text box to avoid any issues
- fixed Open Handles that locked folders which occured creating a new updates.ini from the tools tab
- added filesize on .script .project on updates.ini description
- added a text label indicating the number of selected files and respective size in the download center
- removed list of processed sections in log.html
- log.html was redesigned from scratch, using tables, colors and graphics to make it more readable
- removed splascscreen to make startup faster and reduce overall size of exe file
- when the user tries to start a project with an empty source dir - a message box will ask for the user to input a source folder - now it will also open the Paths tab
- removed hard links from updates.ini - now all script downloads are based on the web path to updates.ini, meaning that it is now possible to move all files including updates.ini to another folder and keep downloading it.
- added some code to automatically generate an index.html file based on updates.ini - usefull to also upload to the folder and allow an easier navigation, also created with updates.ini from the tools box
- added the option to select negative levels for scripts - this keeps them hidden from the main window

On this WinBuilder release expect many of the bugs previously found on 052 fixed along with many newly added/modifed features.

The HTML version of Logs are more complete and easier to read, meaning that whenever you need help with your project and need to post your log on the web - the new version will surely be much more easier to understand.

Download Center - Allows you to download projects, scripts and files from the web. This is not limited to our boot land servers, you can also create your own updates server anywhere else and use it to upgrade or distribute your custom modified projects.

Backup tool - used for periodic backups on your work folders, it has also the option to removed the backuped folders and this way allow you to download a clean version straight from the web server. Also has the option to restore backups as needed.

Convert tool - good for converting text files onto script format. Also available for bartPE plugins, but it is not yet finished, still needs to be properly finished to completely translate them correctly. Use NIKZZZZ tool for a correct translation

Create Script - another tool wich can be used to create simple scripts, if you plan to write a script for liveXP I recommend using Pedrole15's MakeScript program.

An overall graphic improvement was applied to make the interface look cleaner and easier to understand. The script engine was also optimized to work faster and the "Encode Files" were renamed to "Attachments"

In overall, I think this application has moved a long way since 052 and still has many things that need to be improved along with a few more ideas that will probably be implemented soon to make it more user friendly , flexible and effective.

Download Link:

My warmest thanks to everyone involved in testing, debugging and reporting their experiences and ideas with this project - I can't really thank enought for all this community support.. :P

#2 TheHive


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Posted 29 January 2007 - 05:15 AM

Since this is the offical release I will post here my quick build results with defaults.

It took awhile to load up WInbuilder.

I get an error when booting in qemu. I get no erros in the log.

When I close Qemu to try to save the log. Winbuilder freezes and I cannot go anywhere. The Scripts tab is the only thing showing.

I closed winbuilder. Deleted the "Target" contents, the "temp" contents, and the "Prebuild"

Then restarted Winbuilder and it seems to load just as fast as before in the beta tests.
I tried to build again. Using the default settings, It created the ISO with no errors. For some reason this time it booted the ISO in Qemu just fine. Weird!

#3 Brito


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Posted 30 January 2007 - 11:46 AM

A new dowload location is available, just use
as web server to download a more polished version of liveXP, and PicoXP - you can change this value on the Options tab.

The default skin for liveXP was also improved, had some graphics that needed improvement, added the new PE network beta and included Off by One browser - the project interface was also updated to reflect new changes.. :P

#4 TheHive


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Posted 30 January 2007 - 04:11 PM

This time I get a good build but for some reason my Network cards for Qemu, Vmare, Virtual PC are not shown when PENetwork Manager finishes its process.
You have to click on the Start Shutdown button more then once to get the shutdown message.

There seem to be to loading things when starting ShellWM.

Attached File  log.zip   133.31KB   277 downloads

#5 pscEx


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Posted 31 January 2007 - 04:26 PM

A new dowload location is available, just use

as web server to download a more polished version of liveXP, and PicoXP - you can change this value on the Options tab.

The default skin for liveXP was also improved, had some graphics that needed improvement, added the new PE network beta and included Off by One browser - the project interface was also updated to reflect new changes.. :P

The qEmu NIC script should be taken out of the project. It works only with XP. W2003 does not have the driver.

I suggest to add an option in qEmu script to add the driver (and provide the two driver files in Tools\qemu).
(Because qEmu is started later than MakeISO, this demands an entry in !Fundamentals!)


EDITED: @MedEvil: I think it is legal to encode the two files inside qEmu NIC script. ...

Edited by psc, 31 January 2007 - 04:34 PM.

#6 Holger


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Posted 31 January 2007 - 04:40 PM

Or you could use the RTL8139-driver and add in the qemu-script the cmdline parameters:
-net nic,type=rtl8139

#7 MedEvil


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Posted 31 January 2007 - 04:47 PM

The qEmu NIC script should be taken out of the project. It works only with XP. W2003 does not have the driver.

I suggest to add an option in qEmu script to add the driver (and provide the two driver files in Tools\qemu).
(Because qEmu is started later than MakeISO, this demands an entry in !Fundamentals!)


EDITED: @MedEvil: I think it is legal to encode the two files inside qEmu NIC script. ...

Didn't knew the drivers are absend in win2k3.
Will create a version with drivers inside.


#8 Oleg_II


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Posted 03 February 2007 - 03:49 PM

Excuse me if it is not the right place to ask :P

I couldn't be able to make a working project with LiveXP in last version of WinBuilder but I have nearly perfect build with WinBuilder 052 set of files :P

I'd like to follow the new model but I also like to know what are the differences in size (quantity of files) and regestry settings between two basic sets? Are the builds with new concept going to be at least the same size?

Just to explain: I'm a minimalist and would like to have a really small basic set of files for the start.

#9 TheHive


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Posted 03 February 2007 - 04:07 PM

With the new model the ISOs should be smaller. Mainly because it uses local stuff and tries to take some of the old fat out. Some of the old scripts might not work with the new model. So if you find apps that need to be updated the best thing is to ask the author of the script if he can update to the new model.

#10 pscEx


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Posted 03 February 2007 - 04:20 PM

I'd like to follow the new model but I also like to know what are the differences in size (quantity of files) and regestry settings between two basic sets? Are the builds with new concept going to be at least the same size?

Just to explain: I'm a minimalist and would like to have a really small basic set of files for the start.

The size should be a little bit smaller.
The main size decrease is in the hives' sizes of at least 256k.
There is only one small increase of about 90k due to the additional $modelram.exe (minus some k missing shortcut files).


#11 pscEx


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Posted 03 February 2007 - 04:23 PM

I couldn't be able to make a working project with LiveXP in last version of WinBuilder but I have nearly perfect build with WinBuilder 052 set of files :P

Can you explain your troubles and post the log file here?


#12 Oleg_II


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Posted 03 February 2007 - 04:53 PM

Thanks! I guess I should try it again :P

I didn't save the log. I used XP SP2 with RAM boot and it didn't even boot in QEMU - blue screen :P
Tried twice and gave up. And I didn't include other (3d party) scripts, only unchecked a few scripts in standard downloaded set.

By the way: are the scripts changing to new ones on download page? Or it is the same set of scripts as just after WinBuilder came out?

I ask because I'm on a business trip and my download is in my other computer at home.

#13 pscEx


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Posted 03 February 2007 - 05:08 PM

Thanks! I guess I should try it again :P

I didn't save the log. I used XP SP2 with RAM boot and it didn't even boot in QEMU - blue screen :P
Tried twice and gave up. And I didn't include other (3d party) scripts, only unchecked a few scripts in standard downloaded set.

By the way: are the scripts changing to new ones on download page? Or it is the same set of scripts as just after WinBuilder came out?

I ask because I'm on a business trip and my download is in my other computer at home.

Try w/o RAM boot first.
1st the RAM boot files are from W2003 and you are using XP.
2nd there seem to be some issues with RAM boot I'm currently investigating. It seems that at least RAM boot from burned CD does not work with every project constellation.

You can use the download center to have the latest released versions.


#14 Oleg_II


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Posted 03 February 2007 - 05:22 PM

I'm using W2k3 files. I have a working project with WinBuilder 052, remember? :P

And RAM boot feature is is very important for me because I use it for booting from USB and hard disk using IMG file.

OK! I downloaded new version again and going to try it again :P

#15 Oleg_II


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Posted 04 February 2007 - 02:27 PM

Unfortunally it didn't work for me again :P
Attached are logs for PicoXP, LiveXP and LiveXP Boot from RAM.
Please let me know if the logs are not good (I'm not sure cause they are very different in size?).

PS Could it be because I'm running Windows 2000 in my computer?

Attached Files

#16 Brito


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Posted 04 February 2007 - 02:38 PM

It sure seems a win2000 problem - the hives don't seem to be created properly, can you also try these files on a XP machine just to be sure?


#17 pscEx


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Posted 04 February 2007 - 02:39 PM

Unfortunally it didn't work for me again :P
Attached are logs for PicoXP, LiveXP and LiveXP Boot from RAM.
Please let me know if the logs are not good (I'm not sure cause they are very different in size?).

PS Could it be because I'm running Windows 2000 in my computer?

In all three cases you have a serious problem with setupreg.hiv only.

Please delete the Basic\Prebuild folder in the three projects and try again.
If the problem remains, probably setupreg.hiv in your source CD is corrupted.

I think it has nothing to do with the W2000 host.


#18 pscEx


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Posted 04 February 2007 - 02:45 PM

In all three cases you have a serious problem with setupreg.hiv only.

Please delete the Basic\Prebuild folder in the three projects and try again.
If the problem remains, probably setupreg.hiv in your source CD is corrupted.

I think it has nothing to do with the W2000 host.


Newer knowledge:
You also cannot delete setupreg.hiv.
So it is rather probably that it is still loaded in your host registry.
You have to unload it manually.


#19 Oleg_II


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Posted 04 February 2007 - 02:49 PM

I aslo don't see how it should be connected with my host OS but nothing else seems to be wrong...

Is it possible that setupreg.hiv in my source CD is corrupted but it gives me working results with WB 052? I'll run it just to provide the log from working build. Wait a couple of minutes, please.

And I don't use CD at all - it's an ISO image of installation CD mounted with Daemon Tools.

The problem is somewhere else...

#20 Oleg_II


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Posted 04 February 2007 - 02:52 PM

So it is rather probably that it is still loaded in your host registry.
You have to unload it manually.

Sorry but could you provide me with some steps, please?

PS So if I'm going to continue using W2k I can't use this build?

#21 Oleg_II


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Posted 04 February 2007 - 03:07 PM

OK! Just checked if it works (I usually restart my computer and run a new build from an image on hard drive). Attached is a log for working build with WB 052. Could you please check if this HIV is corrupted?

Well, I have to belive you both that new project is working too :P and try running it from an image on hard :P But just in case: how should I unload this HIV from my registry? I guess I should try...

Attached Files

#22 pscEx


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Posted 04 February 2007 - 03:11 PM

Sorry but could you provide me with some steps, please?

PS So if I'm going to continue using W2k I can't use this build?

See here

EDIT: Sorry wrong link. This one is correct

I tried PicoXP on German W2000 SP4 with XP SP2 English source.
That worked.

So W2000 host should be no problem.


Edited by psc, 04 February 2007 - 06:44 PM.

#23 Oleg_II


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Posted 05 February 2007 - 12:01 AM

Nope... No extra HIVes attached to my local regestry. And the build doesn't work when boot into RAM from the image file on hard disk too :P

I guess I just stay with WB 052 build part but try new EXE :P

PS I didn't tell you everything :P Mine is not only Windows 2000 SP4 but highly reduced and customized with HFSLIP too. Maybe something is missing from the core system that is needed for successful build with a new model. Strange, it was possible with previous models why new model needs it now :P

PPS You are using very strange way of adding shortucts (IMHO). Why not creating the INF file with shortcuts like it is in normal Windows? Example:



ProfileItems = App

UpdateInis = QuickLaunch


Name ="1by1 Player"

CmdLine =16422,media\1by1,1by1.exe

SubDir ="Accessories\Entertainment"

WorkingDir	 = 16422,media\1by1

InfoTip ="Plays musical files."


setup.ini, progman.groups,, "group88=""%16410%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch"""

setup.ini, group88,, """1by1 Player"",""""""%16422%\media\1by1\1by1.exe"""""",,,,""%16422%\media\1by1"",""1by1.exe"""

It works (but grpconv.exe needs to be added into system32 folder in order INF can be ran). Pack this only INF file with IExpress Wizard (inlcuded with Windows) to EXE files with autorunning INF file inside. Then run in insted of ModelRam.exe.

PPPS OK, I understood. It may be difficult to make automatic. Never mind :P

#24 Oleg_II


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Posted 05 February 2007 - 02:22 PM

New EXE worked fine with the old scripts. But right afther starting the first script it opened a window browsing for files or folders, why? It didn't ask for something definite :P I'd just chosen temporary folder but nothing were written there during WB ran.

The build booted perfectly in RAM, I'm happy again :P

PS But if I can run new model scripts on W2k I would be happier than that :P

#25 Brito


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Posted 05 February 2007 - 02:34 PM

New EXE worked fine with the old scripts. But right afther starting the first script it opened a window browsing for files or folders, why? It didn't ask for something definite :P I'd just chosen temporary folder but nothing were written there during WB ran.

The build booted perfectly in RAM, I'm happy again :P
PS But if I can run new model scripts on W2k I would be happier than that :P

From wb067, the [main] section inside script.project are also executed when the project starts - you only need to edit script.project and remove this [main] section to make it work as you need.. :P

I remember something that bugged my projects some time ago:

My antivirus prevented the hive from being unloaded - because also this seems to be your only problem so it might be caused be some similar reason..


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