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[SOLVED] install Windows 7 from USB- Failed to success

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#1 Din Bracha

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Posted 14 August 2009 - 03:50 PM

hi, i'm new here
i have a pc that supports USB Booting (saw in BIOS) and a USB device that supports booting (i have sandisk cruzer, and i checked it by memtest86) so that how i know my pc can boot from that usb

i have tried to do some guides for booting Windows 7 from usb like that one in this post:
(in the second reply)

and these what happens:
for the first way-
when loading the windows install from the UnetBootin menu i get:
(i see it on all the screen)
and for the third way i get:
disk error:
"click any key to restart.."

what can i do?
thanks in advance

#2 was_jaclaz



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Posted 14 August 2009 - 03:56 PM

what can i do?
thanks in advance

Use a "proper" method, tested and working, instead of something (no offence whatever intended to the Authors of the referenced posts/thread :frusty:) only hinted :unsure:.

WinsetupfromUSB does work for Windows 7, at least for the currently available release (not the RTM).

It should work allright with RTM as well, but I don't seem to remember any report for that.




#3 Din Bracha

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Posted 14 August 2009 - 05:10 PM

thx for the fast reply
i will try it..
and let you know if it works with the RTM too

#4 Din Bracha

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Posted 14 August 2009 - 07:08 PM

well it is a very good software
its the only one that worked for me (this is very wearied because i have tried something like 6 different guides and nothing worked)
i used the Windows 7 x86 RTM and boot it from the usb and it have successes to boot
but maybe you can explain me out to make the other ways work for me too? (for the learning)

thanks for the software and helping BTW

#5 was_jaclaz



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Posted 14 August 2009 - 07:50 PM

well it is a very good software
its the only one that worked for me (this is very wearied because i have tried something like 6 different guides and nothing worked)
i used the Windows 7 x86 RTM and boot it from the usb and it have successes to boot
but maybe you can explain me out to make the other ways work for me too? (for the learning)

thanks for the software and helping BTW

You are welcome. :frusty:

Difficult to say what went wrong with the other (unreferenced but 1) guides/methods. :unsure:

Generally speaking there are lots of, say, 95% working things around that simply fail in the remaining 5% (sometimes because the info is NOT clear, or it is partial, or user was given "too much freedom" and changed something, ANYTHING), compare with point #f.3 of Common Sense Advice attached to Rules:

The referenced guide appears to be relying to a "hacked" syslinux, which is already a rather "picky" thingy, though it gets everyday bettered, see here for a recent example:

It is perfectly possible that the referenced method works allright on ALL PC's but your particualr make/model and/or with your particualr stick and/or with the particular way you partitioned/formatted it.

The only reason why the suggested app works is beacuse ilko_t spent and is spending lots of time to solve problems or "exceptions" based on the reports he gets.

A number of alternative ways/methods guide are more of the:

Well, this is what worked for me, you are on your own!

kind. ;)



#6 Din Bracha

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Posted 15 August 2009 - 12:27 AM

by the way
i have tried to install XP and Vista by the USB with the software and thats what happend:
windows vista install worked fine
when i click go in the software when selecting XP Install in the end of the procedure it tells me something like this:
at first:
"could not install grub4dos bootsector!
will attempt to install it to MBR..."
i have the possibility to click on:
ok or cancel

i click ok and after that when it finishes to install XP to the usb i get:
which in this part i someone successed to understand what the heck did they want from me so i restarted my pc and boot from usb then i get:
First part of Windows XP Pro Edition setup
and i click ok
then i am able to click on:
Second part of Windows XP Pro Edition setup
i click on it and get to choose from some options
i tried everyone but each of them tells me for a bug (there were two kinds of bugs)
so i couldn't pass that step

what do i do?
can u help me?
thanks in advanced

#7 was_jaclaz



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Posted 15 August 2009 - 08:17 AM

As I read it:

blah...(vague sentence)
blah... (vague sentence)
blah... (antoher vague sentence)

what do i do?

Who knows? ;)

can u help me?

YES. ;)

thanks in advanced

You are welcome ;), but you must help us in order to get helped. :unsure:

Try re-reading the Common Sense Advice:
partricularly point #d.

I cannot make head or tail of your report, try to describe more exactly the steps, your setup, etc, etc.
Read the main thread on MSFN and look at how other people describe problmes and the info that is required to understand what's going on:

More generally, browse/search/read around in the specific Forum, it is very possible that the same thing already happened and was solved:

And od course posting there woould be much more appropriate than here and particularly on the Unetbootin Forum. ;)

The WinsetupfromUSB is deceivingly "easy", but the fact that it is nice and all does not mean that you just click on a few buttons semi-randomly and it woill work every time.



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