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live repair disk for blind people

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#176 pscEx


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Posted 28 May 2014 - 06:27 PM

Just a test:

Copy and Paste some code from notepad file "test.txt" when NVDA is running.


Hello World



The issue was:


When I selected the text by hitting the "Shift" "End" keys, the cursor did not move, and the text was not selected.

You as blind person cannot recognise that.

I saw the result and therefore selected the text by moving the cursor to the end, using the "right" key.


Copied as usual with control c and paste with control v.



#177 TheRookie



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Posted 28 May 2014 - 06:46 PM

Hello Peter,


Thanks for the suggestion. As a blind user, I use only the keyboard and therefore have to remember windows shortcuts. I have tried the control c and v methods for copy and paste. But still no dice.

I think the reboot.pro must have changed over the years whilst I was not present. This was never a problem before.


Even to write a simple post with more then one line is abit uncomfortable now days.

#178 pscEx


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Posted 28 May 2014 - 06:59 PM

Unfortunatelly I do not have influence on the forum's software.


But back to the initial issue: Please try this:


Open your notepad comment text

Select all by CONTROL A


Create a new topic (I will delete later) and paste your text by CONTROL V



#179 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 28 May 2014 - 07:02 PM


I have The simplest possible solution.

Some checkboxes must be checked in YOurs GUI of scripts.

Including all checkboxes inside multimedia PE, such as processor, media files, battery ETC.

It will cause that NVDA will run without intervention of hostaudio.

#180 pscEx


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Posted 28 May 2014 - 07:25 PM

Hi friends,


I am leaving now and go for some days vacation.

I am back on Monday



#181 TheRookie



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Posted 28 May 2014 - 07:45 PM

Hello Peter, I have tried to create a test topic and pasted the text as you described, but still I have no luck. My preferred screenreader of use is jaws for windows, however, I have tried the very same with NVDA. But Peter, do enjoy your vacation you definitely deserve a break from all that you are busy with. well wishes.

#182 Zimmy



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Posted 28 May 2014 - 08:40 PM

I am also a Jaws user and there does in fact seem to be a problem with pasting text into the post editor.  Although it must be a fairly recent issue since I posted a few days ago and I did not experience this problem.  Also, it may not be specifically related to screen readers.  I shut down Jaws and initiated the paste command, but it still did not work.  Strangely, I am able to copy text from the post editor.

#183 Zimmy



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Posted 09 June 2014 - 07:04 PM

I don't know if this issue was actively investigated, but the problem with pasting into the post editor seems to be gone.  At least for me.

#184 boulcat



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Posted 19 June 2014 - 02:09 PM

For you my friends, interresting I believe, Win8.1SE with Jaws and more:

Win8.1SE for Blind people topic: http://reboot.pro/to...r-blind-people/



#185 Zimmy



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Posted 22 June 2014 - 02:34 AM

After a comment that was made here
by Boulcat, I did a bit of testing and the problem with pasting into the post editor seems to be related to IE 11.  I don't know if the problem occurs with IE 11 in general or if it is a combination of using Jaws with IE 11.  I also don't know if the problem occurs with other screen readers.  After Boulcat's comment, it occurred to me that I had just upgraded to IE 11 before the problem began.  When I received my new machine, I installed IE 10 and the problem mysteriously disappeared.  Of course, I did not immediately associate the issue with IE at that point, but between the fact that I have now tested with both versions and Boulcat's comment, I am now almost sure that the problem somehow occurs specifically when using IE 11.

#186 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 09 October 2014 - 03:44 PM

Dear developers,

Who us would be able to modifi some Live XP project so it would support NVDA, USB audio device and aspecially modern SATA harddisks?


I have tried to experiment with MULTIPE latest stable version and i have tried to combine it with Live XP 155 to add mass storage drivers script and so on. But i would not get my modern harddisks to work.

I have even tried to add some scripts to make Live XP 155 to work by using USB audio and NVDA, but no success. I have got some error messages such as can not find updateinf.exe and scripts from MUltipe did not work automatically when i have added them to live XP 155. I love Multipe construction, because i have been able to get project which support NVDA wich allocate only approximately 160 MB of RAm after fresh load.


But how to get support for modern SATA harddisks in live XP and NVDA and USB audio would work too.

Any suggestions are being strongly welcomed.

I know about modern PE projects even based on Windows 8.1 but those projects are comsuming much more RAM.

Thank You very much for YOurs help and time.

#187 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 19 October 2014 - 06:38 PM

DEar MR Schlang,


Multipe 77 version is The most usable PE project which i have even used.

I can use XP as source, NVDA starts automatically. Thanks to Yours smart techniques, i can run The system smoothly even on The PC with 256 MB of RAM.

Do You know, why i can not access Toshiba internal harddisk which is connected by using SATA interface? Eventhough SATA drivers script is included in Multipe?

Would You to try this issue, why SATA interface and connected harddisks can not be accessed?

YOurs project would be ideal one.

#188 cdob


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Posted 26 October 2014 - 05:06 PM

Do You know, why i can not access Toshiba internal harddisk which is connected by using SATA interface? Eventhough SATA drivers script is included in Multipe?

The script dosn't contains good drivers for the unknown SATA interface.
Which hardware do you use? Which SATA interface do you use?

#189 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 26 October 2014 - 06:19 PM

Dear sir,


I AM using


But other live XP based projects such as LXC or LIve XP 155 contain good preconfigured scripts, but NVDA is not supported by those projects.


And Multipe do not support sata.script from other projects, it causes stop of WIndows kernel after booting from live media.

ANd nobody have patience and enough of free time to include functioning SATA support inside to The MULTIPE.


The problem is, that Netgena will only support NVDA if WIM boot or RAM boot is being used, but Multipe support NVDA also when booting it from The boot media and project do not have to use RAm for storing its contents.


I was able to repair The old Lenovo notebook with only 256 MB of RAM, it fortunately support IDE devices.

It is not easy for e to simply change BIOS disk IDE controller from SATA mode to IDE, Toshiba hardware setup do not allow me to do that.


When i have tried to include mass storage drivers and sata drivers to The XP source installation by using driverbase, MULTIPE have also produced The live project, which have caused NT kernel crash.

Or do i have to also include chipsets not only mass storage drivers to The WIndows XP installation source?


Any advice is strongly welcomed.



By The other words, it would be good, if somebody would repair MULTIPE latest stable version so it would really support IDE and SATA devices and NVDA would be used reliably like in the latest stable MULTIPE release.


Unfortunately, there is many projects developer, who think, that i AM only plaing with somethink without sense. But The fact is, that i AM working as AN volunteer which can repair The computers of impaired users and those projects are much more for Me than an toy.


AAnd thanks to The MULTIPE, i can repair even old computers with only 256 MB of free RAM, and i can do this with Linux or some projects based on Windows 8, WIndows 7 or Windows 8.1.


I would liekto publicly thank Chris, The developer of Win 77 PE and WIn 8 PE projects, MR Peter Schlang, and by MR ALJO.


There are no many professional developers, who would have so much free time to help me, but those developers have always help me.


I think, that somebody of us can not imagine, how remarkable is for me, that i can help other sighted or non sighted impaired users.

This was never been possible, only because of WIn PE project, i can repair software problems of every computer, which is available.


Linux do not allow me to do this, not only because of its attempt to support thousants of various mother boards chipsets but also because browsing between files and folders is possible so fast only by using WIndows Explorer and Windows users interface from Microsoft in general.


So i please all available developers fro their help and support.


Blind users can nowuse XP, WIndows 7, 8.0, 8.1 and may be that also Windows 10 will be possible to use with WIndows PE if Microsoft do not make somethink in their C++ sources to disable so many functions when running from live PE projects.


Thank You very much for Yours time, support and help.

#190 cdob


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Posted 26 October 2014 - 07:07 PM

I AM using

That's the hard disk.
There are drivers included for the hard disk.
There is no need to include drivers for the hard disk.

But there may be missing drivers for the controller.

No, don't include chipset drivers.

Which computer do you use? Name the model.
Do you use a Toshiba Laptop? Which one do you use?

#191 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 26 October 2014 - 08:23 PM

Dear sir,

Here are some technical details about my notebook.


Model: Satellite L650D
System type: x64-based PC
BIOS: Insyde Corp. (version: 1.80; date: 29.6.2011)
  Manufacturer: Insyde Corp.
  Version: 1.80
  Date: 29.6.2011
Serial number: 5A195197Q
Motherboard: TOSHIBA (Portable PC; version: Base Board Version)

There is AN issue because Live XP 155 support harddisk and The controller. But it is out of my strenght and out of my possibilities to add NVDA and USB general audio driver to this project, so my goal is to plea somebody to modify MULTIPE.


Thank You very very much for Yours time and for Yours patience.


Mountstorpe can not be started by Multipe, there is AN error, that mountstorpe.exe can be started manually, but starting this do not helpme to support SATA drives.

#192 cdob


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Posted 29 October 2014 - 07:55 PM

Model: Satellite L650D

Seems to be a AMD CPU. Hence I guess a AMD controller too.

A basic SATA drivers chipset script: http://cdob.reboot.p...s/SATA2b.script
AMD and Intel controller are supported.

Disable other SATA driver scripts.

Good luck

#193 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 01 November 2014 - 08:56 AM

Dear sir,

Script, which You have provided is compatible with Winbuilder 0.83, but Multipe 77 is not compatiblde with it because when i boot from resulted live bootable media, i AM getting some error message and when I press Enter key, system restart.


To make our mission more effective, here is direct download link to The multipe 77.




May be, that You would try The project with Windows XP installation source and You would try, whi SATA drivers can not be integrated.


The issue is The same if I would not use YOurs new script, if i will use Multipe without modiffications, but if i would integrate SATA drivers to The XP installation source.


Would You look at this issue please?


I Am very sad, that other live XP based projects work but MULTIPE do not support SATA drivers if XP source is selected.

Live XP 155 support it, but Pefactory included with Multipe is producing The less memory consuming project available.

Thank You very much for YOurs help.

#194 pscEx


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Posted 01 November 2014 - 09:13 AM


I think that you misunderstand something. multiPE version 77 has a SATA2.script included at <basedir>\Projects\multiPE\Drivers\4 Storage.
When you copy cdob's script into this directory, the driver should be added to the PE.

I tried and can run the script without errors. I cannot test the PE because I do not have the hardware.

Please understand that I prefer to spend time in the new WinBuilder 2014 project rather than in the legacy Winbuilder version 8x.

The legacy Winbuilder is dead. It has been killed when version 82 has been burn.

BTW: The new WinBuilder project based on win7 can add NVDA to the PE.


#195 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 01 November 2014 - 09:35 AM

Dear Peter,

Yes, i have removed Yours script and i have added cdob Sata script, so i will only add cdob script and i will not remove Yours script from The 4 storage folder.

I will try Yours latest Winbuilder written in Java, but i like WInbuilder much more, because it is much more accessible, written in Delphi, so very fast.

#196 cdob


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Posted 01 November 2014 - 10:16 AM

but Multipe 77 is not compatiblde with it because when i boot from resulted live bootable media,

I'm booting Multipe 77 at AMD AHCI controller with the added script.

i AM getting some error message and when I press Enter key, system restart.

Any chance to report the error message?

There are different AMD ahcix86.sys driver versions. Can be a version conflict.

Again: which hardware do you use?
There are different Satellite L650D. Which one do you use?
Can you open windows device manager, detect the SATA controller and list the HardwareID?

Did you disable default multiPE version 77 SATA2.script?

Do not integrate SATA drivers to The XP installation source.

#197 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 01 November 2014 - 11:15 AM

Dear sir,

I Am very sorry, Yours script work very well. I did not have to disable default Sata2.script, i could perform surface scan of my harddisk from LIve project based on WIndows XP installation source.

I would like to thank You very much for YOurs difficult programmers work. I could not find The solution and Yours script work perfectly.

I even do not have to use RAM boot, i can even set Nvda script to put NVDA to The bootable media and i can use SATA drivers so this project is The less memory consuming live project.

I can use my favourite my computer Explorer from XP, i can even use my favourite Clamwin antivirus.

So very wll done and thank You again for Yours help.

I will test also with other computers with SATA controllers, if it will work live Live XP 155.

#198 pscEx


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Posted 01 November 2014 - 11:18 AM



I think I should add your script to the multiPE project.


Does it replace sata2 or is it additional to sata2?



#199 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 01 November 2014 - 11:39 AM

Dear Peter,

It is excellent idea. I have spent many hours while triing to add sata script from various functioning project but only this script work perfectly.

I do not have use live projects based on Windows 8, WIndows 7 to access harddisks connected by using SATA controllers. It is very good practice to use MULTIPE for pperforming system administration tasks such as virus detection or removal, rolling back The registry from earlier days from system restore folder.


I have last plea to The presented team here.

Who of us would be so kind and would create runscanner.script compatible with Multipe 77 based on Winbuilder.

If script would be created, give The direct link and tell Me, on which folder should be this script placed.

My dream is to have context menu run with run scanner when i will have cursor placed on AN executable.


I know about other registry editor, which can edit offline registry, but runscanner can be also used for other purposes, such as running some antivirus, which will try to scan offline registry while finding viruses.

And this last task will make Multipe project The ideal system administration tool not only for blind users.


I know, that Peter have made runscanner.script, but it was several years ago and i do not know, if script have supported run with runscanner context menu item.


And dear cdob! Thank You very much for YOurs programmers knowledge.

Do you want to create Yours own system administration tasks related WEB site?

I have look at Yours site under construction by using Yours direct link to download SATA2B.script file.

YOu will bring many positive thinks to The WIN PE based community users.

#200 cdob


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Posted 01 November 2014 - 12:06 PM

Yours script work very well.

Thanks for report.

I did not have to disable default Sata2.script

Well, it's recommended still to disable default Sata2.script.
Actually there is name conflict iastor.sy?, read at Intel SATA controller.
This may inflict other machines.
Disable Intel drivers at sata2 at last.

I think I should add your script to the multiPE project.
Does it replace sata2 or is it additional to sata2?

Well, it's neither replaces nor a addition to sata2.
The requested was a small RAM foot print: I did feel to ignore historic controllers at sata2.
E.g. I haven't used a Promise controller in the last ten years.
The new script includes a newer Intel driver, this can cause conflicts with existing sata2.
sata2 didn't contain a AMD AHCI driver.

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