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Make-PE3 Program to Create Portable Windows 7 PE

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#126 wimb


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Posted 17 August 2010 - 12:47 PM

Yes Make PE3.exe is working as you say.
I built and booted both (pe3_amd64) and a (pe3_86) builds
IE8 worked for both .. :cheers:

Thanks for testing :(
In fact it helped a lot that I could test now for the first time in x64 Windows 7 OS environment.

Finally everything is working now


Without WAIK you can make very fast 7pe_x86.iso which is I think the most interesting build.

#127 wimb


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Posted 26 August 2010 - 06:37 AM

*** Update of Make_PE3 package to Create Portable Windows 7 PE ***

  • Changed - Optimize procedure to Reduce Size of the ISO by fast Auto Removal of unneeded Language folders taking winsxs into account
  • Changed - International support improved - 37 different System Locale settings available, which are Auto Set
    Thanks to ChinaDragon, whose procedure was modified and applied using file LangTime.txt in folder Make_PE3\makebt\vbscr
  • Changed - Program Version - latest version is now 1.8

Optimize procedure to Reduce Size of the ISO involves:
  • Auto Removal of unneeded Language folders taking winsxs into account
  • File Keep_PE.txt in folder Optimize\x86 is used to specify files/folders to keep
    of folders to be deleted according to PE3_del_folders.txt
  • The files/folders of Keep_PE.txt are temporarily copied from mount to folder Optimize\x86\Keep_PE
    and replaced in mount after removal of the folders of PE3_del_folders.txt

Known issue:
Previous use of imagex version 6.0.6001 (e.g. for making BB7PE) results in reg load error when using Make_PE3 programs.
It means that when Make_PE3 has mounted boot.wim with Dism, that reg load of PE registry fails.
Solution: simply Reboot before using Make_PE3 programs to remove memory of imagex usage.

Requirements and Info - See post #1

#128 oriensol


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Posted 27 August 2010 - 12:54 PM


Thanks for the new version.

It looks like there was some last minute change in the LangTime.txt structure and column 3 - as per script - (instead of 4 as per LangTime.txt) is being used for the TimeZone.

I have fixed this problem.

I also modified the script a bit to make the language choices dynamic, so that the user can add his/her own language setup, without touching the script, by just adding to LangTime.txt.

Have uploaded the modified script and LangTime.txt with the addition of English(India) and India timezone: http://www.mediafire...y684ff021g3ekvu

Hope this helps.


#129 wimb


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Posted 27 August 2010 - 02:15 PM

It looks like there was some last minute change in the LangTime.txt structure and column 3 - as per script - (instead of 4 as per LangTime.txt) is being used for the TimeZone.

I have fixed this problem.

I also modified the script a bit to make the language choices dynamic, so that the user can add his/her own language setup, without touching the script, by just adding to LangTime.txt.

Have uploaded the modified script and LangTime.txt with the addition of English(India) and India timezone: http://www.mediafire...y684ff021g3ekvu

Hope this helps.

Hi oriensol,

Thanks a lot for finding the error in AutoIt3 script for setting the TimeZone (just my mistake)
and for adding Func _SetLangOptions() which allows the user to add own language setup to LangTime.txt
I will soon make an update to fix / add (and will add English GB,en-GB entry to LangTime.txt)

I appreciate your help very much.

Thanks and cheers,




In case of en-IN it might be necessary to set $bcdlang="en-US" like I do for en-GB
Can you confirm it or does en-IN distribution exist ?

#130 oriensol


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Posted 27 August 2010 - 04:37 PM


I do not see/have any en-IN distribution.

Everything seems fine without resetting $bcdlang for 7pe (haven't tried the pe3/AIK options).

I am wondering if it would be a good idea to replace

If $linesplit[2] = $bcdlang Then


If $linesplit[1] = $Language Then

within _Set_LangTime()

and completely divorce $bcdlang from anything in LangTime.txt. Not sure if you agree. That way, there is no need for any special handling of (derivative) languages like the various en-XX options.

#131 wimb


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Posted 27 August 2010 - 04:49 PM

I am wondering if it would be a good idea to replace

I think that is not good, since the function _Set_LangTime is meant to set $Language
as derived from Language code in Windows 7 source or AIK for Windows 7

#132 oriensol


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Posted 27 August 2010 - 04:55 PM

Okay - but then would you ever get en-GB as $bcdlang through _DetectLang()? I do not see a bcdedit.exe.mui under en-IN at least. Nor do I see en-GB as one of the $LangCode elements.

#133 wimb


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Posted 27 August 2010 - 05:06 PM

Okay - but then would you ever get en-GB as $bcdlang through _DetectLang()? I do not see a bcdedit.exe.mui under en-IN at least. Nor do I see en-GB as one of the $LangCode elements.

en-GB and en-IN are not found as Language code in the distribution and so cannot be preset,
but user can set these codes with the combobox so that they will be used to set keyboard, language and local time by using parameter $Lang

#134 oriensol


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Posted 27 August 2010 - 05:09 PM


We probably need two options (one for distribution and another for Locale/Timezone).

Anyone else would like to chime in?

#135 oriensol


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Posted 27 August 2010 - 05:21 PM

On second thoughts, the better solution would be to have another column within LangTime.txt for the distribution language.

All the en-XX rows would have the respective en-XX language as the locale language and en-US as the distribution language (as applicable).

The user choice would always be for the locale language, which will in turn determine the distribution language. If the locale language is not available/given in any circumstance, the row where both the locale and distribution language are the same would be used (en-US as both locale and distribution language, in our example).

#136 wimb


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Posted 27 August 2010 - 06:23 PM

On second thoughts, the better solution would be to have another column within LangTime.txt for the distribution language.

I agree and will add an extra column to LangTime.txt
In this way the program does not need to do the correction and is not sensitive to adding more Locale settings.


#137 wimb


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Posted 28 August 2010 - 12:37 PM

*** Update of Make_PE3 package to Create Portable Windows 7 PE ***
  • Changed - International support improved - rule with System Locale e.g. en-IN for India,
    can be addad to LangTime.txt in folder Make_PE3\makebt\vbscr
    Thanks to oriensol for error report and for making AutoIt3 Func _SetLangOptions() procedure,
    which uses file LangTime.txt to create GUI Menu of Make_PE3.exe
  • Changed - Program Version - latest version is now 1.9

Known issue:
Previous use of imagex version 6.0.6001 (e.g. for making BB7PE) results in reg load error when using Make_PE3 programs.
It means that when Make_PE3 has mounted boot.wim with Dism, that reg load of PE registry fails.
Solution: simply Reboot before using Make_PE3 programs to remove memory of imagex usage.

Requirements and Info - See post #1

#138 oriensol


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Posted 28 August 2010 - 02:27 PM


Thanks. ;)

I see the comment

; Setting TimeZone takes too long for Winre.wim

when 7PE is chosen.

Can we have an option to set the TimeZone also under the Make_7PE option also? Thanks.


#139 fms


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Posted 01 September 2010 - 06:08 PM

Hi Wimb ;)
Thanxs for the lovely Win 7 PE....just did one with ur Make-PE3 program and it worked nicely. Was able to get the internet, audio, IE8
Since i did not have Win 7 OS installed on internal hardisk (i m using winxp ). What i did was i had a win 7x86the installed on VMWare. So i did everything from inside VMWare. So installed WAIK on VMWare Win 7 x86, extracted the make pe3 folder in VMware Win 7x86 and made a build/iso inside VMWare Win 7 x86. Now i have tested it in from bootable usb g4d on real pc envirnmt and it gave me the audio and internet , ie8 which i m using as off now.

Can i build a 7x64 pe using the already prepared Make-PE3 folder (of VMWare Win7x86) from a host XP OS using the Win 7 x64 source DVD (or do i have to have already installed Win 7 x64 folder)

#140 wimb


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Posted 02 September 2010 - 06:27 AM


Thanks for testing Make_PE3 and for giving feedback

You can build in XP OS using Win 7 x64 source DVD (WAIK is not needed).

Also for building x86 version it was not necessary to install WAIK,
since then you would simply use the hidden Recovery folder with winre.wim as source and make 7pe_x86.iso
instead of making pe3_x86.iso from winpe.wim of WAIK.

Anyway as far as I see there are no limitations.
I am using also XP as OS and using DVD as Win 7 source for building Portable Windows 7 PE

#141 fms


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Posted 02 September 2010 - 09:48 AM

Hi Wimb
Thanxs for taking time to reply me query.... :cheers:

You can build in XP OS using Win 7 x64 source DVD (WAIK is not needed).

My doubt is this, let me clarify what i am asking

Option 1 -----> win 7 pe x86
If i make win7pex x86 in XP OS, --->install WAIK on XP OS---> Run a fresh new first time make-PE3 in XP OS ---> Use Win 7 x86 DVDR as source. Does this Option 1 work ?

Option 2 -----> win 7 pe x86
If i make win7pex x86 in XP OS, --->Do not install WAIK in XP OS ,neither install Waik in Win 7 OS ----> Run a fresh new first time make-PE3 in Win 7 installed OS (to collect Waik files) ----> Next copy/paste the make-PE3 folder from win 7 OS to winxp OS ----> Use Win 7 x86 DVDR as source from inside of XP OS. Does this Option 2 work ?

Option 3 -----> win 7 pe x64
If i make win7pex x64 in XP OS, --->Do not install WAIK in XP OS ---> Run a fresh new first time make-PE3 in XP OS ---> Use Win 7 x64 DVDR as source. Does this Option 1 work ?

For the Win 7 pe x64 do we need to run make-pe3 for the first time in a Win 7 envirmnt. Or is it possible to directly run make-pe3 for the first time from XP OS and just point to the win 7 x64 DVDR and it will make the win 7 pe x64 ?? ;)

#142 wimb


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Posted 02 September 2010 - 11:31 AM

Can i build a 7x64 pe using the already prepared Make-PE3 folder (of VMWare Win7x86) from a host XP OS using the Win 7 x64 source DVD (or do i have to have already installed Win 7 x64 folder)

I assume that your host OS is x86 XP
In the above case you have collected already the needed x86 Dism tool in C:\Make_PE3\AIK_Tools\x86\Dism
With this x86 Dism tool you can make 7pe_amd64.iso from x64 Win 7 DVD. So this will work.

Now your new three Options.
Option 1 and 2 will work since you have the tools available.

Option 3 won't work since you are missing the x86 Dism tool in this case (the x64 DVD cannot give you the x86 Dism tool).
Here you can solve by install of WAIK in XP so that you have the tools to make pe3_amd64.iso using x64 DVD as source.

In conclusion you need the tool that corresponds to your host operating system.
Either you get the tool from Windows 7 source with same Arch as your host or from WAIK for Windows 7
The Windows 7 source can be anything (drive, folder or DVD)

The program will guide you and indicate if what you want is possible.

#143 fms


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Posted 02 September 2010 - 12:25 PM

Hi Wimb :cheers:
Thanxs for ur info.......will sort out some doubts.

I made a build from within VM Windows 7 x86 (VMWare). I made a build of win 7 pe x86. Have attached the screenshot. Pls have a look for my query.
Posted Image
What i wanted to know is as u can see from the screenshot the size is 293mb. Isnt the size big. meaning i had read the size was about 155mb or so (in the 911cd net forums). To clarify, i added WLAN from DP_WLAN_wnt6-x86_10071.7z which after extracting comes to 102mb. Is it possible not to extract and directly use the DP_WLAN_wnt6-x86_10071.7z without extracting as than the size is only 11.6 mb.
Also bcos i added interner explorer 8 culd the size have gone up??

Another thing from the screenshot it shows "WINRE.wim". So does it mean that the win 7 pe x 86 that i built was without using WAIK. As u said b4 that Winre.wim is from Windows 7 x 86 host OS without WAIK and when u use WAIK than it is Winpe.wim ;)

#144 wimb


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Posted 02 September 2010 - 01:45 PM

You asked the program to build 7pe_x86.iso (in GUI program the first radio button and 7pe box checked)
That is build from winre.wim of Windows 7 source and without using WAIK.

Do you need that many WLAN drivers, or just a few ?
Some WLAN drivers were given already, you might confine to the drivers that you really need.
IE8 will make build 15 MB larger.
Preferred is use QtWeb from PStart Menu located on USB or HDD and outside the ISO.

#145 fms


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Posted 02 September 2010 - 02:17 PM

Hi Wimb :cheers:
Thanxs for the info....so if i use the options as mentioned by u in the previous post, meaning from gui, (first option , checkbox 7pe without waik), than even though i have waik installed on my windows 7 host, it does not use winpe.wim from the WAIK, but instead it uses winre.wim from windows 7 OS/source & bcos of the option i chose in the program gui.

Okay, what i needed to ask u and wanted ur opnion is this. I do not have WLAN on my system here. So i was wondering, incase i have to use the win 7pe on some friends laptop, just with the WLAN drivers which have already been provided (from the make-pe3 program), would it work. Or would it be better to use the DP_WLAN_wnt6-x86_10071.7z, as a fail safe kind of scenario, so that u shld not fail to have access to internet bcos of lack of WLAN drivers.
This is bcos i do not have WLAN as off now on my system, but may/wuld get this in the future, and wuldnt want to get stuck bcos of lack of it.
What do u feel..... ;)

#146 wimb


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Posted 02 September 2010 - 03:53 PM

Build without DP_WLAN, you probably have enough WLAN support with build-in and supplied drivers.


#147 fms


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Posted 02 September 2010 - 04:59 PM

Thanxs.... than that's how i will go about it.....

#148 WinAnnoy

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Posted 03 September 2010 - 09:07 AM

I do have a computer with Win 7 Ultimate x64 installed.

  • First I downloaded and installed Win AIK, but oscdimg.exe got an error telling me that it "will not work anymore" :D Anymore? Like a cash terminal typing in 3times a wrong identification?
  • Next try have been a special version of WinBuilder from a german magazine. It also let me stranded ...
  • Make-PE (without checking 'use Win AIK') works at once!

So a big Thank you

#149 fms


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Posted 03 September 2010 - 11:00 AM

Hi Wimb :D
The win 7 pex 32 bit version went well.... :)

So i decided to try the win 7 pex 64 bit version...... :)
I followed the same procedure like i did for win 7 32 bit version
1)Installed win 7 64 bit on a virtual machine (VMWare). Next installed WAIK on it (maybe not reqd, but still as i have it i did install it).
2)Next used the make-pe3 inside the Win 7 x 64 bit OS VMWare and made the build using first radio button. Win 7 without WAIK. Build was okay, but came across some things not working.
3)Put the my winpe.bmp (1400x900) in the same location like i had put in the case of win 7 pex x86 version

1) The wallpaper doesnt appear on the desktop. After loading , I checked the wallpaper is inside the build. And it appears for a brief moment on the desktop when win 7 loads, but than the sky blue blend one appears back again.
Is there a different location which i have to put the wallpaper or do i have to make any changes in the registry to make this work. If there is something different which i have to do could u let me know, so that i culd give a try.

2) The audio also doesnt work. Neither does it work in VMWare, nor does it work in real live pc envirnmnt. The Audio Fix, program which was there on the desktop in case of win 7 32 bit, is not there in this case of 64bit pex. So as this audio fix program is not there i am not able to get the audio to work.

3) I tried the internet. When i make the build, and load the iso by simulating a CD in VMWare , the internet works. But when i transfer this iso to a USB and boot the USB in real live PC envirmnt. The internet adaptor (wired internet) appears in the PENetwork manager, but than again it dissappears after i manually put the static ips, and hence the internet doesnt work in real PC envirnmt.

Next i tried it by transfering the make-pe3 folder with collected win 7 files to my host OS (winxp), so i culd try it from winxp envrimnt. Here i chose the third option of "win 7 collected files" option. The source i chose as win 7 64 bit DVDR. The build is made, but again i have the same issues which i have described with the wallpaper not appearing, the Audio Fix not being there, the internet working from VMWare when i use the iso and not working from the USB when i use it in real PC envirnmnt.

Is this happening to others, or am i doing something wrong. Do you have any suggestion for me to try out. :)

#150 wimb


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Posted 03 September 2010 - 01:58 PM

Desktop with Wallpaper and Audio do not work yet in 64-bit version of 7 PE, so that is normal.

Internet should work. May be wrong driver ....
Is working for me and others normally, wired and wireless.
Try using Driver_Fix.cmd first and if needed followed by PENetwork.

Why do you build in VMWare if you have x64 Win7 DVD ?
You could do everything in x86 XP OS and use x86 tools of x86 Win7 or WAIK for Win7

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