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Newcomer's Tutorial - LiveXP, Win7PE & Portable Apps!

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#101 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 25 February 2012 - 10:47 PM

Dear ammazing developers and tutorial writers,

I Am visually impaired user and because of somebody of us, who are very kind and supportive to visually impaired users, i AM able to use Yours live projects for system administration tasks.
Now, I Am fighting with runscanner.script.
I Am helpless to integrate this script properly to The MULTIPE12 project.
I can not integrate Runscanner.script from LIVEXP latest stable project to The Multipe12 project.
The problem is, that I AM getting error message, that btcbd.exe can not be copyed from my source installation directory with Windows XP. The file name is may be a little different, but this is causing script Runscanner.script not to run correctly.
So i am forced to use Runscanner.script from other live project.
This script can be executed without errors while integrating it and while running MULTIPE12 project, but there is other issue.
The context menu item open with run scanner can not execute module which should be executed by using Runscanner.exe.
Windows Xp is being displaing dialog box, which is requiring me to specifi, which program must be used for starting application from NTFS volume, which i want to run remotely by using Runscanner..
Only remote regedit is working smoothly from The desktop while running project created by MULTIPE12.
This project is onlyone, which is able to use NVDA from live XP with sound support, other versions are not working and there are no other XP project, which can do this.

Here are direct download links to MULTIPE12 project and for Runscanner.script from Win7PE_nvda2

MULTIPE12 direct download link
Runscanner.script direct download link, which is causing context menu issues


My goal of running some applications remotely is reaching my dream, so i would use system restore for Windows Xp on offline XP operating system, which become unusable.
Yes, i know, that i can use registry files from
system restore
directory to backup some registry files in The case of system crasch, but my dream is to run system restore for Windows Xp from running project based on MULTIPE12
And to use this tool for system restoration of offline XP operating system to make full restoration.
I Am very near to my goal.
I have tried runscanner to execute rstrui.exe from offline XP host, but i Am fighting with The fact, that system restore service is not included in The multipe12 project, so rstrui is displaiing error message, that system restore tool can not protect Your computer, restart Your computer and run system restore again.

Without using runscanner tool, application will not react at all, because it can not use important data files.

Live projects based on Windows XP or Windows7 are our replacement for Windows safe mode. Because there is no programmers method to use screen readers with sound devices in standard Windows safe mode, live projects are enabling us, visually impaired users while using runscanner to perform many various system administration tasks.
If projects based on thos PE will be developed, may be, that we would even use add or remove software to remove programs installed by using Microsoft Windows installer from offline XP host or Windows7 host.

But this is for now a little dream and software science fiction.
But i think, that it is important to use runscanner and other service integration to live XP or Windows7 PE projects to enable full system administration freedom.

What do You think about my dreams and ideas?
Would somebody of us try to help me integrating runscanner correctly to MULTIPE12 so i would run services.msc from offline XP host to start system restore service on The remote host?

Thank You very much, You are helping many sighted and also non sighted users.

With kindness regards.
Janusz Chmiel

#102 amalux


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Posted 26 February 2012 - 12:26 AM

Hello Janusz Chmiel :)

This is a nice post (thank you for the kind words) and I am sure someone can help you with it but you've posted in the wrong place. This project is different than the ones supported in this tutorial and I'm not familiar enough with it to offer help; in fact, I can't be certain which project you refer to. I assume it would fall under one of the topics here: http://reboot.pro/forum/122/

If you can point me to the topic where you originally found this project, I can move it there for you ;)

#103 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 26 February 2012 - 09:32 AM

Dear sir,

Thank You very much for Yours kind answer to my questions. I AM resending The question to The MULTIPE12 discussion forum, i will also try to send it to The repair disk for blind people.

I like Yours ammazing expression in Yours tutorial dear amalux. Yours posts are making my written form of English expression more cultivate and more soft.

Yours projects are very good and stable.

The issues is, that and it is sad, core developers of Live XP did not enabled their project to support sound automatically without need to setup somethink else or without adding drivers to The right folder manually.

So for example, in Live XP, there are scripts for making virtual box usable for sound output, but if You compile The project while using big blue play button, if user will not add somethink or if user will not setup somethink, sound will not work.

It is sad and i think, that liveXP projects and also others would really enable users to enable sound support atleast for virtual solutions. By using new user interface inside existing scripts for sound support.

If Windows sound service is not enabled, it should be enabled by The default.
In fact, i can use Multipe12 and Win7PE_nvda2 as a fully working system administration solutions.

But if somebody of us would try to modifi existing live XP, so atleast sound would work out of The box inside running live XP, it would be ammazing.

My realistic idea is to create special shortcut with shortcut key for enabling sound from running live XP.
I have special portable screen reader for WIndows XP which internally supports Czech voice without calling SAPI or other complex dlls and objects libraryes.

I would like to use live XP atleast from virtual environment with sound support for now.

Windows Explorer is enabling users to add keyboard shortcut to specific program link or folder link by using properties dialog box.
So sound would be enabled by using this shortcut, because i know, that there is issue with sound service startup.
I could run my portable screen reader from NTFS volume previously created by using virtual harddisk.

Please, would be sound issue solved?
May be, that there would be some step by step tutorial to enable sound support for Oracle VM VirtualBox.
For now, scripts really not enabling users to use sound.

And moving some scripts from other LIVEXP project to multipe12 is complex for The developers and also for me.
Thank You very much for Yours answer.
With kindness regards.
Janusz Chmiel

#104 amalux


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Posted 26 February 2012 - 08:59 PM

Hi Janusz Chmiel, thank you again for your kind words :)

The issues is, that and it is sad, core developers of Live XP did not enabled their project to support sound automatically without need to setup somethink else or without adding drivers to The right folder manually.

Actually, all my projects are setup for audio support by default; however, not all hardware will be supported without some tweaking (some hardware won't work at all). A good test is to use DIPE (Driver Import PE) from PE (shortcut on the desktop) to import your host audio drivers and see if that works, if so, automating this at each boot is simple (backup your host audio drivers with Smart Driver Backup and add those drivers to 'Drivers' folder at root of any drive or include through the script interface).

If this doesn't work there are other things you can try but I need some information on your hardware and operating system etc.

So for example, in Live XP, there are scripts for making virtual box usable for sound output, but if You compile The project while using big blue play button, if user will not add somethink or if user will not setup somethink, sound will not work.

What is the purpose of running LiveXP in VirtualBox? If only to test if it boots, you might consider booting the ISO from hard drive (faster and better performance). I don't think you'll get audio working for LiveXP in VBox, it has its own limitations in this regard but start with installing guest additions and Direct3D support.

My realistic idea is to create special shortcut with shortcut key for enabling sound from running live XP.

The closest I've come to realizing this dream (so far) is the DIPE auto-import scheme, included in current projects. This works quite well most of the time but is by no means a guarantee of success. I am looking into other methods/tools for importing drivers and will post them when ready.

It wasn't clear from your post, do you have a PE1x project that automatically supports your audio hardware in PE? If so, I'll take a look at it to see if it can be implemented in LiveXP. Win7PE_SE or other PE3x projects may have better driver support for your particular needs. Have you checked out wimb's PE3 projects? There are some nice driver and audio support options there as well.

#105 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 26 February 2012 - 10:16 PM

Dear sir,
Thank You very much for Yours patient tutorial. You are very patient and kind developer, human beeing and tutorial writer.

So Yes, i have found out, that DIPE (Driver Import PE) script is default set to be executed in autorun. I will test, if DIPE (Driver Import PE) will try to really autodetect and activate driver automatically, or if dialog window with drivers too automatically load from host will be opened.

I will play with Yours project and i will let You know about my results.
I Am using virtual box because of testing of system restore feature to avoid system crasch of real system installed on harddisk.

Yes, Multipe12 project is supporting also driverimport PE from Kario technologie, it is very probably The module included inside DIPE (Driver Import PE) script of Yours project.

I Am thinkink, what would be more difficult. Import all sound and accessibility features from Multipe12 to Yours XP project, inside The biggest installer of Live XP, or it would be less difficult to import some scripts, applications from Yours project to MUltipe12.
Actually, i would like to try runscanner module to be correctly integrated to Multipe12 inside The context menu.
But if i will find out, that sound import is working reliably, i can run my pocked, portable Czech screen reader, not NVDA and i can use Yours project, which is having runscanner properly integrated.

Thank You very much for Yours cooperation with me.

And multipe12 project can be dowload directly from

#106 amalux


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Posted 26 February 2012 - 11:02 PM


So Yes, i have found out, that DIPE (Driver Import PE) script is default set to be executed in autorun. I will test, if DIPE (Driver Import PE) will try to really autodetect and activate driver automatically, or if dialog window with drivers too automatically load from host will be opened.

Yes, Multipe12 project is supporting also driverimport PE from Kario technologie, it is very probably The module included inside DIPE (Driver Import PE) script of Yours project.

There are two versions of DIPE script (not my idea), only the AE (amalux edition) supports auto-loading drivers at startup from host or any folder location. If you want to try using it in another project, you're welcome to but I can't say what will happen. Get the script here: http://www.mediafire...27soyromyucdofs or, of course, it's included in my projects.

Once you've determined if drivers are working, don't forget to include them for auto-run at PE startup. These can be supplied at any root 'Drivers' folder (e.g. "E:\Drivers") or they can be included in PE image through the script interface options. In addition to audio drivers, if you include a LAN driver package, like DP_LAN_wnt5_x86-32_*.7z (also included in my projects), your NIC (network interface card) should be recognized as well on any machine you boot.

I Am thinkink, what would be more difficult. Import all sound and accessibility features from Multipe12 to Yours XP project, inside The biggest installer of Live XP, or it would be less difficult to import some scripts, applications from Yours project to MUltipe12.

Again, my LiveXP should already have everything you need (just supply your audio drivers). It's still not clear to me if MUltipe12 automagically supports your audio hardware without adding drivers. I will run a test of your supplied project to see how it works here. Thanks again. ;)

#107 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 27 February 2012 - 12:56 PM

Good afternoon dear amalux,
I would like to openheardly thank You for Yours professional explanations. I think, that thank's to Yours work, LIVE projects based on XP or VISTA 7 sources can be really used by all groups of computer users, including administrators and users with The basic computer knowledges. Yours professionally composited articles are very important, because of Yours articles, projects can be used by everybody.

To Yours yesterdays post.

Thank You for explanation, how The script handling sound drivers. MULTIPE12 project will only work, if You will do The following.

1. Install IMDISK virtual disk driver.
Project must be run only from WIndows XP, not from other OS.
You must enable The button inside The script user interface for mynvdascript, activate NVDA.
If You don't do it, project will not be finished successfully and You would get some bugs and log will be displaied.
Sure, it is not necessary to have NVDA installed on Your testing system, but it is necessary to atleast unpack self extract package with NVDA screen reader, with The NVDA portable.
User interface of mynvda script is containing radio button for specifiing, if You will be triing to integrate portable NVDA from path or locally installed NVDA.

You do not have to change other settings of included scripts.
If You would try to integrate runscanner from Yours live XP inside MULTIPE12, so resulted live CD will be able to run program by using context menu item run with run scanner without displaiing dialog window, which will ask You to specifi The program, which You want to run specific.exe aplication, it would be enough for Me.
I will experiment with sound support of Yours live project later.

If it will be too difficult to implement this script for remote regedit and for running programs remotely from NTFS offline host, i will respect it.

Because my pleasments are not standard, and because I Am really deeply appreciating Yours time, patience and Yours skills, i AM sending You direct download links for IMDISK virtual disk driver installer and latest stable portable NVDA.

And please, do not think about me, that i AM pleasing You for somethink, which is not having sense.

MULTIPE12 project is supporting VMwareplayer, Oracle VM virtual box and also USB headsets and i can even use some network drivers from offline host while running included driverimport PE.

MR Schlang prepared complex script to support USB audio even The buttons for controlling The volume and, and it is very important, NVDA can be executed from this project, so it is universal and users even from foreigner countryes are able to use it according to used language locale from The installation sources.

Here are direct download links.
IMDISK install package
NVDA portable
Thank You very much for Yours efford, if You will decide to try it, many users would be deeply appreciate You for Yours patience and kind access to users.

#108 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 27 February 2012 - 01:13 PM


Chck this to get some background to the specific build/project:


#109 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 27 February 2012 - 02:54 PM

Dear ammazing developer and dear sir,
I have important news for You.
Autodriver import feature is really working ammazingly from Yours Live XP project, even NVDA can be run, so do not try to integrate somethink nside MULTIPE12.
I can responsibly say, that Yours live XP proješct published here is fully accessible by visually impaired users, NVDA can be used without issue and also other portable screen readers, autodriver import can reliably find sound and other drivers, other drivers can be safely imported from offline XP installed host.

Please excuse my redundand posts here and thank You very much for Yours project.

By the way, do You think, that Windows7 based project, the biggest installer published here could theoretically also support sound in so good way?

Very well done and i will post this post to The repair disk for blind people, i Am starting to upload Yours umodified project to Dropbox service and links for direct download will be awailable for all visually impaired interested users.

Very, very well done dear Amalux.

#110 amalux


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Posted 27 February 2012 - 05:16 PM

This is great news! I am very happy that the project is able to support your needs and thank you again for testing, reporting and for all your kind words. :)

By the way, do You think, that Windows7 based project, the biggest installer published here could theoretically also support sound in so good way?

Yes! My W7 project supports similar auto-import of drivers using various methods (drvload, dpinst and pecmd) and should support your needs well. Unfortunately, maintaining a stable download of the project has been difficult lately, I'm just looking for better options now and will post links when available.

As for other Win7 based projects, there are driver scripts which may work but I can't say; last I checked they weren't working well for my needs. As I remember, wimb's PE3 project had some nice driver and audio support, you might give that a try.

#111 dhitek

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Posted 06 March 2012 - 08:11 AM

wow, nice tutorial @amalux, thanks :thumbup:

#112 amalux


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Posted 06 March 2012 - 02:08 PM

You're very welcome :)

#113 Girts Kruzmanis

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 07:01 AM

opsii othet topic....

Edited by Girts Kruzmanis, 14 March 2012 - 07:02 AM.

#114 tony62

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 05:13 PM

Hi amalux,

Firstly, thanks very much for all the hard work you have put into this, it is truly very helpful.

The Win7PE_SE (W7.021012) link appears to be down, could you provide an alternative link?

Also, the win7pex runs without errors, however, when booting the iso in VMWare, it BSODs with the below code. (I have disabled all addons scripts & it still BSODS).

Stop: c000021a {Fatal System Error}

The Verification of a KnowDLL failed. system process terminated unexpectedly wi

th a status of 0xc0000131 (0x87e52e18 0x00000000).

The system has been shut down.


#115 amalux


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Posted 14 March 2012 - 08:19 PM

You're welcome :)

The Win7PE_SE (W7.021012) link appears to be down, could you provide an alternative link?

In the works...

Also, the win7pex runs without errors, however, when booting the iso in VMWare, it BSODs ...
The Verification of a KnowDLL failed. system process terminated unexpectedly.

That's a new one... How much memory is configured in the VM? Can you try booting ISO (burned to CD) on real hardware? Do you have AV running in background (real time) during build or VM boot? Are you using a full, unmodified source?

Even though there are no errors, still helps to supply log.html; zipped, uploaded to free site and link posted here ;)

#116 tony62

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Posted 15 March 2012 - 08:39 AM

Hi amalux,

Thanks for the quick reply! I had used the iso recommended from within Winbuilder's gui (http://msft.digitalr...n/X17-59463.iso) on both the VM running Winbuilder & the source. I have made many successful Win7PE images from this combination, however, win7pex did not like this.

So, i downloaded the Windows 7 source recommended in your first post (http://www.mediafire.../?s8hu268vgfd1m) & installed it as a fresh VM & again used it as Winbuilder's source.

Success! It worked this time!!! I have yet to go back & save the log of my previous error & to be honest am just happy that i have it working.

Looking forward to Win7PE_SE (W7.021012) becoming available again, as i believe that version, when slightly customized, will be perfect!!

Take care,


#117 steve6375


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Posted 15 March 2012 - 12:04 PM

I just tried WinBuilder W7PEX on a 64-bit Win 7 system using a 32-bit Win7 SP1 MS ISO.
It said that I need to install the WAIK - but the WAIK is already installed!!
I found from the log that it was looking in c:program files (x86) but my WAIK is installed in C:program files - I moved the Tools folder to C:program files (x86) and now it is running. Is this a bug in the script?

#118 amalux


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Posted 15 March 2012 - 02:31 PM

Thanks Tony :)

I'll look at that source issue and see if I can figure it out, thanks for reporting ;)

Just putting finishing touches on latest project, should be uploaded soon...

I found from the log that it was looking in c:program files (x86) but my WAIK is installed in C:program files - I moved the Tools folder to C:program files (x86) and now it is running. Is this a bug in the script?

Thanks for the report, let me see if I can reproduce the issue here... If it's a bug I'll update the script/project.


#119 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 16 March 2012 - 12:10 PM

Dear ammazing and kind Amalux,

I would like to have one big valuable pleasment addressed to You.
Would be possible to add support for integrating Internet Explorer version 6.0 to Yours excellent Live XP project? Aspecially to The LXC.102011 project?
I have tried to add The
To The appnetwork
folder, but project skipped this script, because Internet Explorer was not added to The resulted created live project.
When i have tried to run
Separately, there are no errors, but i do not know, how to integrate this browser to The project.
I like IE6.0 because of it's lov memory footprint and i need it to make system restore program working. Mshtml.tlb and other .dlls are need by The system restore to display The list of system restore points.

Naughtype is not able to simply support my favourite sound drivers automatically like Yours excellently prepared live XP projectLXC.102011

Please, if You would give me some advice, i will be very, very glad.
Is not producing errors while executing this script separately, when .iso images and other folders are allready placed on The right folders, when i finished The project execution.

Thank You for Yours professional help dear kind, ammazing and deeply intelligent Mr Amalux.

I have found Yours live project very useful, USB headsets and my Soundmax integrated digital audio is working excellently fully automatically, NVDA can be also used but only while using
Project. If i have tried to run NVDA from The live system created by
project, NVDA will cause a very severe system crash, BIOS will produce a short beep by using internal sound speaker.
May be, that there is some script missing, for example for integrating DirectX support.

But it is not causing problems to me, i can use bigger project with so many marveless applications integrated .
The LXC.102011. Thank You very, very much for Yours advices.
If You would upload some necessary file to make IE6 compatible with Yours LXC.102011. project, please give other users The download link.

Thank You very much for Yours hard and difficult work, which You are adding to make those projects working so stably and reliably.
I can even boot Yours .iso images created By the projects from USB stick. I can have NVDA, .iso image with live project and also some compatible apps with PE environment on onlyone USB stick. This is really very good.

#120 amalux


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Posted 16 March 2012 - 03:02 PM

Hi JanuszChmiel :)

Thanks for the kind words, let me see what I can do ;)

#121 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 17 March 2012 - 11:20 AM

Dear Amalux,
I would like to valuably and kindly ask You, if You would try to build The project with IE6 script. The script can be downloaded from here. I am triing to integrate IE6 to The existing project by using The following procedure.

1. i Am using Yours LXC.102011 project.
I Am running it without IE6 script included inside The network sub folder.
When .iso image have been processed and created, i Am copiing The IE_06_saydin77.script in to The network folder.
I press The play button again, if The IE6 will become The part of The live .iso.
Next and last possibility, i will run The script IE_06_saydin77.script by using context menu item run this script of The project and then, i will activate The play button again, if IE6 wil be integrated.
Thank You for any advice.

#122 nino



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Posted 17 March 2012 - 04:12 PM

Es-que quelqu'un pourrait me dire comment faire un multiboot avec WinBuilder Windows et linux 11.10

J'ai fais le windows avec Buider je souhaiterais avoir celui ci avec linux sur une cle USB.

Merci d'avance.

#123 pscEx


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Posted 17 March 2012 - 04:44 PM

Es-que quelqu'un pourrait me dire comment faire un multiboot avec WinBuilder Windows et linux 11.10

J'ai fais le windows avec Buider je souhaiterais avoir celui ci avec linux sur une cle USB.

Merci d'avance.

Ich bin es satt!

Ich habe schon in einem anderen Thema geschrieben, dass Mitglieder entweder in Englisch schreiben, oder das Unterforum für ihre Sprache nehmen.

Wo kommen wir hin, wenn jeder in einer beliebigen Sprache schreibt?

Dann wird bald kein Thema mehr verständlich sein.


#124 amalux


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Posted 17 March 2012 - 04:57 PM

Could someone tell me how to make a multi-boot with Windows and Linux WinBuilder 11.10

using the windows Builder. I wish I had this one with linux on a USB key.

Thank you in advance.

I'm sick of it!

I've written in another topic that members write in either English, or to the sub-forum for your language.

Where do we get if everyone writes in any language?

Then, soon no topic is understandable.



#125 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 17 March 2012 - 04:58 PM

Wo kommen wir hin, wenn jeder in einer beliebigen Sprache schreibt?

Esattamente alla Torre di Babele! ;) :ph34r:

http://en.wikipedia..../Tower_of_Babel <-English
http://de.wikipedia....urmbau_zu_Babel <-Deutsch
http://it.wikipedia....Torre_di_Babele <-Italiano
http://fr.wikipedia....i/Tour_de_Babel <-Français


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