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windows 7 install issues

windows windows7 usb codeing acer nitro5 laptop intel cpu drivers

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#101 popoof22


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Posted 28 May 2019 - 05:41 AM

Everything done perfectly. The only thing I saw is that the "bootmgfw.efi" file you use has the same size as the one that gets overwritten. Did you get this file from a Windows 10 ISO as I said? Anyway, try with the file I used from my original Windows 10 on my Acer laptop: https://openload.co/...6g/bootmgfw.efi


And after the reboot, you must wait again for a while with black screen, the installation continues this way and only after a while you will get "checking system performance" on the screen. Do not power off the laptop manually, leave it alone for a long while.


I don't know if your efi file is wrong, just use mine and further do it as you did, all commands are working fine (even if the one with set services doesn't have any confirmation, it really works otherwise the following lines would not succeed). Then after reboot leave it alone for a while, it can take a long time until it passes the black screen. I have a SSD and it takes long, you have a HDD and it would take longer.


Hopefully it works, otherwise I honestly have no idea what we could try!

Ill try with the one given, i used the boot mgfw from the slimed install.wim.

Edited by popoof22, 28 May 2019 - 05:42 AM.

#102 bloodhand



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Posted 28 May 2019 - 08:36 AM

That means the install.wim is from a Windows 7,so the efi file too. That's the problem I think, my laptop didn't boot at all with the efi from Windows 7. So I used the efi from Windows 10, based on other guides which showed how to boot a Windows 7 installation via USB by using the efi from 10.

Quote from my guide:
D) Copy the "bootmgfw.efi" to the second USB stick/external HDD/secondary HDD on the target computer.

1) If you have access to a Windows 10 installation, you find the file here "C:\Windows\Boot\EFI\bootmgfw.efi".

2) If you don't have access to a Windows 10 installation, you have to extract "sources\install.wim" from the ISO image of any Windows 10 installation kit, then open the "install.wim" with 7-Zip and you will find the file here: "\1\Windows\Boot\EFI\bootmgfw.efi".

It's still weird that you get a reboot, normally with efi from 7 it won't boot at all, with vga not deleted and not disabled in bcd I got bcd error screen. Maybe your laptop reboots automatically after a while or simply pressing enter would do that, maybe you did that.

You can also find the file on the Mini win10 usb in efi\boot folder, but it is smaller than mine in size, so maybe it's another version of something. I grabbed the efi file from an up-to-date Windows 10 that I had stock on my Acer.

Anyway try with my efi file, I hope it works. Let me know, hehe

Edited by bloodhand, 28 May 2019 - 08:46 AM.

#103 popoof22


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Posted 28 May 2019 - 09:30 PM

That means the install.wim is from a Windows 7,so the efi file too. That's the problem I think, my laptop didn't boot at all with the efi from Windows 7. So I used the efi from Windows 10, based on other guides which showed how to boot a Windows 7 installation via USB by using the efi from 10.

Quote from my guide:
D) Copy the "bootmgfw.efi" to the second USB stick/external HDD/secondary HDD on the target computer.

1) If you have access to a Windows 10 installation, you find the file here "C:\Windows\Boot\EFI\bootmgfw.efi".

2) If you don't have access to a Windows 10 installation, you have to extract "sources\install.wim" from the ISO image of any Windows 10 installation kit, then open the "install.wim" with 7-Zip and you will find the file here: "\1\Windows\Boot\EFI\bootmgfw.efi".

It's still weird that you get a reboot, normally with efi from 7 it won't boot at all, with vga not deleted and not disabled in bcd I got bcd error screen. Maybe your laptop reboots automatically after a while or simply pressing enter would do that, maybe you did that.

You can also find the file on the Mini win10 usb in efi\boot folder, but it is smaller than mine in size, so maybe it's another version of something. I grabbed the efi file from an up-to-date Windows 10 that I had stock on my Acer.

Anyway try with my efi file, I hope it works. Let me know, hehe

I tried with the efi file, it still just reboots, and has no device checking screen.

I tried with rst optane, and it doesnt crash, now it might possibley work with that sata mode, how ever i let it ran on that mode for a while and it didnt reboot.

How long for you does it take the machine to reboot?

When im using the method that doesnt say checking device performence it takes around 8 minutes to reboot.

Im going to try with the boot mfgw file again, ill try on the intel file that doesnt have the ibkl, and try again with the one that i just used.

If you could also share some of the certificates that would be cool, and some other files.

Just hope ost with optane works

Edited by popoof22, 28 May 2019 - 09:31 PM.

#104 popoof22


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Posted 28 May 2019 - 09:34 PM

That means the install.wim is from a Windows 7,so the efi file too. That's the problem I think, my laptop didn't boot at all with the efi from Windows 7. So I used the efi from Windows 10, based on other guides which showed how to boot a Windows 7 installation via USB by using the efi from 10.

Quote from my guide:
D) Copy the "bootmgfw.efi" to the second USB stick/external HDD/secondary HDD on the target computer.

1) If you have access to a Windows 10 installation, you find the file here "C:\Windows\Boot\EFI\bootmgfw.efi".

2) If you don't have access to a Windows 10 installation, you have to extract "sources\install.wim" from the ISO image of any Windows 10 installation kit, then open the "install.wim" with 7-Zip and you will find the file here: "\1\Windows\Boot\EFI\bootmgfw.efi".

It's still weird that you get a reboot, normally with efi from 7 it won't boot at all, with vga not deleted and not disabled in bcd I got bcd error screen. Maybe your laptop reboots automatically after a while or simply pressing enter would do that, maybe you did that.

You can also find the file on the Mini win10 usb in efi\boot folder, but it is smaller than mine in size, so maybe it's another version of something. I grabbed the efi file from an up-to-date Windows 10 that I had stock on my Acer.

Anyway try with my efi file, I hope it works. Let me know, hehe

This probaly might not work however, if i hooked up my monitor to the pc duing the installaion would i possibley get anything on my scree?

Only thing is i would need to add the drivers to the install, i could add the hdmi drivers using ntlite, but im not sure if this will work during the instalation.

#105 bloodhand



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Posted 28 May 2019 - 09:45 PM

I don't remember how long, but you can try to do smth else, just leave it working, or try overnight.

You said you managed to get checking device peerformance using one of the methods. Just use that method again with my efi file and be patient wait at least 30 minutes to be sure.

HDMI and external won't work, you can't get any video output with vga turned off, so there is no other way to do it.

I saw your video, you do everything fine, there's no need for my certificates. I could sent you the driver customized for uhd 630 and also signed, but it would be the same, you did everything perfectly.

Just use the method you used when you got checking performance and let it alone for at least 30 min after that.

Remember, after booting with black screen, you should hear the hdd working (also hdd led blinking if your laptop has one), then it should reboot and start again with black screen, then after a while you will get checking performance.

Edited by bloodhand, 28 May 2019 - 09:49 PM.

#106 popoof22


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Posted 29 May 2019 - 08:29 AM

I don't remember how long, but you can try to do smth else, just leave it working, or try overnight.

You said you managed to get checking device peerformance using one of the methods. Just use that method again with my efi file and be patient wait at least 30 minutes to be sure.

HDMI and external won't work, you can't get any video output with vga turned off, so there is no other way to do it.

I saw your video, you do everything fine, there's no need for my certificates. I could sent you the driver customized for uhd 630 and also signed, but it would be the same, you did everything perfectly.

Just use the method you used when you got checking performance and let it alone for at least 30 min after that.

Remember, after booting with black screen, you should hear the hdd working (also hdd led blinking if your laptop has one), then it should reboot and start again with black screen, then after a while you will get checking performance.

Sadly it didnt work.

I tried with the ikbl un added as i did before, and their stills no device checking performence. The only thing i managed to bring up is a selection where you can choose an operating system. You can pick 7 but the screen will go blank again. However you can press f8 and do some boot options.

I tried doing safe mode, and it freezes vga.pnp. Before when a while ago when i tried installing 7 via just a usb, trying to do it i tried the f8 options, and it would also freeze, i think its the same issue where you would try to normally boot windows 7 off a usb where the orbs would freeze. So it might all be the same driver issue.

If you have anything to update me on the situation please let me know.

Also so we could get more direct messages faster would you like to join my discord server? if you have a account.

Edited by popoof22, 29 May 2019 - 08:53 AM.

#107 popoof22


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Posted 29 May 2019 - 08:34 AM

I don't remember how long, but you can try to do smth else, just leave it working, or try overnight.

You said you managed to get checking device peerformance using one of the methods. Just use that method again with my efi file and be patient wait at least 30 minutes to be sure.

HDMI and external won't work, you can't get any video output with vga turned off, so there is no other way to do it.

I saw your video, you do everything fine, there's no need for my certificates. I could sent you the driver customized for uhd 630 and also signed, but it would be the same, you did everything perfectly.

Just use the method you used when you got checking performance and let it alone for at least 30 min after that.

Remember, after booting with black screen, you should hear the hdd working (also hdd led blinking if your laptop has one), then it should reboot and start again with black screen, then after a while you will get checking performance.

Theirs also this site that cliams to have a 360 driver https://drp.su/en/de...s=windows-7-x64

I wonder what would happend if i fallowed your guide, but instead tried installing it with this. It might not work since theirs no ddl files.

Maybe what i should try is using the commands DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS TESTSIGNING ON  nointegritychecks ON set {default}

Just to see if it will make it work. I just put the commands in after ive done everything in the guide?

Edited by popoof22, 29 May 2019 - 08:48 AM.

#108 popoof22


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Posted 29 May 2019 - 09:01 AM

Or last solutiion, would it not be possible to install the uhd 630 modified driver, on a different pc (same hdd) get rid of vga.sys and put it back in the nitro 5? Also making sure that its uefi compatible.

#109 bloodhand



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Posted 29 May 2019 - 04:31 PM

I have further no idea.

You said you managed to get checking performance once. How did you do it?

If you install on a different pc, when you put the hdd back you'll get BSOD, because there will be another motherboard.

You can try testsigning, but for me didn't make any difference.

The intel driver might be fake written as for win7,there is no official driver for uhd series for win7. You have to use driver from hd series and modify as we did.

#110 bloodhand



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Posted 30 May 2019 - 09:01 AM

Wait a second, I reviewed your movie and I saw an error: the command "signtool sign /f C:\DriverCert\myDrivers.pfx /p 12345 /t http://timestamp.ver...ts/timstamp.dll/v C:\DriverCert\Intel\Graphics\igdlh.cat" has the "/v" with no space after "timstamp.dll", this is because this forum messes up the commands unless you use the code function, it should be:

signtool sign /f D:\DriverCert\myDrivers.pfx /p 12345 /t http://timestamp.verisign.com/scripts/timstamp.dll /v D:\DriverCert\Intel\Graphics\igdlh.cat

I don't know if this matters or not, you got sign successful, but maybe it's not correctly signed this way.


I also found some modified drivers form UHD 630, it seems some of the lines are different. Here you go, 2 versions: https://cloud.mail.r.../Htb1/UuxJoRqygand https://yadi.sk/d/MmU024D9OzAjgA . Remember you have to modify the 2 dlls, delete the catalog and sign the drivers just as you did for the other one, except you don't have to touch the inf file anymore, it's already been patched. The first one is our version, but in the inf I see different indexes, I would try this one first. The second is another newer version, maybe the dll files do not contain the same HEX data, but first I'll try the first one. Then if not working, try the 2nd one even if you can't modify the dll files. Try them, maybe this is it!


You don't have to use testmode, it doesn't matter, during installation you MUST have signed drivers, otherwise they are not used.

Edited by bloodhand, 30 May 2019 - 09:03 AM.

#111 popoof22


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Posted 31 May 2019 - 02:10 AM

Wait a second, I reviewed your movie and I saw an error: the command "signtool sign /f C:\DriverCert\myDrivers.pfx /p 12345 /t http://timestamp.ver...ts/timstamp.dll/v C:\DriverCert\Intel\Graphics\igdlh.cat" has the "/v" with no space after "timstamp.dll", this is because this forum messes up the commands unless you use the code function, it should be:

signtool sign /f D:\DriverCert\myDrivers.pfx /p 12345 /t http://timestamp.verisign.com/scripts/timstamp.dll /v D:\DriverCert\Intel\Graphics\igdlh.cat

I don't know if this matters or not, you got sign successful, but maybe it's not correctly signed this way.


I also found some modified drivers form UHD 630, it seems some of the lines are different. Here you go, 2 versions: https://cloud.mail.r.../Htb1/UuxJoRqygand https://yadi.sk/d/MmU024D9OzAjgA . Remember you have to modify the 2 dlls, delete the catalog and sign the drivers just as you did for the other one, except you don't have to touch the inf file anymore, it's already been patched. The first one is our version, but in the inf I see different indexes, I would try this one first. The second is another newer version, maybe the dll files do not contain the same HEX data, but first I'll try the first one. Then if not working, try the 2nd one even if you can't modify the dll files. Try them, maybe this is it!


You don't have to use testmode, it doesn't matter, during installation you MUST have signed drivers, otherwise they are not used.

Ill be getting to work on first one, also the ddl files where already edited on the first one.

The command you sent for some reason always keeps coming up with error, when their is no space ddl and /v it works like this

signtool sign /f C:\DriverCert\myDrivers.pfx /p 12345 /t http://timestamp.ver.../timstamp.dll/vC:\DriverCert\Intel\Graphics\igdlh.cat

#112 popoof22


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Posted 31 May 2019 - 02:33 AM

ugh reboot pro always keeps shorting the link

#113 bloodhand



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Posted 31 May 2019 - 06:44 AM

If still not working, edit the inf for each driver and instead of DEV_3E93 place your DEV_3E9B, then sign the driver.

#114 popoof22


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Posted 01 June 2019 - 01:23 AM

If still not working, edit the inf for each driver and instead of DEV_3E93 place your DEV_3E9B, then sign the driver.

I just tried again, it didnt work, however i realised something.

For all my attempts ive been using the command reg.exe load HKLM\loaded_SOFTWARE C:\Windows\system32\config\software

How ever ive always been using the command as W:\Windows\system32\config\software with the rest of the stuff

Do i need this as c to work? Because in my last attepmt it says it never can find the c partition, and theirs no c partitions coming up in file explorer.

#115 bloodhand



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Posted 01 June 2019 - 06:41 AM

W is good, you basically mount the registry of your installed Windows 7, which you have on W partition.

You said you succeded once (out of the many attempts) to get checking for performance on the screen. How did you do that?

Furthermore, I have no idea to suggest, unfortunately.

#116 popoof22


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Posted 01 June 2019 - 07:05 AM

W is good, you basically mount the registry of your installed Windows 7, which you have on W partition.

You said you succeded once (out of the many attempts) to get checking for performance on the screen. How did you do that?

Furthermore, I have no idea to suggest, unfortunately.

Im not exsactly sure. I think it was during the time i switched from using an normal windows 7 iso, and then switched over to the slimed one, maybe i did it with windows 7 boot mgfw, but ill try again with the slimmed version, mixing around the wim and boot file. I think i had xchi support enabled and fast boot.

#117 bloodhand



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Posted 01 June 2019 - 01:49 PM

Try these:

1) UHD 630 signed driver and certificate (I just made it with DEV_3E9B): https://drive.google...5CN5HUBupDdFyHH

I signed the driver with space between ".dll" and "/v" and I had no errors.
Win7 x64 Ultra Lite (2014 version I made myself, but it boots very very fast and is great to test): https://drive.google...OVVhUDNhMXJoWkE

The other March 2019 is a bit larger, because I also included speech support, touchscreen support and sensors that I need on my 2-in-1 laptop. This 2014 version works perfectly on a standard laptop.


Turn on xchi and use sata with optane. If not working, try different combinations. Also don't forget to use my efi file which is a Windows 10 efi file. If you get reboot, that's good, it means the driver is loaded, after reboot you have to wait very much until you get "checking device performance" (30min should be enough).

Edited by bloodhand, 01 June 2019 - 01:53 PM.

#118 popoof22


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Posted 03 June 2019 - 07:09 AM

Try these:
1) UHD 630 signed driver and certificate (I just made it with DEV_3E9B): https://drive.google...5CN5HUBupDdFyHH
I signed the driver with space between ".dll" and "/v" and I had no errors.
Win7 x64 Ultra Lite (2014 version I made myself, but it boots very very fast and is great to test): https://drive.google...OVVhUDNhMXJoWkE
The other March 2019 is a bit larger, because I also included speech support, touchscreen support and sensors that I need on my 2-in-1 laptop. This 2014 version works perfectly on a standard laptop.

Turn on xchi and use sata with optane. If not working, try different combinations. Also don't forget to use my efi file which is a Windows 10 efi file. If you get reboot, that's good, it means the driver is loaded, after reboot you have to wait very much until you get "checking device performance" (30min should be enough).

You mean when it rebots you must wait 30 minutes till checking device performence?

Edited by popoof22, 03 June 2019 - 07:10 AM.

#119 bloodhand



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Posted 03 June 2019 - 08:32 AM

Indeed. It doesn't come up immediately, the installation is still busy installing first. Check a normal installation video on youtube to see how the install process goes. I said 30 minutes to be sure, it depends on the pc, how fast it installs.

But the fact that it reboots means that the video driver is loaded. When I first tried without certificate, it would never reboot, the screen would stay black and the fans running high, that with the slim version (which by default has automatically reboot disabled when blue screen occurs). You can hear the hdd with your ear on the laptop, if there is activity it means that it installs. Just let it alone for a while after it reboots, never force shut down by pressing power button, that messes the installation.

Edited by bloodhand, 03 June 2019 - 08:38 AM.

#120 popoof22


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Posted 04 June 2019 - 05:38 AM

Indeed. It doesn't come up immediately, the installation is still busy installing first. Check a normal installation video on youtube to see how the install process goes. I said 30 minutes to be sure, it depends on the pc, how fast it installs.

But the fact that it reboots means that the video driver is loaded. When I first tried without certificate, it would never reboot, the screen would stay black and the fans running high, that with the slim version (which by default has automatically reboot disabled when blue screen occurs). You can hear the hdd with your ear on the laptop, if there is activity it means that it installs. Just let it alone for a while after it reboots, never force shut down by pressing power button, that messes the installation.

I tried using the uhd provided, and did everything like normal, using xchi for the sata mode or what ever it was called, and i kept on usb 3 support, it still wouldnt work, it reboots, i left it on over night, i came on and its still on a blank screen.

Ill try again but this time using rst with optane, but the only thing is that doesnt reboot.

If rst doesnt work, ill have to try using the ibkl, with as much combinations as possible.

Edited by popoof22, 04 June 2019 - 06:06 AM.

#121 bloodhand



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Posted 04 June 2019 - 10:04 AM

So you used both my uhd driver and my certificate reg files? I have no idea further. Some users reported issues with uhd 610 (exclamation mark in device manager, that means driver is not loaded), but they conformed working with your version of uhd 630, DEV_3E9B. See here: https://www.win-raid...deo-driver.html. Here I got the 2 driver versions that I sent you earlier, maybe you can ask there for help. But they discuss about using the driver on an already installed version of Windows. Our situation is a bit different, but with the driver signed and certificate should work as normal.

#122 popoof22


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Posted 04 June 2019 - 10:43 AM

So you used both my uhd driver and my certificate reg files? I have no idea further. Some users reported issues with uhd 610 (exclamation mark in device manager, that means driver is not loaded), but they conformed working with your version of uhd 630, DEV_3E9B. See here: https://www.win-raid...deo-driver.html. Here I got the 2 driver versions that I sent you earlier, maybe you can ask there for help. But they discuss about using the driver on an already installed version of Windows. Our situation is a bit different, but with the driver signed and certificate should work as normal.

Ill try contacting them to see if they can help too.

Im going to try again with rst with optane, ill leave the laptop for an while to see.

And ill try and use the un modified ikbl one again if rst is an fail.

I might also try and add hdmi drivers using ntlite to the install.wim just to see if that might change anything or give any video input.

Edited by popoof22, 04 June 2019 - 10:55 AM.

#123 bloodhand



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Posted 04 June 2019 - 04:48 PM

There is for sure something, you must see how you did it when you had "checking performance"coming up.

#124 popoof22


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Posted 05 June 2019 - 05:03 PM

Sadly rst with optane doesnt work either

It doesnt reboot, just stays blank, and the fan is very loud.


I tried using the unmodified ikbl line again using both bootmgf files and it still wouldn't  do anything for me.


Ive also contacted people on the fourm i hope ill get a message back


How ever i also noticed on that fourm that someone tried booting with the driver signed and it wouldn't not work for them. They needed to press f8 before booting and put use disable digitally signed drivers. I dont know if it will work but im going to try in both sata modes with the signed one just to see if it work,


Also i have another question im not sure if you can help me with,


Today i switched back to windows 8, 10 broke with its new update, do you know of any 8.1 uhd 630 driver? I tried an redit one it would never work.

I tried using ours again, i puted the same line from the qindoqs 7 section that has my dev number to the qindoqs 8.1 section. Still wont work.  Just so i can have the os temporaly till i get 7 working.

Edited by popoof22, 05 June 2019 - 05:03 PM.

#125 bloodhand



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Posted 05 June 2019 - 05:42 PM

You suggested a great idea: if we could make the driver work in win8.1, then we could use the same formula for 7. I'll have a look these days and I will send you the same driver for 8.1. For 8.1 you also need secure boot off and also driver signing off with F8. Remember you have to go to device manager and update the driver manually, do not use the included setup of the driver. Tell me what message you get (or print screen could be good) when using the driver you made for 8.1 with secure boot off and driver signing verification off.

The guys from the other forum used the nonsigned version of the driver, therefore they had to use F8 option to disable driver verification. I succesfully installed w7 using my method on Acer Spin 5 machine, which has no legacy support, so this is really possible.

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