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#101 erwan.l


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Posted 24 April 2019 - 11:08 AM

dear erwan

thanks again for extending skills of vmount. :good:

it would certainly be helpful if the internal version number was also changed to identify the different files.
the here downloadable file in the forum is still called version 0.8.

dare you and finally give vmount the deserved 1 before the comma. ;)


Sincerely   T.


Good idea indeed.

Now done  : i will let my IDE handle the build number (autoincrement) and my code will automatically handle this as well.

Now in version :)


Also, I have sligthly reviewed latest 2 commands and added 1 new one.


You can turn either a VHD/VHDX or (new) a flat disk image file into a VHD/VHDX (fix or dynamic).

You can now also (new) turn a VHD/VHDX (fixed or dynamic) into a flat disk image file.

As source, you can actually even input \\.\physicaldriveX (up to you then to put the disk offline or readonly before).


No fancy code here to convert from one format to the other : all I do is read 1MB blocks and feed this into ms virtual disk api who will do it all (VHD<->VHDX, Fixed<->Dynamic, VHD/VHDX<->IMG).

vmount convert2fixed path_to_vhd_or_vhdx_or_img path_to_vhd_or_vhdx
vmount convert2dynamic path_to_vhd_or_vhdx_or_img path_to_vhd_or_vhdx
vmount convert2img path_to_vhd_or_vhdx path_to_img

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#102 Tokener


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Posted 03 May 2019 - 03:25 PM

dear erwan

works very well  on Win10 / PE5:


vmount convert2fixed path_to_vhd_or_vhdx_or_img path_to_vhd_or_vhdx
vmount convert2dynamic path_to_vhd_or_vhdx_or_img path_to_vhd_or_vhdx
vmount convert2img path_to_vhd_or_vhdx path_to_img




Testing vmount(1.0) on PE5 (MistyPE and PESE) I stumbled across this output of "vmount partitions" command:



2019-05-03 17:06:19 : File: X:\Program Files\vmount\vmount-win64.exe

2019-05-03 17:06:19 : Command: X:\PROGRA~1\vmount\VMOUNT~2.EXE partitions
C: [Windows]    NTFS    \device\harddisk0\partition2    31991MB         289465344
D: [TMP]    NTFS    \device\harddisk1\partition1    9998MB          1048576
X: [Boot]    NTFS    \Device\Ramdisk{d9b257fc-684e-4dcb-ab79-03cfa2f6b750}0MB             0


old version(0.9) returned


2019-05-03 17:06:46 : File: X:\Program Files\vmount\vmount64.exe

2019-05-03 17:06:46 : Command: X:\PROGRA~1\vmount\vmount64.exe partitions
C: [Windows]    NTFS        \device\harddisk0\partition2    31991MB
D: [TMP]    NTFS        \device\harddisk1\partition1    9997MB
X: [Boot]    NTFS        \Device\Ramdisk{d9b257fc-684e-4dcb-ab79-03cfa2f6b750}    507MB


Regards   T.

#103 erwan.l


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Posted 03 May 2019 - 05:12 PM

dear erwan

works very well  on Win10 / PE5:





Testing vmount(1.0) on PE5 (MistyPE and PESE) I stumbled across this output of "vmount partitions" command:



old version(0.9) returned


Regards   T.


Good catch !


Latest version now includes the starting offset of a partition (the last number on each line).

Now for a partition like a ramdisk...i need to figure this out or simply accept that in this case it will report 0.


Also, I was before using getdiskfreespace API to retrieve the partition size but actually result was slightly incorrect and therefore switched to IOCTL_DISK_GET_PARTITION_INFO_EX but then again for a partition like a ramdisk, i need to figure this out :)


The output/display matter will be an easy fix : i had not accounted for strings longer than 32 chars...


I shall be back shortly with a proper solution !

#104 erwan.l


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Posted 03 May 2019 - 05:33 PM

New version out fixing the issue reporting by Tokener in previous post.


About below commands

vmount convert2fixed path_to_vhd_or_vhdx_or_img path_to_vhd_or_vhdx
vmount convert2dynamic path_to_vhd_or_vhdx_or_img path_to_vhd_or_vhdx
vmount convert2img path_to_vhd_or_vhdx path_to_img

Note that convert2img has been renamed to convert2raw (but convert2img will still work).

Also note that for now there is no progress status : something that will come in a future version.


Some examples below :


vmount convert2fixed c:\test.vhd c:\test.vhdx

vmount convert2fixed c:\test.vhdx c:\test.vhd

vmount convert2fixed c:\test.img c:\test.vhd

vmount convert2fixed c:\test.img c:\test.vhdx

vmount convert2fixed \\.\physicaldrive1 c:\test.vhdx

vmount convert2fixed \\.\physicaldrive1 c:\test.vhd


All above examples would also work with convert2dynamic


vmount convert2raw c:\test.vhd c:\test.img

vmount convert2raw c:\test.vhdx c:\test.img

vmount convert2raw c:\test.vhd \\.\physicaldrive1

vmount convert2raw c:\test.vhdx \\.\physicaldrive1


When using convert2raw against a physicaldrive, you have to put the drive offline before (using vmount offline disk_numX).

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#105 erwan.l


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Posted 11 May 2019 - 02:30 PM

Cross posting.

See here an example script to convert a vhd to an iso using vmount.

Some interesting batch usages : retrieve the physicaldrive of the mounted vhd, and the logical drive letter of the created partition.

#106 Tokener


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Posted 14 May 2019 - 12:00 PM




dear erwan

thanks for updating vMount-program.


this is what vmount returns now on parameter "partitions":


B: [RamDisk]    NTFS    \Device\ImDisk0                 122MB           32256
C: [OSx64]    NTFS    \device\harddisk0\partition1    40952MB         1048576
D: [TMP]    NTFS    \device\harddisk1\partition1    9997MB          1048576
X: [Boot]    NTFS    \Device\Ramdisk{d9b257fc-684e-4dcb-ab79-03cfa2f6b750}           507MB           0



- \device\harddisk has 32 chars / \Device\Ramdisk has 64 chars.

Under which rule is the name for Ramdisk extended to 64 characters?


- each line has a TAB delimiter between [Label] and the rest,

  (in vmount64 all single details were separated by TABs.)


this is what vmount returns on parameter "volumes":





here the output is separated by CR delimiter.


Where is the advantage using mixed delimiters?


If this behavior is intended then it is so, if not, it would be a great advantage to use TAB delimiters in the output.

This way the output could be splittet with a certain delimiter and the details could be used as parameters for other vmount-commands. - Just a thought.


Regards   T.






#107 erwan.l


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Posted 14 May 2019 - 12:25 PM

Hi Retokener,


For partitions, if the name is longer than 32 chars, then I go for a 64 chars buffer.

I was originally using tab (or #9) but display was crappy.

Using fixed buffers gives a much better display.

I realise (now?  :) ) that you are may be batching on top of vmount and that 32->64 condition is may be not practical.

if this is the case, feel free to suggest a way that would suit you (and probably others) better.

I could use a delimiter char like "|" but again it becomes hard to read.


About volumes, valid point : does not make much sense to adopt different output/layout.

I will use the same layout as "partitions" (and "disks") for all outputs now : how does it sound?


Thus, doing so the batch posted (here) may not work anymore :)

Does not matter much and I'll be interested to see how you would retrieve the drive letter in the "volume" based on a filter.




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#108 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 14 May 2019 - 01:25 PM

IMHO, the "right" approach (that should be carved in stone and taught to anyone willing to write a command line program as FIRST thing) is to know that a command line program will be likely used EITHER:
1) interactively (on command line)
2) automated via batch or other scripting language

As such, EACH and EVERY program should have ALWAYS:
1) a "default" behaviour, VERY human readable
2) a "batch" behaviour, activated by a command line switch (possibly) still human readable AND suitable to be copied/pasted into - say - an Excel or Word table and/or easily parsable from batch (please read as TAB delimited)

AND ADDITIONALY (where applicable):
3) a /v and possibly also a /vv (verbose and very verbose) switches to allow optionally additional output
4) a /s or /c (short or concise) switch to allow optionally to remove for the output *anything* that is not strictly necessary (as an example the initial line(s) with progtam name and version, Author, etc. i.e. anything that would require in a batch FOR loop a "skip=" parameter)
5) in some cases further modifiers "filtering" or "limiting" the output


P.S. How would you parse the output of the "normal" mountvol command?

Not exactly "simple":

FOR /F "tokens=1 delims= " %%? IN ('MOUNTVOL^|FIND "\"') DO SET /A M+=1&SET L_!M!=%%?
FOR /L %%? IN (1,1,%M%) DO CALL :do_ %%?
SET /A N=%1+1
IF "!L_%1:~0,4!"=="\\?\" IF "!L_%N%:~-2,2!"==":\" (ECHO !L_%1! mounted as !L_%N%:~-3,3!) ELSE (ECHO !L_%1! NOT MOUNTED)

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#109 Tokener


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Posted 14 May 2019 - 07:53 PM




dear members / friends


I will use the same layout as "partitions" (and "disks") for all outputs now : how does it sound?

yes, sounds very good!



suitable to be copied/pasted into - say - an Excel or Word table and/or easily parsable from batch (please read as TAB delimited)

sounds very good too!


comparing the TAB and the fixed Output:

Compared - TAB- Fixed.jpg


Thanks a lot   T.






#110 erwan.l


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Posted 19 May 2019 - 12:06 PM

3 new commands added in latest version


vmount changeparttypegpt \\.\PhysicalDriveX part_numY {11223344-1122-1122-AABB-112233445566}
vmount changepartattributesgpt \\.\PhysicalDriveX part_numY $0000000000000000
vmount disklayout \\.\PhysicalDriveX

About changeparttypegpt & changepartattributesgpt :

-Partition types and attributes are documented here.
-The same can be achieved in Clonedisk partition editor.
disklayout is "beta" for now but had to be introduced in early phase along so one can actually check the result of changeparttypegpt and changepartattributesgpt.

#111 erwan.l


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Posted 23 May 2019 - 06:20 PM



Based on a previous feedback from Retokener, vmount devices and vmount volumes now has a similar display as vmount disks and vmount partitions.


One exception thus, for now disks and partitions used a fixed sized buffer as delimited when devices and volumes uses a tabulation.

I shall harmonize it all to tabulation later on.

>vmount-win64 devices
\device\Harddisk2\partition4    F:
\device\Harddisk0\partition2    C:
\device\Harddisk1\partition1    E:

>vmount-win64 volumes
\\?\Volume{876ebd81-ce10-11e8-8334-94de80c2a41e}\       E:\
\\?\Volume{67f29224-d89c-4917-88c1-4d7bc0ddc95a}\       F:\
\\?\Volume{e26e7b16-122a-11e7-82bf-806e6f6e6963}\       C:\
\\?\Volume{c3ccf19b-9cbc-11e8-8325-806e6f6e6963}\       D:\

Example of a batch to parse the above output and retrieve the drive letter of Harddisk1\partition1 .

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
FOR /F "tokens=2 delims=	 USEBACKQ" %%F IN (`vmount-win64.exe devices Harddisk1\partition1`) DO (
SET letter=%%F
echo %letter%

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#112 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 24 May 2019 - 09:16 AM

As a side-side note, one could use the CALL method (that already uses space and tabulator as separators, no reasons that I can see to have the USEBACKQ) should work, not tested


SET LookFor=Harddisk1\partition1

FOR /F "tokens=* delims=" %%A IN ( 'vmount-win64.exe devices %LookFor%') DO CALL :get_letter %%A
ECHO %letter%

SET letter=%2



#113 erwan.l


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Posted 24 May 2019 - 09:26 AM

As a side-side note, one could use the CALL method (that already uses space and tabulator as separators, no reasons that I can see to have the USEBACKQ) should work, not tested


SET LookFor=Harddisk1\partition1

FOR /F "tokens=* delims=" %%A IN ( 'vmount-win64.exe devices %LookFor%') DO CALL :get_letter %%A
ECHO %letter%

SET letter=%2




When I write a dos batch, I merely know what I am doing  :huh:

I just test with different inputs to ensure the result is not just "lucky".


I trust that your batch is "THE" way to do and mine is only a "something working" way :)

#114 erwan.l


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Posted 24 May 2019 - 05:41 PM



Delimiter is now always a TAB i.e char #9 when using disks, partitions, volumes, devices or disklayout.


That should make easier when batching/parsing.


Wondering now if I should put a header as first line each time to name the columns...?

>vmount-win64 disks
0       [01020304]      DISK    WDC WDS120G2G0A-00JH30  114480MB        SATA    NON-REMOVABLE
1       [56B682DC]      DISK    Hitachi HDP725016GLA380 152627MB        SATA    NON-REMOVABLE
2       [01020304]      DISK    IMAGEFILE       16384MB ISCSI   NON-REMOVABLE

>vmount-win64 partitions
C:      [SYSTEME]       NTFS    \device\harddisk0\partition2    114126MB
E:      [DATA]  NTFS    \device\harddisk1\partition1    152624MB
R:      [RAMDRIVE]      NTFS    \Device\ImDisk0 1023MB

>vmount-win64 volumes
\\?\Volume{876ebd81-ce10-11e8-8334-94de80c2a41e}\       E:\
\\?\Volume{e26e7b16-122a-11e7-82bf-806e6f6e6963}\       C:\
\\?\Volume{c3ccf19b-9cbc-11e8-8325-806e6f6e6963}\       D:\

>vmount-win64 devices
\device\Harddisk0\partition2    C:
\device\Harddisk1\partition1    E:

>vmount-win64 disklayout 2
1       1048576 17178820096     2048    7       True
0       0       0       0       0       False
0       0       0       0       0       False
0       0       0       0       0       False

However, one can use set a dos variable this way : set sep=csv and the display will turn as below.

set sep=, will reset it to normal.

>vmount-win64 disks
0;[01020304];DISK;WDC WDS120G2G0A-00JH30;114480MB;SATA;NON-REMOVABLE
1;[56B682DC];DISK;Hitachi HDP725016GLA380;152627MB;SATA;NON-REMOVABLE

>vmount-win64 partitions

>vmount-win64 volumes

>vmount-win64 devices

>vmount-win64 disklayout 2

#115 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 24 May 2019 - 06:23 PM



>vmount-win64 partitions
C: [SYSTEME] NTFS \device\harddisk0\partition2 114126MB
E: [DATA] NTFS \device\harddisk1\partition1 152624MB
R: [RAMDRIVE] NTFS \Device\ImDisk0 1023MB

SlIp Of ThE fInGerS wItH CaSe? :dubbio:


About the 


Wondering now if I should put a header as first line each time to name the columns...?


The issue is only that for human readability the headers would be more than nice, necessary, particularly for 

>vmount-win64 disklayout 2

BUT if they cannot be hidden by a switch, in batch usage one would need a SKIP=1 in the FOR loop, see:


point #4





>vmount-win64 disks
0 [01020304] DISK WDC WDS120G2G0A-00JH30 114480MB SATA NON-REMOVABLE
1 [56B682DC] DISK Hitachi HDP725016GLA380 152627MB SATA NON-REMOVABLE

would cause a problem for batch parsing (the way I suggested, not yours) because the hard disk name/make/model includes a space (which is the default separator as well as TAB in CALL), two possible easy/simple solutions/workarounds:

1) move the hard disk name/make/model to last column

2) replace spaces in the name/make/model with underscores





#116 erwan.l


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Posted 24 May 2019 - 07:20 PM

@Wonko : great feedback, thanks.


Version is out

-no more "SlIp Of ThE fInGerS wItH CaSe" - the 90's are over, it is no more cool to play with case :)

-there is now a header line for disks, partitions, volumes, devices or disklayout UNLESS one use set skip=1 in a batch (set skip= to reset the var)

-the disk name/make/model (in disks) no longer include a space (replaced by "_")


Focus on the last few versions is essentially about batching/parsing.


Edited : "there is no" becomes "there is now"

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#117 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 24 May 2019 - 07:45 PM

-there is no a header line for disks, partitions, volumes, devices or disklayout UNLESS one use set skip=1 in a batch (set skip= to reset the var)

Well, this is seemingly backwards :w00t:.

The output should IMHO be human readable WITHOUT ANY particular settings or parameters and tweakable for batch parsing by EITHER setting environment variables OR adding parameters (preferred by me personally) to the command line.




#118 Tokener


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Posted 24 May 2019 - 09:02 PM




Hi Erwan

Thanks a lot!

This is very good news.

vMount is top! :punk:


 a little batch-script to test vMount output: [incomplete]


just drag n drop vmount-exe on the (unzipped) file.


Best regards   T.




#119 erwan.l


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Posted 24 May 2019 - 11:16 PM

Well, this is seemingly backwards :w00t:.
The output should IMHO be human readable WITHOUT ANY particular settings or parameters and tweakable for batch parsing by EITHER setting environment variables OR adding parameters (preferred by me personally) to the command line.

My bad.
I meant 'there is now a header" (by default) and not "there is no header".
The default behavior is exactly as you described it should be.

#120 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 25 May 2019 - 08:40 AM



You should add a SETLOCAL statement to the batch, otherwise the Environment variables the script sets remain "sticky".



Good :)




#121 Tokener


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Posted 26 May 2019 - 02:30 AM

vMount Layout to Text

Attached File  vMount_layout 5.7z   690bytes   333 downloads

drag n drop vmount-exe on the (unzipped) file.



drag n drop vmount-exe on the (unzipped) file.


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#122 Tokener


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Posted 26 May 2019 - 02:07 PM


dear erwan

pardon me if I have more questions.

I found the following statement about "[filter]":

vmount disks "virtual disk" will list only disks with productid "virtual disk".
vmount partitions harddisk0 will list only partitions for harddisk0.

are there any more?

what filters are applicable for devices ?


Regards   T.








#123 erwan.l


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Posted 26 May 2019 - 02:45 PM



dear erwan

pardon me if I have more questions.

I found the following statement about "[filter]":

are there any more?

what filters are applicable for devices ?


Regards   T.










No pardon needed at all : your questions are always welcome and significantly help me improve this software !


vmount disks [filter] : filter applies on the productid column and is a simple substring search (can be "hitachi")

vmount partitions [filter] : filter applies on the device colum and is a simple substring search (can be "harddisk0" or "harddisk0\partition2")

vmount devices [filter] : filter applies on the device colum and is a simple substring search (can be "harddisk0" or "harddisk0\partition2")


There is currently no filter on volumes but I am thinking of introducing one based on the GUID.


The idea with these filters is not only to add more granularity for the user but also to make life easier when batching so that one can easily match a physicaldisk to a letter to a volume GUID to a letter, etc.


I shall add that the filter is not case sensitive (i translate it all to lowercase within my code).

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#124 Tokener


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Posted 26 May 2019 - 04:51 PM


Thanks for the Info.


Another thing I might have overseen is a command that lists also hidden volumes (devices).



Regards   T.




#125 erwan.l


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Posted 26 May 2019 - 05:05 PM



Thanks for the Info.


Another thing I might have overseen is a command that lists also hidden volumes (devices).



Regards   T.






By "Hidden" you mean one without a drive letter (listed already I believe) or the ones with a partition type which prevents the volume to be listed (like a GPT volume with partition_system_guid type?


In this later case, tough one from a volume point of view as it is really not a volume yet.

However, it is a partition and then you should see it with disklayout.

How does it sound?

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: vhd

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