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#101 Filip Hasa

Filip Hasa

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Posted 10 April 2009 - 12:27 PM

I correct problem with doublecmd start, add reg_add function from VistaPE, replace project.script with %API%

here is my correction

#102 Filip Hasa

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Posted 10 April 2009 - 12:37 PM

hi allanf,

here is project files with my correction:

::: add registry function compatibility form VistaPE
::: change project.script for %API%
::: Create Additional (XP) Environment Variables is working
::: doublecmd is working fine

here: http://www.boot-land...?...ost&id=8103

now i will test x64 - but i think GUI installer for jkdefrag will not work. I will send you files for this by mail only include to same folder and start

#103 allanf


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Posted 10 April 2009 - 03:32 PM

but i am faster :)

you can try doublecmd

EDIT: i did both, sorry :)

Too quick for me.

I adapted your script for the project, rather than adapting the project for your script. ... :) ...

No api please. I look at the following and think WTF!?





echo,"Loading #1 hive.."

echo,"Loading hive from %hive_file%"









Attached is a preliminary pe21.003e until the Double Commander errors are fixed. I didn't try very hard yet - will have look at your other attachments a bit later. Also need to find a home for the VMW (?) if you think they're a good thing to have.

It includes the new programs.wim feature which still needs proper speed testing.

The jkDefrag GUI is installed online. The author says it will install x64 or x86 jkDefrag whichever is appropriate. The standalone jkDefrag is not really required. Let me know how it goes.

Thanks :)

#104 thelegendarypig666



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Posted 10 April 2009 - 10:56 PM

Attached is a preliminary pe21.003e until the Double Commander errors are fixed. I didn't try very hard yet

Also Firefox do not work for me. It complain about a memory read error. Memory is ok, it happen in virtual machine.

BTW, very promising and nice project!

PS: I don't know how to add drivers, the same old problem again with VistaPE prtojects :-)

#105 allanf


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Posted 11 April 2009 - 03:42 AM

Also Firefox do not work for me. It complain about a memory read error. Memory is ok, it happen in virtual machine.

BTW, very promising and nice project!

PS: I don't know how to add drivers, the same old problem again with VistaPE prtojects :-)

Firefox doth protest too much! I prefer Opera for WinPE.

pe21.003e is still in early stages.

Under a full build of pe21.003g with Programs in RAM, taskmgr>performance shows Physical Memory Usage tipping 500MB. In VirtualPC with 512MB RAM:

Creating a pagefile on an available HardDrive may be a solution.

Firefox with pagefile: d:\pagefile.sys 1024MB:

With a Foreign Language in the full build, at startup, BGInfo will throw a Memory error because of the size of the .bmp file. However, refreshes OK later with the Random Wallpaper shortcut. But most things struggle with a build of this size and only 512MB RAM.

With a full build, FBWF Scratchspace is automatically adjusted to minimum 128MB because of a requirement for some Programs.

The mathematical relationship between FBWF Scratchspace, Physical Memory, PageFile, Cached Memory and Free Memory is ... I have no idea ... :) ... Is there a realtionship?

And I don't know if this is helping at all ... :) ...

Firefox (non-PortableApps variety) does require an accessible HardDrive with an OS, but that doesn't seem to be the problem here.

Driver Implementation - I have need of only one driver - A RAID controller. So, that's as far as my testing goes, although I have added other unnecessary drivers into the mix with no reported errors wihen installing.

In the WinBuilder GUI for pe21.003x.config, there are two items that need to be dealt with.

1. Check the CheckBox 'Add Drivers (See Below)'

2. 'Select the Folder containing your extracted Driver Files...' > 'Click the Folder Icon'.
In the 'Browse for Folder' dialogue, navigate to the folder containing the drivers' .inf, .sys, etc. files, and peimg will attempt to install all drivers found in the folder. The inf-style of installation is an absolute requirement. It doesn't recurse through sub-directories, so hope there is no naming conflict between the driver files when all thrown in to a single folder.

The peimg will display in a Command Window which closes when it's finished. It should be possible to catch a glimpse of any errors. Otherwise, try to find the [Ad_drivers] section in script.project and change the '/c' to '/k' so that the Command Window stays open until closed.

Thanks for the encouragement. :)

#106 allanf


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Posted 11 April 2009 - 09:42 AM

@Filip Hasa

I have implemented your Double Commander script, so that there are no error whether it run from RAM or Media. Thanks so much... It looks like an excellent File Manager.





Echo,"Adjusting Double Commander Settings and Adding AppData to the WinPE Registry."



If,ExistDir,"%TargetDir%\windows\system32\config",RegWrite,"HKLM",0x2,"PE2_SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Session Manager\Environment","APPDATA","#$pUSERPROFILE#$p\AppData\Roaming"


//-- Shortcut or Set Path --//

If,"%pe21_Shell%",NotEqual,"* cmd Shell",TxtAddLine,"%TargetDir%\Windows\System32\Startnet.cmd","ECHO#$sCreating#$sShortcut#$sfor#$sDouble#$sCommander","Append"


//-- emergeLauncher --//

If,ExistFile,"%TargetDir%\Windows\System32\emergeLauncher.cmd",TXTAddLine,"%TargetDir%\Windows\System32\emergeLauncher.cmd","REG#$sAdd#$s#$qHKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Emerge#$sDesktop\emergeLauncher\Settings#$q#$s/v#$s#$qCommand6#$q#$s/d#$s#$q#$pPROGSDRIVE#$p\\PROGRAM FILES\\DOUBLECMD\\DOUBLECMD.EXE#$q#$s/f","Prepend"


If,ExistFile,"%TargetDir%\Windows\System32\emergeLauncher.cmd",TXTAddLine,"%TargetDir%\Windows\System32\emergeLauncher.cmd","REG#$sAdd#$s#$qHKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Emerge#$sDesktop\emergeLauncher\Settings#$q#$s/v#$s#$qIcon6#$q#$s/d#$s#$q#$pPROGSDRIVE#$p\\PROGRAM FILES\\DOUBLECMD\\DOUBLECMD.EXE#$c0#$q#$s/f","Prepend"


The other important discovery from the use of VistaPE's api was that RegWrite (disguised as reg_add in the api) can write to the Registry directly in the mounted image.

In the beginning, Registry adjustments made directly to the mounted image were not successful. However, that was when using shellexecute regedit, if I remember correctly. I mistakenly assumed that RegWrite would have the same trouble. But it doesn't! Not even with the controls in Win7 beta ... :) ...

So, thanks again! I can take out some more garbage. ... :) ...

As for the work you did introducing that api stuff... it's a worry... :) ... Setting long Paths to variable is OK - but not %API% for script.project - a third script might be a good idea? I can see the benfit of having api functions, and some more could be introduced similar to dload and uzip - and possibly declared as variables - but would need to avoid naming conflicts with words used in the text-like variables from the GUI checklists. ...

Just some thoughts ... One of the first aims of this project was to make it reasonably accessible with a minimum of variables to chase around, especially variables that seem to serve no purpose..

Regards :)

#107 Filip Hasa

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Posted 12 April 2009 - 07:15 PM

bugs on x64:
fau needs side-by-side configuration - i will trace it and i will try to create manifest for you
process explorer cannot start needs x64 bit file which si generate from 32 bit file - you can find this file in my project which I send you i past. It is something like processexp64.exe
gimagex - directory is empty
firefox work like charm - only need to set as default browser - can you resolve it?
how about to import favorite bookmarks?
jkdefragsetup is win32 program - please use emailed files for it
7zip is OK
Dep. walker is OK
doublecmd is OK
mbrwiz is OK

wanted ;o)
some debug check box for stop before unmounting/building image OR insert some directory
how about to import custom registry file(s) after boot

create shortcuts from file like in VistaPE
start wpeinit like "start /wait wpeinit.exe"
how about to think how to insert user application

thank you for attention filip

#108 Filip Hasa

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Posted 12 April 2009 - 08:35 PM

hi allanf,

do you remember extracting Windows6.0-KB942288-v2-x64.mum ?!

You have to do on vista like system ;o)

Source: http://www.911cd.net...t...=19&t=21934

#109 Filip Hasa

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Posted 12 April 2009 - 09:06 PM

firefox work like charm - only need to set as default browser - can you resolve it?


replace in file "Firefox Community Edition\defaults\pref\firefox.js"
pref("browser.shell.checkDefaultBrowser", true); => pref("browser.shell.checkDefaultBrowser", false);


#110 allanf


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Posted 13 April 2009 - 05:18 AM

bugs on x64:

@Filip Hasa

:) looks like some work needs to be done. Briefly...

fau needs side-by-side configuration - i will trace it and i will try to create manifest for you


process explorer cannot start needs x64 bit file which si generate from 32 bit file - you can find this file in my project which I send you i past. It is something like processexp64.exe


gimagex - directory is empty

... ? ... I'll check the script?

firefox work like charm - only need to set as default browser - can you resolve it?
how about to import favorite bookmarks?

Thanks. I'll try your solution (posted below).

Customization/Personalization of Firefox and others is a good idea. It needs simple instructions for the User - like "Please copy Bookmarks/Favorites document into pe2ArchiveDir." Then in script, "If,ExistFile...Filecopy...". I'll see if that is workabel.

jkdefragsetup is win32 program - please use emailed files for it

From the author of jkDefragStarter:

Das Setup enthält sowohl die 32- als auch die 64-Bit-Version von JkDefrag.
Die richtige Version für Ihr System wird automatisch installiert.


Does it not do what the author says? In German, I can only read 'Setup', '32-', '64-Bit-Version', 'jkDefrag' and 'System'. ... :) ...

What is the source of jkDefragGUI? I looked here but didn't find x64:

wanted ;o)
some debug check box for stop before unmounting/building image OR insert some directory

The latest version introduced:



whcih deletes everything at the end of the build! ... :) ... except the script files and .iso. Not very good for development. Sorry. I'll fix it.

What I would like is the option to create more than just the standard .iso - options like a 'flat' .iso, UFD/HDD boot, PXE boot, etc ... My request ... :) ...

how about to import custom registry file(s) after boot

What for? Like Boot-time 'regedit emerge.reg' from previous version (before your offline RegWrite...)? Where to keep the .reg files... attached to script or downloadable only when required/selected?

create shortcuts from file like in VistaPE

Hmmm... TxtAddLine to startnet.cmd, or TxtAddLine to another file... I don't see the difference. For troubleshooting, one file has been easier... although startnet.cmd is getting rather large now.

start wpeinit like "start /wait wpeinit.exe"

Already, the shortcut is created, but only if not selected 'AutoStart wpeinit'. There may be cases to run wpeinit twice, so I'll fix it so the shortcut is always created.

how about to think how to insert user application

The script.project [Apps] section is for custo/testing/etc. However, it does not appear in the interface which a little bit more difficult to implement.

At a basic level, all that may be required is the 'dload' and 'uzip' API ... :( ...

'dload' first checks for the existence of the Archive File in pe2ArchiveDir. At this stage, the URL is not used. The 'dload' parameter #1 can be fake - "http://fake/myApp.zip" - but the file must be true, and .zip is best so that it can be extracted to 'Program Files' simply using 'uzip'.

An API for Shortcuts has not yet been formulated because... I keep getting the parameter sequence mixed up ... :) ...

There are two different types of shortcuts - for cmd-line Programs and for GUI Programs

For some Programs, shortcut creation is incorporated into a special .cmd to add File Association after the Program's Drive-Letter location is established.

I think most of these requested features are implemented in VistaPE. Out of respect for Nightman and the hard work put in to VistaPE, I want to keep this project as distinct as possible. I try not to look at VistaPE scripts - occassionally looking at posted log files that show how VistaPE works, and scripts to help memebers. It would probably be easy to copy large chunks into this project. That is not what this the project is about.

pe2 started as an experiment to test the size of the final .iso/.wim using procedures documented in the 'WinPE User's Guide' - procedures that were not, or could not be, used in VistaPE - like 'peimg /prep' and 'imagex /export'. Winbuilder is a great tool for experiments like that - easy to make adjustments.

Where code co-incides, it ought to be a reflection of the fact that Nightman was simply on the same page of the User's Guide.

Even though this project is as open as it can possibly be, I wouldn't be too happy if I suddenly saw large chunks of it pasted into someone else's project. I don't know if Nightman feels the same.

Your efforts are greatly appreciated.

Regards :)

#111 Filip Hasa

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Posted 13 April 2009 - 07:14 AM

... ? ... I'll check the script?

Yes please

Customization/Personalization of Firefox and others is a good idea. It needs simple instructions for the User - like "Please copy Bookmarks/Favorites document into pe2ArchiveDir." Then in script, "If,ExistFile...Filecopy...". I'll see if that is workabel.

How about to import them over GUI? Like choose directory where is your profile?!

From the author of jkDefragStarter:


Does it not do what the author says? In German, I can only read 'Setup', '32-', '64-Bit-Version', 'jkDefrag' and 'System'. ... :) ...

What is the source of jkDefragGUI? I looked here but didn't find x64:

It is may be true but installer is 32bit and there is problem.
I used source from here and recompiled under x64

The latest version introduced:



whcih deletes everything at the end of the build! ... :) ... except the script files and .iso. Not very good for development. Sorry. I'll fix it.

I resoled it by >> message,"STOP before unmounting"

What I would like is the option to create more than just the standard .iso - options like a 'flat' .iso, UFD/HDD boot, PXE boot, etc ... My request ... :) ...

What for? Like Boot-time 'regedit emerge.reg' from previous version (before your offline RegWrite...)? Where to keep the .reg files... attached to script or downloadable only when required/selected?

I want in insert next program = putty. There is setting in registry. OK ;-| You can import from running registry not from file.

Hmmm... TxtAddLine to startnet.cmd, or TxtAddLine to another file... I don't see the difference. For troubleshooting, one file has been easier... although startnet.cmd is getting rather large now.

Difference is you can easily edit this file. Almost all item is creating shortcuts in startnet.cmd in my case you will have only one line. even if you will create only one or thousands shortcuts ;o)

The script.project [Apps] section is for custo/testing/etc. However, it does not appear in the interface which a little bit more difficult to implement.

I know it. It was reason why I went way like NightMan - separete file for program = Easy testing, developing (small part of code) and debuging.

At a basic level, all that may be required is the 'dload' and 'uzip' API ... :) ...

Always you need some changes. And the problem is interface. Again.

An API for Shortcuts has not yet been formulated because... I keep getting the parameter sequence mixed up ... :) ...

There are two different types of shortcuts - for cmd-line Programs and for GUI Programs

For some Programs, shortcut creation is incorporated into a special .cmd to add File Association after the Program's Drive-Letter location is established.

It is grate idea have extensible PATH.

Even though this project is as open as it can possibly be, I wouldn't be too happy if I suddenly saw large chunks of it pasted into someone else's project. I don't know if Nightman feels the same.

I had writing with NightMan and he builded his files for me (x64). I told him about "my project" that is totally based on his project. He wasn't supprise. I tested his new beta of VistaPE for him as well. But of course It is up to you.
It is pity I don't have enough time to finish my project.

#112 allanf


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Posted 13 April 2009 - 08:26 AM

How about to import them over GUI? Like choose directory where is your profile?!

Just starting to think of ideas.

The personalization must be interactive, always starting with the base Program dowloaded from the Developer. So, I am thinking of making a new .script - pe21.003x.personal. Just some basic settings like Browser Favorites, and I'd like to copy some technical documents to the build as well to keep available in the boot disk. The User must locate the files with the folder/file icons.

I want in insert next program = putty. There is setting in registry. OK ;-| You can import from running registry not from file.

I don't use Programs on my host - my Win7 has no Programs installed at all, except AVG, Windows AIK 1.1 and Winbuilder. It would be better if the Registry Settings came from a file or in the script. Is it big?

It is pity I don't have enough time to finish my project.

Many people would be glad to see your project developed. If you do the more orthodox-style of Winbuilder Project, it will be easy for others to contribute. This pe2 project was deliberately limited to avoid conflict and contrast with VistaPE. This licence is for Deployment of Windows only. VistaPE's licence is for much more.

Anything you need from this project, you can take - probably not much worth to you.

Regards :)

#113 Filip Hasa

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Posted 13 April 2009 - 09:02 AM

The personalization must be interactive, always starting with the base Program dowloaded from the Developer. So, I am thinking of making a new .script - pe21.003x.personal. Just some basic settings like Browser Favorites, and I'd like to copy some technical documents to the build as well to keep available in the boot disk. The User must locate the files with the folder/file icons.

It will be fine.

I don't use Programs on my host - my Win7 has no Programs installed at all, except AVG, Windows AIK 1.1 and Winbuilder. It would be better if the Registry Settings came from a file or in the script. Is it big?

No, my config with 20 entries has 200 kB for reg file.

Many people would be glad to see your project developed. If you do the more orthodox-style of Winbuilder Project, it will be easy for others to contribute. This pe2 project was deliberately limited to avoid conflict and contrast with VistaPE. This licence is for Deployment of Windows only. VistaPE's licence is for much more.

Anything you need from this project, you can take - probably not much worth to you.

Thank you a lot. I will take it. dload and other your functions. And step to create image. they are fine.
Using /apply and /capture is really slow.

My idea for project is based on WAIK but possible take files from install DVD and compatibility with VistaPE project.

NigthMan's new release of VistaPE is not pure winbuilder script. You will can generate x64 image as well. He do a lot of thinks by his application (autoit) it is problem to edit. (Ok it is base function and no much people want to edit this.)

#114 allanf


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Posted 18 April 2009 - 03:08 AM

It will be fine.

... :) ... Not quite so easy to implement another .personal script. Soon tho'.

I have the jkDefragGUI files. Thanks. But, I am undecided how to use them in this project.

At this stage, I am trying to improve the overall project including the addition of the programs.wim image and the .personal script, and have had to place the addition of more Programs on the back-burner.

Thank you a lot. I will take it. dload and other your functions. And step to create image. they are fine.

Some script may become redundant with new releases of Winbuilder. There are many more new Winbuilder commands, that I haven't tried. Also some of the best script is not functioning at all with 077.

My idea for project is based on WAIK but possible take files from install DVD and compatibility with VistaPE project.

This is the best idea. The Install DVD's boot.wim is limited as the base. The pure winpe.wim is much better as you know ... :) ...

From my experience, the main obstacle is to convince users to download and install the WAIK.

For this project, I think one or two more choice Additional Programs for x64/x86. Then some script to create alternatives to the standard .iso. Then finished.

Regards :)

#115 allanf


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Posted 31 October 2009 - 02:03 AM


Sorry I deleted everything.

Could someone please post the project scripts for pe21.003g - pe21.script and script.project? (Attach to a post with extra .txt extension.)

pe21.003g was the last version, and was working well with winbuilder076 on XP and Win7 with WAIK 1.1 (for VistaSP1) installed.


#116 wimb


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Posted 31 October 2009 - 07:37 AM

Hi allanf,

Good to see you at Boot Land :cheers:

Your pe21 with GUI and programs like Ghost makes a WinPE 2.1 with GUI of only 170 MB, which is quite handy,
because of its small size and because it allows in a multiboot environment to launch Setup of Windows 7 or Vista from folder.
Booting with LiveXP PE cannot be used for this task and your pe21 of 170 MB allows to boot fast from USB-stick.

I have Uploaded my last working version which is pe21.003d :cheers:

I can upload also somewhere the complete pe2ArchiveDir of 182 MB if you wish.
Please let me know if you need this as well.

#117 allanf


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Posted 31 October 2009 - 09:26 AM


Thanks for the scripts.

I can see that there are some very significant changes between pe21.003d and my last work-in-progress pe21.003e - primarily to do with security and other issues when building in Windows 7, and a new feature to get around some problems - the creation of a 'programs.wim' file applied to RAM-drive at boot up. Plus a re-organization and clean-up.

From memory, the intermediate pe21.003g had the features for building safely on Win7, and was a good improvement over pe21.003d, so I'm holding out for someone to post it up.

I don't think the project will ever be compliant with any version of Winbuilder other than 076, so it seems unlikely that the project will be put back up on the Winbuilder Downloads Server for automatic download. It would be best to budle it with 076 as a package.

I think I have most of the programs that are downloaded to the pe2ArchiveDir, so no need to make it available. I'll hunt around to see if the download links in the project are still valid. Win7 has a 'Downloads' directory, so, in future, it would be good to use this as the repository for downloads rather than the awkward pe2ArchiveDir.

Thanks again.

#118 was_jaclaz



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Posted 31 October 2009 - 09:50 AM

Hi allanf,
happy to see you around again. :cheers:.

Do post a request here:

along these lines:

It will give you more visibility to your request.



#119 paraglider


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Posted 31 October 2009 - 11:32 AM

I have the download. I uploaded it to my website.

#120 allanf


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Posted 31 October 2009 - 12:12 PM

I have the download. I uploaded it to my website:

MmmWa! ;)

Thanks a million! ... :cheers: ...


Winbuilder 076:

Windows Automated Installation Kit for Vista SP1 and Server 2008 (properly installed):

Internet Connection whilst building with Winbuilder

Press 'Play'! ;)


#121 wimb


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Posted 31 October 2009 - 02:21 PM

Thanks paraglider and allanf :cheers:

The pe21 Project is alive again. ;)

I have just made my first pe21.iso with version pe21.003g
Everything is OK and I used BOOT_IMG.exe to install the pe21.iso as boot option on my HDD.

pe21.iso of 170 MB booting in 40 sec with Window 2.1 with GUI interface with a lot of handy programs ;)
including Ghost and Network support with working Opera webbrowser.

The a43 web download refused on building the iso, but then I took my earlier downloaded file instead.

#122 allanf


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Posted 22 December 2009 - 03:41 AM

Thanks wimb.

#123 allanf


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Posted 22 December 2009 - 12:27 PM

Unfortunately, I cannot upload any new projects because my upload limit has been reduced to 500KB, and I seem to have been locked out of the pe2.winbuilder server.

And now, a word from our sponsor...

Hi allanf,

As written, the correction on 4-iso.script about the title (title name on grub4dos). Joshua probably forgot to change title name on grub4dos menu.lst , so I only changed it from Win7pe to Win7RescuePE. This has nothing about winbuilder.exe but it seems you highly tend to understand (react) every issue responsible from winbuilder !!! I guess you need to stop and think before fart-assing comments on issues.

How you can think I did not try wb076 B) please keep your "big mouth shut" ..... :merc: :cheers:

About winbuilder:
There is no rule that says you have to use latest version.
Rule is, for any project you have to use project's version.
And any individual can make any project with any winbuilder version s(h)e likes too.

Everybody can find projects on boot-land which can only run smoothly with winbuilder 078SP4,077RC2, 076, 074, 072, 056 etc.....
Well since these projects were not deleted by an alienpig , it is not a big problem changing wb version for the projects.

Btw, I am not also happy with fixing things for new wb versions, besides any active development have these trouble time to time. (As far as i know, some old autoit3 scripts needs older versions too). As a result any thing made with these active developments can be called beta crap but calling the developers "guinea pigs" is not nice. People spend a looooot of their free time to develop and share things uncommercially and they do not delete from servers. Going back to winbuilder, I made a looooooooooot of discussions about the new features of new winbuilders instead of leaving boot-land by deleting my files on servers. B)

Giving example:
Recently a close friend tried to build win7rescue (joshua) and after a lot of trials failed.
Than he said "shit project" with reason "a good project should need one click."
and I wrote him "than you are shit" knowing a project admin spend a looooot time on developement and also knowing win7rescue builds without much issue.

Giving another example:
When I tried pe21..g , I get many bugies but
I never think "ahaaa, this is a beta crap and suspect is guinea alienpig",
instead I think "ahaaa, a nice idea for a project but requires some minor fixes" and made these minor fixes...

Well these are my personal opinions :cheers:

Hi allanf,

I wrote looooong time before (before you went out of boot-land and delete things around) that I agree with your criticism
but I DO NOT approve the ugly and unfriendly things you are doing (and did) by giving names etc. I do not think you have an adequate attitute to make friendly communication.

Probably you do not know (or intentionally pretend not knowing), psc and I still discuss and sometimes (or most of the time) do not agree on things on many things not only about winbuilder but also project scripts (reminding we share scripts between projects). I guess me and psc made the longest boxings on boot-land history. :merc:

But probably you will still hear yourself instead of reading my posts and reply here (or elsewhere) with your childish ugly attitute.
I hope you stop doing this kind of things.

for others who do not know:
allanf is the project admin of pe21 project.
With the development after wb076 made by psc, now pe21 project can not be processed with wb versions higher than 076.
Reason was an undocumented syntax which is working with wb076 but not working versions over wb076.
allanf can not remember now (maybe the blood on eyes spread to some part of brains too) that I strongly supported undocumented syntax become real and there was a topic about that. (also there are other discussion topics about the development routine)
allanf did not respond good for the midway approaches and after a while leave boot-land for some time (I guess ~6 months) and deleted his project from servers. :merc:
allanf is back and uses every relevant/irrelevant topic to disturb psc.
(in fact, in the past psc was doing the same thing to me)

I was happy when allanf came back, but seeing him making these stupid actions is not nice.
At least I am glad allanf is the only one who does such things around.

I just made 2 complete downloads with wb078sp2.
multi7pe --> ended without trouble, winbuilder shows files needed to download, reason of the issue is the project admin (yahoouk) since he used ascii method to upload some files. (informed loong time ago). Well even with the files shown on list, this do not cause bad things on build. If you search around you may also find some replies I wrote to warn admins.
win7rescuePE --> Whole download ended without trouble and no files left on download list.
winbuilder download mechanism --> I made numerous requests for "try to download again" option for winbuilder download mechanism like other downloaders do. Sometimes scripts can not be downloaded either because of main server (winbuilder.net) or hostos internet activity or ISP or... and there happens winbuilder warning screen with stopping the download....
Request probably posponed because of not being "serious" and I do not remind all the time.

sorry for the interruptions! :cheers:

I also have had this question, and therfore I implemented the solution into WinBuilder some time ago.
Because I saw the necessarity inside developing one of my projects, I hope that Allanf will not judge this again as "Working for my projects only".
@Myk3: If you agree to Allanf's opinion, please do not use this information. Then it is "Clippy-Owned"

If not: You are welcome to use "Clippy-Developed WinBuilder Functions"

There exists a WinBuilder command to retrieve file version.


If,%ver%,SMALLER,4.65,Exit,"%ProgramFolder%\7z.exe must be version 4.65 or higher"


Definitely not. My RunFromRam api option for nativeEx-based projects makes necessary use of this.


With WB 077 beta allanf found a new issue.

The code







formerly resulted in:

With 077 beta 1 you get:

Simple fact: A bug is fixed. It cannot be allowed that a comma in a 'Run' parameter splits the parameter.
Otherwise it would be impossible to pass a parameter string containing a comma.

Sorry, allanf:
Here it is not possible to preserve a 'back compatibility'.
A script which (assuming and believing that everything is ok, I beg your pardon) uses the 'features of a bug' must be revised after the bug has been fixed.




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