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JonF's BootSDI problems

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#76 Lancelot


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Posted 04 January 2009 - 07:37 AM


As suspected, "Xp Home OEM from dell" is BAAD as a source, issues reported before, do NOT use "Xp Home OEM from dell" as source for LiveXP.

Here is a quick test for you:
http://livexp.boot-l...eXP-Minimum.zip , extract it C:\LiveXPminimum\
and use
2k3sp2 Trial X13-05665 ( I:\2k3sp2\ :cheers: ) as source (explained previous post.)
to make a build.

ps: pack the log files (zip,rar,7z) and use http://www.2shared.com/

#77 xylosxot



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Posted 05 January 2009 - 01:16 AM

Here's the log file.

Please note that I downloaded the version of 2003 that you indicated by links
I then extracted contents of img files to I: directory where I keep copied discs am working on.
I then downloaded the small version of LiveXp that you indicated.
Then I directed the source to the I: drive and got the following error indicated in the log file.
Found 7Zip and compressed contents with 7z. Hope this will help you to help me.


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#78 Lancelot


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Posted 05 January 2009 - 03:43 AM


Log helps :cheers:

There is a mistake with your extraction of contents of X13-05665.img file. Somehow files are missing !!!! My guess is misusage of the software to extract files !!

For right extraction try this:
Delete I:\I2k3sp2\ Folder
Rename X13-05665.img to X13-05665.iso

Search google to learn extracting ISO files

Personal Advice: use imdisk or daemon tools or winrar to extract iso files. And also if you use imdisk or daemon tools dont extract files, instead show the cd drive letter as source created by imdisk or daemon tools after mounting X13-05665.iso.

also try another drive, like C:\I2k3sp2\ for a change to see what will happen.
ps: i use H:\ driver for my source disks like you, but better to change I:\ just to see what will happen.

I am sure you will be very sad when you find out the reason you are failing to prepare source folder.

Good Luck ;)

#79 xylosxot



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Posted 05 January 2009 - 11:25 AM

When you mentioned a problem with the extraction process of the img files it made me wander about the program that I'd been using to extract. I'm using ultraiso. I've never had a problem with it before but I think that the copy that I have needs to be replaced. I'd had some weird errors before, but I didn't think anything about it. I also had some weird results a couple of times during the extraction process. I will use IMDisk this time. I like IMDisk any how. I will get back to you and let you know how things go.

P.S. Because of people like you I already like this forum. I can see the tech method of covering the different basis to track down the problem. Normally I could do something like this on my own but this is a new direction for me. I truly do appreciate you and the others who have lent a hand. :cheers:

#80 xylosxot



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Posted 05 January 2009 - 07:24 PM

Process of elimination has always been one of my favorites when working on a computer. This time success came from the same avenue. Lancelot I followed all of the directions that you gave me and actually fixed two problems instead of one. :cheers:
The problem was stemming from trying manipulate the img files strictly using UltraIso which wouldn't work. The fix came from using ImDisk to mount the 2k3 image and then simply do a copy and paste. I took your advice also by way of making a folder on my desktop for the source. This worked perfect, the final ISO image that WinBuilder put out functioned fixing the problem with cab extraction errors.
I also wanted to comment on my original posting which had to do with the BootSDI.img... I used ImDisk to mount the XpLive.iso that I had that I wanted to edit. The problem there is that the BootSDI.img was getting corrupted for some reason during the extraction process from using UltraIso. Using ImDisk to extract the BootSDI.img and then I used ImDisk again to mount the BootSDI.img which I was then able to edit personally putting in a wallpaper that I wanted. Problem popped up though when I had to reinsert the BootSDI.img into the XpLive.iso. Since I was able to use ImDisk to save a new edited BootSDI.img to a different location I then used UltraIso to reinsert the BootSDI.img back into the iso image itself; and presto!!! It worked!!! I got the results that I was after.
One question remains though. Why am I unable to edit XpLive.iso when mounting it inside of ImDisk?
I keep getting that it says read only. Any ideas on this.

P.S. In my opinion all the props have to go to Lancelot on this one. He was the biggest help and best contributor to help me get past my problems with this project. It took some time but the effort was worth it. Now comes the fun part with modifications.

#81 Lancelot


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Posted 05 January 2009 - 07:39 PM

Why am I unable to edit XpLive.iso when mounting it inside of ImDisk?
I keep getting that it says read only. Any ideas on this.

Right click on XpLive.iso and click properties, than uncheck "readonly"

if this dont work, simply extract files out from iso image, extract boot info of iso file, and create a new iso :cheers: (a little google fu would help, ultra iso should have function to extract boot info maybe to a .img file and recreating .iso with this image file )

nice to see everything working oki, i hope you prefer building new images than modifying the ones you found out on net. It is more fun to build your own.

Cu later ;)

#82 xylosxot



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Posted 05 January 2009 - 07:59 PM

Well preference for building on my own will be an ever increasing aspect especially now that I know how to deal with the issues of the reading and what not. The iso image that I was mentioning, I've already checked the read only status. It was unchecked. The only thing I could figure is to do a remaster. I liked the idea currently of editing and making my own. To me editing will let me see some of the details of how the author chose to put an image together and why they chose certain things within it. You must understand that it's preference of the moment more than anything. If I've any other questions I will certainly ask.

Thanx! :cheers:

#83 xylosxot



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Posted 06 January 2009 - 03:16 AM

Hey Lancelot, Why would I get an error like this? I keep getting an error everytime I go to build. It starts to build the iso says job complete and then there's no ISO. Have any ideas?

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#84 Lancelot


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Posted 06 January 2009 - 08:15 AM

I remember the error from past but cant remember the reason!
Can you update your livexp and make a trial

Click download on top up of winbuilder gui, you will get to download screen, only select livexp in the list as shown on picture
Posted Image
and click download at down right

this will lead you to have very updated scripts for livexp. I hope this helps.

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