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live repair disk for blind people

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#76 pscEx


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Posted 16 March 2012 - 02:10 PM

multiPE project version 24 is uploaded.
  • Fixed glitches in WimInfo and ImageIndex due to path names with spaces
  • Added "define fixed MAC adddress" to VirtualBox emulator script.
  • Reanimated NVDA functionality (has been lost anywhen after version 12.
  • Now in "real world" NVDA can output voice sound to USB headset (Previously only possible in emulator).
  • Different smaller enhancements.

#77 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 16 March 2012 - 02:24 PM

Dear Peter,
Thank You for new Multipe update and for announcement.
The .zip archive file name is multipe23.zip and when i have looked inside The .zip archive, The dates of files are very often dated til The end of Year 2011. Does Yours update really contain The changes?
Thank You very much for Yours answer.

#78 pscEx


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Posted 16 March 2012 - 03:17 PM

The file is uploaded:


Fixed: I again have had some troubles with the forum's software :frusty:

Please redownload! Sorry!


#79 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 11 April 2012 - 01:39 PM

Dear Peter,
IAm thinkink about Windows disk defragmenter while using Windows7 as installation source.
Because it is too complex to enable USB audio support for Multipe while using Windows7 as source. And Windows8 release is too near.
What about this approach.

Would You try to download The Win7PE_nvda2 project, which is available
And would You try to implement Microsoft disk defragmenter here? Or The projects, Multipe and this projects are too difficult and implementing this would take too long time?

Yes, i know about other disk defragmenters, but why not to use Microsoft one, if it works with so many live XP projects for so many years?

I will not intrude You with other thinks, i Am giving up sound support of Windows8, i will use Windows7 PES, i know, that You had spend hundred of hours to make accessibility available and i do not want to overload and disuse You. I never want such thinks as implementing some games to live environment, new valpapers or new screen savers for example.
But i think, that implementing Microsoft disk defragmenter is really good approach. And i also tell You why from The informatics perspective.
I think, that Microsoft made somethink with The defragmenter so it will run more faster from live Pe environment than using other available defragmenters. It is somethink with memory disk cache i think. But if You decide, that it is redundand work, i will never intrude You because of it.

Multipe24 sound support is working excellently, USB headsets and driver import PE from Kario technologies is working also excellently, even application for controlling Windows services remotely.

#80 pscEx


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Posted 11 April 2012 - 03:22 PM

Give me an out-time.

I'm sad of the current procedere.

You ask in different forums for the same issue ...
You ask in different forums different people to perform rather similar issues ...

It looks like you are searching (by engaging the forum's members) a lot of solutions and then decide which one you can use.

I come back when you clearly explain what is your real intention, and when you post questions only once, in the best suited subforum.
The people who are able and want to help you, read all (most?) topics. Spreaded duplicates make the reader disappointed and the issue uninteresting.

BTW: When I come back, my field is PE1, XP based.
I do not like to have always the "Newest", "Biggest", "Most used" OS (tool, car, rocket, game, gun, ...), regardless whether it has known issues and restrictions.
In my system there is still XP x86 (I only did upgrade from NT4 because of the demand of some business customers).
IMO a Live CD is for some rescue reasons. There is no necessarity for audio (besides NVDA), for enhanced video, for using more than 2 GB of RAM with X64, for ...
Therefore no reason to use Vista, Win7 or Win8(?) as source, especially not x64.


#81 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 11 April 2012 - 04:18 PM

Dear developers of excellent live PE projects.
Let Me to say goodbye to every body of us. I would like to thank a specially Mr Schlang, MR Al Jo, Mr Amalux and all other developers, who have prepared so ammazing projects. Live projects have dramatically changed my life, it returned me a freedom, which i have never had before. I can perform many system administration tasks, i can use projects for virus removal, offline defragmentation and also for restoring corrupted Windows registry.
I would like to thank Mr Schlang for his very big patience with Me. I believe, that The results of our discussion, Multipe12 and The latest Multipe will bring joy and system administration freedom to so much visually impaired users as possible.

What i want from those projects?

I Am looking for a similar solution like Windows safe mode for sighted users, virus removal tool and The tool to have full access to The NTFS volumes.

I didn't know, that all developers are reading all available discussion topics, ii thought, that in every discussion forum is some other developers.

So i believe, that all developers will forgive Me, that i have token their time by asking for somethink, ETC.

By the way, i have now special Ccleaner compatible with Windows XP live project, to remove applications from The XP NTFS host volume, i have even special application for easy system registry restoration from The system volume information folder.
And i have even found out, how to force system to display The lists of installed programs by using add or remove control panel appled of The Windows XP host operating system.

"%SystemDrive%\Program Files\Runscanner\Runscanner.exe" /t 0 /sd /ac /m+ /y c:\windows\system32\rundll32.exe c:\windows\system32\shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL "c:\windows\System32\appwiz.cpl"

So thank You very much for Yours hard and difficult work and for Yours patience with my pleasments.

#82 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 11 April 2012 - 05:13 PM

Dear sir,
Thank You for Yours updated project.

Very well done. Unfortunately, i can not unpack Yours 7z archives. It is may be because The provider of Yours WEB service is not allowing to download so big files, or i do not know why.
I Am getting Error message from 7zip, that this file can not be opened as a archive.

I Am using 7zip version 9.22.

Would somebody else try one of previously sended direct download links?

Thank You, that You have added several antivirus tools. I have solved it previously by running Clamwin portable from USB stick, fortunately .exe program for running Clamwin portable older version can run also new version. Thank You for Yours work and for implementation of so many applications.
It is not easy job, so many registry keys and so many folders and files creations command inside The scripts.

#83 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 11 April 2012 - 05:18 PM

Hello Aljo,
Everythink is working excellently, i had to use Orbit download manager to correctly download The archives, The server which is hosting files is may be very far from our country.

But Orbit solved it, OK.

#84 blindside



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Posted 28 July 2012 - 08:45 AM

A big, big thanks to Peter for contributing here and making multipe accessible.

Unfortunately I have not much time to contribute here because of personal life reasons. Anyway, I downloaded the last version 45 and have problems. When I try to build even untouched project on XP system I get the error message that 7zip in ...projects oolsnativeEx is not a valid 32 bit application (in xp) and that is not compatible with the system (in win7). I use XP 32 bit source on 32 bit systems.

multiPE project version 24 is uploaded.

  • Fixed glitches in WimInfo and ImageIndex due to path names with spaces
  • Added "define fixed MAC adddress" to VirtualBox emulator script.
  • Reanimated NVDA functionality (has been lost anywhen after version 12.
  • Now in "real world" NVDA can output voice sound to USB headset (Previously only possible in emulator).
  • Different smaller enhancements.

#85 pscEx


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Posted 28 July 2012 - 09:50 AM

A big, big thanks to Peter for contributing here and making multipe accessible.

Unfortunately I have not much time to contribute here because of personal life reasons. Anyway, I downloaded the last version 45 and have problems. When I try to build even untouched project on XP system I get the error message that 7zip in ...projects oolsnativeEx is not a valid 32 bit application (in xp) and that is not compatible with the system (in win7). I use XP 32 bit source on 32 bit systems.

A glitch in factory settings on upload.
Please delete manually in ..projectsToolsnativeex
  • 7z*.*
  • autoit3.exe
  • Flag_x86 or Flag_x64, whatever is present.
The next upload will come soon. Here thes glitches are fixed.

EDIT: This funny forum software converts projects<backslash>tools to projects<tab>ools
So I wrote projects<backslash><backslash>tools


#86 blindside



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Posted 28 July 2012 - 04:40 PM

A glitch in factory settings on upload.
Please delete manually in ..projectsToolsnativeex

  • 7z*.*
  • autoit3.exe
  • Flag_x86 or Flag_x64, whatever is present.
The next upload will come soon. Here thes glitches are fixed.

EDIT: This funny forum software converts projects<backslash>tools to projects<tab>ools
So I wrote projects<backslash><backslash>tools


I deleted all this things, but the problem still persists. It seems like they find a way to return.

Edited by blindside, 28 July 2012 - 04:42 PM.

#87 pscEx


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Posted 28 July 2012 - 05:09 PM

Sory, then there is a different issue, which I currently cannot see.

Be patient until tomorrow or Monday. I'm preparing a new upload.


#88 blindside



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Posted 30 July 2012 - 07:40 PM

Hi, I downloaded version 46 and still have problems with 7z. When it's there on the fifth second of building it tells me that it is not valid 32 bit application. When I delete all 7z*.* relevant files it tells me that it can not find it.

Edited by blindside, 30 July 2012 - 07:54 PM.

#89 pscEx


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Posted 31 July 2012 - 06:38 AM

Did you also delete %Tools%Flag_86 and / or %Tools%Flag_x64?

Then add in script.project to [process]


#90 blindside



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Posted 31 July 2012 - 04:11 PM

Did you also delete %Tools%Flag_86 and / or %Tools%Flag_x64?

Yes, I did.

Then add in script.project to [process]

Sorry, I may sound stupid, but how I do this? I'm not so technical and wish we could have tools that will just work for the most users without reading 100 books or asking 100 questions:).
I am thankful for what you do, but wish things were simpler.

#91 pscEx


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Posted 31 July 2012 - 04:44 PM

I usually assume that people have around my experience, my sensual abilities and my knowledge. It's a personally fault of mine, and I'm not a good tutor. I'm sorry for that.

I wrote a fix in the mean time.

Go to WinBuilder Download center by using the "Download" button upper right.

Select the second level multiPE.

If you are not sure, you may select the first level multiPE.
Then the download will only take a bit more time.

Click the Download button in lower left

Wait around one minute that the standard project window comes back.

Select the project root GUI by clicking "multiPE" in top of the project tree.
Then click the new button "Reset to factory status" in the middle right.

Previos selections you made in the project, are reset to factory settings by using this function.

Therefore after finishing the function, you must redefine your source CD and rebuild.

When that fix works, I'll upload version 47.


#92 blindside



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Posted 31 July 2012 - 08:08 PM

Unfortunately I'm not able to find the "Reset to factory status" button. I'm not here to complain, but the WinBuilder GUI though usable is far from perfect for a totally blind person. So maybe this is the reason, but I was not successful to use the new tweak. I got the same old errors. I don't blame you at all. I might try again tomorrow after work. But I hate to spend hours and days for something that should work in minutes. So you can understand my frustration. Again, I don't blame you. But I just don't have enough time to experiment even though I want to. Thanks again for willing to help. What you do is awesome. I hope tomorrow I'll have more luck.

#93 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 01 August 2012 - 08:52 AM

Dear sir,
I would like to valuably inform You, that Mr Peter Schlang had stopped to officially support NVDA from his MultiPE based project.
If You will use newest MULTIPE project , You will not have incorporated NVDA and sound support to The resulted live .iso image.
I AM offering You The following solutions.

Last stable Multipe project, which is really supporting NVDA out of The box is Multipe version 12.
You can get it from
This project will only support Windows XP for visually impaired users. So You will be able to use Windows XP as source. If You want to use this project for production use, You would had to have USB audio device, such as USB headsets as a sound device. The special driver is alredy included inside The project.
You can use only Windows XP to produce usable bootable live CD with USB audio and NVDA support. Very important!!! You must use Windows XP operating system when You are building Windows XP based live project, in other case, You will get error.

If You have USB headset or ATI high definition audio internal sound chip, You can use other project, which is supporting Windows7 as A source. You can not use Windows7 SP1 if You will use this source, You will not get sound to work when booting from The resulted live CD.
The project can be downloaded from here
When You will use 7-Zip to decompress this archive, remove The () from The folder name, in other case You will get error and project will not be build successfully.

If You want to use other project, which is capable to run NVDA and is able to use Windows Xp as source, I AM recommending You to use The following project downloadable from here
To work with this project, use resulted created bootable CD and one usable USB stick.
Copy NVDA portable to The root folder of this flash drive and create The
folder in The root folder of Yours USB stick.
Copy drivers of Yours sound cart to The drivers folder created on The USB stick.
Boot from live CD and have Yours USB stick plugged in.
You must run NVDA from The run application dialog box to run NVDA from USB stick.
There is much more newer version of LX project, but this version is enabling Me to run NVDA without issues.
If You have USB headsets, extract The USB headsets driver files to The drivers folder on The USB stick.

If You will have some questions, I will be very glad to help You.
Windows7 based project is enabling You to use Microsoft antivirus, special tool named
Microsoft Safety scanner.
This tool can be run from Windows PE based environment and is able to detect and automatically remove viruses from The various media.
You can even use
MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition
To work with The partitions, but You would had to use special technique to get QT4 accessible with NVDA.
You can communicate with me and i will help You.
The live PE environment are really very usable for us, but it is necessary to have somebody who would give You a systematic instructions to get understand.

#94 pscEx


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Posted 01 August 2012 - 11:16 AM

I would like to valuably inform You, that Mr Peter Schlang had stopped to officially support NVDA from his MultiPE based project.
If You will use newest MULTIPE project , You will not have incorporated NVDA and sound support to The resulted live .iso image.
I AM offering You The following solutions.

That's wrong.

All NVDA, audio, headphone scripts etc. are still in the project and maintained, and can be selected.
I stopped delivering the "NVDA factory settings".

It was a hard job to maintain this factory settings on every delivery.

And because several other people took care about NVDA, I decided to let them do.

I do not want to reinvent the wheel for the second time.
You can copy your current NVDA factory settings into the latest multiPE project, and make the "NVDA" button in the main GUI visible.


#95 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 01 August 2012 - 11:49 AM

Dear Peter,
What making enable sound support button available inside Yours projects?
If this button will be pressed, Winbuilder would copy and set all necessary scripts internal variables to make sound working.
NVDA would be then started from bootable USB stick.
Or it would cause The same problem as integrating NVDA factory settings to every new version?

Or there would be other solution.
Please upload The folder structures with The necessary files for factory settings to make sound support and NVDA work if Windows XP have been selected.

But You can also ignore it and users can use Multipe12 or Multipe24 too.
I will let The decision on You.

I will upload Multipe24 to Dropbox server and users can also use it with NVDA and with Yours driver audio host import feature.

#96 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 01 August 2012 - 01:39 PM

Hello Peter.

Yes, i have found out, that when I have copied NVDA related factory settings from Multipe24, it can incorporate NVDA to The resulted live image, USB audio can work, but NVDA will only produce The welcome sound followed by The Windows crash sound warning.
But when running NVDA from drive C: or other writable drive, NVDA can run normally.
But i still think, that NVDA have been bestly integrated to The Multipe12, because Hostaudio executable application did not displayed dialog Window, so user did not have to press TAB twice followed by pressing SPACE to let NVDA run.

So best MULTIPE for using with NVDA is according to my personal opinion really Multipe12.

Thank You very much for Yours time Peter.
Thank You for Yours Windows8 live project development, and for Yours Winbuilder modifications.
The reality is, that Yours project build time is The fastest available.
And that there is no other Windows8 live project builder available for this time.

It is only sad, that You are not thinkink about including USB audio support to Windows8.
And i would send You USB audio driver files and i would try to fetch The registry keys from normal Windows8 system.

But i know, that You do not like users, who want to have newest thinks.
As You have mentioned previously several months ago, You are not having always The newest model of car, CD player ETC.
But try to think about integrating USB audio support to WIndows8 live project from other perspective.
You would be really The first community member, who would incorporate USB audio support to Windows8 live project.
I have all Windows8 .iso image files starting from Windows8 developers preview til The latest iso from may 2012.

You are may be do not know, but we could really cooperate together, as You have found out, i Am very patient tester and eventhough my knowledge are much more less than Yours, it would be excellent to make first Windows8 live project, which will support USB audio and NVDA.

I know, that when You have developed Multipe12 with NVDA support, there was other projects, which are supporting NVDA.
But Windows8 live project, which is supporting USB audio headsets is really not available on The world.
So You would be The first.

We could develop it together by using personal conversation and when building will be finished, You will announce Multipe, version, which is supporting USB audio and NVDA when Windows8 source CD have been selected.

Please, try to atleast think about it.

You are exclusive developer.
You are one of very little developers, who are able to modifi Winbuilder C language source code.
MultiPE project is The onlyone, which is supporting so many sources from The one project.

I AM promising You, that if Multipe with Windows8 and USB audio with NVDA support version will be available, i will never ask You to support NVDA from every new Multipe version when Windows8 source will be selected.

I know, that You are very probably strongly dislike me, but try to ask Yourself.
When You developed Multipe12 and when You have patiently debugged it with me, somethink positive went from our cooperation.

I do not know, if audioactivator PE for Windows7 is compatible with Windows8 PE mode, but i do not think so.

#97 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 01 August 2012 - 02:03 PM

Dear Peter,
Because You have written, that You do not like to invent somethink, that have been all ready invented, what about triing to develope Multipe version, which would support NVDA with USB headsets.
You would have The ensurance, that You would be really The first.
I can install Windows8 developers preview and i can debug Multipe versions and You would be The first, who developed Windows8 with NVDA and USB audio headsets.
I Am sure, that there is no other WIndows8 live project builder available and even with USB audio and NVDA?

I think, that many visually impaired users would have very big joy from The results of our cooperation.
I Am very patient tester and project debugger.
The WInbuilder GUI is excellently made, because i can read and copy The crucial error messages to The clipboard. And i can even use HTML editor to read The created debug and error logs.
Please, try to atleast think about it.
You would be The first.

#98 blindside



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Posted 01 August 2012 - 03:08 PM

Ok, do I need to have NVDA installed or I can use the portable version with MultiPE? Will it work with the newest NVDA 12.2? And what does "NVDA factory settings" mean? Could I use my own settings or only the default coming with NVDA? Do I have to search for NVDA script somewhere else?

#99 pscEx


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Posted 01 August 2012 - 03:19 PM

Wait some time.

I'm working on a "one click NVDA solution"

There is just a checkbox in the main GUI "Add NVDA support". When it is checked, all necessary apps and drivers will be copied to the PE.

NVDA version:

In myNVDAEx.Script you have the choice between either the locally installed NVDA, or a portabel version you provide.


#100 pscEx


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Posted 01 August 2012 - 03:21 PM

Just I had successfull run of the "One Click Function" working in VirtualBox.


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