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Windows 7 gets new updates to spy as much as Windows 10

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#76 alacran


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Posted 12 September 2015 - 06:17 AM

Hopefully M$ continues with their privacy-intrusion policies (sarcastic) so that some gov't agency like the EU can slap them down with sanctions, fines, etc. Maybe a few class-action lawsuits might help too. It's too bad violating privacy isn't an anti-trust issue, or else the US Justice Dept could step in. Picture Bill Gates giving his hostile deposition in court.


Well not US goverment, but Canadian goverment open an investigation about Win10 spying controversy:





#77 Blackcrack


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Posted 12 September 2015 - 06:35 AM

(well, why not germany *g* ) hihi :)
i think, this should make all land's and states, who be not under the US-Government ,
because, the spying around it's also an thing of Politic ..
also it is "only" about the hardware of all users so it is also in the all Government in all different Land's
around of the Globe who have run Win7,8 and 10 from Microsoft and this is also an thing of spying from/of informations !

And now even if you didn't reserve 10 it started downloading in all 7 and 8.x PC's that has automatic updates enabled, without asking you, so if you don't want it better remove all updates about it, and hide them, if you don't believe it read this (also included procedure to remove about 6GB of downloaded files):



only they are where have not blocked kb3035583

best regards

#78 Guest_AnonVendetta_*

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Posted 12 September 2015 - 03:15 PM

One thing we must remember is that MS is ultimately a *US-based corporation that does business on a global scale*, and so any investigations made by US govt agencies (not just antitrust) will pave the way for other countries to to follow suit and start their own proceedings. Of course this can happen without us, but the EU didnt get serious with MS until after the antitrust thing in the US had ended. Surely that influenced them to take action. The same thing goes for Google, etc.

#79 Blackcrack


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Posted 12 September 2015 - 04:19 PM

well, therefore it is Reactos there for have an possible to use an other winNT under open source and visible
without an US-Government background ...
(this is an reason, why should the whole Anonymus programmers also helping with to build up ROS for give manpower on the right place ;) )
this is also an reason ..
And by the way, i guess you know, there exist no war contract between the States and Germany
and so are the Staten still occupying power in this day's.. and if .. the EU get up or
should have an shield for Freedom and try to have an a self-determination right to have,
it is still the Staates in Germany the still occupying power ..
This it is still, why can Germany or EU later say not anything, because,
the germany still belong to States !

This is the Reason too, why Mrs. Merkel can't still do nothing say
because the Telephone / NSA affair .., the same reason ..

best regards

#80 sixcentgeorge


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Posted 13 September 2015 - 07:32 AM

usa is made mostly of germans and english...few frenches too but considered like "natives" 

usa or europe are fucked countries with govs that lie to their people and are having too much "jews inside" , may be not yet in germany but in the usa or france , that is the case , they control tv and gov...that leads to the economic crisis like always with them...they only steal money to do the fiesta . we have a lot of exemple like the famous imf ex-boss  : dsk or sarkozy or even valss...but we have a lot of others "trusting the public tvs"...all of them crying they love petain , the man of the german 's collaboration and that frenches are shit....and were "having very high prices" when hiding them or their children during ww2 ....[ they are real "pleasure" and opened my eyes about the fact they are always having troubles with others ...like exterminationS ]



that is why all is done to grab money and the debt is one of them as well as using windows for spying and stealing others ' work...


one of the most horrible thing that "shows for real what is europe" [ that i start to want to see dead or without money..] : it is the fact that a worker from a country that moves and works in an other country , is still under the laws of his country . we see that in tv these days with the pig , germany being a big producer with very low price because they employ people from the est-countries at the price of their native land, that is well below the german 's one ....



THAT IS THE SLAVERY updated thanks to our "jewishe'$-leaders" [ or mafia or or THE too lazy and badly educated "kings and queens and their families..] and their idiot-ideas that kills economy and its growing...[ as usual , they ll be exterminated or so...and the cycle will restart...]


people having so bad behaviors and ideas are only a bunch of gran'motherfuckers . the way to kill them is easy : DO NOT MAKE MONEY too much ..TAKE IT EASY ...

like i always say : that is work that makes money ...money does not work...

so do "the work" for friends and family or for free-4-all...not for paying plenty of taxes..that will fall in bad hands..

behaving like that will kill some spying for sure..

#81 Blackcrack


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Posted 13 September 2015 - 09:14 AM

well, you're right, fully, all what do mess and "play fast and loose" they what have less money,
become "more less" money and they're who have enough of them, become more and more in the a*beep* pushed ..
(and they're can not/want not sharing with the poor peoples .. although they have million / milliards )
but they become not enough of them, because the greediness, but what want you do, you can nothing do,
only helping with together for building up something (like Reactos) where it is real honest and
not exploit the peoples but helps for have an better live and an more honest ..
we can further complain/rant, but brings nothing ..
We are there in the Topic MS, Spying and making money .. well, i think, it's the best, if something easy will undermine
and offer easy an open source WinNT like Reactos and if such shops make like they MS leads, simply/easily broken,
joins in one community together and looks, ReactOS is that as soon as possible usable becomes,
this is the best what we can make ..

for have an lil' bit more honest and trustworthy world.

best regards

#82 sixcentgeorge


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Posted 14 September 2015 - 01:10 PM

i tested reactos few times but is not very useable with windows software , with .net that should be a mess for them ...

wine is cool and good , i do not use it but they work very hard and have real results.

our politics are somewhat crazy , their drugs or treatments are too badly made they see terrorists everywhere ...like the warning level max of the mi5 i posted on the page 3...these guys do not drink tea all days...


beside that i made a "crime" this week end...i finished a Movie:Mix based of the NinjaTurtles Movie with Megan Fox .

i wonder if it is a crime to give a link of it here ?

because i used the movie and made a lot of cuts plus added parts coming from cartoons...and at least , beside the audio track from film i added a mix of music with songs from 2pac , bustarythm and rundmc as the second audio ...very good and fitting the story...

the file is at mega in 4 x 608 Mo 7zip parts ...

i wait to know if i can post link ....

#83 Blackcrack


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Posted 14 September 2015 - 02:16 PM

well, teaparty might good sound, but well.. what it is behind *g*
it's not all water what sound like water :)

Reactos work.. or/and use Wine (or work together) some library's,
but Reactos it is .. Alfa, don't forget :),
you should/could watch/observe the Trunkbuilds with Virtualbox..

more developers faster finish.. it's a easy 1x1 :)

I'm already curious for the link :)

best regards

#84 sixcentgeorge


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Posted 14 September 2015 - 06:33 PM

i use linux but i think the os does not have the place it deserves because of few reasons that are idiot for the most .

first , linux needs ext2-3 or 4 to install while it can do it with ntfs/exfat ...

second : linux can not use windows driver...it s a big mistake because  they are easy to understand and so integrate in kernel...


as linus wants to be the master....this os does not change or "progress" . linux has to be like directx...when it will have 90% , linus could play "vista/dx10" or the remake "win10/dx12"


for me the perfect os was dos/win9x ....mostly because user is able to edit config.sys and there are a lot of memory drivers so best results are possible with few hours of work .

linux kernel , has the good option of being compile-friendly... but no serious tool is made to handle it easily 

winnt and later is the worst for memory tweaking

#85 alacran


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 01:14 AM

The important thing here is the additional hosts file can be used to block Windows spying domains too, and OS is not going to bypass it..


Take a look to this, it is a local DND proxy installed in your equipment, and also has a hosts file on its own, independent of Windows one, that  helps you fight unwanted ads through a custom HOSTS file (optimized for handling hundreds of thousands of domain names) with support for wildcards and regular expressions.


The important thing here is this additional hosts file can be used to block Windows spying domains too, and OS is not going to bypass it. http://reboot.pro/to...ylic-dns-proxy/



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#86 alacran


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 07:43 PM

Also there is another way using Win Firewall to block outgoing traffic see: http://reboot.pro/to...ock-everything/



#87 sixcentgeorge


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Posted 28 September 2015 - 10:03 AM

here is a tool made by hwinfo creator : Remove Windows 10 Bloat


#88 sixcentgeorge


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Posted 07 October 2015 - 07:57 PM

here we are....more than a month later....

NO BOMB ...but level should still be the same or even above....

so that is the result of spying....

the big thing being the money these dumbs burn to do their "job"




Current threat from international terrorism


Current threat from Northern Ireland-related terrorism

The threat level for Northern Ireland-related terrorism is set separately for Northern Ireland and Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland).











let us see next month "how right this level is...




#89 Brito


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Posted 10 October 2015 - 09:57 AM

If at first you don't succeed, then try again, try again, try again: http://www.forbes.co...indows-8-again/


New wave of unwanted telemetry upgrades coming over.



#90 Blackcrack


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Posted 10 October 2015 - 01:27 PM

we should have a Program to connected an independent network
with only trust able sources where upgrade the information
about bad/negative and spying updates, where can use in WinXX
and the user can able witch upgrade it's okey and not okey
for installing or blocking directly before it downloads ..
Maybe an upgrade-manager which insert/between switches between
MS-Network and Update-Service of the WinNT System or fully replaced / exchanges .
And make able for installing or not.
(Be or not to be, this is the Question.. and some Factory from redmond steal easy,
informations from our Computer )

best regards

#91 alacran


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Posted 10 October 2015 - 05:51 PM

If at first you don't succeed, then try again, try again, try again: http://www.forbes.co...indows-8-again/


New wave of unwanted telemetry upgrades coming over.




It seems to me MS is acting as MALWARE now, and as any other malware we must keep it out of our systems, so about a month ago I just decided to permanently stop downloading updates in Windows Update and also disable the Windows service to run it.


I think as they now make no clear description of updates, and as they hide the true intentions of updates, we can not trust them anymore.



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