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Reboot Competition: The smallest Win7 PE bootdisk

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#76 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 12 December 2012 - 12:58 PM

Sure, but I presume that you are anyway generically "more familiiar" with the Winbuilder interface than a "standard user".


How many projects, single .scripts and what not based on Winbuilder have you run/executed?


Would a "standard user" have run as many of them? (let alone a "new user")




#77 Brito


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Posted 12 December 2012 - 02:47 PM

Yes, you are correct. I am indeed familiarized with winbuilder.


I just feel that each project has its own way of doing things and many times I have no idea of what is really happening underneath the hood.


When the projects are small and simple, it is straightforward to understand where things go wrong.


When projects get more elaborated then it gets difficult to keep track and debug what might be going wrong. On these cases, If I can't help with a fix then I just provide feedback as a standard user with some more experience on his hands (knows who to contact, uploads the log somewhere, provides more detailed info and so forth).


In terms of seeing things as a "new user", I don't think this is an easy task. Whenever placing myself into this position I clear the cache, cookies and browsing history in my brain and try to see things from that perspective. Also helps to use a fresh Windows virtual image to test a project.



#78 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 12 December 2012 - 03:21 PM

When the projects are small and simple, it is straightforward to understand where things go wrong.

I was having the impression that a project to build a small and simple less-than-100-Mb PE with no apps but the Explorer.exe and possibly a few "basic" ones like Notepad would have been "small and simple".


#79 MedEvil


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Posted 12 December 2012 - 04:18 PM

I was having the impression that a project to build a small and simple less-than-100-Mb PE with no apps but the Explorer.exe and possibly a few "basic" ones like Notepad would have been "small and simple".

The most simple way to create such a project is, to use an existing one and add a delete script.


#80 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 12 December 2012 - 04:22 PM

The most simple way to create such a project is, to use an existing one and add a delete script.

I see.
Though I cannot believe that Peter specifically took this approach :dubbio:


#81 Brito


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Posted 12 December 2012 - 04:25 PM

:rofl: you guys are so mean.. 


Give a break for those who are actually participating in the competition. In the end I'm quite sure Peter's project will work as intended.


Would like to see Wonko's entry on the show. Batch scripts are allowed, do you know that? :lol:

#82 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 12 December 2012 - 04:42 PM

:rofl: you guys are so mean.. 

Actually I was trying to defend you reputation of "above standard" winbuilder user.

 Give a break for those who are actually participating in the competition. In the end I'm quite sure Peter's project will work as intended.

I am pretty sure he will :cheerleader: 

Would like to see Wonko's entry on the show. Batch scripts are allowed, do you know that? :lol:

I find it improbable that Wonko will take part to this competition, maybe next time.

Please note how the above is NOT what I posted, only what the stupid board parser decides to interpreter, here is the full post (in code tags)

[quote name="Nuno Brito" post="164143" time="1355329538"]:rofl: you guys are so mean.. [/quote]Actually I was trying to defend you reputation of "above standard" winbuilder user. [quote name="Nuno Brito" post="164143" time="1355329538"] Give a break for those who are actually participating in the competition. In the end I'm quite sure Peter's project will work as intended.[/quote]I am pretty sure he will :), as a matter of fact I am very confident in Peter's abilities :worship: and an estimator of most of the good work he does, go Peter, go! :cheerleader:  [quote name="Nuno Brito" post="164143" time="1355329538"]Would like to see Wonko's entry on the show. Batch scripts are allowed, do you know that? :lol:[/quote]I find it improbable that Wonko will take part to this competition, maybe next time.:cheers:Wonko

only by sheer luck the sense of the second sentence is not distorted by the missing parts! 

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#83 al_jo


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Posted 17 December 2012 - 12:50 PM

Here is another small modified win7pe with working explorer & cmd:


Has 12 small application scripts included to choose from.

Host and source: only x86

Boot-time in VB: 25sec

Boot-time from UFD: about 35sec




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#84 Brito


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Posted 17 December 2012 - 12:54 PM

Great result. You're using Vista as source? What is the end size of your build, does it fit below the 100Mb?

#85 al_jo


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Posted 17 December 2012 - 01:25 PM

Great result. You're using Vista as source? What is the end size of your build, does it fit below the 100Mb?



The source is windows7 sp0 x86

The boot.wim is about 77MB


Edit: With the 12 app scripts enabled the boot.wim will be about 79MB. See attached pic.

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#86 Brito


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Posted 17 December 2012 - 02:07 PM

Looks great and 79Mb is a good achievement. Already downloaded the same Windows source you mention and will soon try from a virtual machine to post feedback.


In the meanwhile, I would just recommend investing on the eye candy. If possible, add up the glass theme to make it look more full-windows like and improve the "wow" effect of keeping it running below the 100Mb and just look stunning by design.



#87 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 17 December 2012 - 02:42 PM

In the meanwhile, I would just recommend investing on the eye candy. If possible, add up the glass theme to make it look more full-windows like and improve the "wow" effect of keeping it running below the 100Mb and just look stunning by design.


The good thing in life is how everyone has his/her own tastes and preferences. :)


To me adding even one single byte to the build to add some "wow" effect or make it "stunning by design" is unneeded bloat.


We are talking of a minimal, fast booting thingy here, unless I am mistaken.




#88 Brito


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Posted 17 December 2012 - 03:09 PM

Ok, tested and confirmed. Al_jo is in the race.


The final ISO was sized in 94Mb with no programs, drivers or additional customization.


Almost a week missing until the deadline, still plenty of time to propose improvements. :cheers:

#89 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 17 December 2012 - 03:16 PM

Ok, tested and confirmed. Al_jo is in the race.


If I may (and unless I missed something :dubbio:) at this moment he is the ONLY one in the race (as all others have not provided - yet - a replicable PE). :unsure:

Peter has announced the release of his working multiPE project for the deadline dec 23th, as Nuno wasn't able to build from the experimental version.

A race with only two people taking part to it is more like a duel :ph34r:




#90 Brito


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Posted 17 December 2012 - 03:20 PM

I only setup my virtual machine today. Peter's project will soon be run from there.

#91 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 17 December 2012 - 03:40 PM

I only setup my virtual machine today. Peter's project will soon be run from there.

Yep :), but independently from this I already gave as granted that Peter will deliver within the deadline and that his project will actually build :thumbsup:.

I was pushing a bit the "other" competitiors (if any).


Should by pure chance the Mayas be right (actually the completely absurd interpretation of some of their glyphs carved in stone) Al_jo would be the winner  :1st:  (but noone would or actually would be able to care about this fact).




#92 MedEvil


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Posted 17 December 2012 - 03:46 PM

Really al_jos PE is in the race? :dubbio:
Wasn't there a clause, that the PE had to use explorer? His project uses BSExplorer.


#93 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 17 December 2012 - 03:54 PM

Really al_jos PE is in the race? :dubbio:
Wasn't there a clause, that the PE had to use explorer? His project uses BSExplorer.

I thought it was lifted :unsure:


Al_jo might get less points than another competitor using Explorer as shell, though. :whistling:




#94 Brito


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Posted 17 December 2012 - 04:02 PM

Wasn't there a clause, that the PE had to use explorer?


Explorer is running, just not as shell. Look on the screenshots. If you're not participating, please don't add too much rubble on this discussion. Otherwise it gets very difficult to follow.



#95 al_jo


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Posted 17 December 2012 - 05:12 PM

New version is here:


Boot.wim is now 72MB & iso is 89MB with 12 app scripts enabled. See attached pic.

Boot-time in Virtual-Box is approximately 20sec.

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#96 pscEx


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Posted 17 December 2012 - 05:16 PM

Peter has announced the release of his working multiPE project for the deadline dec 23th, as Nuno wasn't able to build from the experimental version.
Hi people, you seem to be curious about my work!

To give you small hint about current stage.

multiPE 063 can with WBManager choose 4 different configurations due to this contest:

milli contains a reasonable collection of command line tools and networking with internet access by Opera (still under development)
micro is milli without networking (working)
nano is micro without the command line tools (working)
pico is artificially sized down by use of upx, and by removing ressources like AVI, with ResHacker. (working)
I did only some exemplary uses of upx and Reshacker. Enthusiasts of smaller sizes may expand. I personally do not like such "as smaller, as better" when it is only used to save some bytes of the gigabytes empty disk space.
When loading such compressed data into RAM, it expands, and NO RAM space is won.

I cannot attach currently, therefore two links: http://nativeex.exec...croBuild.Script and http://nativeex.exec...esHacker.Script
BTW: The Reshacker files are NOT attached. This script pre-publishing is not multiPE!

Current status with pico:
Build time about 3:40 (Two core intel with 3 GHZ and 4 GB under XP x86)
Boot time in VirtualBox with 256 MB memory: about 80 seconds
(Boot includes full multiPE functionality, like remap drives, screen resolution, HW install, ...)
ISO size 65.9 MB
WIM size 61.3 MB
Sizes with German Win7 SP0 source. German SP1 build can be somewhat bigger, English sources give smaller sizes.

Snapshoot of running VirtualBox: http://nativeex.exec...ultiPE_Pico.gif


#97 pscEx


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Posted 17 December 2012 - 06:22 PM

Just a reflection:
Add Femto to my current configs.

windows explorer must be runnable, but what about associations, context menus, etc? They are not demanded.
And windows explorer is not demanded as shell.
That can size down the hives remarkably ...



#98 al_jo


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Posted 20 December 2012 - 05:59 PM

My latest mini win7pe candidate is here:

http://al-jo.net46.net/ 7pe_aljo.7z


Boot.wim = 68MB

Iso = 72MB

Boot-time in VirtualBox: 19.765 seconds (approximately).

Boot-time in real machine from usb2: 33.879 seconds (roughly) 




Anybody can/may download this package and try to make it even smaller/faster/better & join

the competition with the possibility to win the stick. Good Luck!



Only tested and working  with this source:


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#99 Master of Disaster

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Posted 21 December 2012 - 02:03 AM

excellent :1st:

#100 Vortex


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Posted 21 December 2012 - 06:05 AM

Hi al_jo,


The file 7pe_aljo.7z is not available, this is what I get :



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