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UEFI MULTI - Make Multi-Boot USB-Drive

aio boot linux vhdx windows 10 wim ssd uefi usb multiboot

Best Answer wimb , 11 May 2020 - 12:18 PM

Update USB_FORMAT-51 and UEFI_MULTI-51


Download:  from wimb GitHub  -   USB_FORMAT-51 and UEFI_MULTI-51  and  VHD_WIMBOOT-41 and Win_Reduce_Trusted-40


Download File E = Encrypted Password = bootwimb


Manual:  VHD_WIMBOOT.pdf  and  Win10_Install.pdf  to make Mini 7/8/10 x64 in VHD with UsedSize about 2 GB


At MSFN there is topic USB Format Tool and UEFI_MULTI


All my projects are now available for Download as Releases at wimb GitHub


Download:  USB_FORMAT  and   UEFI_MULTI  and  VHD_WIMBOOT  and WOF_Compress and  System_Info  and  MBR_Backup


More Info:  VHD_WIMBOOT Mini 7/8/10 x64  and   Grub4dos for UEFI  and USB_FORMAT Tool and UEFI_MULTI



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#76 koesherbacon

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Posted 21 June 2015 - 04:08 AM

This is my first post here, so I hope I'm not asking something that's been answered a hundred times before...


Since I'm using Windows 8.1 my current boot method is UEFI.  I stumbled upon these forums while trying to find a way to put a number of different Linux OSes, my Windows 8.1, and some Rescue Utilities onto a 32gb USB.  


The USB drive I ended up with at the end of the process was not recognized by my UEFI.  It was, however, recognized by the CSM but in that situation none of the OSes I put onto the USB showed up!


Here's what I ended up doing, maybe when you look at my steps, you'll be able to tell me what happened and how I can fix it when I try again.


I downloaded UEFI_MULTI_85.exe from http://reboot.pro/fi...boot-usb-drive/.  When I opened the file, it used 7zip to auto-extract everything into a \UEFI-Multi\ folder.  That part I’m pretty sure I got right.  Since it’d be really difficult to do that wrong!  From there, I read the UEFI_MULTI_Help.txt file and though I understood how to use the software.  I inserted the USB drive I wanted to use and ran UFD_Format.exe and believe everything worked perfectly find there as well.  I then had what I think is a properly formatted FAT32 USB drive.


I then went into the \MULTI_BOOT\Images folder.  I put all the OS and Rescue ISOs I wanted to be available:


































In total, all of the above was just under 28gb.  Luckily, the USB drive I just formatted had 29gb available.


I then went back to the main UEFI_MULTI folder and ran UEFI_MULTI.exe as Administrator.  I told it that my USB Boot was D: (the USB drive I just formatted) and my System Drive was C: (where Windows 8.1 is currently installed, of course).  I kept the Copy to: Boot Drive option and told it that the Source Folder was \MULTI_BOOT\Images. 


At this point, I might have made the error by selecting all the available options:

✔ Add G4D to Boot Manager

✔ Add XP to Boot Manager

✔ Update MBR Boot Code

✔ Add Boot Win 7/8 System

✔ Update Grub4Dos gldr

✔ Grub 2 EFI Mgr


Should I not have selected everything?  If not, which of those options should I select, and which should I leave alone?


It did its thing and everything seemed fine when it finished.  But like I said at the beginning, when I rebooted my computer the UEFI did not detect the USB and went straight to Windows 8.1.  When I switched my BIOS to CSM, it did detect the USB, but nothing was selectable except for the default options such as editing the Grub4Dos menu.


What can you tell me about what I might have done incorrectly?  Is there anything that obviously jumps out at you?


Maybe someone can walk me through this process again so the next time I will be successful attempt to make a Multi-Boot USB with the above listed OSes and Rescue ISOs.


Thanks a lot!


〜 Ev

#77 Lukys

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Posted 04 August 2015 - 11:55 AM

Hi. How i can edit created boot menu on USB after build manually? Thanks

#78 S466531257BOSS



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Posted 05 August 2015 - 08:43 AM

@koesherbacon @Lukys


As you stated you thought anything went fine and the ' only ' obvious problem is that Windows 8.1 boots directly in UEFI-Mode without hesitating | showing up the BootMGR-Menu displaying other options

; Have a look at the BCD-Store on the drive you created by plugging in the FlashDrive on a running Windows NT 6+ System, means from Vista upwards ( in your case most likely Windows 8.1 ) and use an administrative Command Prompt to be sure to read out the BCD of the stick by using

bcdedit /store U:\Boot\bcd /enum

: or use your already booted Windows 8.1, whereas you have to use the drive-letter of the system ; mostly




: tool to manipulate the BootCode used by BootMGR


: Parameter ' Store ' followed by the path to the bcd-file you wish to read | edit


: The path to the BCD-Store on your Flash-Drive


 --- Assuming you used drive-letter ' U ' ( e.g.: U for USB )


 --- Standard-Directory generated by ' bcdboot '-tool when using ' /f ALL ' or ' /f BIOS ' as Parameter for FirmWare-Type of Target-Partition


 --- Standard-Naming for the BCD-Store created by ' bcdboot '


; The ' Boot '-folder is a hidden- system- -folder so either you have to change your view-settings of Windows Explorer to show up hidden and system files or you just type the path ' <drive-letter>:\Boot\ ' ( e.g.: U:\Boot\ ) directly into the path-|adress- -bar to access the contents of it .


 --- enumerates | lists the entries of the BCD-Store you are loading


; That's how you can get an insight of what really is inside , likewise to say you can check if other options have been stored by the script or not


; and if you you find out there are other entries , then you might wish to have a lookout for the options ' displaybootmenu' | ' displayorder ' | ' timeout '




Bezeichner              {bootmgr}
device                  partition=O:
description             Windows Boot Manager
locale                  de-DE
inherit                 {globalsettings}
default                 {default}
resumeobject            {7e05cdb8-3afa-11e5-975d-0022190d3ea7}
displayorder            {default}
toolsdisplayorder       {memdiag}
timeout                 30

Bezeichner              {default}
device                  vhd=[O:]\_ISO\AUTO\WIRT\BMWN63SC\BMWN63SC.vhd
path                    \Windows\system32\winload.exe
description             Hyper-V Server 2012 R2 (VHD)
locale                  de-DE
inherit                 {bootloadersettings}
recoverysequence        {a1c28fef-3ab4-11e5-8124-002264cbf2c3}
recoveryenabled         Yes
allowedinmemorysettings 0x15000075
osdevice                vhd=[O:]\_ISO\AUTO\WIRT\BMWN63SC\BMWN63SC.vhd
systemroot              \Windows
resumeobject            {7e05cdb8-3afa-11e5-975d-0022190d3ea7}
nx                      OptOut
hypervisorlaunchtype    Auto


--- To show up the bootmenu

bcdedit /set {bootmgr} displaybootmenu yes

--- if you use ' no ' instead of ' yes ' it will not show up .



--- after EDIT

Bezeichner              {bootmgr}
device                  partition=O:
description             Windows Boot Manager
locale                  de-DE
inherit                 {globalsettings}
default                 {default}
resumeobject            {7e05cdb8-3afa-11e5-975d-0022190d3ea7}
displayorder            {default}
toolsdisplayorder       {memdiag}
timeout                 30
displaybootmenu         Yes

Bezeichner              {default}
device                  vhd=[O:]\_ISO\AUTO\WIRT\BMWN63SC\BMWN63SC.vhd
path                    \Windows\system32\winload.exe
description             Hyper-V Server 2012 R2 (VHD)
locale                  de-DE
inherit                 {bootloadersettings}
recoverysequence        {a1c28fef-3ab4-11e5-8124-002264cbf2c3}
recoveryenabled         Yes
allowedinmemorysettings 0x15000075
osdevice                vhd=[O:]\_ISO\AUTO\WIRT\BMWN63SC\BMWN63SC.vhd
systemroot              \Windows
resumeobject            {7e05cdb8-3afa-11e5-975d-0022190d3ea7}
nx                      OptOut
hypervisorlaunchtype    Auto



BCDEdit Command-Line Options


; For sure it can be told leaner , but maybe you / another reader is tickled enough to start having some fun by directly editing via a command-line instead of avoiding it and just hoping that scripts and tools do some automagical secret stuff ; the least is comfortable , but if i am using something that i do not understand i ( for myself ) at least like to know what has happened in the end .



--- for those that have gained interest in editing via command line and especially bcdedit

: If you wish to understand what options you have available and how they are used

bcdedit /?

--- general help

bcdedit /? /store

--- displays the help-information specific to the parameter ' /store '






S466531257 BOSS


Edited by S466531257BOSS, 05 August 2015 - 08:53 AM.

#79 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 05 August 2015 - 01:38 PM

Well, on UEFI the BOOTMGR may not exist, since what is booted is bootmgfw.efi and the BCD is not in \boot\BCD but rather in \EFI\Microsoft\boot\BCD


Casually Misty recently published a very detailed guide/how to related to BCDediit and BCD stores:






#80 Franz Ferdinand II.

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Posted 18 October 2015 - 12:27 PM

Greetings, I've come back to the tool now and need some things cleared:

If I intend build a drive booting on both BIOS and UEFI systems to :


-Win 10 installation DVD

-Ubuntu ISO

-Parted Magic (and eventually other Linux-based ISOs)

-Hirens BootCD 15.2

-UBCD 5.3.5

-Paragon recovery ISO based on Win10PE

-Macrium Reflect ISO based on Win8PE


Where all the ISO's (except Win81SE) should be defined?

Does UEFI_MULTI give another option except grub4dos?


Now I tried to perform UEFI_FORMAT on empty USB stick. getting some internal app error (using default presets)

Is it OK to format using standard Windows formatting tool?

#81 wimb


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Posted 18 October 2015 - 01:34 PM

If I intend build a drive booting on both BIOS and UEFI systems to :



Now I tried to perform UEFI_FORMAT on empty USB stick. getting some internal app error (using default presets)

Is it OK to format using standard Windows formatting tool?


In what OS environment did you use UFD_FORMAT.exe  and what is exactly the error that you get ?

Does it help when you Uncheck Make Boot Menu ? What type of USB-Stick did you use (is it a removable drive) ?


For Win81SE Builder take care in Build > CdDrive - X: Y: to Select Run ALL Programs from RAM

In UEFI_MULTI Select boot.wim file and boot.sdi file as described http://reboot.pro/to...ve/#entry168079

You use wim booting which is compatible with BIOS and UEFI BootManager menu and you don't use ISO booting.


Win10 Setup ISO is Not installed, but is simply copied to NTFS Drive (can be internal harddisk or second / third partition of portable USB-harddisk - advised for this purpose).

All Windows Setup ISO's can be used by WinNTSetup3 as described http://www.msfn.org/...nntsetup-v3853/



If I intend build a drive booting on both BIOS and UEFI systems to :

-Ubuntu ISO

-Parted Magic (and eventually other Linux-based ISOs)

-Hirens BootCD 15.2

-UBCD 5.3.5

-Paragon recovery ISO based on Win10PE

-Macrium Reflect ISO based on Win8PE


Where all the ISO's (except Win81SE) should be defined?

Does UEFI_MULTI give another option except grub4dos?



Grub4dos booting is not compatible with UEFI

In case of 8PE and 10PE it is better to use the WIM file for booting from BootManager Menu in BIOS and UEFI.

Grub2 can be used for booting Ubuntu and PartedMagic in UEFI http://reboot.pro/to...ve/#entry168079

UBCD 5.3.5 can be booted in BIOS grub4dos menu as ISO (copied by UEFI_MULTI to USB boot drive).

#82 Camiel



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Posted 26 December 2015 - 07:20 AM

getting this error 

AutoIt Error

Line 7209  (File "G:\Deposit\Win_Uefi_Multi\UEFI_MULTI.exe"):
Error: Subscript used with non-Array variable.



using win7 x64 sp1

with various settings, same error



#83 wimb


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Posted 26 December 2017 - 08:26 AM

UEFI_MULTI_85.exe is reported as broken. :ph34r:

However, it is a false positive virus warning due to using a SFX Selfextractor !! :rolleyes:


So I removed the SFX Selfextractor and simply use zip compression so that the problem is gone. B)


Download UEFI_MULTI-85.zip from




:cheers: and best wishes for 2018

#84 Blackcrack


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Posted 26 December 2017 - 08:49 AM

thank you :)

and a grate Year 2018 for you :)
and a good slip :)

best regards

#85 alacran


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Posted 27 April 2018 - 12:55 AM

UEFI_MULTI_85.exe is reported as broken. :ph34r:

However, it is a false positive virus warning due to using a SFX Selfextractor !! :rolleyes:


So I removed the SFX Selfextractor and simply use zip compression so that the problem is gone. B)


Download UEFI_MULTI-85.zip from




:cheers: and best wishes for 2018


@ wimb


When trying to download it says: One drive has detected UEFI_MULTI-85.zip has a virus and stoped the download.


I'm sure it is clean, as I have downloaded and used your Great Tool in the past, so to avoid this I suggest you may use a 7zip high compressed file with password to avoid this false detection.


Thanks in advance

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#86 wimb


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Posted 27 April 2018 - 08:16 AM

@ wimb


When trying to download it says: One drive has detected UEFI_MULTI-85.zip has a virus and stoped the download.


I'm sure it is clean, as I have downloaded and used your Great Tool in the past, so to avoid this I suggest you may use a 7zip high compressed file with password to avoid this false detection.


Thanks in advance


Hi alacran,


Thanks for reporting the security problem of OneDrive in case of UEFI_MULTI-85.zip


I followed your advice and have uploaded the 7-zip compressed file with password bootwimb85



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#87 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 27 April 2018 - 09:34 AM

Well, if you click (clicked) on the top left "Download" you obtain (could obtain) a "Forum.zip" file containing the UEFI_MULTI-85.zip (the same that provoked the stupid antivirus block)  just fine.


You should contact OneDrive, it seems like a "quirk".


Putting a password to the whole file will likely make the file unusable in the future (when people will have forgotten or misplaced the password, etc., etc.) , unless you put a non-encrypted file within the archive with the actual password or provide a plain text file with the password on the same OneDrive folder.




#88 wimb


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Posted 27 April 2018 - 02:43 PM

Well, if you click (clicked) on the top left "Download" you obtain (could obtain) a "Forum.zip" file containing the UEFI_MULTI-85.zip (the same that provoked the stupid antivirus block)  just fine.


You should contact OneDrive, it seems like a "quirk".


Putting a password to the whole file will likely make the file unusable in the future (when people will have forgotten or misplaced the password, etc., etc.) , unless you put a non-encrypted file within the archive with the actual password or provide a plain text file with the password on the same OneDrive folder.





Thanks for your help.


I have added to the OneDrive folder a plain text file with the password


Please refresh and try again the download link http://reboot.pro/fi...boot-usb-drive/



#89 alacran


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Posted 27 April 2018 - 08:00 PM

@ wimb


Just to report download is working fine, with the password no more problems, it was good idea to add a text file with the password, but for future uploads I recomend using as password your user/author name (wimb), this is easy to remember and applicable to all your uploads.


In fact I have a folder (wimb) on my HDD, with almost all your tools, but haven't updated it in a long time (It had Uefi Multi 81), and as I am updating my USB sticks wanted to update the tools too.


Once again, thanks for your Great tools.



#90 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 28 April 2018 - 08:40 AM

Meh.  :blink:


Attached example.




Attached Files

#91 wimb


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Posted 28 April 2018 - 09:17 AM

If you read this, you have decrypted me.




I took the second of your proposals by adding to the OneDrive folder a plain text file with the password.


From your reply I understand that you prefer the first of your proposals ....  :rolleyes: 

#92 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 28 April 2018 - 11:43 AM

If you read this, you have decrypted me.




I took the second of your proposals by adding to the OneDrive folder a plain text file with the password.


From your reply I understand that you prefer the first of your proposals ....  :rolleyes: 

The point only revolves on how much foolproof can a solution be, suggestions were provided in my personal order of likeness to be foolproof.


As Douglas Adams stated:


A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.



1) Would a common user actually attempt to open a file called ReadMe.1st or ReadMe.txt? 

2) Would a common user actually always download AND store (and move/backup/etc.) the "password file" alongside with the actual encrypted archive?



1) Not necessarily, often he/she will post here or somewhere else whining about the archive being password protected and that the password cannot be found anywhere.

2) Not necessarily, often he/she will post here or somewhere else whining about the archive being password protected and that the password cannot be found anywhere.


What will be the average reply by an old, grumpy bastard to the whining?


1) Too bad you didn't also download the password file. Go to the download page and download it <- i.e. maybe there is a solution (or may be there isn't because in the meantime the download is not anymore available)

2) Just §@ç#ing read the ReadMe.1st inside the archive. <- i.e. an easy solution is not only available, but actually "embedded"


Decisions, always decisions ....




#93 wimb


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Posted 28 April 2018 - 12:23 PM

Well then I combine both options so that the chance of loosing the password file is completely removed  ;)


So the encrypted file UEFI_MULTI-85.zip together with the password file UEFI_MULTI-85.pw.txt are zipped in a new container UEFI_MULTI_85.zip


Download UEFI_MULTI_85.zip http://reboot.pro/fi...boot-usb-drive/



#94 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 28 April 2018 - 12:35 PM

Well then I combine both options so that the chance of loosing the password file is completely removed  ;)


Very good :).






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#95 bob.omb

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Posted 22 May 2018 - 01:54 AM

Do you make UFD_Format and UEFI_Multi both?


Can any cmd line flags be used for the tool?


Im trying to automate burning a simple PE ISO to a USB with 2 partition format (minimal fat32/max NTFS) then copying the WIM and bootfiles to the fat32 ->without<- a boot menu, followed with the remaining files from the ISO being copied to the NTFS partition...


It sucks theres nothing as simple as Rufus that does this..


Your tool is awesome and can easily do this but its all manual and are more like advanced options than simple...  You could dethrone Rufus in a heartbeat with a 1 click Legacy/UEFI boot USB burner especially if you just pick an ISO and it goes in and finds the WIM for you, and ignores the boot files in the ISO, and hide the advanced options in a submenu to keep your features... (This works great with a marker file on the NTFS partition, like CDDrive X Y plugin for PE SE version that assigns the letter Y to the USB, this makes it super easy for this setup to work)


I have it working but I have to go in and remove the boot menu afterwards(I just set boot-wim to defaut with EasyBCD then skip the timer for both bcds)


Before that I was unsuccessfully trying to select the UFD format created Fat32 partition as the boot partition, then picking the WIM, and  selecting the NTFS partition as the system partition? Then picking "copy to" and "system" and picking the extracted folder from the ISO containing only the files I wanted on the system partition from the but I get an error, maybe I was using it wrong.  But I can manually get the same effect...


Amazing work...

Edited by bob.omb, 22 May 2018 - 02:09 AM.

#96 wimb


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Posted 02 October 2018 - 01:03 PM

Install Windows 10 from USB after booting with WIM or VHDX
- MediaCreationTool1803.exe makes USB stick 32 GB for Installing Win10x64 and Win10x86
- Add WIM file for USB boot from RAMDISK - filename = w10x64A.wim
- Add VHDX file to Portable SSD 250 GB for booting with FILEDISK filename = W10x64.vhdx
- Add ISO file used by WinNTSetup for Installing Win10x64 in VHDX or hard disk
- Update BCD files in folders boot and efi using reserved BCD copies to add WIM and VHDX to USB Boot Menu
- Or BOOTICE x64 is used to add New WIM or VHD entry to BCD files in boot and efi folders on USB
- Keep BCD files in boot and efi folders as copy for future boot repair
A. Microsoft Method - also needed for New hard disk - via option New the EFI Partition is created
2. Make USB-stick 32 GB for Installing Win10x64 and Win10x86 (choose option both)
3. Boot from USB after beep via F8 menu and choose from menu: Windows 10 Setup (64 bits) to Install
Shift F10 gives Command Window for Repair with  bcdedit and bcdboot and bootsect and DiskPart and DISM
Cmd Window run notepad - File Open - All files - R-mouse Run as admin on file WinNTSetup x64 - allows method B.
In WinNTSetup select in USB folder x64\sources file install.wim or install.esd or install.swm and use Setup
Update of Windows 10 with preservation of Programs and User Data
- After starting up Windows 10 then setup.exe from USB will allow Update
B. WinNTSetup Method - Boot from USB with WIM or VHDX file and use WinNTSetup and ISO file
This method gives more control to existing hard disk and you can simply install Windows 10 in VHDX
1. Download MediaCreationTool1803.exe and Create Win10x64_1803.iso for Installing Win10x64
    First create the ISO file on an internal hard disk and then copy the ISO file to USB
2. Boot from USB after beep via F8 menu and with WIM from RAMDISK or with VHDX as FILEDISK
3. Use WinNTSetup x64 and ISO file for Install of Windows 10 x64 in VHDX or hard disk
More Info : Forum and WinNTSetup and Boot from USB and VHDX and Native Boot



YouTube Video Make VHDX and Make USB Win10 and Make USSD Win10

How to use WinNTSetup with Microsoft USB Boot Media


Media2_VHDX.png == Media3_VHDX.png == Media4_ShowHidden.png


ShowHidden.reg can be used with double click in Explorer++ after booting with Microsoft USB Media

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

; Show all hidden files

; Show all file extentions


#97 911CD.net



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Posted 15 October 2018 - 04:15 AM

FWIW I found a way to multi-boot a Linux system on a Secure Boot UEFI system.  I installed Porteus on a USB drive and it supported booting on BIOS and UEFI systems but Secure Boot had to be disabled for UEFI, which is fine if you own the pc or you can change it's configuration.  But this is not always permitted or possible on some machines.


The solution I found was to add Ubuntu's grub2 files to the USB drive.  Ubuntu's grub2 supports Secure Boot.


This is the bash script I used to copy the Ubuntu grub2 file from a live Ubuntu ISO to the USB system.

# Add Ubuntu grub2 Secure Boot support to Porteus USB system.
UbuntuISO=/mnt/sda6/ISOs/ubuntu-18.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso    # Change to fit your system
USBdrv=/mnt/sdb1                                             # Change to fit your system
if [ `whoami` != "root" ]; then
   echo -e "Enter root's password"
   su -c "sh $0 $1"
if [ ! -f $USBdrv/USB_INSTALLATION.txt ]; then               # Change to fit your system
   echo "Porteus USB drive not found."
if [ ! -f $UbuntuISO ]; then
   echo "Ubuntu ISO not found."
mloop $UbuntuISO
mv $USBdrv/EFI/boot              $USBdrv/EFI/Porteusboot           # Backup Porteus EFI
mkdir                            $USBdrv/EFI/BOOT
mkdir                            $USBdrv/boot/grub
cp -ar /mnt/loop/EFI/BOOT/*      $USBdrv/EFI/BOOT/
cp -ar /mnt/loop/boot/grub/*     $USBdrv/boot/grub/
mv $USBdrv/boot/grub/grub.cfg    $USBdrv/boot/grub/Ubuntugrub.cfg  # Backup Ubuntu grub.cfg
echo " "
echo "Now add the posted grub.cfg file to the $USBdrv/boot/grub/ folder."
echo "Customize the new grub.cfg's porteus_parms in the Secure Boot menu."
echo " "
ls  $USBdrv/EFI/BOOT
ls  $USBdrv/boot
ls  $USBdrv/boot/grub
cat $USBdrv/boot/grub/grub.cfg

And the grub2 cfg file I used is:

if loadfont /boot/grub/font.pf2 ; then
# set gfxmode=auto
set gfxmode=800x600,auto
insmod efi_gop
insmod efi_uga
insmod gfxterm
terminal_output gfxterm
set menu_color_normal=white/black
set menu_color_highlight=black/light-gray
set timeout=60
set gfxpayload=1024x768

menuentry " 1. Porteus 4.0 - UEFI Secure Boot" {
     set porteus_parms="volume=33 reboot=cold extramod=/Modules;/Modsavedat noload=save.dat;cinnamon" # Change to fit your system needs
     set bootdrv=$root
     search -f /boot/syslinux/vmlinuz
     if [ $? == 0 ]; then
        linux  /boot/syslinux/vmlinuz $porteus_parms
        initrd /boot/syslinux/initrd.xz
        echo "----------------------------------------"
        echo Porteus drive NOT found.
        sleep -v -i 10
     set root=$bootdrv
menuentry " 2. Porteus 4.0 menu - UEFI system" {
     set efibootmgr=/EFI/Porteusboot/bootx64.efi
     set bootdrv=$root
     search -f $efibootmgr
     if [ $? == 0 ]; then
        chainloader $efibootmgr
        echo "----------------------------------------"
        echo Porteus drive NOT found.
        sleep -v -i 10
     set root=$bootdrv
menuentry " 3. Porteus 4.0 menu - BIOS system" {
     set bootmgr=/boot/syslinux/chain.c32
     set bootdrv=$root
     search -f $bootmgr
     if [ $? == 0 ]; then
        chainloader +1
        echo "----------------------------------------"
        echo Porteus drive NOT found.
        sleep -v -i 10
     set root=$bootdrv
menuentry " " { echo }
menuentry " 4. Reboot" {

This approach may work with other USB installed Linux systems. 


I found the Ubunto ISO from here:  https://duckduckgo.c...o&t=ffcm&ia=web

#98 911CD.net



  • Advanced user
  • 86 posts
    United States

Posted 13 November 2018 - 05:07 AM

ERROR!! When I try booting my Porteus USB drive with the Ubuntu Grub2 on it like posted above on a x86_64 non-UEFI machine it fails to boot. :o


Initially it failed because it couldn't find a normal.mod file in a /boot/grub/i386-pc folder! Since the machine is x86_64 that was a little strange and if required why isn't in the ISO. My Grub2Win system has an i386-pc folder so I copied it to the USB drive. Now when the Porteus USB drive boots on the non-UEFI machine, and on an older x486 machine, it boots to a GNU GRUB version 2.02 terminal screen stating Minimal BASH-line editing is supported and a grub> prompt. Why it's not finding the grub.cfg it finds when booting on my UEFI machine I have NO IDEA. :frusty:


Any ideas?

#99 wimb


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Posted 29 November 2018 - 09:43 AM

I have added AIOBoot-v0. to my USB-stick booting with BootManager as described in Win_Inst_Eng.pdf as given here.

I did not auto install new Bootloader, but kept my Windows BootManager as Bootloader.


I am using Linux Mint files bootx64.efi and grubx64.efi in EFI\BOOT folder for support of UEFI Secure booting.

grubx64.efi expects for UEFI booting grub.cfg in folder boot\grub

The grub folder of AIO was copied to my boot folder made by Microsoft MediaCreationTool.

In file Main.cfg of folder boot\grub make new boot entry for UEFI booting of Windows BootManager

menuentry "[b] Windows 10 x64 EFI USB BootManager" --hotkey=b {
  chainloader /efi/microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi

I have used BOOTICE to add Grub2 entry to boot\bcd Windows BootManager for BIOS booting support with Boot file \AIO\grub\grub2win


Then I have used AIOCreator.exe to Integrate Linux ISO files.


Now I have Linux Mint and Knoppix Live and Porteus and Ubuntu booting in BIOS and in UEFI Secure mode


YouTube Video: USB AIO Linux


W10_AIO-7.png == W10_AIO-8.png == W10_AIO-9.png == W10_AIO-5.png == W10_AIO-6.png



#100 911CD.net



  • Advanced user
  • 86 posts
    United States

Posted 29 November 2018 - 07:00 PM

The grub2.cfg menu file I've ended up with for booting Porteus with Secure Boot enabled and disabled is this:

if loadfont /boot/grub/font.pf2 ; then
# set gfxmode=auto
set gfxmode=800x600,auto
insmod efi_gop
insmod efi_uga
insmod gfxterm
terminal_output gfxterm
set menu_color_normal=white/black
set menu_color_highlight=black/light-gray
set timeout=60
set gfxpayload=1024x768

menuentry " 1. UEFI Porteus 4.0 system - for Secure Boot enabled" {
     set efibootmgr=/EFI/boot/grubx64.efi
     set porteus_parms="volume=33 reboot=cold extramod=/Modules;/Modsavedat noload=save.dat;cinnamon"
#    Change parms to fit your needs.
     set bootdrv=$root
     search -f $efibootmgr
     if [ $? == 0 ]; then
        linux  /boot/syslinux/vmlinuz $porteus_parms
        initrd /boot/syslinux/initrd.xz
        echo " "
        echo " -> "
        echo " -> If /boot/grub/x86-64-efi errors appear, disregard."
        echo " -> Secure Boot has not been enabled."
        echo " -> "
        sleep -i 4
        echo "----------------------------------------"
        echo $efibootmgr NOT found.
        sleep -i 10
     set root=$bootdrv
menuentry " 2. UEFI Porteus 4.0 menu - aborts if Secure Boot enabled" {
     set efibootmgr=/EFI/Porteusboot/bootx64.efi
     set bootdrv=$root
     search -f $efibootmgr
     if [ $? == 0 ]; then
        chainloader $efibootmgr
        echo " "
        echo " -> "
        echo " -> If /boot/grub/x86-64-efi errors appear, disregard."
        echo " -> "
        sleep -i 4
        echo "----------------------------------------"
        echo $efibootmgr NOT found.
        sleep -i 10
     set root=$bootdrv
menuentry " " { echo }
menuentry " 3. Reboot" {
menuentry " 4. Shutdown" {
menuentry " " { echo }
menuentry " Notes" {
     echo "To switch the USB drive's boot mode to BIOS mode "
     echo "run the BIOSboot.sh script in the /EFI directory."
     echo "To switch the USB drive boot mode back to EFI mode"
     echo "run the Secureboot.sh script in the /EFI directory."
     sleep -i 10

No folders added other than the Ubuntu grub folders that the script above copies to the USB drive.


Two small scripts were added to the /EFI folder.  These are optional for testing the boot options.  



# Switch standard Porteus boot config to UEFI Secure Boot config.
USBdrv=/mnt/sdb1   # USB drive
if [ -d $USBdrv/EFI/UbuntuBOOT ]; then
   mv $USBdrv/EFI/boot         $USBdrv/EFI/Porteusboot
   mv $USBdrv/EFI/UbuntuBOOT   $USBdrv/EFI/boot
   echo "  UEFI Secure Boot config already in place."


# Switch UEFI Secure Boot config to standard Porteus boot config.
USBdrv=/mnt/sdb1   # USB drive
if [ -d $USBdrv/EFI/Porteusboot ]; then
   mv -f $USBdrv/EFI/boot         $USBdrv/EFI/UbuntuBOOT
   mv -f $USBdrv/EFI/Porteusboot  $USBdrv/EFI/boot
   echo "  Porteus boot config already in place."

So the system works on both Secure Boot and disabled Secure Boot systems.  But it's not as clean as I would like.


So I've been working with trying to get the automatic switching mode code to work again.  And it still doesn't work in Secure Boot mode..

if loadfont /boot/grub/font.pf2 ; then
# set gfxmode=auto
set gfxmode=800x600,auto
insmod efi_gop
insmod efi_uga
insmod gfxterm
terminal_output gfxterm
set menu_color_normal=white/black
set menu_color_highlight=black/light-gray
set timeout=60
set gfxpayload=1024x768
set SB=0
set efibootmgr=/EFI/Porteusboot/bootx64.efi
set porteus_parms="volume=33 reboot=cold extramod=/Modules;/Modsavedat noload=save.dat;cinnamon"
#  Change parms to fit your needs.

insmod /boot/grub/x86_64-efi/cat
if rmmod -v cat; then set SB=1; fi
#echo SB=$SB; sleep -v 8
if [ $SB == 1 ]; then
   linux  /boot/syslinux/vmlinuz $porteus_parms
   initrd /boot/syslinux/initrd.xz
chainloader $efibootmgr

The "home" missing error I was getting previously was due to no home.mod module in the /boot/grub/x86_64-efi folder.  So I changed the name to a file that does exist.  But the various config options I tried with insmod and rmmod failed.  One senario was the Secure Boot code was being executed in both Secure Boot and disabled Secure Boot mode.  Not a bad scenario, just not the desired scenario.


guest@porteus:~$ tree /mnt/sdb1 -d
├── EFI
│   ├── Porteusboot
│   └── boot

├── boot
│   ├── docs
│   ├── grub
│   │   └── x86_64-efi
│   └── syslinux
├── changes
└── porteus
    ├── base
    ├── modules
    ├── optional
    └── rootcopy

Edited by 911CD.net, 29 November 2018 - 07:17 PM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: aio boot, linux, vhdx, windows 10, wim, ssd, uefi, usb, multiboot

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