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MeeGoPad T01 x86 Quad-Core Intel Atom PC Stick boot PE for Backup

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#76 TheHive


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Posted 21 March 2015 - 07:33 PM

Good news my friend, install drivers, do not install Antivirus at this stage, then follow this procedure: https://technet.micr.../dn621983.aspx and later this one https://technet.micr.../dn605112.aspx  or ask cdob to help you make a new Boot Wim install.ini compresed image Windows way (using dism) to free several GB in your device, ask him if installing Office before making the compresed image can create any conflict with Wim Boot, if not it's a good idea to do it.

I remember I read somewhere that when running an antivirus in a Wim Boot system, the antivirus extracts all files from the install.wim so you lose all the benefits from Wim Boot, even worst you end up with a full instaled system + a compresed image of it, so think about this.


I have the drivers if you need any just tell me in order to upload it because can't remember the link. I'm thinking in buy a MeGoPad T01 so when  I saw the drivers just downloaded them, think from a chinese dealer page about the device.


Best Regards

When i get more time ill try to create a boot Win and ask for help. Thanks.



I forgot where i found the drivers link but i think it was from where i bought it.

Meegopad t10 Drivers


#77 TheHive


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Posted 21 March 2015 - 07:34 PM


The Meegopad from Maketheone came with a Activated Windows 8.1 with Bing. So no worries about not being activated.

Since the meegopad has a key built in to activate Windows 8.1 with Bing you shouldnt have a problem running it.



From someone else that gave a review


jcnaglich 09/03/2015

Amazing Device I have been looking for something to be able to stream games from my large desktop computer to other Monitors Even directly into my Projector. I Just Plugged in a Xbox 360 dongle through the usb port and works great!. :D even used it as a media client for when Im on the go. Even if you forget your keyboard and mouse you can control it via Android or Ios Remote apps. The added Bluetooth and wifi is great no need for more usb dongles. Even comes with an Travel Case so i know it is safe in my pocket or bag.





MakeTheOne 2 months ago
Hello Michal, in maketheone.com's product description, by "Full Edition", we mean that the manufacturing process has included activating the OEM version of Windows 8.1 (32bit) with Bing for Stick ("for Stick" differentiates it from other versions) from the key purchased in bulk, legitimately, from Microsoft, and downloaded directly from Microsoft server. So no more activation nor purchase on your end is required. And by trial version, we mean that consumers have the liberty to purchase other versions of Windows from Microsoft, so the cost varies, depending on the versions you see fit to your needs, ranging from 69.99 to 199.99, all supported by the current Meegopad T01 hardware. For your reference, here is Microsoft Store link: http://www.microsoft...goryID.62684800 Hope this is useful.









Intel's stick is more then likely going to also have Windows 8.1 with Bing.



Windows 8.1 with Bing



The good news is that you don’t really need to care whether a device comes with Windows 8.1 with Bing or just Windows 8.1.

Windows 8.1 with Bing “comes with Bing as the default search engine within Internet Explorer.”
For computer manufacturers, this means they can’t cut a deal with Google to offer Google as the default search engine and make an additional profit. To get that free copy of Windows, their computers will have to come with Bing as the default search engine — hence “Windows 8.1 with Bing.”


Note that even standard editions of Windows 8.1 come with Bing set as the default search engine in Internet Explorer. This means that there’s actually no functional difference between the core version of Windows 8.1 and Windows 8.1 with Bing — the only restriction is that computer manufacturers can’t change the default search engine before shipping the computer to you.

#78 skyide


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Posted 22 March 2015 - 03:07 AM

Thx, I didn't know.


Does it come with Secure Boot enabled and if so, can it be turned off?


I may want to put Linux on it or may be even Windows 7.


I can get the device off eBay.

#79 TheHive


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Posted 22 March 2015 - 04:14 AM

The one i received shows secure boot option on bios as off.



from post 17


BIOS - Security-Secure Boot menu -

System Mode                        Setup

Secure boot                           not active


secure boot                           [disabled]     enabled/disabled

Secure boot mode                  [custom]      standard/custom


Cant say if the one on ebay has the preactivated Windows with bing choice. On the maketheone website where i got mine it gives you the option to buy a preactivated windows 8.1 with bing or the windows 8.1 pro 30 day trial preinstalled non activated.

Does the one on ebay says factory activated. Ask the seller.



I may want to put Linux on it or may be even Windows 7.


Post back on how it goes.

#80 skyide


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Posted 22 March 2015 - 05:00 AM

Ok thx! I have edited my original post that mentions activation in order to remove confusion. I can get mine for around AU $190. At the time of this post that works about US $147.

#81 TheHive


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Posted 05 April 2015 - 06:17 AM

Post when you get it and run it. You should be able to create a backup in windows as mention in one of the early posts.



Here is a way to update bios with youre own image LOGO.

According to the following thread . I added in red letters what version he says doesnt work and which one did.




This user points to where to download MMTool v5.0.0.7  - Works to change bios logo




Download  MMTool v5.0.0.7.zip    also available at https://onedrive.liv....AmAQaaK2TM88qY




 I found that there is a program called "Change Logo" which will do what I want. I did a google search for "aptio change logo utility download" (sans quotes) which brought me to a page on www.bios-mods.com that had a link to download the program http://www.sendspace.com/file/q00qrb



I was able to run the program Logo Changer 4.55, load the bios and extract the Full Screen MeegoPad logo. I have not modified it and added back yet but I wanted to let others know.



Did it work?



No it    Logo Changer 4.55  did not. I extracted the logo but when I add back and try to save the bios file, it says that it cannot write bios file and gives me a file with a size of 0KB. I don't know if there is some sort of write protect on the bios file or if there is another way that I need to do it. If anyone else has ideas or knows how to do this I would be very appreciative.


I don't know which version of the "Change Logo" you found...
But e.g. at the "AMI BIOS Configuration Program" (AMIBCP) the newest version which you will find at the internet is 4.55 but at the AMI page (at the picture) you can see that they talk about 5.x, so I wouldn't do any hacks with 4.55 (too risky)...
Maybe the same problem at the "Change Logo" (maybe too old version which isn't able to work with newer BIOS versions)???




Thanks for the clue, good eye. I started to suspect it was an older version I was using that was causing my problem but I had no clue what version to look for before you said something. I have found version 5 at the following website post number 42. You have to register but it's free. I was able to change the logo and save the file successfully. I then was able to extract the logo and it was in fact the new logo. I will be testing flashing later when I get a chance.


Zitat von Tito im Beitrag #30 Well, good news! I have something interesting to share ;) Yes, that is really very good news! The result of your work see


I was able to successfully flash my bios with my updated logo and it worked perfectly. I kept the image at 1280x800 even though the program complained about the size and it worked!



Download  MMTool v5.0.0.7.zip    also available at https://onedrive.liv....AmAQaaK2TM88qY

Now we are only have to find AMIBCP 5.x




#82 TheHive


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Posted 12 April 2015 - 05:52 AM

Bought a mini keyboard mouse combo and it works very well.


RT-MWK08+ or Rii i8+ Mini USB Dongle Wireless Touchpad Keyboard with Mouse :good: :good:

RT-MWK08+ or Rii i8+.jpg

Got the yellow one at the time because it was cheaper then the other colors at the time. It was $16+ . Looks good.




Posted more details on this newer model and the older one

#83 TheHive


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Posted 12 April 2015 - 05:58 AM

maketheone.com is having a 10% off sale this weekend 4-11-2015 and 4-12-2015


#84 TheHive


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Posted 16 April 2015 - 09:55 AM

MeeGoPad T01 HDMI connect to VGA monitor/LCD Screen/TV or Projector


Meegopad HDMI  goes to the female

HDMI Extend Adapter Converter HDMI Female to HDMI Female





This  one (HDMI Male to VGA) goes to the other female HDMI above

HDMI Male to VGA Female Adapter HDMI to VGA Portable HD Adapter with Audio Output



Then use youre VGA Cable on the above VGA female on the (HDMI Male to VGA adapter) the the other VGA cable end to the Monitor, LCD, OR TV.


If picture is garbled. Reboot. It should show up.

#85 TheHive


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Posted 20 April 2015 - 09:00 AM

Using an Intel Compute stick (Meegopad) to upload youtube video & offload work from your Rig





Video Description
My third session of the day with the Oculus Rift DK2 , using Zeiss head tracking to control the FOV and by the end of this I am pretty shattered ... it's that old Rift barrier.. Rift fatigue .. full article on VR augmenting Assassin's Creed Rogue coming up @thegameveda The game is played in SBS TriDef 3D , so feel free to view the session in any HMD that supports sbs from Google Cardboard, Zeiss VR One to LFOV HMDs and 3D tvs.. See if the stomach churning high seas antics make or break your FOV2GO HMD tolerance..more to follow This is the third video today I have uploaded using the MeegoPad T01 /Intel Compute Stick .. in total silence .. and giving my rig/laptops a rest .. nifty little thing these 64 bit quad core Intel Atom based stick PCs.. full review on that revolution coming up too.

My third session of the day with the Oculus Rift DK2 , using Zeiss head tracking to control the FOV and by the end of this I am pretty shattered ... it's that old Rift barrier.. Rift fatigue .. full article on VR augmenting Assassin's Creed Rogue coming up @thegameveda The game is played in SBS TriDef 3D , so feel free to vi

#86 TheHive


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Posted 11 May 2015 - 08:31 AM

Good video, Kedar Nimbalkar at the end of post


Shows the inside of the MeegoPad T01. Topics he semi covers but implied: The insides of Meegopad, able to Replace CMOS batterry,
Able to Change / Replace  wifi antenna, Heatsinks inside, he does not cover how to actually open the Meegopad ( should be easy, he says) ; he does show where the case holding clips are Meegopad case clips.jpg (this other unrealated video gives a good example on how it could be opened ) or use Plastic Opening Tools.

Replace MeegoPad T01 CMOS batterry.

Meegopad CMOS battery reset bios.jpg

Unpluging CMOS batterry might Reset Bios settings.  If you've made changes to you're BIOS and you are not able to boot with a USB Device or cant boot up, this might help.



The CMOS is a little bit of RAM that stores all the BIOS information so that each time the computer restarts or powers on, the computer can remember this information.  


If you didn't have this battery, then each time you turn on your computer, the BIOS settings would reset and you would need to setup your BIOS again. Your computer will function but everything in your BIOS, such as the boot order, and the time and date, and other functions will reset.


Meegopad T01 Smallest Windows Pc Teardown (ability to Change / Replace MeegoPad T01 wifi antenna, CMOS batterry)

Screeshots :good: :good: Kedar Nimbalkar


MeeGoPad T01 open case

#87 kojizu

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Posted 18 September 2020 - 09:13 PM

Good video, Kedar Nimbalkar at the end of post


Shows the inside of the MeegoPad T01. Topics he semi covers but implied: The insides of Meegopad, able to Replace CMOS batterry,
Able to Change / Replace  wifi antenna, Heatsinks inside, he does not cover how to actually open the Meegopad ( should be easy, he says) ; he does show where the case holding clips are attachicon.gifMeegopad case clips.jpg(this other unrealated video gives a good example on how it could be opened ) or use Plastic Opening Tools.

Replace MeegoPad T01 CMOS batterry.

attachicon.gifMeegopad CMOS battery reset bios.jpg

Unpluging CMOS batterry might Reset Bios settings.  If you've made changes to you're BIOS and you are not able to boot with a USB Device or cant boot up, this might help.



Meegopad T01 Smallest Windows Pc Teardown (ability to Change / Replace MeegoPad T01 wifi antenna, CMOS batterry)

Screeshots :good: :good: Kedar Nimbalkar


MeeGoPad T01 open case

Hi, i have take off the battery and still asking me for bios password. I turn my meegopad on and then it shows me a message "ENTER PASSWORD"....any other idea about how to reset bios? T_T


This is what meegopad shows:



Edited by kojizu, 18 September 2020 - 09:30 PM.

#88 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 19 September 2020 - 11:49 AM

That is a BIOS password request.


Usually they are not reset by simply removing the CMOS battery, the battery needs to be disconnected for several minutes and the board fully discharged/not poweredm there my be also a jumper of a couple pads to be shorted to reset it.


How long have you kept the thingy disconnected and without the battery?


To reset the BIOS some special hardware is usually needed.



It should be, see here:

an Aptio (AMI) Bios.


You can try with known "universal" passwords, see here:


but they are for much older models/verions of the BIOS; I doubt they can work.


What happens if you boot and - at the request of the password - you simply press [ENTER]?


In some cases if you enter nothing or a wrong password three times a code is shown that again, in some cases, can be decrypted:




In the case of APTIO,  this may be useful:


but you will need anyway a flash programmer to dump the BIOS.


ASUS (that uses AMI BIOS) has some recovery codes, see:



but cannot say if they are ASUS specific or AMI/APTIO generic.




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