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Win7PE-MultiBoot.iso >4gb = Winload.exe not found or corrupt

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#51 patsch


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Posted 15 April 2012 - 04:47 PM

just tried it. its not possible. if i donwload the newst version of mkisofs and copy it to the correct folder, iso creation (create iso script), won t work. i get strange error messages or nothing goes at all. this was also my first thought, also in the past, if i have had the first problem with mkisofs. no way.

what version of mkisofs do you use. Keep in mind that only the mingw-version does not need cygwin1.dll, therefore it is recommend to take a mingw-version (mkisofs -version gives you the hint what you are using)

but then, i get an error with this:
dd if=()/firadisk/au.xml of=()/AutoUnattend.xml
file not found.

This command writes to USB flash: dd if=()/firadisk/au.xml of=()/AutoUnattend.xml
It's rather difficult to write to a DVD at grub4dos level.

#52 livedude



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Posted 15 April 2012 - 05:00 PM

Hey patch,
thank you for hints!

what version of mkisofs do you use. Keep in mind that only the mingw-version does not need cygwin1.dll, therefore it is recommend to take a mingw-version (mkisofs -version gives you the hint what you are using)

as the 2gb-problem occured first, see the depending thread, i searched for a mikisfos version to download.
i found something that needs cygwin, so i think that was the cygwin-version. i didn t know that there a different versions of mkisofs...
i followed the instructions from ChrisR:
download mkisofs here http://fy.chalmers.s...n32/mkisofs.exe
and put it in xxxxProjectsToolsWin7PE_SE by replacing the current version
with the first downloaded mkisofs-cygwin?-version, this wasn t working.
so can anyone please give a link, to a valid mkisfos version wich is working? then i can try the sugestion from cdob, with an actual miksofs versions.

best regards

Edited by livedude, 15 April 2012 - 05:02 PM.

#53 patsch


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Posted 15 April 2012 - 05:30 PM

I now use the version from the mbam-project that is found in this file : http://reboot.pro/in...attach_id=11880
That version works best for me

#54 cdob


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Posted 15 April 2012 - 07:23 PM

just tried it. its not possible.

From 2004 Alex's mingw patch includes -duplicates-once and -force-uppercase
Remove the dependancies in build script.

Or use a relating updated cygwin version.
I'm used to http://cdob.boot-lan...uplicates_once/
Unfortunately version didn't survived last server update two weeks ago yet.

maybe, but it seems you can override the most restrictions (it has options for that)

ImgBurn author did declined rock ridge support in the past. No, it's not supported.

A OS may require or not rock ridge extensions.
*nix related OS uses rock ridge extensions. Previous posted menu.lst did contain relating parts.
You have to test each part. Each part may work or fail.

i faced again the problem, to start an win7-installation.

The USB approach uses a unattended solution: Autounattend.xml to include driver firadisk
A addional USB drive should work.
Or nclude unattended part to DVD. Be aware: this prohibit a repair installation.

#55 livedude



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Posted 15 April 2012 - 09:05 PM

I now use the version from the mbam-project that is found in this file : http://reboot.pro/in...attach_id=11880
That version works best for me

thanks patch!
i tried it, but still the same problem;(

Posted Image

Hi cdob,

Remove the dependancies in build script.

sorry not possible for me. i am no scriptcoder.
thank you for the other hints.
if ithe problem is solveable with a mkisofs-version that works, then i can do it. if there must be changed something in the iso-build-script, then i can only do it, if i have detailed instrcutions.
in the meantime i keep useing imgburn, to implement files/iso`s wich are bigger then 4gb.

A OS may require or not rock ridge extensions.
*nix related OS uses rock ridge extensions. Previous posted menu.lst did contain relating parts.
You have to test each part. Each part may work or fail.

you have options for override for example the iso-restrictions.
i get working/booting iso`s as result.
i testet the mainparts (tried to start windowy), it works.
otherparts of my compilation i have not testet yet, but if windows runs, wich is the hardest part, then propably my other apps will work too.
but sure, no guarantee for nothing:)

best regards

p.s.: the wish to implement a win7-installation in my project, tops the knoweldge i have atm. maybe i find something in the future, with clear steps or something to do that. therefore i delay it. if i don t want integrate iso-files wich are bigger then 4gb, then i can still use mkisofs with the create iso-script.
if it should be maybe important in the future, to implement such big files, then i take the img-burn workaround.
that seems the best alternative atm.

Edited by livedude, 15 April 2012 - 09:20 PM.

#56 cdob


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Posted 16 April 2012 - 07:10 PM

in x86 you copy the content of the win7 32 bit installation-dvd/iso and in the folder x64 you do the same with the win7-64-bit-installation-dvd/iso.

A Win 7 SP1 x86 x64 ISO image result 3.8GB size.
Which parts do you add?

Did you install WAIK?
In the past you prefered a original ISO image. Now there is a edited ISO image.
Can we add files or include a driver (firadisk) to the edited ISO image?

a Windows 7 x86, x64, XP Home, XP Pro DVD

#57 livedude



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Posted 16 April 2012 - 11:58 PM

Hey cdob,

A Win 7 SP1 x86 x64 ISO image result 3.8GB size.

here is the result of the aio-creation is 4.3gb.
the used win7-64-sp1 was original the used win7-32-bit was a little bit modified (slipstreamed sp1 to home premium and ultimate).
maybe this explains the difference in size.

Which parts do you add?

i copied the content from the win7-dvd`s in drive to "mainfolder/x86 and x64).
after that, i copied the batchfile from the link to the mainfolder and executet it.
the rest was running automaticly.
*hint: don t execute this batchfile from a filemanager. i did that first, and it wasn t working (not finding something).
executete it directly in the mainfolder with a double mouse click or something.
then it should work. if it did not, then you can still try to copy the needed files to the aio-creation mainfolder and executeing the script again. it needs only two files i think. one of them is imagex and something else (don remember what).

Did you install WAIK?

yes, for the creation of windows-aio i installed waik. after that i played a backupimage back to my computer, becouse i don t need waik, normaly.

In the past you prefered a original ISO image.

yes becouse i didn t know nothing about the posibility to create an aio-windows7, wich contains all versions in one file and saves space.
but it depends of course in what you are doeing what you prefer. also an untouched orginal win7.iso can be an option.
its case depending what is the best option i think, but its allways good, to have alternatives. therefore i am glad that i found that out with windows7-aio.

Can we add files or include a driver (firadisk) to the edited ISO image?

sorry, i don t know. maybe you can modify this little script from the link with the instructions.

a Windows 7 x86, x64, XP Home, XP Pro DVD

this looks also very ineresting. Thank you!

best regards

Edited by livedude, 17 April 2012 - 12:36 AM.

#58 cdob


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Posted 17 April 2012 - 07:53 PM

the used win7-64-sp1 was original the used win7-32-bit was a little bit modified (slipstreamed sp1 to home premium and ultimate).
maybe this explains the difference in size.

Yes, a simple fake slipstream creates bigger files.

Contrary a reverse integration:
install Windows 7, add SP1 and remove SP superseded files. Sysprep and capture a new image.

Let's go back to the basics:


First case, Win 7 DVD booted:

there is a USB flash drive e: with a ISO image e:\zISO###\win7.iso

reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FiraDisk /v StartOptions /t REG_SZ /d "cdrom,file=e:\zISO###\win7.iso"
devcon install firadisk.inf root\firadisk

Diskpart lists a new CD drive F:

Next case:
Multi boot created and equal ISO image integrated as \zISO\win7.iso
Multi boot DVD booted, there is a file D:\zISO\win7.iso

reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FiraDisk /v StartOptions /t REG_SZ /d "cdrom,file=D:\zISO\win7.iso"
devcon install firadisk.inf root\firadisk

Diskpart does not list a new drive.

FiraDisk seems NOT to mount a ISO image from a DVD drive.

#59 livedude



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Posted 19 April 2012 - 11:17 PM

Hey cdob,
nice to hear something from you;)

FiraDisk seems NOT to mount a ISO image from a DVD drive

not sure about that becouse my winxp-installation also uses firadisk.
its an xp.iso on dvd/virtual-iso in vm.
here are the parameters:

itle Windows-XP-Home-SP3 Installation (Min 711MB Ram)
find --set-root /Boot/IMG/firadisk.img
map --mem /Boot/IMG/firadisk.img (fd0)
map --mem /Boot/IMG/WindowsXP-Home-SP3.iso (hd32)
map --hook
root (hd32)


Edited by livedude, 19 April 2012 - 11:18 PM.

#60 cdob


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Posted 20 April 2012 - 02:45 PM

not sure about that becouse my winxp-installation also uses firadisk.
its an xp.iso on dvd/virtual-iso in vm.

map --mem /Boot/IMG/WindowsXP-Home-SP3.iso (hd32)

This loads WindowsXP-Home-SP3.iso to RAM.
FiraDisk reads the RAM disk, FiraDisk does not read DVD that way.

Do you intent to RAM load the 4.3 GB Windows 7 ISO image too?

#61 livedude



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Posted 21 April 2012 - 12:06 AM

Do you intent to RAM load the 4.3 GB Windows 7 ISO image too?

yes, thought about it. but then you need over 4.3gb of ram to load it, or isn t this the case?

best regards

#62 cdob


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Posted 21 April 2012 - 06:06 PM

but then you need over 4.3gb of ram to load it, or isn t this the case?

Yes, that's it. It's a strange approach.

ImDisk reads a ISO file from a DVD.

Download ImDisk install package http://www.ltr-data..../imdiskinst.exe
Run 7-zip and open imdiskinst.exe and expand files to <DVD>\imdisk\


title Install Windows 7\nRun the Windows 7 install DVD ISO image

map /ZISO/WIN7.ISO (0xff)

map --hook

chainloader (0xff)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend">

<settings pass="windowsPE">

<component name="Microsoft-Windows-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">


<RunSynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">


<Path>cmd.exe /q /c "FOR %i IN (C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST %i:\IMDISK\MOUNTISO.CMD cmd.exe /k %i:\IMDISK\MOUNTISO.CMD \ZISO\WIN7.ISO"</Path>

<Description>Detecting DVD drive</Description>




<component name="Microsoft-Windows-Setup" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">


<RunSynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">


<Path>cmd.exe /q /c "FOR %i IN (C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST %i:\IMDISK\MOUNTISO.CMD cmd.exe /k %i:\IMDISK\MOUNTISO.CMD \ZISO\WIN7.ISO"</Path>

<Description>Detecting DVD drive</Description>






@echo ISOfile %1

rundll32.exe setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 %~dp0imdisk.inf

net.exe start ImDisk

imdisk.exe -a -t file -f "%~d0%~1" -o ro -m Z:



#63 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 21 April 2012 - 07:03 PM

Yes, that's it. It's a strange approach.

More than strange, "queer", I would additionally say SLOW.
How long would it take to load a whole 4.3 Gb from DVD to RAM? :dubbio:


#64 livedude



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Posted 22 April 2012 - 01:25 PM

Hey cdob & Wonko;)

but then you need over 4.3gb of ram to load it, or isn t this the case?
Yes, that's it. It's a strange approach.

i have already fear that this is the case;(

thank you very much cdob for your work with this detailed instructions!
but this is no solution for me. i can t presuppose an amount of 4gb ram on each computer i have to do.

some words about workcases i have to do.
i have a large amount of friends, good friends and not so good friends.
they have different jobs and different hobbys. but each of them also has a computer.
the most of them have not much knoweldge about computers and if a problem occur, they call me.
becouse they are friends, i try to help. i ask them bevor i visit them, what exactly isn t working?
already this isn t an easy task becouse many of them can t answer this.
already the question wich o.s you are useing?, can not every of them answer correctly. the standard answer is windows.
if i ask then, wich windows?, it often happens, that i get an "i don t know" as answer.
becouse i don t know what is exactly to do and becouse i can t debar, that i must install the o.s new, i must cary every time a large amount of cd/dvd`s with me.
win7/win-xp/install-mediums, different tools on cd and stuff.
also therefore my project was createt, that i have in this cases only one medium with everything i need, that i can work.
so it would be also a great benefit to have a possible win7 installation in my project, so i prepared for each case.
that was the thought behind my project.

this win7-install thing is atm not solveable for me. 4gb of ram that it is working, is no option.
if this win7-installation would be possible if i don t do it with an untouched/aio iso, then i also be open for it.
as long as it works, i have no problem with it.
in the meantime, i delay this win7-installation-wish, till i find a usable solution for that.
thank you very much to all of you for trying to help me with that.
i hope i can implement that in the future somehow. lets see...


Edited by livedude, 22 April 2012 - 01:27 PM.

#65 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 22 April 2012 - 03:55 PM

Let's see if I can give you a practical suggestion :dubbio::
  • ALL (and I mean ALL) computers capable of running a Windows Vista :ph34r: or 7, and EXPECIALLY ALL of the ones your computer illiterate friends might have (which surely have come with the OS pre-installed) are capable of booting from USB
  • A LARGE part of the computers (and expecially the ones your computer illiterate friends might have which surely have come with the OS pre-installed) that are currently running XP or earlier OS's will have a CD drive AND NOT a DVD drive
Consequently, a DVD is - set aside the issues you are having with making one - the LEAST compatible media you might want to have.
And let me assure you that in my experience I have seen more non-fuctional (at least for booting) DVD drives then I might have liked.

Please find attached an easy to read table (with absolutely FAKE data I just invented ;)) based on an hypothethical population of 1000 (one thousand) PC's in the hands of "average" end users (in the "computer illiterate" segment), in the UNprobable guess that - by pure chance - ALL optical drives are fully functional.

So if you do like all the rest of the world does, i.e. you carry a couple of CD's with the oldest OS's and a couple USB sticks with all the newer ones and you cover the whole range of possibilities.
If you carry with you a DVD you cover at the most 77% of the range (unless you carry with you also a USB DVD drive for the netbooks that don't have one).
If you have a spare few bucks, you might consider the idea of getting an IODD or similar device, additionally (quite handy)


Attached Thumbnails


#66 cdob


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Posted 22 April 2012 - 04:29 PM

thank you very much cdob for your work with this detailed instructions!
but this is no solution for me. i can t presuppose an amount of 4gb ram on each computer i have to do.

Approach uses ImDisk. That's not FiraDisk.
Read again: ImDisk reads a ISO file from a DVD.
Approach does NOT use map --mem. That's a low RAM approach.
Approach works at 512MB RAM machines basically. Well, installing windows 7 to such machines is another question.

some words about workcases i have to do.
i have a large amount of friends, good friends and not so good friends.
they have different jobs and different hobbys. but each of them also has a computer.
the most of them have not much knoweldge about computers and if a problem occur, they call me.
becouse they are friends, i try to help. i ask them bevor i visit them, what exactly isn t working?

Do not use new approaches. Do not add a ISO image to a DVD.
Use classic solutions working since a lot of years.

becouse i don t know what is exactly to do and becouse i can t debar, that i must install the o.s new, i must cary every time a large amount of cd/dvd`s with me.
win7/win-xp/install-mediums, different tools on cd and stuff.

But you don't have to squeeze all to one DVD. Create several different DVD.
A dual layer DVD is a broken approach at unknown hardware.

this win7-install thing is atm not solveable for me. 4gb of ram that it is working, is no option.

It's solved already. You prefer to ignore it.

#67 livedude



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Posted 22 April 2012 - 08:02 PM

hi cdob & Wonko

ALL (and I mean ALL) computers capable of running a Windows Vista :ph34r: or 7, and EXPECIALLY ALL of the ones your computer illiterate friends might have (which surely have come with the OS pre-installed) are capable of booting from USB

i have other experiences. some p4 system i meet, wich were capable of running vista, weren t capable of booting from usb. also some amd socket a/am2/+ systems werent also not capable of booting from usb. but all of these computers have had at least a cd/dvd-drive and were capable to boot from cd/dvd... with this i don t want to say that ALL existing p4 and the named amd systems aren t capable of booting from usb but i meet some of these systems, wich coldn t boot from usb and it weren t less...

Consequently, a DVD is - set aside the issues you are having with making one - the LEAST compatible media you might want to have.

no i can t agree to this, absolutly not. i have complete other experiences. a large range of "these old" computers weren t capable of booting from usb, but each of them were capable to boot from cd/dvd. so a cd/dvd is much more compatible then an usb-stick!

And let me assure you that in my experience I have seen more non-fuctional (at least for booting) DVD drives then I might have liked.

sorry Wonko i have oposite experiences. i have meet many computers wich weren t capable of booting from usb, but with cd/dvd booting was no problem. thanks for the attachment but it says not much. long not all computers wich have usb can also boot from it!

So if you do like all the rest of the world does, i.e. you carry a couple of CD's with the oldest OS's and a couple USB sticks with all the newer ones and you cover the whole range of possibilities.

well this isn t very comfortable to cary so much stuff with, but i also see no other way, for having the best compatibility.

If you have a spare few bucks, you might consider the idea of getting an IODD or similar device, additionally (quite handy)

did you mean with this these devices like also zalman produces?: usb devices with a virtual drive emulator?
well, this might be only a additional option, becouse not all computers can boot from usb.also if you don t like to hear it:)

Wonko this is absolutly no offence or meand in a bad way! but i can only say what i have experienced. i don t want to lie and say, sure. everything boots from usb. so i am honest, even i know, that you don t might to like to hear it:)

It's solved already. You prefer to ignore it.

sure, it was my mistake, sorry. but can you not try to say this a little bit more friendly?
i re-read your instrcutions and did what you wrote and...it seems to work!
absolut great work! how did you found that out? i thought no one did that bevor? :)
fantastic! thank you very much!

this means now, i can finish my all in one-iso project:)
but i also keep the sugestion in mind, to build also flat windows for better compatibility.
i also plan to extend my project to an usb stick, wich i also cary with me.
then i should prepared for the most situations.
thank you a lot for sugestions and help and for the great working detailed enduser-compatible instructions!!!
thank you very much!

best regards

Edited by livedude, 22 April 2012 - 08:45 PM.

#68 livedude



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Posted 23 April 2012 - 10:32 AM

bad karma? and a sleepless night;(

the first try with cdob instructions worked fine.
for testing purpose i tried it first with an normal win7-install.iso not the aio.

then i thought everything is ready and build the final project and implementet the 4.3gb win7-aio.
becouse of the bug of mkisofs whatever, i used image burn for the iso creation becouse of the 4.3gb big file.
then this happend since them:

imdisk seems to comes up and mounting a drive:

Posted Image

after i press a button this error message apears (install.wim not found something):

Posted Image

so, i went back to build the iso again with mkisofs and winbuilder and replaced the win7-aio against a normal win7-install.iso.
same result. this error repaets also with winbuilder and mkisofs.
since last night i doeing research but till now, i can t find the error;(
the first try with the cdob method was so great and it was working. i don t know what is happens becouse its not working again.
no clue. i am behind it. i hope i find the error.

best regards

Edited by livedude, 23 April 2012 - 10:35 AM.

#69 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 23 April 2012 - 10:56 AM

In case you haven't noticed, a CD is NOT a DVD.
A CD drive can read CD's (and NOT DVD's).
A DVD drive can read BOTH CD's AND DVD's.

A device not being able to boot from USB is likely to have a CD drive (and NOT a DVD drive).
For a number of reasons it is MORE likely that a (partially defective) DVD drive can read CD's BUT NOT DVD's.
It is NO problem whatsoever to have a CD capable of initiate the booting and continue the booting from USB on those very few machines that do not have USB booting in BIOS, the fact that you weren't able to boot from USB on any given number of machines simply means that "you weren't able to boot from USB" AND NOT that those machines are unable to boot from USB (and yes a few machines/BIOSes are pesky :ph34r:).

Of course you are perfectly free :) to do your multi-mega-AIO, what I was pointing out was that (once you will have succeeded) the result won't be the "most compatible thing around" , or if you prefer, if you are doing it for fun, that's allright :thumbsup:, pretending that you do that in order to have "larger" support capabilities is not accurate.


#70 livedude



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Posted 23 April 2012 - 11:11 AM

It is NO problem whatsoever to have a CD capable of initiate the booting and continue the booting from USB(...)

i know this. and i just wrote what i think about it. look here:

so starting such an system from dvd/bluray, gives you a much better compatibility then to start it from usb.
in some cases you can trick this old computers out, wich can t boot native from usb with an bootmanager called plop-bootmanager.

but for starting this plop-bootmanager on these older computers, you need anyhow, in any case a cd/dvd/optical medium on wich it is and if you need anyhow, in any case an optical medium, then you can also use it alike for the whole live system.

becouse you never know if it can usefull, i will try to also create an usb-version from my project.
but atm, i have other problems;/

best regards

Edited by livedude, 23 April 2012 - 11:12 AM.

#71 patsch


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Posted 23 April 2012 - 11:26 AM

keep in mind:
not able to boot from usb on older machines is in most cases the problem on how that stick is recognized
Have a look at : http://www.rmprepusb.com/
and test out on a machine that does not boot your stick, if another method of creating your stick can solve your problem

#72 livedude



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Posted 23 April 2012 - 11:42 AM


it seems i have found the problem:

with this multiboot structure its working:

Posted Image

and with this direct-boot structure it is not working. the error above apears:

Posted Image

so it seems i have a little problem. i first create a boot.wim project (boots directly into ram boot). i make an iso with no starmenu from it. if you start the boot.wim.iso, its directly loading winpe into ram.

then build single boot without grub4dos (first, i re.change that later). after this project is build, you see it on the last screen, i implement my iso`s to it, change winbuilder to grub 4dos and multiboot.
then i have a createt windows in the windows folder on the root and a boot-wim.iso in iso/ziso). so i have two windows: a boot.wim into iso folder and a windows in the windows folder...

i can only make it on this way becouse i found out:

that i can make a wim-boot iso wich is working, so i can implement it. but if i try to build first a direct boot windows (wich is in windows folder) and make an iso from this, wich i implement in my project, then i always get at booting an bsod o7. if i start it directly from the windows folder in root with:
title Win7PE_SE
chainloader /BOOTMGR
then it is working without this bsod.

so i can only make an iso for booting with boot.wim project, createt as iso to start without bootmenu directly.
if i try this with the direct-boot-project (windows folder in root, look at screen two) and make an iso from this, wich i try also to start directly as iso, then this bsod apears.
i have read some instructions becouse of this bsod, but i don t found a solution till now. therefore i use my described workaround...

best regards

Edited by livedude, 23 April 2012 - 11:55 AM.

#73 livedude



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Posted 23 April 2012 - 02:30 PM

keep in mind:
not able to boot from usb on older machines is in most cases the problem on how that stick is recognized
Have a look at : http://www.rmprepusb.com/
and test out on a machine that does not boot your stick, if another method of creating your stick can solve your problem

Thank you for the hint patch!
for example the old centrino notebook i have:
you can choose the attached usb-stick from bootmenu, but then its not boot from it.
maybe that is such an case for trying an alternative creating method for usb-stick.

best regards

#74 cdob


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Posted 23 April 2012 - 06:22 PM

i have a createt windows in the windows folder on the root and a boot-wim.iso in iso/ziso). so i have two windows: a boot.wim into iso folder and a windows in the windows folder...

Yes, that's it.

if i try to build first a direct boot windows (wich is in windows folder) and make an iso from this, wich i implement in my project, then i always get at booting an bsod o7.

Sure of course there is a BSOD 0x7b.
There is no active driver to read the ISO file: hence the BSOD.

That's a new request.

but i don t found a solution till now.

Why do you like to load PE3 flat files from a ISO image at DVD?
Most likely nobody did this before.

therefore i use my described workaround...

Which workarround? Flat files are nice at flat file booting.
A menu.lst example
title Install Windows 7\nRun the Windows 7 install DVD ISO image

map /ZISO/WIN7.ISO (0xff)

map --hook

root (0xff)

chainloader ()

title plain /bootmgr - Win7PE SE flat file

chainloader ()/bootmgr || chainloader ()/BOOTMGR

title Win7PE SE x86 - RAM loaded

map /ZISO/Win7PE_x86.ISO (0xff)

map --hook

root (0xff)

chainloader ()/bootmgr || chainloader ()/BOOTMGR

title Boot from 1st Hard Disk \nBoot MBR of first hard disk

chainloader (hd0)+1

rootnoverify (hd0)
WIN7.ISO files is greater 4GB, final ISO image builded with mkisofs of course.

The pause was included as a debug option.
Now you may edit \imdisk\mountISO.cmd and remark the pause.
rem pause


Did you boot any real hardware so far?
Does dual layer DVD boots in real life? There could be additional BIOS limitations out there, it's untested ground.

What about XP install?
How much RAM do you expect?
I would assume 512MB RAM at machines booting from DVD and not booting from USB.

Which Windows 7 systems dosn't boot from USB?
Can you name some motherboard examples including BIOS revision?

#75 livedude



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Posted 23 April 2012 - 07:59 PM

i have a createt windows in the windows folder on the root and a boot-wim.iso in iso/ziso). so i have two windows: a boot.wim into iso folder and a windows in the windows folder...
Yes, that's it.

no that is it not, becouse if i do so, i need this structure and with this structure, your imdisk-worakround isn t working:

Posted Image

its hard to explain.
Win7PE_SE-boot.wim.iso boots with parameter like this an iso without a bsod:

title Win7PE_SE (Windows7-Live-System/In Ram-Boot/Min. 800MB Ram!
map /ISO/Win7PE_SE-boot.wim.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)
Win7PE_SE-direct-boot.iso can only boot from windowsfolder with commands like this:

title Win7PE_SE (Windows7-Live-System/direct-Boot/Min. 256MB Ram
chainloader /BOOTMGR
if you create an iso from a Win7PE_SE-direct-boot.iso and try to start it with parameters like this:

title Win7PE_SE
map /ISO/Win7PE_SE-boot.wim.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)
it result in a bsod! so i can only have these two win7-live-systems with this structure:

Posted Image

and with this structure, your imdisk-workaround isn t working. not finding bootwim something. look at the screen above...
in the consequence this means, that i must abdicate of the flat windows, becouse with the structure it needs, you imdisk-method seems not to work anymore;/

Did you boot any real hardware so far?

sure, as often i can, i test my project in the field.

Does dual layer DVD boots in real life?

not testet yet, becouse i am hanging on the spoken problem.

What about XP install?
How much RAM do you expect?

unfortunately my win-xp-isnstallation over firadisk need a minimum ram of about 700-800mb;(
maybe i can use your imdisk-method also for the xp-installation. not tried it yet.

Which Windows 7 systems dosn't boot from USB?

i don t know. never said something like this. but of course in theory, its also possible to have an win7-system wich can t boot from usb.
just install win7 on one of these old pentium4 systems, then you have the usb-disaster:)

Can you name some motherboard examples including BIOS revision?

i try to keep that in mind, in case i meet the next computer wich can t boot from usb.
if i don t forget that till then, i can maybe answer you that.

best regards

Edited by livedude, 23 April 2012 - 08:39 PM.

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