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[project] New Make Script

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#51 pedrole15


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Posted 31 October 2006 - 03:51 PM

I will change the script to a project
By this way we can see the process

#52 pedrole15


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Posted 31 October 2006 - 04:37 PM

Before change script to project can you tell me if it is better to have more than one window and separate in 3 or 4 script like this :
- make main
- make short cut
- make association
- encode files
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#53 smiley


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Posted 31 October 2006 - 05:24 PM

Before change script to project can you tell me if it is better to have more than one window and separate in 3 or 4 script like this :
- make main
- make short cut
- make association
- encode files

Great idea!



#54 TheHive


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Posted 31 October 2006 - 09:59 PM

Before change script to project can you tell me if it is better to have more than one window and separate in 3 or 4 script like this :
- make main
- make short cut
- make association
- encode files

I like that Idea too.

How about:
- Making new Script Layout
- Adding Shortcut Options
- File Associations
- Encoding Files to New Script
- Create New Script

#55 pedrole15


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Posted 31 October 2006 - 10:14 PM

I have upload makescript as project
For the moment it 's the same as version 6
You can download it from here

#56 Brito


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Posted 31 October 2006 - 10:22 PM

I also like the idea of a separate project to allow expanding more options.. :P

I'm noticing that there a lot of excellent scripts I'd like to include on the next WB release, but this would mean an excessive increase in download size of the main package.

A good solution would be to include these scripts inside the main application and allow the scripts to download their needed binary files from each developer webspace (or a common place if needed to create) for the first time they are run.

I can do manually do this on my scripts, but would be awesome to see this process fully automated for others to use it as well.. :P

This way the main package is small, and users can still download the files for the scripts whenever needed.

Something like:

1. Run process

2. Script checks if a needed file is found, if found goto to 6

3. If not found go download a .7z file from somewhere, if not online output an error

4. Uncompress all files from this archive on script's dir

5. go back to 2

6. Execute all commands found on script and continue

7. finish


#57 TheHive


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Posted 31 October 2006 - 10:25 PM

I have upload makescript as project
For the moment it 's the same as version 6
You can download it from here

In your updates to the project can you link to the zip file. :P

#58 TheHive


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Posted 31 October 2006 - 10:34 PM

I also like the idea of a separate project to allow expanding more options.. :P
I'm noticing that there a lot of excellent scripts I'd like to include on the next WB release, but this would mean an excessive increase in download size of the main package.

A good solution would be to include these scripts inside the main application and allow the scripts to download their needed binary files from each developer webspace (or a common place if needed to create) for the first time they are run.

I can do manually do this on my scripts, but would be awesome to see this process fully automated for others to use it as well.. :P

This way the main package is small, and users can still download the files for the scripts whenever needed.

Something like:

1. Run process

2. Script checks if a needed file is found, if found goto to 6

3. If not found go download a .7z file from somewhere, if not online output an error

4. Uncompress all files from this archive on script's dir

5. go back to 2

6. Execute all commands found on script and continue

7. finish


I like that idea but with an added ability to download and embed those files so that the user wont have to keep downloading files over and over.

#59 pedrole15


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Posted 31 October 2006 - 10:48 PM

I dont fully understand the explanation.

I have a bug to report. Winbuilder seems to report the following at the end of the Process of building the Script. I was building the Opera Script and there is no Progress meter of anykind that tells the user that the script is being created. Winbuilder appears as if it is frozen. Any way to add a progress bar of somekind while building the Script.

Posted Image

Perhaps it is issue of FileCreatBlank
Look at the file Mkscript.txt in the Temp folder , if it is not deleted when you make an other time script, line are added in it a second time.
Check the case "Delete Temp" for resolve this

#60 TheHive


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Posted 01 November 2006 - 02:27 AM

Make Script Icon
Posted Image

Attached File  Make_Script_icons.zip   17.01KB   800 downloads

#61 Brito


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Posted 01 November 2006 - 05:33 PM

I've also been testing your new project to include it inside release 052, here's a few suggestions:

Script description to something like: "Quickly make a new script for your PE compilation"

Add a small help file (like peter has done in autoUPX) for others to quickly understand the interface options for each group - I also have some troubles in understanding what they'll do, so I imagine this will help everyone to quickly get the hang of your project.

Also noticed the issues when selecting the source file - it only allowed to select images whenever the user previously selected an image on another filebox - this is fixed on 052 beta 8.

Don't know if you've noticed, but wbzip.exe can be used to encode all needed files inside the newly created scripts - this should allow to have a more responsive script when encoding files.

There are few more details like the interface disapearing whenever a user inputs text that I'll be working to see solved..

Very usefull script!! :P

btw: it would also be great if you added an update center on your site to allow automated updates for this script..


#62 pedrole15


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Posted 01 November 2006 - 06:53 PM

How must I do for making variables for all the project ? :P
Must make an other projectInfo.ini ?
It is not so easy to separate in several script :P

#63 smiley


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Posted 01 November 2006 - 07:06 PM

How must I do for making variables for all the project ? :P
Must make an other projectInfo.ini ?
It is not so easy to separate in several script :P

No, you can also store variables in script.project file :P

#64 pscEx


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Posted 01 November 2006 - 07:08 PM

How must I do for making variables for all the project ? :P
Must make an other projectInfo.ini ?
It is not so easy to separate in several script :P

projectInfo.ini is not the right place.
It is created everytimes you build the project.

If you want to have variables as constants for the current project, include them inside script.project. :P
If you want to have variables as constants for all, include them inside winbuilder.ini. :P
If you want to have variables as constants for the current running build, ????
I'm searching for the solution since a while :P


#65 pedrole15


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Posted 15 November 2006 - 10:45 PM

Update to Version 7
Work with latest SandBox WinBuilder 052-Beta10

#66 phox


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Posted 16 November 2006 - 06:08 AM

Update to Version 7
Work with latest SandBox WinBuilder 052-Beta10

Great and complex! :P

#67 Brito


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Posted 16 November 2006 - 08:39 AM

I've included this project on the main distribution.. :P

Smiley suggested to process a section inside the script.project whenever a it is run - I will work on this soon, since I notice it should be quite usefull for projects with few scripts inside.

Excellent work! :P

#68 pscEx


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Posted 17 November 2006 - 01:55 PM


I changed the 'Screen Capture' script built by the hive using your script.

The screen capture script did not run on my German system.

Here is the code to let it run on foreign systems, too (using buildModel and autoLocalization)









Echo,"Extracting ...FSCapture47 to %ProgDir%\FSCapture47\"



Echo,"Extracting ...To_I386 "



Echo,"Extracting ...To_System32 "













[interface component removed by psc]

CheckBoxRunFromCD="Run this program  from CD",1,3,33,25,168,18,False


I think you can change your script to generate the above code.

When adapting the screen capture script to foreign languages, I also made some (minor) changes to autoLocalization.Script and buildModel.Script.

To run scripts made by your 'new Make Script' you need these changed versions of autoLocalization and buildModel


#69 Yorn


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Posted 17 November 2006 - 03:29 PM

Looks like a 52 release might be imminent. Then I can write up a story for Digg and get a new flow of users/developers if you guys want!

#70 Brito


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Posted 17 November 2006 - 03:54 PM

I'm having a lot of fun with these discussions, but peter has a good point: it is wiser to let some of the new developments reach a stable level before it can be used by a bigger/wider audience.

Comparing 051 to 052 there's a whooping difference, but there are still a few stonemarks that need to be reached like network support and worldwide compatibility to avoid these codepage issues, not to mention a whole lot of work/debug that needs to be done on winbuilder.exe.

When this is satisfatory, it would be good to see it reviewed on digg.. :P

#71 pscEx


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Posted 17 November 2006 - 04:15 PM

When this is satisfatory, it would be good to see it reviewed on digg.. :P

I hate abbs!

What is digg?


#72 Brito


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Posted 17 November 2006 - 05:02 PM

Digg is all about user powered content. Every article on digg is submitted and voted on by the digg community. Share, discover, bookmark, and promote the news that's important to you!

Yorn posted about a PE build sized on 16Mb some time ago and the result was a very big flood of people going into the forums and websites after reading this story:

There was a lot of confusion because the forum posts of microPE and batcher were huge and information was not acessible - not to mention that the steps to produce these results were somewhat difficult to achieve for most users that tried it out.

Here's yorn's post:

Will we be ready for the next round? :P

#73 Yorn


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Posted 17 November 2006 - 05:08 PM

Not an abbreviation. It's a US social bookmarking website where I first posted about MicroPE. The story is here:

There are a few hundred thousand people that read that website daily. It generates millions of clicks. It's mostly blog authors and nobodies, but a few users are really cool. Anyway, when we first posted about Batcher (which became openbuilder then became winbuilder), it was being used to do all sorts of little things, one of which was MicroPE by draugen. I don't think draugen's really around, he stops by every now and then, but his latest project was ModPE, and I don't know how well it's been going for him, he's been doing most of it on his own.

Anyway, where we're at now is people taking the best ideas from some of the old scripts and making them work. As long as people don't get too possessive about their scripts and people that use other individuals scripts aren't jerks and give credit where credit is due, we'll probably continue to have good contributions.

#74 pscEx


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Posted 17 November 2006 - 05:21 PM

Will we be ready for the next round? :P

Sounds crazy but currently I have the feeling that the queue of issues is growing as longer you are waiting with the release.

Nevertheless: As an ingeneer i recommend

There are so many issues mentioned anywhen but forgotten because of 'more interesting topics', 'higher priority topics' etc.

Open a new topic to collect 'items prohibiting a release' in 'Development' where all developers have the right to edit this topic and write their concerns, problems etc.

The users should not write new stories (wich cause new replies etc) but only the link to an open issue.
(In case of a new issue the user should open a new topic for that and post the link here)

Let's close this topic maybe next Tuesday.

After closing, Nuno works on the open issues and after solving (or after the knowledge that currently no easy solution can be made) he 'Strikes Through' this issue.

When all issues are striked through the release is ready.


#75 pedrole15


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Posted 17 November 2006 - 08:32 PM


I changed the 'Screen Capture' script built by the hive using your script.

The screen capture script did not run on my German system.

Here is the code to let it run on foreign systems, too (using buildModel and autoLocalization)










Echo,"Extracting ...FSCapture47 to %ProgDir%\FSCapture47\"



Echo,"Extracting ...To_I386 "



Echo,"Extracting ...To_System32 "













[interface component removed by psc]

CheckBoxRunFromCD="Run this program  from CD",1,3,33,25,168,18,False


I think you can change your script to generate the above code.

When adapting the screen capture script to foreign languages, I also made some (minor) changes to autoLocalization.Script and buildModel.Script.

To run scripts made by your 'new Make Script' you need these changed versions of autoLocalization and buildModel


Ok :P
Thank you

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