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SVBus Virtual SCSI Host Adapter for GRUB4DOS

svbus virtual scsi host adapter grub4dos

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#51 misty


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Posted 17 June 2019 - 01:22 PM

I was able to install the unsigned driver to the offline OS using DISM. I'm adding the following instructions as a prompt for myself in the future. They may also be of use to you.

Grub4dos already on the system (boot code written to GPT disk creating a hybrid disk - grldr and menu.lst on (hd0,0))

Steps taken

Created SVBus.vhd (Fixed type disk - 20480 MiB)
Attached SVBus.vhd via diskpart
Created and formatted one partition in the mounted .vhd.
Mounted the single partition as drive Z:
Used wimlib to apply my 64-bit Windows 8.1 Update source to Z:
Created boot files on mounted .vhd partition - bcdboot z:\windows /s z: /f BIOS
created boot files on (hd0,0) - bcdboot z:\windows /f BIOS
Used Dism to install SVBus driver (note the use of /ForceUnsigned) -
dism.exe /image:Z: /Add-driver /Driver:C:\svbus_signed\svbus.inf /ForceUnsigned
I completed the Windows installation using the Windows boot manager files on (hd0,0). After fully completing the installation using Windows Native VHD Boot (including disabling hibernate in the registry) I then rebooted the system and loaded SVBus.vhd into RAM using Grub4Dos.

BCD Stores (in .vhd and on (hd0,0)) were not edited to enable testsigning or DISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS - these entries were not required when using the signed driver in TinyBit's post (#18).


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#52 misty


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Posted 17 June 2019 - 03:25 PM

Did a quick test copying en_windows_server_2019_updated_march_2019_x64_dvd_2ae967ab.iso - filesize is 4.74 GiB. Windows 8.1 Update running in SVBus RAMDisk. Internal disk is a Crucial BX300 SSD.
  • Copying from Internal SSD to SVBus RAMDisk - averaging around 469 MB/s
  • Copying from SVBus RAMDisk to Internal SSD - after an initial burst of around 1400 MB/s the speed dropped to a consistent 440 MB/s
  • Copying from ImDisk RAMDisk to SVBus RAMDisk - averaging around 1.40 GB/s
Nothing scientific, speeds are an estimate based on Windows File Copy dialog.

The speed copying the file from SSD to SVBus RAMDisk appears to be limited by SSD read speed.
The speed copying the file from SVBus RAMDisk to SSD appears to be limited by SSD write speed.


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#53 misty


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Posted 17 June 2019 - 10:56 PM

So how about combining SVBus and WIMBoot (Windows Image File Boot)? Combining the two will facilitate installing and then RAM booting a full Windows Operating System from systems with relatively low RAM - RAM requirements will vary depending on OS and other factors. A full 64-bit Windows 8.1 Update can potentially be RAM booted on systems with 4 GiB of RAM.

The steps below may well duplicate wimb's VHD_WIMBOOT - I haven't actually used wimb's tool as I like to know how to do things manually before automating them. For those that do not like the manual approach the wimb's tool may be worth checking out.

Please note that installing Grub4dos is not covered in the steps below. I'd like to think that anyone attempting this can manage the Grub4dos side of things. There are plenty of guides available elsewhere if required.

Thanks to the following posts/people for ideas -Thanks also to wimb and alacran for putting WIMBoot back on my radar. And thanks also to schtrom for his work on SVBus, and also the developers of Grub4dos.

The following steps were all completed on a Windows 8.1 Update Host Operating System - this OS has the Windows Overlay Filter (wof.sys) integrated. The steps detailed below will not work on older (than 8.1 Update) versions of Windows as pre 8.1 Update releases did not include wof.sys (although it may be possible to use wofadk.sys with older versions of Windows).

A few notes on files/paths used below -
  • C:\ - Host Windows 8.1 Operating System. System and boot volume. Grub4dos device (hd0,0).
  • D:\ - volume that will be used for storing the .wim file and Virtual Disk. Grub4dos device (hd0,1)
  • E:\ - mounted Windows 8.1 Update .iso
  • E:\sources\install.wim - path to install.wim file which will be used as a base for creating a WIMBoot compatible .wim.
Step 1
Create a WIMBoot compatible .wim file. Using information from cdob's post (here), this can be done using native Windows 8.1 Update tools. Run the following commands (change paths as required).

Create temporary work directory

md D:\Scratch
Create WIMBoot compatible .wim file from E:\sources\install.wim
Dism /Export-Image /WIMBoot /SourceImageFile:E:\sources\Install.wim /SourceIndex:1 /DestinationImageFile:D:\win81wimboot.wim /scratchdir:D:\Scratch
Remove temporary work directory
rd D:\Scratch

Step 2
Run the following commands in DiskPart (this will create and mount a 6 GiB .vhd file, with a single partition mounted as drive W:\) -
create vdisk file=D:\win81wimboot.vhd type=fixed maximum=6144
attach vdisk
create partition primary
format fs=ntfs quick
assign letter=w

Step 3

Use DISM to apply the WIMBoot compatible .wim image created in step 1 to W:\ (the mounted volume in the vhd file created in step 2). Note the use of the /WIMBoot flag (see here)-
Dism /Apply-Image /ImageFile:D:\win81wimboot.wim /ApplyDir:W:\ /Index:1 /WIMBoot

Step 4

Use DISM to install signed SVBus drivers (download from tinybit's post (here). Edit path to the unsigned drivers.
dism.exe /image:W: /Add-driver /Driver:D:\SVBus_signed\svbus.inf /ForceUnsigned
Note - using the signed drivers makes life easier as running Windows from an SVBus RAM Disk or File backed disk does not require any editing of the BCD store or running in test Mode. If using the unsigned drivers you will need to edit the BCD store to enable test mode and will also need to Disable Driver Signing when installing the driver files.

Step 5

Create boot files by running the following command -
bcdboot W:\windows /s W: /f BIOS

Step 6

Create grub4dos menu.lst. Add the following entries. Edit to reflect your own system. Mine only had one drive at the time of testing.
title SVBus Test (win81wimboot.vhd) - RAMDISK
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /win81wimboot.vhd
map --mem /win81wimboot.vhd (hd0)
map (hd0) (hd1)
map --hook
root (hd0,0)
chainloader /bootmgr

title SVBus Test (win81wimboot.vhd) - FILEDISK
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /win81wimboot.vhd
map /win81wimboot.vhd (hd0)
map (hd0) (hd1)
map --hook
root (hd0,0)
chainloader /bootmgr
Please note that running these entries from the Grub4dos commandline is recommended for trouble shooting purposes.

Boot Grub4dos and keep selecting the SVBus Test (win81wimboot.vhd) - FILEDISK menu option until Windows has finished installing. As install.wim was used as a base for the WIMBoot compatible .wim file (win81wimboot.wim) created in Step 1, you are effectively running a Sysprepped Windows and completing the installation.

Disable hibernate after completing the installation.

I previously tested Windows 8.1 Update - disk usage was around 1.5 GiB used space following the installation of Windows.

I'm writing this on a Windows 10 (1607) system booted from a RAM Disk. This was installed using the same procedure documented above - with a newer DISM used for step 4 (use GetWaikTools). Used disk space is 4 GiB on this system due to Windows 10 automatically downloading loads of sh!t that I didn't really need.


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#54 alacran


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Posted 18 June 2019 - 06:06 AM

And you can make your Wimboot VHD very much smaller if you compress it with LZ4, and also make it load to Ram faster, this only apply to fixed size VHDs, expandable VHDs do not work with this approach.


LZ4 Compressor: http://reboot.pro/to...lz4-compressor/


Last version of grub4dos I'm using so far is: http://grub4dos.chen....6a-2019-05-12/


There are 3 newer versions but haven tested them.


You may use entries like this on menu.lst when booting from internal HD and your WB.vhd.lz4 is located on internal disk:


title 10x64-WB.vhd.lz4 - SVBus RAMDISK - 1536 MB Max. - map as (hd) for WIMBOOT
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /10x64-WB.vhd.lz4
map --top --mem /10x64-WB.vhd.lz4 (hd)
map --hook
root (hd-1,0)
chainloader /bootmgr


You may use entries like this on menu.lst when booting from USB and your WB.vhd.lz4 is located on USB:


# Single partition USB


iftitle [if exist (hd0,0)/10x64-WB.vhd.lz4] (hd0,0)/10x64-WB.vhd.lz4 - SVBus  RAMDISK  - 2048 MB - map for WIMBOOT
map --top --mem (hd0,0)/10x64-WB.vhd.lz4 (hd-1)
map --hook
root (hd-1,0)
chainloader /bootmgr


# 2 partitions USB

iftitle [if exist (hd0,1)/10x64-WB.vhd.lz4] (hd0,1)/10x64-WB.vhd.lz4 - SVBus  FILEDISK - 2048 MB - map for WIMBOOT
map --top --mem (hd0,1)/10x64-WB.vhd.lz4 (hd-1)
map --hook
root (hd-1,0)
chainloader /bootmgr



#55 alacran


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Posted 18 June 2019 - 06:29 AM

Previous post was edited because I comment some mistakes during copy paste.


And forgot to comment WinNTSetup also has an option to add drivers on botton left corner, and making a right click you can select forceunsigned option too.


EDIT: I already asked JFX for more info here: https://msfn.org/boa...comment=1166244


EDIT: Quoted for your convenience JFX answer here: https://msfn.org/boa...comment=1166258



Hi alacran,

1) Yes, that's all. Just select the drivers folder and use right click on checkbox to change the unsigned option.

2) Should look like this https://imgur.com/X8Zgd8V for 3 seconds

3) Yes, it just passed the ForceUnsigned parameter to Dism

4) Windows 7 and newer

5) It set testsigning in BCD


About 5) It set testsigning in BCD you may disable testsigning option on BCD using BootIce.



#56 misty


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Posted 18 June 2019 - 07:05 AM

And you can make your Wimboot VHD very much smaller if you compress it with LZ4, and also make it load to Ram faster, this only apply to fixed size VHDs, expandable VHDs do not work with this approach.....

Very useful info as usual :thumbsup:

Usage where this may not be advisable is when changes need to be made to the base. Having the option to revert to a filedisk boot to make persistent changes is very useful - rather than having to decompress the .vhd.lz4 file to then make changes and then recompress it.

If I didn't now have a beast of a system with 32 GiB of RAM then I'd probably be experimenting a bit more!


#57 alacran


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Posted 18 June 2019 - 02:08 PM

Very useful info as usual :thumbsup:

Usage where this may not be advisable is when changes need to be made to the base. Having the option to revert to a filedisk boot to make persistent changes is very useful - rather than having to decompress the .vhd.lz4 file to then make changes and then recompress it.

If I didn't now have a beast of a system with 32 GiB of RAM then I'd probably be experimenting a bit more!



LZ4 Compression is not recomendable to use if frecuent changes on the OS are planed.


To be fair wimboot (started with 8.1U1 as you allready know) is actually close to deprecated by MS because any change (update) to OS is saved outside the source.wim, making the install grow very fast, then on 10 they implemented the Compact option (I'm also aware you know it), but this is not so useful for Ramboot (on low Ram PCs) as a Compact VHD will be allways bigger than a Wimboot VHD.


IMHO, for me the idea of making a vhd.lz4 is use it as we use a WinPE, but booting from a full OS and not from a castrated OS.



#58 antonino61


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Posted 19 June 2019 - 12:03 PM

the os is not castrated as long as temporary files have enough room.

As for wimboot's leaving changes to the os outside the wim instead of letting the wim acquire them, do u know of any other vhd+wim combo that enables wim change retention?


#59 misty


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Posted 19 June 2019 - 12:52 PM

After playing around with SVBus over the past few days I would like to share my preferred method for installing Windows 8.1 to a virtual disk image - this method should apply to all Windows NT 10.* (Windows 10) and Windows NT 6.* systems (including Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 - with the possible exception of Vista).

All of the examples in the SVBus ReadMe.txt state that you will need a "Computer with a blank HDD or SSD". I would argue that most users are likely to be testing this as a dual/multiboot setup, with Windows already installed. Assuming this is the case then these instructions can be used if Windows NT 6.*/10.* is already installed (excluding Windows Vista as it does not include VHD support). The following instructions use native tools. Alternatively you can use WinPE 3.* or newer to carry out the tasks documented below.

64-bit source files were used. 32-bit sources should work with the same instructions - Driver signing is not required for 32-bit Windows.
NOTE - the disk image created below must be contiguous. If the file is fragmented then Grub4dos will not be able to map it as a file backed disk

Install Grub4dos

Install Grub4dos by adding an entry (for grldr.mbr) to the existing system BCD store. As you may not have access to the partition containing boot files, the example below hardcodes the path to grldr.mbr using device partition=. In this example batch file, the path is C:\grldr.mbr. Ensure that grldr.mbr is in this path or amend the batch file accordingly (the full path is a combination of device + path in the script) -
@echo off
for /f "tokens=2 delims={}" %%g in ('bcdedit.exe /create /application bootsector') do set guid={%%g}
bcdedit.exe /set %guid% device partition=C:
bcdedit.exe /set %guid% path \grldr.mbr
bcdedit.exe /set %guid% description "Grub4dos"
bcdedit.exe /displayorder %guid% /addlast
Second example using the /store command to specify a BCD store (useful if using WinPE for these tasks and targeting an offline system)
@echo off
for /f "tokens=2 delims={}" %%g in ('bcdedit.exe /store %BCDSTORE% /create /application bootsector') do set guid={%%g}
bcdedit.exe /store %BCDSTORE% /set %guid% device partition=C:
bcdedit.exe /store %BCDSTORE% /set %guid% path \grldr.mbr
bcdedit.exe /store %BCDSTORE% /set %guid% description "Grub4dos"
bcdedit.exe /store %BCDSTORE% /displayorder %guid% /addlast
Copy the Grub4dos file grldr to the root of a partition (filesystem must be FAT12/16/32/NTFS). Also create a configuration file menu.lst at the root of a supported partition - use the same partition as grldr.

Create vhd file

Run the following commands in Diskpart (adjust size, path and mount point to your needs - in the example below the vhd will be 15 GiB in size (maximum=15360)) -
create vdisk file=D:\windows.vhd type=fixed maximum=15360
attach vdisk
create partition primary
format fs=ntfs quick
assign letter=W

Apply Windows files

Use DISM to apply the contents of install.wim (E:\sources\install.wim) to the mounted VHD file (mount point W assigned in the preceding step). Adjust image/index number as required -
Dism /Apply-Image /ImageFile:E:\sources\install.wim /ApplyDir:W:\ /Index:1 /WIMBoot
Alternatively use wimlib -
wimlib-imagex apply E:\sources\install.wim W:

Install SVBus

Use DISM (adjust path to svbus.inf). Note the use of /ForceUnsigned on 64-bit Windows (the /ForceUnsigned parameter is not required if the source is 32-bit) -
dism.exe /image:W: /Add-driver /Driver:D:\SVBus\svbus.inf /ForceUnsigned
NOTE - If installing SVBus post Windows installation (e.g. in an existing Native Boot VHD setup) then you will need to use the Advanced Options (F8) menu during boot and "Disable Driver Signature Enforcement" (applies to 64-bit only - and to signed and unsigned version of the SVBus driver).

Create boot files

Use bcdboot -
bcdboot W:\Windows /s W: /f BIOS

Modify BCD Store

This step is not required if booting a 32-bit Windows or using yamingw's signed SVBus drivers from tinybit's post (here).

As DISM was used to install the unsigned SVBus driver, the only modification required is enabling testsigning -
bcdedit /store W:\boot\BCD /set {default} testsigning on

Detach vhd file

Run the following commands in Diskpart -
select vdisk file=D:\windows.vhd
detach vdisk

menu.lst entry

This is my entry for a system with one disk. You may need to adjust this if you have more than one disk on the system.
title windows.vhd - SVBus RAMDISK
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /windows.vhd
map --top --mem /windows.vhd (hd0)
map (hd0) (hd1)
map --hook
root (hd0,0)
chainloader /bootmgr

title windows.vhd - SVBus FILEDISK
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /windows.vhd
map /windows.vhd (hd0)
map (hd0) (hd1)
map --hook
root (hd0,0)
chainloader /bootmgr

Boot the disk image

Simply reboot the system, select menu entry Grub4dos (in the Windows boot menu) and then select the windows.vhd - SVBus FILEDISK entry in the Grub4dos menu. Repeat following the multiple reboots that take place during the installation, until the Windows installation has completed.

After fully completing the Windows installation using the windows.vhd - SVBus FILEDISK menu option, you can test the windows.vhd - SVBus RAMDISK option providing that you have enough RAM to load the image.


If you do not want to mess around installing grub4dos to you internal drive then you may be able to install and boot it from a USB thumb drive or CD.

Using DISM to install the svbus driver may fail if the DISM version being used is older than the Windows target. I was not able to use Windows 8.1 DISM to install svbus to a Windows 10 target, however I was able to use Windows 10 DISM to install svbus to a Windows 8.1 target. JFX's GetWaikTools can be used to download different DISM versions. No installation is required for GetWaikTools or DISM - Simply use the downloaded DISM in your path (e.g. run "D:\GetWaikTools\DISM.exe /image:W: /Add-driver /Driver:D:\SVBus\svbus.inf /ForceUnsigned").




#60 misty


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Posted 19 June 2019 - 02:49 PM

...I want to add SVBus to the WIM so that it becomes a part of the OS even on a clean install. I see on the first page of this thread that instructions have been provided for injecting the SVBus drivers into a WIM. But what about the Registry entries? Are they even necessary? That seems partly covered too, but the instructions are for a 32 bit/x86 WinPE. I'm trying to use this with an installed Windows, not a PE.

Is it required to run Windows 10 x64 in Test Signing mode if SVBus is to be used? If so then it is unsuitable for my purposes. There seems to be an attachment for a signed driver posted on the first page, but Windows refuses to install it when right clicking on the inf....

I appear to have gone off on a tangent and didn't really answer your question properly.

Ignore the manual intergration of the SVBus drivers and registry entries (in post #6) and use DISM.

If you already have a .wim file then the best method of intergrating SVBus is to use DISM to mount the wim/image as writable > use DISM to install the signed driver to the mounted offline image > unmount the image and commit changes.

Testsigning mode is not required for the signed drivers. It is for the unsigned drivers.

To install either the signed or unsigned drivers in a running Windows 64-bit, you will need to use the F8 Disable Driver Signature Enforcement at boot.



#61 misty


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Posted 29 June 2019 - 07:47 AM

Draft SVBus document available http://mistyprojects...ocuments/SVBus/

The bulk of the document covers relevant topics including GRUB4DOS usage and DiskPart usage/commands.

Feedback welcome. This is a first draft. I'm not interested in grammar or spelling mistakes at this stage.



#62 wimb


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Posted 29 June 2019 - 08:09 AM

Draft SVBus document available http://mistyprojects...ocuments/SVBus/


Thanks for this interesting document that contains a lot of useful info with nice screenshots.


In the Contents the last two Links are Not OK

- TXTSETUP.OEM section is not found - Link should be http://mistyprojects...txtsetupoem.htm

- Add Hardware Wizard refers to Content instead of section on that subject - Link should be http://mistyprojects...iles/hdwwiz.htm


If I may, the blue lettering in the Content is not so good for visibility, especially at Zoom 100% letters are rather small and black would be better.

But Zoom 150% gives a good readable document.

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#63 misty


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Posted 29 June 2019 - 09:01 AM

Thanks for this interesting document that contains a lot of useful info with nice screenshots.

Thank you for having a look and taking the time to feedback.

In the Contents the last two Links are Not OK
- TXTSETUP.OEM section is not found - Link should be http://mistyprojects...txtsetupoem.htm
- Add Hardware Wizard refers to Content instead of section on that subject - Link should be http://mistyprojects...iles/hdwwiz.htm

:thumbsup: - fixed.

If I may, the blue lettering in the Content is not so good for visibility, especially at Zoom 100% letters are rather small and black would be better.
But Zoom 150% gives a good readable document.

Font changed to black and increased from 11px to 13px.



P.s. You may need to refresh your browser cache.

#64 misty


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Posted 29 June 2019 - 09:02 AM

BTW, the GRUB4DOS pages have been adapted from previous work here

#65 wimb


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Posted 29 June 2019 - 09:31 AM

Good improvement.


Thanks for fixing the Links  :thumbsup:

#66 alacran


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Posted 29 June 2019 - 12:53 PM

Nice work as allways misty.


I would like to comment something:


On section Introduction >>> Requirements >>> GRUB4DOS - Download GRUB4DOS from the http://grub4dos.chenall.net/ site - version 0.4.5c-2016-01-18 was used during testing.


I think it is better to recommend grub4dos 0.46a last version grub4dos-0.4.6a-2019-06-17.7z 520K (JFYI on 2019-03-25 the ability to Ramboot expandable VHDs was restored).




- v 0.45c in not under development anymore since Dec/2016.

- No more unfragmented files requirement for filebooting/diskbooting an Iso, ima, img or VHD, etc.

- Capable to Ramboot expandable VHDs.

- Capable to Ramboot from LZ4 compressed files.


There are many other new/improved features (as embedded USB drivers) but previous four seems to me the more relevant and related to this thread.



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#67 misty


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Posted 01 July 2019 - 04:41 PM

Nice work as allways misty.

And thank you, as always, for your kind words.

I would like to comment something:
On section Introduction >>> Requirements >>> GRUB4DOS - Download GRUB4DOS from the http://grub4dos.chenall.net/ site - version 0.4.5c-2016-01-18 was used during testing.
I think it is better to recommend grub4dos 0.46a last version grub4dos-0.4.6a-2019-06-17.7z 520K (JFYI on 2019-03-25 the ability to Ramboot expandable VHDs was restored).
- v 0.45c in not under development anymore since Dec/2016.
- No more unfragmented files requirement for filebooting/diskbooting an Iso, ima, img or VHD, etc.
- Capable to Ramboot expandable VHDs.
- Capable to Ramboot from LZ4 compressed files.
There are many other new/improved features (as embedded USB drivers) but previous four seems to me the more relevant and related to this thread.

And thank you for this information. I am way out of touch with GRUB4DOS development and haven't kept track of changes. I will incorporate this information into the next draft.


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#68 alacran


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Posted 01 July 2019 - 07:18 PM

I want to add a comment about:


- No more unfragmented files requirement for filebooting/diskbooting an Iso, ima, img or VHD, etc.


I have filebooted/diskbooted files with many fragments (62 is the higest number I remember) without issues, but i noticed a little delate during booting (obvious since it was booting from HDD), I am sure when booting from a SS device this should not be a problem.


Then even if contiguous files is not a requirement anymore, I think it is not a bad idea to defragment files when they are located on HDDs if you care about booting time.



#69 0xDEAD10CC

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Posted 13 July 2019 - 11:18 AM

I think it is better to recommend grub4dos 0.46a last version grub4dos-0.4.6a-2019-06-17.7z 520K


It's unavailable for download. While the link is present at grub4dos.chenall.net/downloads/grub4dos-0.4.6a-2019-06-17 page, any access to it results in 403 Forbidden.


#70 wimb


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Posted 13 July 2019 - 11:43 AM

Indeed the Grub4dos download Links just now don't work, but  ....


That version of Grub4dos is also available in makebt folder of VHD_WIMBOOT

#71 antonino61


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Posted 13 July 2019 - 10:25 PM

long live wimb the flying dutchman!!! ... well, and the rest of the crew as well!!!

#72 alacran


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Posted 13 July 2019 - 11:30 PM


It's unavailable for download. While the link is present at grub4dos.chenall.net/downloads/grub4dos-0.4.6a-2019-06-17 page, any access to it results in 403 Forbidden.




Also tried to download the previous version and result is the same, something must be wrong on that page/server.


Hope they fix it soon.



#73 Guest_AnonVendetta_*

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Posted 18 July 2019 - 11:17 PM

So, today my Kaspersky Total Security 2019 is claiming that svbusx64.sys is a rootkit:


I doubt this is the case, probably just a false positive. But it could be the digitally signed SVBus that someone here uploaded from that other forum. Anyone else getting a malware notification?

Results for original svbus from VirusTotal:


Results for signed svbus from VirusTotal:


In the first result there are only undetected results, so basically inconclusive. But in the second result 9 AVs are saying there is malware.

Edit: Even though I'm not sure if the signed driver is malware, I've decided to remove it from my system anyway. Maybe it is triggering a false positive because it is involved in the bootup process. On the other hand, simply adding a signature shouldn't be harmful, so maybe the driver really has been maliciously tampered with. And...the signed driver was sourced from what appears to be an Asian (Chinese?) forum. Detection by 9+ AVs is highly suspicious.

I think the best way to test would be to:
1. Install clean Windows 10 from official ISO into a VM
2. Disable anything in the OS that might try to make an outbound connection (updates etc)
3. Install signed SVBUS and a software firewall
4. Exclude connections to Microsoft as normal behavior, since we know W10 will do this anyway.
5. Monitor connections to non-MS IPs with Wireshark etc.
6. Disable/enable the VM's network adapters to see if results are consistent

If the signed driver really is a rootkit/bootkit/trojan, then the proof will be in the pudding.

#74 alacran


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Posted 19 July 2019 - 08:22 PM

Also tried to download the previous version and result is the same, something must be wrong on that page/server.


Hope they fix it soon.




Link working fine now, this is the newest very last version of grub4dos is: http://grub4dos.chen....6a-2019-07-16/



#75 antonino61


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Posted 20 July 2019 - 12:07 AM

link pointing to an indefinitely blank page

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: svbus, virtual scsi host adapter, grub4dos

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