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Gotcha! Data Backup

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#51 Siginet


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 05:56 PM

New version is now online.  You can download the standalone portable executable or the .Script file...


GotchaBACKUP.exe  or  Gotcha!.Script

#52 Rootman


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Posted 13 July 2018 - 01:32 PM

Wow, I've used this for years and now all of a sudden I get an error when running the restore.  

Line 974 (File "C:\test\Gotcha\GatchaRESTORE.exe"):
Error: Variable used without being declared. 

The author has seemingly moved on.  His website is a mess.  I slipped him a few bucks years ago because this is such a useful app.


Anyone have something like it?  Or know a fix.   

#53 Siginet


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Posted 13 July 2018 - 03:39 PM

I'm still around. ;)  Just not very active anymore.  That's odd that you're getting an issue like that during the restore process.  At what point in the restore does the error pop up? You can narrow it down by unselecting certain options. Once we figure out what portion we can hopefully determine what's causing the bug.


As for the site...  I never actually created a site for Gotcha Data Backup.  I just had it uploaded somewhere temporarily during the development.  But unfortunately that site was attacked by a hacker a while back.  So I ended up taking that site down since I did not have the time to deal with it.


You can get the latest version of Gotcha here:


I haven't done any development on it in quite a while.  But if there is enough interest in it still... please have users reply to this thread and I'll continue to develop it.  The problem with developing is not getting enough feedback from users.  This is a very powerful tool. I use it a lot myself.  But when I don't get any feedback I tend to move onto other projects. ;)

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#54 Brito


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Posted 13 July 2018 - 03:47 PM

Hi Siginet,


Maybe I can suggest to upload your tool to http://reboot.pro/fi...tegory/2-tools/ ?


This way it has a web page and you can follow the download count. Also, when you have a new version I can announce it on the mailing list since this tool does deserve more attention across the community.



#55 Siginet


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Posted 13 July 2018 - 04:43 PM

Sounds like a great idea!  Thanks.  I'll upload it there. As well as the latest version I have of Uninfector.

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#56 Siginet


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Posted 13 July 2018 - 05:44 PM

Hi Siginet,


Maybe I can suggest to upload your tool to http://reboot.pro/fi...tegory/2-tools/ ?


This way it has a web page and you can follow the download count. Also, when you have a new version I can announce it on the mailing list since this tool does deserve more attention across the community.



There seems to be an issue with the upload.  I keep getting a message that my file size is too big.  But the GotchaDATA.exe is only about 2.5MB. It looks like the limit is supposed to be about 10MB.

#57 Brito


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Posted 13 July 2018 - 09:05 PM

It should be. I've checked the settings and was about 9.4MB.

Maybe some filter is responsible but .exe files should be permitted. How about trying to upload as zip file? This might be an issue with our server.

In alternative, you can simply provide a link to the file on a different server and should work too.


#58 Siginet


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Posted 13 July 2018 - 09:53 PM

I did it from my link. So it's up now. I tried to upload a zip file as well but it failed. Tried in chrome and edge browser. No upload seems to work for me. But link was fine. Maybe the limit is set in the php.ini at the server? Thanks Nuno!

#59 Rootman


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Posted 13 July 2018 - 10:08 PM

I'm still around. ;)  Just not very active anymore.  That's odd that you're getting an issue like that during the restore process.  At what point in the restore does the error pop up? You can narrow it down by unselecting certain options. Once we figure out what portion we can hopefully determine what's causing the bug.


As for the site...  I never actually created a site for Gotcha Data Backup.  I just had it uploaded somewhere temporarily during the development.  But unfortunately that site was attacked by a hacker a while back.  So I ended up taking that site down since I did not have the time to deal with it.


You can get the latest version of Gotcha here:


I haven't done any development on it in quite a while.  But if there is enough interest in it still... please have users reply to this thread and I'll continue to develop it.  The problem with developing is not getting enough feedback from users.  This is a very powerful tool. I use it a lot myself.  But when I don't get any feedback I tend to move onto other projects. ;)


I grabbed the new version from your link. At work Symantec Endpoint protection, and at home AVG antivirus delete it immediately stating they are infected.  AVG says it's infected with FileRepMetagen.  I can put in an exception at home, but can't at work.  I've had issues with other autoit scripts too. 


The error occurs seconds after starting the restore.  It looks like it partially restores the desktop and bails.  I'll try and do the selection trials Monday when I return to work.  Thanks for responding! 

#60 alacran


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Posted 14 July 2018 - 12:56 AM

I grabbed the new version from your link. At work Symantec Endpoint protection, and at home AVG antivirus delete it immediately stating they are infected.  AVG says it's infected with FileRepMetagen.  I can put in an exception at home, but can't at work.  I've had issues with other autoit scripts too.


New updated thread: http://reboot.pro/to...ha-data-backup/


Re-download from here: http://reboot.pro/fi...ha-data-backup/


And see this post: http://reboot.pro/to...up/#entry207250, no more false positive on Avast AV.


and this: http://reboot.pro/to...up/#entry207251




#61 Siginet


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Posted 14 July 2018 - 01:36 AM

I grabbed the new version from your link. At work Symantec Endpoint protection, and at home AVG antivirus delete it immediately stating they are infected.  AVG says it's infected with FileRepMetagen.  I can put in an exception at home, but can't at work.  I've had issues with other autoit scripts too. 
The error occurs seconds after starting the restore.  It looks like it partially restores the desktop and bails.  I'll try and do the selection trials Monday when I return to work.  Thanks for responding!

Yes. Please follow the link alacran posted. I have released a new version of the file. I have not created a new script for compiling it with WinPE just yet. But you can simply replace it in the WinPE with the new file.

Also... I accidentally released the older version earlier today. So if you did download it before I fixed it please redownload and make sure it is version 17.x.x.x. This new version is compiled with a digital signature that should not be flagged by most antiviruses. But there is always a chance they still will. If your AV does flag it please submit it to them as a false positive so they can whitelist it. I would really appreciate it. Hopefully there isn't much of an issue with false positives anymore though.
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#62 Rootman


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 11:52 AM

The new version now does NOT make AV complain.


I tried it on a PC this morning and still had the same issue with the error.  Although now a different line.


I tried each individual selection under the user and they all completed OK separatly.  When I pick the entire profile it fails with this error now on the BACKUP portion of the operation, previously it was during the restore.

Autoit Error
Line 21683 (Fil "D:\GotchaBackup\GotchaBACKUP.exe"):

Error: Subscript used in non accessible variable.

Your PayPal links in the program or also broken. I'd like to send you a donation for this utility.  IM me the details and I will take care of it. 


#63 Siginet


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 12:36 PM

Hmmm... very odd. When it crashes during the backup portion. Is it during the desktop backup? If it is... it could be an issue with the internet browser shortcut scanning.If you have any internet browsers please check the properties of each of them and see if it is trying to run any of them with parameters. If it is... please send me info on the exact command it is trying t ok run. Unfortunately in autoit the error line is not much help on the compiled exe. I wish it was. But it's only useful when testing the source code.

I had no idea the donation link was down. Thanks for letting me know. I will fix that in the next version as well.

#64 Rootman


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 01:15 PM

It appears it's on the Checking Desktop LNK portion of the desktop.  Strange that it goes OK when done individually. It DOES warn about some links when doing the individual portions, but completes when doing the desktop by itself.  I'll work with it dome more on different profiles and let you know.


The PayPal button appears to be is broken on the app, however the donation reminder pop up DOES work.  I've given you another donation this morning, I wish it could be 10x as much, this app is so useful. 

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#65 Siginet


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 01:57 PM

It appears it's on the Checking Desktop LNK portion of the desktop.  Strange that it goes OK when done individually. It DOES warn about some links when doing the individual portions, but completes when doing the desktop by itself.  I'll work with it dome more on different profiles and let you know.


The PayPal button appears to be is broken on the app, however the donation reminder pop up DOES work.  I've given you another donation this morning, I wish it could be 10x as much, this app is so useful. 

Thank you for the donation!  It helps a lot!  It allows me to give my wife a reason to allow me to keep coding too! LOL!


As for the donate button not working.  It seems to be working for me.  What exactly does it do for you?  Is it not clickable at all or does it send you to a blank page or broken link?  Are you running it within WinPE or on a live system?


As for the shortcut scanning... I am not seeing anything in my code that looks wrong. Except I didn't add an error check when it gets the shortcut details.  I suppose if you have a blank shortcut it could possibly be causing the error. So I'll add error checking there.  It is very odd that the issue only happens when everything is selected. Because the code does not seem to be written in a way that should make a difference.  But I'll keep looking.


Thanks for the info!  It makes it much easier to catch any bugs when users give me input. :)

#66 Rootman


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 02:05 PM

Clicking the button opens the default browser to: http://www.support.s...tsoftware.com/ I've tried it on my corporate LAN as well as an outside line.  I may have been using an older version of the app this morning to do the donation, the popup donation dialog's link even fails fro me now.


In the page it reads: 

This page isn’t working
www.support.siginetsoftware.com didn’t send any data.

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