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[PortableApps] The only Portable Application Maker

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#51 TheHive


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Posted 12 November 2008 - 05:55 AM

Hi all :cheers: ,

Allo Allo Allo! Whats all this then???

Altiris® Software Virtualization Solution™ (SVS™) is a new way to use software. By placing applications and data into managed units called Virtual Software Packages™ (VSPs™), SVS allows you to instantly activate, deactivate, or reset applications, to completely avoid conflicts between applications, and to remove them cleanly without altering the base Windows installation. Say goodbye to "DLL Hell" and "Registry Rot". Getting apps and data into VSP's is simple with an included tool. See the offical product page for the full details.

Anyone had any experience with it??? :cheers: or :cheers:

ispy :cheers:

Didnt know about the addon. But the program was mention back in 07


My testing results

I would like it to be turned into a Script if anyone has the ability to do it.
There was an attempt to create a BartPE XPE plugin by trax but he didnt seem to get a final plugin.

#52 ispy


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Posted 12 November 2008 - 07:43 AM

Many Thanks :cheers: ,

Many thanks TheHive for your feedback & the best bit of your reply is this:


I am kinder pleased that jaclaz has already found this it lets me off the hook somewhat!!!

This also looks interesting as I personally use Internet explorer:
This VirtualIE tool automates the setup for you. Simply download the ZIP file, extract the files and run install.cmd. This copies a script to your computer that runs Internet Explorer from an SVS layer; plus, it places an icon on the "All Users" desktop that users in your company can click to run the virtualized version of Internet Explorer.


None-the-less it is another way of achieving a similair end result?



ispy :cheers:

#53 sanbarrow


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Posted 12 November 2008 - 01:48 PM

Can anybody explain why a tool like Thinapp would make sense on a LiveCD - especially on the naked winbuilder-LiveCDs?

Usually you are the first to complain about big bloated apps - consider 2 dotnet2 based Thinapp packages - both having all dotnet2 related files and dependancies embedded = thats a big waste ...


#54 ispy


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Posted 12 November 2008 - 07:03 PM

Hi sandbarrow :cheers: ,

I'm not sure if we are talking at cross purposes here, I seem to be missing something???

Usually you are the first to complain about big bloated apps - consider 2 dotnet2 based Thinapp packages - both having all dotnet2 related files and dependencies embedded = thats a big waste ...

I think we are talking about the various options that are currently available, not about necessarily making a clone of Thinapp, I think what we are talking about is basically conceptual i.e Thinapp, sandboxie SVS even snap shotting the registry/&files before & after etc are being discussed, the virtues the pro's & Cons evaluation so to speak.

Indeed, big bloated apps too many are not desirable, but others have a different perspective or may just want an ad hoc gizmo here and there, I suppose the point is furnishing choice. Some say that Thinapp portables do not mix favorably with PE environments but that is here-say unless someone would like to correct me?

In some respects it is difficult to advocate Thinapp Portables because my suspicion is that most will fall under the umbrella of warez, who can afford the price tag of progeys like Thinapp & yet produce supposed Freeware portable programs but if we produced something similar and it was freeware there would be no need to breach copyright & a freeware option would have the knock on effect of forcing the commercial variants in a downward direction! As it is there is no competition & I include cartel arrangements also between commercial companies, however I could be wrong as I very often am?

Question, are we (sometime) in the future going to write a portable software maker to serve the needs of Winbuilder i.e Job specific?
or is the portable program maker going to be for mainstream portables?
Does it need to serve both maybe, or do you create two different variants?
We have discussed a few of the current ways/methods that others commercial & otherwise which will have their own inherent Pro's & Cons
Are we going to exclude the idea that dotnet is taboo or design the development with all inclusive attributes in mind thus increasing choice! Don't Bloat but if you must its there - Philosophy?
I don't think (& correct me if I am wrong?) but "Thinapp" does not really care whether the progey is dotnet based or not, but the "Thinapp" way could be excluded by virtue of certain incompatibilities?

I suppose what it boils down to is what do you want it to do, what are your expectations & how do you realize those expectations within the resources that will be available, these are questions for a development team or individual. Under the umbrella of What have we got, what do we need & how do we achieve it, is within the criteria of planning &/or procurement! & the most important answer to come out of questions like this, "Is it feasible?"

I think we have to be realistic it is not going to be a push over unless as MedEvil states, "we are into toy manufacture" all the necessary disciplines (whatever they are need to be Jelled together) so that the eventual finished product will hopefully be a viable alternative to Thinapp Sandboxie SVS etc etc Dependant on which route you/we all eventually decide to take.

However it does not hurt to talk & discuss & do research IF that is the consensus & most people want to get on board & take the bull by the horns & "Go 4 IT"

Any other Business?

Regards & Respect,

ispy :cheers:

#55 was_jaclaz



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Posted 12 November 2008 - 08:33 PM

ispy :cheers:,
the points some of us are trying to make (as "opposed" :cheers: to your "make portable everything" obsession) can be probably resumed in two points:
1) we like small, lean, fast anything
2) any app made "portable" by wrappers of ANY kind usually either increase (in some cases sensibly) the size or introduce a layer of compression that slows things, things greatly worsen when a number of "bad" apps as defined below are concurrently put on the system, EACH app will duplicate (unneededly) a number of files

Generally (I am talking about Freeware and possibly Open Source) programs can be roughly divided in "good", "not so bad" and "bad":
1) most "good" apps are "inherently portable" as the Author was smart enough to write something that needs NO entries in the Registry and NO (or just a few - and in that case only to "base" .dll's)
2) a number of "not so bad" apps are "almost inherently portable" because the Author, caught by a delirium of omnipresence :cheers:, incuded in them a couple of(completely unneeded) writes to the Registry
3) a number of "bad" apps are not only "Registry hungry" but need runtimes, or an enormous number of dependencies like a 3 Mb DLL to use just one single stupid function of it

1) are already OK
2) can be made by finding some (hopefully simple) way to "trick" them into leaving the Registry alone, or write to a fake Registry or write to the Registry and then restore it as before
3) are not worth the time, it would probably be easier and faster to re-write decently the app

Particularly, .Net apps can ONLY be justified on a system on which ANYWAY .Net need to be installed/present (to support some kind of Commercial software - "bad" as well - that uses it).

And as said Commercial apps are an alltogether thing, as the border with Warez or more correctly with facilitating the circumventing of EULA's and unauthorized use/install could become really thin.


#56 ispy


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Posted 12 November 2008 - 09:18 PM

Hi Jaclaz :cheers: ,

(as "opposed" to your "make portable everything" obsession)

Am I coming across as obsessive, compulsive yes, but surely not obsessive LOL!!! :cheers:


ispy :cheers:

#57 pscEx


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Posted 12 November 2008 - 09:24 PM

Can somebody translate the sence of the last posts to German or at least to an understandable English?

Peter :cheers:

#58 billonious


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Posted 12 November 2008 - 09:48 PM

peter, it is too late to explain this six-dimension quantum-confused discussion. Try tomorrow morning , with steven hawking's guide to quantum-englizzzz. :cheers: Quantum-english is the phenomenon in which you cannot specify exactly what the other means any time or any way even if you know what he is saying. :cheers:

#59 ispy


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Posted 12 November 2008 - 09:54 PM

Hi Peter :cheers:

Right I'm going to have some fun with you now mr smarty pants! :cheers:

Can somebody translate the sence of the last posts to German or at lease to an understandable English?

reply: Can somebody translate the sentence of the last post to English or at least to understandable English!
or if you would prefer

"Bin ich als nächsten in obsessive, zwanghaften ja, aber sicher nicht obsessive" = Am I coming across as obsessive, compulsive yes, but surely not obsessive

The gospel according to Google translation :cheers:
LOL = Laughs out loud or "Lacht laut" or "LL" in German :cheers:

Peter, intended as a humorous response to Jaclaz

All the Best,

ispy :cheers:

P.S. billonious LOLOL Excellant response!!!

#60 pscEx


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Posted 12 November 2008 - 10:00 PM

billonious :cheers:

ispy :cheers:

Both :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:


#61 sanbarrow


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Posted 12 November 2008 - 10:12 PM

Hi Ispy

I tried Thinapp running on top of BartPE (MOA) and it is indeed a nice tool. I just think it does not make much sense on LiveCDs.
Thinapp is great in scenarios where you need to run several slightly different versions of one app - like in a CAD-design office you may need to run AutoCAD 2004 and AutoCAD 2006 at the same time. Usually this would be impossible but with those apps packed with Thinapp it works.
Thinapp is also nice in company scenarios where user-accounts are strictly limited following company policies.

In LiveCDs something like that is not really required. Most of the times you do not need several versions of one app and usually you are using an account with admin-rights so all the strong points of Thinapp don't count.
In my experience on MOA everything that could be done with Thinapp can as well be done with InstallRite - which is much cheaper ;-)


#62 billonious


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Posted 12 November 2008 - 10:33 PM

agree with sanbarrow. I wonder which is the usability of thinapped apps in livexp/vista projects since any simple portable app bor an executable can run? I mean that thinapped stuff is ciphered. There is no need to make things complex, unless it is done for the honor

Quantum :cheers:

#63 ispy


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Posted 13 November 2008 - 07:41 AM

Hi billonious & sandbarrow :cheers:

So in summary:
I think basically what you are saying is the "Thinapp" approach is a really a bit of an overkill or OTT in respect "portables" for LiveXP/LiveCD's & that the simpler approach is favoured?

1) we like small, lean, fast anything There is no need to make things complex,

In a way it would be handy to put together a checklist of ideas as a foundation stone for the framework of construction using ideas/resources from within Boot-Land should @ a later date we undertake this venture?

All the Best,

ispy :cheers:

#64 was_jaclaz



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Posted 13 November 2008 - 01:21 PM

Peter, intended as a humorous response to Jaclaz

Hmmm, :cheers: I cannot find anything humorous about the word "Peter", if not the common nickname for an unnameable part of the human anatomy, and that would be offensive for psc.


P.S. Hands all those who think I am a self declared/confessed "POO STIRRER"

#65 ispy


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Posted 13 November 2008 - 09:46 PM

Hi all :cheers: ,

Just 4 the shear Be-develment of it!

WinPenPack.com collects some portable applications and makes use of a launcher called X-Launcher that can run almost any application modifying environment settings to make the application portable. Think it as a sandbox or a runtime environment.

X-Launcher enable almost every application to be used from a removable drive. X-Launcher can be easily recompiled to generate personalized launchers for each application.

What I was able to find was X-Launcher. X-Launcher is a nifty little app that allows you to launch just about any application portably - that is, without leaving much of a trace on the host computer.
WinPenPack is an Italian website, but you can get English on most pages by choosing it from the language menu. Nice site and a lot of good software!


X-Launcher itself is an easy to use program, you simply configure the X-launcher.ini file for it and you’re ready to use it. One of the things that really sets X-Launcher apart is the fact that you can have multiple launchers in the same directory. Just rename the X-launcher.ini file and the X-launcher.exe to any name you wish (just as long as both have the same file name) and you can put a second set of exe/ini files with a different set of names in the same directory together. Why would you do this? Well, for one, this allows you to run multiple versions of a program with wildly different configurations.
Normally if you launch a program you can pass it options through command line switches. If you’re using another program to launch the application you want to run, then you don’t usually have the option of passing switches to the second program from the first. With X-Launcher, these switches are built into the configuration file.

JauntPE is "Back" & in production:
Posted Image
I think all we have to do is sit tight others are already on the case, a freeware varient is on its way Tick Tock Tick Tock!

I can now go & get therapy for my "Obsessive/Compulsive" or as the wife puts it repulsive disorder LOL!


ispy :cheers:

#66 sanbarrow


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Posted 13 November 2008 - 11:31 PM

Ispy - thanks for the winpenpack link - thats a nice compilation you can get in one download :cheers:

#67 ispy


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Posted 14 November 2008 - 07:22 AM

Hi Sandbarrow/& retrospectively speaking TheHive :cheers: ,

Your Welcome! N-JOY!

All the Best,

ispy :cheers:

#68 TheHive


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Posted 14 November 2008 - 09:05 AM

Have to try out that winpenpack. Seems to have alot of packages based on youre needs.

#69 Echoadmin

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Posted 06 December 2008 - 10:00 PM

Here...My gift to you..Merry Christmas!!..A portable version of VMWare ThinApp.

Use it in good health :)

#70 ispy


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Posted 10 December 2008 - 11:43 PM

Hi Echoadmin :) ,

Your Very friendly Warez Policeman here! Firstly can I extend a VERY WARM welcome to you on Boot-land! A very Merry Christmas to you also. You have unfortunately fallen into the same trap as me, I will explain if you goto:
You will notice particularly on post #2 paraglider advises that that VMware portable especially made portable with Thinapp is "Warez"
If I am wrong in this observation I will be the first to extend my appologies but I think that paraglider is right & the rules of Boot-land prevent the linkage to Warez I'm afraid Sorry!
The rules explain this in detail to prevent the organisers of this web-site falling foul of the law & thus incur recriminations.

All the very best,

Regards & Respect,

ispy :(

#71 Echoadmin

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Posted 15 March 2009 - 06:48 PM

Are you sure? I was thinking it was open source.......Here is the header from the license

VMware Thinstall 4.0
April 18th, 2008

Sorry if I am wrong!!! If someone has any more info, please post about this being open source or not.

In any event, I apologize, I wouldnt want anything to happen to these forums. Its a great source of info and a great community.

#72 was_jaclaz



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Posted 15 March 2009 - 07:21 PM

I would be however interested in reading the FULL document of which you posted the "header".

This (supposedly) FAQ:

tells another story. :good:

And it ain't gonna be cheap.....:


#73 shahan.rubd

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Posted 29 June 2010 - 08:09 PM

Hello Guys,
Here are the link for VMWare ThinApp.
Thank You all.

#74 Loisi



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Posted 10 August 2010 - 03:30 PM

Hello Shirin Zaban,
as you suggested I use the testversion of latest Thinapp and a testversion of Acronis Diskdirector 11 to build a portable app. I build in Vmware Player in Win7 Home premium. After creating the portable app I run it in the Player where it was built in without any problem. Using the app in my host win7 64bit it starts and displays my disk partitions.
But a simple task like change disklabel halts with the message "disk write error".Any other task stops with disk write error. This is true for any other win7, including Win7PE.
It seems that i miss some files.
Have you any idea?
Thanks in advance.

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