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live repair disk for blind people

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#51 pscEx


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Posted 30 October 2011 - 08:10 PM

With the link I gave you theoretically all of these files should be in the PE.

But there was a bug in xpe-pnp-aio.script which did not copy usbaudio.sys.

I'm doing a new upload to http://nativeex.exec...iPE/multiPE.zip

Finished in about 6 minutes.

When headset does not work in a virtual machine, please try with burned ISO.


#52 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 31 October 2011 - 12:46 PM

Dear syr,
I would like to thank You very much for yours yesterdays programmers work. USB headsets are working from Virtual computer environment, algorithms are so intelligent, that i do not have to add new USB audio device while working with Oracle VM virtual Box application. So i can confirm, that sound is compatible with internal sound emulated chip while using live CD in virtual environment. So You have added USB headsets driver correctly. Isercan use created live CD with USB headsets or with his own sound chip from virtual environment. Unfortunately, USB headsets are not working while using it when booting created live CD from CD without using virtual environment. So there will be very complex programmers issue related to plug and play when plugging USB headsets. Live environment is working with USB, because when i add USB flashdrive when working inside virtual environment, because USB device plugin sound is plaiing. I will let on own programmers decision, if You would try to finish The mission. USB headsets are usable from virtual environemnt, but no without it. I could activate some buttons inside some scripts to enable ful hwpnp ETC, but i do not think, that it would help. So thank You very much. If You will get some new idea, how to force live environment to cooperate with USB headsets when booting from CD without virtual environment.
Thank You for YOurs time. I do not want to make YOu cry, so i will let it on Yours decision.

#53 pscEx


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Posted 31 October 2011 - 01:10 PM

When you boot from Live cd without virtual environment, try whether hwpnp +all helps.


#54 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 31 October 2011 - 05:28 PM

Dear syr, unfortunately, The command
hwpnp +all
Is not helping me. USB headsets are not soft to me and this device do not want to cooperate with me. In virtual environment, it is working without issues.
But i think, that we are very near to The functioning state of this sound device even while using it without virtualisation software.
I will try to check use ful hwpnp and also minimal hwpnp detection, if it will help, but may be, that it is wrong way and it will also not help.
Thank You very much for Yours advices. May be, that we will have to be forced to give it up and Windows XP with NVDA will not work with USB headsets.

#55 pscEx


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Posted 31 October 2011 - 05:41 PM

There might be a different issue:

Most headsets are working with the standard drivers. Is there any audio driver delivered with yout headset? Then we should add it to the build.

The Live CD looks at the host for drivers and uses them. If the host has no XP OS installed, it cannot find a driver.
In Virtual Machine the drivers for the virtual hardware are delivered.

I'm not sure: Do you have sound from the built-in speaker, or is the built-in speaker also mute when booting from CD?

Btw: hwpnp +all means FULL.


#56 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 31 October 2011 - 07:02 PM

Good evening dear Peter.
Unfortunately, also sound cart integrated with The computers is not workork. System is triing to get somethink from NTFS partition with windows XP installed on The host system, harddrive heads are working perfectly, but sound cart is not working. Do You want to make special live CD, which would be able to automatically find The driver from The installed host while running live CD and The project would use The sound device? Oh, it would be ammazing.
So like You have wrought right, sound devices are working perfectly while working with virtualisation programs.
So theoretically, according to Yours project idea, if i would have Windows XP SP3 professional installed on The system, and when i have sound blaster sound cart, Yours project should automatically search The sound blaster driver from The NTFS partition and after it will find The driver, sound blaster would start working?
I have wronl understood Te project goals.
So Yours goal is, that live project would search The drivers automatically after starting The live CD. So theoretically, Yours project would use all sound carts, The condition is only, that drivers will be presented and not corrupted on The installed host system?
Thank You very much.
But eventhough i have tried live build with two computers with Windows XP installed, sound carts are not working.
I AM looking forward to next debugging with You.

#57 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 01 November 2011 - 05:41 PM

Dear Peter
The USB headsets do not contained special driver when i have bought them. The project would contain The following driver files.

Or do You need to have my USB live headsets connected while building The project by using winbuilder.exe? So drivers will be included?
If this device would be directly supported, it would be ammazing.

Because once on my life, one colleague have been very non patient and this woman turned Windows XP hosting computer off by using energy power, she do not had to wait till Windows XP turned The computer off by using software algorithms.
So NTFS file system have been so corrupted, that Windows NT kernel , may be ntfs.sys, routines for mounting The volume have refused to mount The system volume.
So only several modules have been loaded.
I think, that Yours project in this situation would have serious issue to import USB headsets driver from The running host partition.
I Am aware, that best available option for visually impaired system administrators is to use live CDS based on ThE Winbuilder projects. And to enable them to use reliable sound device, USB headsets are according to my opinion ideal device.
Winbuilder project in The combination with this USB audio headsets are The kind of assistive technology for visually impaired users. Because some tasks can not be performed by using other technique.

Do not be afraid, i do not have non realistic wisch, such as supporting so many sound drivers like Ubuntu Linux kernel, so i have started to think about USB headsets.

I think, that supporting one sound device reliably is better than triing to support all devices.

You are ammazing programmer, expert and thank You, that You have been explained how Yours project is using sound drivers after booting from live media.

#58 pscEx


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Posted 01 November 2011 - 07:08 PM

Thank you for all your patience, suggestions etc.

Even if I do not give response to all of your individual report, suggestion, question sentences, be sure:

Your NVDA demands, exceeding the "normal dummy user" requests, are currently my full intense.
When you have a look into my profile:

Interests :What somebody else cannot do.

These are good news:

The USB headsets do not contained special driver when i have bought them.

Tomorrow I get an USB headset, and go trying to reproduce your personal conditions.

When you do not hear any news from me next days, be patient. Maybe it is not so easy to build the project you need.


#59 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 06 November 2011 - 06:01 PM

Dear syr,

Do not think about Me, that I AM not patient, but i would like to valuably ask You, if You have tried to experiment with USB headsets. I know, that it is very probably not easy for You to add USB headsets support without need to relay on Virtual environment or without using drivers from offline XP operating system.
I have some tips for You, which may be can help You.
NaughtyPE project is containing AudioXPE.Script.
This script is containing it's ovn user interface and USB headsets are one of The checkboxes. So one of The supported sound cart.
But user must press special button for creating driver folder and then, user must place The necessary USB headsets drivers to this sub folder.
I will play with it, may be, that You would use some of The code of this script.
By The way, if some NaughtPE users would think, that it is enough to check The checkboxes for The every sound cart inside The user interface of The AudioXPE.Script, this sound cart will not work.
It is necessary to add some driver files.
NVDA can run inside YOurs Multipe when XP source have been specified, this have never been possible before. NVDA could not run from XP based Windows PE environment.

And here is some bonus for You.
You can customize defragmentation script inside Multipe, if it is not allready done, so Microsoft disk defragmenter can work even when Yours project will be used for building Windows7.
I Am observing some issues when triing to use Yours multipe project for building Windows7 source, but lets work sistematically.
Here are instructions for adding Microsoft disk defragmenter to The Windows PE environment. I have grabbed those instructions from one discussion forum.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEEXTERNALSOFTWAREClassesCLSID{80EE4901-33A8-11d1-A213-0080C88593A5}] @=”Defrag NTFS engine”

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEEXTERNALSOFTWAREClassesCLSID{80EE4901-33A8-11d1-A213-0080C88593A5}LocalServer32] @=hex(2):25,00,73,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,72,00,6f,00,6f,00,74,00,25, 00,5c,00,73,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,33,00,32,00,5c,00,44,00,66,00, 72,00,67,00,4e,00,74,00,66,00,73,00,2e,00,65,00,78,00,65,00,00,00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEEXTERNALSOFTWAREClassesCLSID{80EE4902-33A8-11d1-A213-0080C88593A5}] @=”Defrag FAT engine”

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEEXTERNALSOFTWAREClassesCLSID{80EE4902-33A8-11d1-A213-0080C88593A5}LocalServer32] @=hex(2):25,00,73,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,72,00,6f,00,6f,00,74,00,25, 00,5c,00,73,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,33,00,32,00,5c,00,44,00,66,00, 72,00,67,00,46,00,61,00,74,00,2e,00,65,00,78,00,65,00,00,00

For these files you can copy them from a Vista machine but make sure that the Vista service pack version matches the WinPE service pack version. Make sure to place them in the same locations as they are located on Vista.

Files To Add:

Once you have added these files and registry keys to the Windows PE WIM you can then use Defrag via the Windows PE Command Prompt.

End of The instructions
May be, that somebody would create this simple script for including Microsoft disk defragmenter also to Windows7 rescue CD project.

#60 pscEx


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Posted 06 November 2011 - 06:12 PM

Hi friends!

A new massage: I did not forget you. It6 is difficult to create the project fullfilling your needs.

In the mean time I bought an USB headset. Label "Plantronics", Windows says C-Media USB Headphone Set "

With VMware it works like a charm.
To work with VirtualBox, I first have to define the "USBH Filter" then it also works well.

Currently i did not bring it to work with CD or USB. But I'm working on this.


Crossing of posts: Currently I did not check your new post fully, but it is not forgotten. Sorry, I have my own rules how to solve an issue and I'm just using them. That's no confrontation. I'm ony following the "This works best for me" ...

Peter :cheers:

#61 pscEx


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Posted 07 November 2011 - 05:24 PM

Version 12 of multiPE contains USB headset functionality.

There is currently a small glitch, which I'm trying to fix.

When booting from CD or USB, speech is coming from the speaker. The user has to adjust to headset.

Reasion is timing during boot. When NVDA starts, the headset service is not yet running.
Give some hours / days to solve.


#62 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 07 November 2011 - 05:33 PM

Helo Peter

Very well done, ammazing job.
But without Yours modiffication, i would never have a chance to use headsets when booting from CD without virtual environment.

I would like to thank You for all visually impaired users.
And please excuse my message from Yesterday, i wanted to help You. And please excuse my non useful advices.

#63 pscEx


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Posted 07 November 2011 - 05:39 PM

And please excuse my message from Yesterday, i wanted to help You. And please excuse my non useful advices.

Nothing to excuse. It was well meant and gave me some hints. Today I already googled about the possibility to use Win7 defrag also in Vista and XP PE.
What I only wanted to say is "let me follow my strategy. Some things have to be postponed".


#64 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 10 November 2011 - 01:00 PM

Dear syr,
I would like to deeply thank You for all visually impaired computer users throught out The world. You have been successfull, USB headsets are automatically selected when turning my computer on and when booting from Yours ammazing project.
For other visually impaired users, i would like to inform YOu, that The project is now located at The official downloads section for Multipe. And that Peter have been included his latest complex program for interpreting scripts for Winbuilder, winbuilder.exe.
I would like to thank You Peter, because i have been analysed Yours USB headsets script, it is very complex script, You have been forced to watch many system registry changes, You have been creating new registry keys inside this script.
My special thanks is addressed to You, because i Am aware, that You are doing it like a volunteer and that You are having many other complex programmers job related activity, Yours personal living and that You are very active also in other discussion threads on rebootpro and other Winbuilder project based WEB sites.

Peter, thank You very much, that You have been included so simple script for adding new applications to The PE, i will experiment with it to night.

You have been spended many weeks during developing this project with NVDA support, You would had to have a big programmers rest.

Yours project is running smoothly, and i have yet last think.

I would like to thank You very much that You have enabled users to transfer created project to THE USB drive. Because there are several utility on The net, which are triing to support those projects, but those utilities can create non bootable USB.
Script is The part of Winbuilder project, Multipe, so ammazing winbuilder GUI is being used.

Visually impaired users, who would like to constructively cooperate with You are i think, strongly welcomed. And why?

Winbuilder is using accessible listview for displaing The error messages while running some projects, which have to be patiently debugged. All classes used for Yours GUI objects are MSAA compatible, even play button can be retrieved from The MSAA objects list by assigning this graphical object like A toolbar.

So You have created, also with other Winbuilder users, ammazing assistive technology for visually impaired advanced users and system administrators.
So lets use Yours ammazing project, very well done Peter.

#65 pscEx


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Posted 10 November 2011 - 04:54 PM

For me is an open question:

Headsets usually also have a microfone.
Maybe you need it to write texts, rather than using the keyboard.

Because I do not have any speech to text software, I cannot test whether it works.


#66 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 10 November 2011 - 05:43 PM

Dear syr,
I do not have issues typing on The computer keyboard, i Am appreciating Yours initiative. You have configured Yours script excellently, because even buttons for controlling The volume of The headsets are working ammazingly.
I think, that using USB headsets driver is The best choice, because USB ports are being detected by The Windows PE very reliably on many various computer motherboards without issues.
USB headsets driver is also compatible with one model of Olimpus dictaphone, which can work like A USB sound cart. So this approach can bring many visually impaired computer users The opportunity to perform system administration tasks. It is also very important to note, that visually impaired users are able to add applications, which are not require to add The registry keys, so it can work properly.
MP3directcut can play MP3 files without need to use system.acm codec, mglib.dll can be used for plaiing those files.
Some applications can work fully portably and user is having The possibility to modifi other .scripts for various applications, which are The part of other XP based live projects.
You have made very much for Me and for others visually impaired users. So i will only please You sometimes for AN consultantion while triing to add somethink to Multipe.

Using various live projects based on Microsoft PE is having extremely important potential for visually impaired users and system administrators. Clever Windows NT kernel and other HAL related modules are able to detect in live mode various ACPI compliant BIOSES and USB ports are being correctly autodetected very reliably.
Linux live CDS are not able to autodetect all sound devices, which are manufactured, but USB headsets are universal sound device standard and thank's to it, Yours project will become very favourite tool for many users.

So very well done, ammazing job, and thank You very much not only because of Me.

Windows XP is allocating less RAM than Windows7 PE environment and i can use it on A systems with 384 MB of RAM.

I Am very sad, that i can not use explorer.exe and shell32.dll from Windows XP SP3 with Windows7, because The syslistview32 object is much more faster with screen reader when pressing arrow keys while using my computer.

Fortunately, The XnView application is using my favourite system class object for displaing files. And multipe with Windows XP is using explorer.exe included with Windows XP.
So i can be happy.

#67 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 20 December 2011 - 06:07 PM

Dear syr,
I would like to wisch You a marry crysthmas, much love, much health, much happyness. I will never forget on Yours programmers miracle, that You have been enabled visually impaired users to use Windows Xp with USB audio support or with virtualisation programs. Very well done, excellent job.

I have decided that i will not will please You to add The same also for Windows7 project or on Windows 8 on far future, because for Windows 7, there is The functional project allready done. The reason, why i wanted functional XP project from You was, that there were no such project awailable, from which i could create The functioning live XP. One man have been created one live CD but using it was not legal at all, he included .iso image allready created and i could not find The whole project with wINBUILDER, WHICH he used. So i decided to contact You. Next issue was, that his approach did not enable Me to use NVDA inside this project.

I have only one kind pleasment to You.

Would You try to make a copy to USB script more automatic? I have been lost inside this script users interface.

I can choose The USB drive letter but i can not dtermine, how to make this script functioning? Must i type some options to The editboxes? Because when i press some button, notepad is being opened and i can see The list of options awailable for some comandline tool very probably used by this script.

Would The script be more automated?

I have been used Windows 8 development release so i can even test Yours build made from running Windows 8. No matter, if sound will work or no, it is too soon to want sound support from development release of Windows 8.

So could YYou look on Yours copy to USB script awailable on The latest and older releases of Multipe project? May be, that i AM wrongly understanding The script phylosophy and it's user interface.
I could try The copy to USB device script awailable on The Windows7 rescue project, but i think, that algorithms are made for Windows7 based PE and i could construct bootable USB stick which will not function at all.

You are ammazing programmer and i Am really appreciating Yours complex work. I have been tested The latest Multipe, but somethink have been happened and project is not working with NVDA, eventhough i have been pressed activate NVDA on The first script after running Winbuilder.exe. But i will not intrude You because of it, i will use Multipe12, which is working perfectly. You have made many changes on The multipe21 project.

I Am very sad, that i can not install Windows7 to The external USB harddisk by using Microsoft installer, one author have created .cmd script for this, but when i type The target partition drive letter, there is hydden error inside .cmd script and command interpreter is displaiing The error, that 10 have not been expected and script will trminate.

By the way, Winbuilder could be theoretically used to make complex scripts for installing XP Vista, windows7 operating systems to The USB external harddrive.
Winbuilder is able to offer developers many commands and even complex condition blocks are allowed.

#68 pscEx


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Posted 20 December 2011 - 06:42 PM

A lot of questions and suggestions!

I'll answer one by one. (I'm sending you a PM about the reason).

USB script:
I really do not recommend to do things automatically here. Reason: When something is not defined correctly, an automatic script may format the wrong drive!

There is an issue that NVDA does not see WinBuilder labels. Therefore you do not have any knowledge about labels like:
"USB Drive Letter" in front of a scollbox to choose the drive letter.
That makes the understanding of the USB GUI difficult or better: nearly impossible for you.

I tried with NVDA, and really did not find a logical way to hit the USB-Drive scrollbox and make the choice.
When the mouse hoovers the scroll box, NVDA only tells the actual (maybe wrong) contents of the scroll box, or when the mouse hoovers the down arrow, something like "Offmen" (which I do not understand).

Give me some time to present you a solution!


#69 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 26 December 2011 - 06:23 PM

Dear members of this excellent forum.
I Am very sorry, that i Am triing to ask The question here, but i AM helpless to find The right solution.

DOes somebody know about functioning solution how to install Windows 8 development previev to The external USB harddrive?

I have tried those two commands and i can not start The installation to The finish from bootable USB harddrive successfully.

ImageX /Apply g:\Sources\Install.wim 1 h:
BCDBOOT h:\Windows /s h:
I have choosen right drive letters, i have transferred The contents of .vim image to The USB harddrive, and even The command for creating boot files did not fail.

But unfortunately, BIOS do not start booted from harddrive.
I do not have issues with BIOS related to support USB devices, there is may be problem, that no of those commands
ImageX /Apply g:\Sources\Install.wim 1 h:
BCDBOOT h:\Windows /s h:
Can create right MBR which can load The necessary routines from The USB harddisk.

I would like to create bootable USB harddisk with Windows8 development previev on it.

From the following .iso image.


Would somebody try to find The cause, why i can not boot from The external USB harddrive?

Experimenting with USB stick can take a long time and i do not have larger than 16 GB USB sticks at home.

USB stick can overburn while working with functioning system, i can protect USB stick internal media before overburning by using dtaskmanager and i can stop The threats of running process for extracting image every 15 minutes for atleast 6 minutes to prevent USB stick from overburning. But this can not be done, if Windows 8 would be installed on some USB stick.

Any suggestions is strongly welcomed. I have used many various articles for describing The procedure for creating bootable WIndows 8 USB stick or harddrive, including articles on The RMPrepUSB WEB site.

Some kind person even described The procedure for modifiing .sif file so even Windows XP could be installed on The harddrive, but i have got lost like a visually impaired user, which line should i move from one place to another.

I would most likely to have Windows XP on bootable USB harddrive, but i think, that there would be more complex programmers issues than triing to install Windows8 on this kind of media.

There would be may be licensing issues, but what do You think about creating some Winbuilder scripts to install Windows8 to USB harddrive? Or if it would be possible The program for modifiing The .sif file of Windows XP?
Thank You very, very much for Yours answers.

With kindness regards.
Janusz Chmiel

#70 TheRookie



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Posted 26 December 2011 - 06:40 PM


Firstly, you need to obtain a file called bootsect.exe
It comes with windows AIK, and can be found in c:program fileswindows aiktoolspe-toolsx86
then do like so if you want to start from beginning:
ImageX /Apply g:SourcesInstall.wim 1 h:
BCDBOOT h:Windows /s h:
bootsect /nt60 h:

If you have already done:
ImageX /Apply g:SourcesInstall.wim 1 h:
BCDBOOT h:Windows /s h:
then all you need to do is:
bootsect /nt60 h: /force /mbr
and hopefully things should work, i.e. pc will boot in to windows from USB.


#71 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 26 December 2011 - 08:20 PM

Dear Rookie,

Very well done, Yours instructions are helping me. Clever BIOS recognized The right builded MBR and somethink is happening now. But i Am having issues, if this stage of installation can be performed without need sighted assistance.
First of all, can i press Enter key at The bootmgr boot screen to follow first default boot item? If yes, must i press Enter for many times? When i have been examined setup.ini file in The NTFS volume, there is line telling me, somethink OOBE.
So must i patiently wait till setup routines will detect my hardware?
Or is there somethink which i must confirm by using keyboard.
Will Autounattend.xml help me to automatize The installation?
If i will copy this file to The root folder of NTFS volume of bootable USB harddisk? Or i must type product key myself at The right time?
Please, if You have been able to successfully perform The installation Yourself while booting from USB bootable media, please let Me know.
Without Yours advices, i would be helples till now.

So thank You very much for any advice.
By The way, i have been able to successfully install Windows7 and WIndows8 while using Windows XP and while using Autounattend.xml file. Because when i have tried to install WIndows7 for The first time, installer could not access my sata harddisk, installer wanted The driver from me and choosing The right driver from The browse dialog box is really very complex while working like a blind user.
So i have been used installer from running XP system, but ammazing programmers of Windows installers are preventing users to officially choose USB harddisk for installation.
Windows7 installer will display The USB harddisk but with warning, that this media can not be used, and Windows8 installer is producing C005 exception if USB harddisk is connected to The computer so installer GUI will even not appear at all.

#72 TheRookie



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Posted 26 December 2011 - 10:01 PM

Hello Janus,

First of all, can i press Enter key at The bootmgr boot screen to follow first default boot item? If yes, must i press Enter for many times?
It would be sufficient to just press enter once. It usually goes straight to the setup and one doesn't have to press enter, however, my dirty trick that I use is to listen to the sound of the harddrive. If the heads are moving, then I know somethings happening.

When i have been examined setup.ini file in The NTFS volume, there is line telling me, somethink OOBE.
What I think is happening is that it is working thus far, and has booted to the out of box experience, so after you have installed windows 8 to the USB drive with the commands in the post before your one, you would then need to wait abit after having connected the hard drive to pc and computer is turned on. when the hdd is silent, where there is no activity happening, try pressing windows key, followed by u. You will hear narrator come on, assuming windows has the driver for your sound card.
So must i patiently wait till setup routines will detect my hardware?
yep, remember, you'll hear the hdd sound and when it stops, hopefully try press windows key and u and if you're lucky narrator will come on, and you will be able to complete the setup.

Will Autounattend.xml help me to automatize The installation?
for the sake of freshness, lets start again:
1. so you enter necessary commands to install windows 8 to the USB drive.
2. On the USB drive, create the folder panther in windows directory.
3. copy your autounattend.xml to this panther directory we created, and rename it to unattend.xml
4. restart pc with USB drive connected, hopefully it will land you in windows without to setup screens depending on how your unattend file is created.

Because when i have tried to install WIndows7 for The first time, installer could not access my sata harddisk, installer wanted The driver from me and choosing The right driver from The browse dialog box is really very complex while working like a blind user.
well, I am fortunate to have never faced such a thing before, however dism has you covered by having the add-driver command, so for example it would go something like this:
Dism /image:e:mnt /Add-Driver /driver:e:drivers /recurse
then you would of course need to save the changes in the wim file by doing:
dism /unmount-wim /mountdir:e:mnt /commit

Remember when adding your SATA drivers, you will need to make changes to both the boot.wim and install.wim files respectively.


#73 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 20 February 2012 - 12:20 PM

Dear users and developers,
I would like to kindly please somebody of us for The cooperation. My goal is using Clamvin antivirus from running windows PE live project. From The Multipe or from running Win7PE_nvda2.
Multipe12 is functioning bestly from MultiPE projects, which are supporting NVDA and sound.

The issues.
When i have tried to run installed Clamwin from Win7PE_nvda2


Program requires downloading antivirus database from The Internet. Triing to transfer previously downloaded database from The
To The running Windows7PE environment, by using X:ProgramData.clamwin
folder, X is The drive letter of The virtual ramdisk created by
But eventhough The database is roperly transferred, Clamwin is still informing Me, that i did not download The database.

There is no universal network driver and i think, that triing to integrate all awailable network drivers to be autodetected automatically and integrating those drivers to The
project or to MultiPE will be very complex.

Clamwin is ammazing antivirus and is written in Python by using WXpython for creating GUI and there is no other issues related to The fact, that this program is executed from live PE.

Modifiing bootable isos from Alvil sofware ETC to support screen readers is according to my opinion too complex and not effective.

I think, that good advice will enable many visually impaired users to detect or remove viruses.
This antivirus will not allow to simply choose removing or not to remove virus.
User is having The chance to chose inside options dialog box by using radio button, if virus will be only detected and announced, or if virus will be removed.

I believe, that somebody of us would try to find The solution how to run Clamwin without need to download database from The Internet from running live PE.

Thank You very much for YOurs answers.

With kindness regards.
Janusz Chmiel
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#74 Wonko the Sane

Wonko the Sane

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Posted 20 February 2012 - 12:45 PM

Have you tried with Clamwin Portable?
It can be run even from CD (once the definition file is present):

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#75 JanuszChmiel


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Posted 26 February 2012 - 12:40 PM

Dear developers,
I would like to valuably please You, if somebody of us would try to integrate runscanner.script to The MULTIPE12 project, so also context menu item run with runscanner would work well?
Multipe12 project is onlyone solution, which is enabling users to use NVDA from Windows XP live build.
So would somebody try to integrate The runscanner script inside to this build?
Download link for MULTIPE12 project is
The goal of my pleasment is to neable XP users, visually impaired and other users to for example run services remotely from XP host to successfully complete system restoration by using system restore.
For now, there are two issues.

Force Multipe12 live project, which successfully create live .iso to run system restore service from offline host.
Manually copy necessary system restore library to The I386system32
Inside The live ramdisk.
There may be are other possibility, for example, remove programs by using add or remove control panel applet from offline XP host.
May be, that somebody of us would be wondering, what i Am thinkink?
But live XP project is The onlyone solution, which is replacing Windows safe mode for visually impaired users.
Some sharp viruses are having The potential to corrupt Windows registry, some legally obtained games can overload The system and can also corrupt The system.
Making full systemrestore operation can help users to prevent from total XP reinstall. System restore can not only backup registry, but also whole NTFS image from The day of created restore point.
I Am ready to experiment, but without fully functioning runscanner.script, which would enable me to use context menu for starting some applications remotely from offline XP host, i Am helpless.

Integrated non XP program for starting system service from host is strange for me.
I do not know, how to type right data to start services from offline host, and application is displaiing error, that remote procedure call service can not be started.

I believe, that my dream can stop to be dream and that it can be make true thank's to You.

Thank You very much for Yours answers.
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