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WinBuilder Running on Windows 98

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#51 crash

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Posted 02 January 2011 - 03:56 AM

Thanks Great Project. :thumbsup: :whistling:

#52 TheHive


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Posted 02 January 2011 - 10:30 AM

Win98LiveCD was created and booted up. Great job on the Winbuilder project. Something that I had wanted from my first runs with the Mindows project.

Seems to be that when you select the source, you have to select the root directory of where the Win98 folder is, and then the build process works. But when you select for example G:\Win98LiveCD\Win98 the source is not accepted. But when you select G:\Win98LiveCD\ the build process works because I have the Win98 folder within the G:\Win98LiveCD\.


In testing. Most things are in English but I ran into the Device Manager showing up in Spanish. The hardware Profile tab has some Spanish in it as well.

Also noticed the Time is off.

When messing with the Display properties I got an error. It happens when hitting the OK or the Cancel button on the the Advance Graphics options.

#53 Brito


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Posted 02 January 2011 - 01:30 PM

Thanks for the report and screenshots. Just one detail, the language you see is Portuguese. But it is fairly easy to confuse between them if you're not a latin speaker.. :thumbsup:

#54 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 02 January 2011 - 02:41 PM

Thanks for the report and screenshots. Just one detail, the language you see is Portuguese. But it is fairly easy to confuse between them if you're not a latin speaker.. :thumbsup:

Easy to spot, everytime you find the ending "ão" it's Portuguese.
And since Beatzero is from Brazil, that's pretty much "normal" :whistling:.

Quick cross dictionary:
English: configuration (settings)
German: Konfiguration
French: configuration
Spanish: configuración
Italian: configurazione
Portuguese: configuração
Romanian: configurare

pscEx™ English: constellation :ermm:



#55 pscEx


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Posted 02 January 2011 - 09:44 PM

pscEx™ English: constellation :confused1:

I think that I have to edit several posts and applications to contain my trademarked word!

Maybe somebody else has the time and does it for me.

Peter :whistling:

#56 Viden Ivanov

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Posted 06 June 2011 - 06:17 PM

Any chances to run this from USB ?
Thanks in advance :cheers:

#57 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 06 June 2011 - 06:59 PM

Any chances to run this from USB ?
Thanks in advance :cheers:

Sure, basically only very few modifications are needed (or maybe none at all).

The project, check this for reference also:

Basically it creates a Windows 98 disk image that is mapped as (fd0) by grub4dos (that is it will become A: in DOS) and then loaded into RAM by xmsdsk.

So, all you need to do is to copy the contents of the .iso to a USB stick, and it should work OK.

As well, you can try using the .iso "as is", mapping it with grub4dos to (0xff) and mapping the Win98.img to (fd0).


#58 Viden Ivanov

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Posted 07 June 2011 - 07:09 PM

yeah already tried this.... not working. I'm especially interested with the second option(iso). I tried:
also here is a screenshoot of the error message I get: http://img814.images...1/imag0020e.jpg

title Mini Windows 98
map --mem (hd0,0)/98.iso (0xff)
map --hook
map --mem (0xff)BOOT.IMA (fd0)
map --hook
root (fd0)
chainloader +1

title Mini Windows 98 2
map --mem (hd0,0)/98.iso (0xff)
map --hook
map --mem (0xff)BOOT.IMA (fd0)
map --hook
chainloader (fd0)+1
rootnoverify (fd0)
map --floppies=2

title aha
find --set-root /BOOT.IMA
map --mem /BOOT.IMA (fd0)
map --hook
chainloader (fd0)+1
rootnoverify (fd0)
map --floppies=2

Would be verry happy for any help

#59 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 07 June 2011 - 07:18 PM

DO NOT use pre-made menu.lst when experimenting, ALWAYS use command line (press "c").
You miss a / in "map --mem (0xff)BOOT.IMA (fd0)", should be "map --mem (0xff)/BOOT.IMA (fd0)".

Try ONE BY ONE on command line the following:

find --set-root /98.iso

map --mem /98.iso (0xff)

map --hook

root (0xff)

map --mem /BOOT.IMA (fd0)

map --hook

root (fd0)

chainloader +1


Post feedback some of the commands will give you.


#60 Viden Ivanov

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Posted 08 June 2011 - 06:47 PM

Still same error message:

Almost no output until chainloader + boot and then the screenshoot message.

Thanks. :unsure:

#61 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 08 June 2011 - 07:19 PM

Well, you are seemingly past grub4dos.

But something is not "right".
In the .iso I have of that project the autoexec.bat (that is what is executing from the screenshot) reads:

A:\DOS\xmsdsk 48000 X: /t /y /c2
A:\DOS\shsucdx /d:oemCD001 /L:Y
copy start.bat X:\
A:\dos\7za.exe x A:\WIN98\Windows.7z -oX:
set comspec=X:\WINDOWS\command.com

In your screenshot the A: has become Y: and this should not having happened because of voodoo. :dubbio: :unsure:

You should get much further in the booting process (then you will probably have a different error).

Did you change *anything*?


#62 L A M A


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Posted 09 June 2011 - 12:23 PM

i miss my w98 system ;) if only there were drivers,.... the amazing part was shrinking it down and running on xmsdsk ramdisk :D

what do think this command will do at start > RUN :cheers:

command ;c command ;c echo @forma1 C: /q /u /autotest ; C:\autoexec.bat rundll32 shell32.dll,SHExitWindowEx 2

Edited by Nuno Brito, 09 June 2011 - 01:32 PM.
Please behave

#63 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 09 June 2011 - 12:43 PM

what do think this command will do at start > RUN :rofl:

Showing your mental age? ;) :D


And no, they are NOT fun. (I mean if you are any older than 12, that is)


#64 Viden Ivanov

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Posted 09 June 2011 - 06:48 PM

Nope. Just even rebuild the iso. Same result.

Thanks again :D

#65 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 09 June 2011 - 07:15 PM

Nope. Just even rebuild the iso. Same result.

Thanks again ;)

  • The .script I used outputs a .iso named WIN98LiveCD.iso.
    Inside it there is a folder \Win98\.
    Inside it there is a (super-floppy) image named WIN98.IMG.

    From what you wrote earlier you are using "something else".
  • Open the .iso in 7-zip.
  • Open the autoexec.bat in \WIN98LiveCD.iso\Win98\WIN98.IMG\ with notepad or wordpad. (or change to the names you have, like the BOOT.IMA you mentioned)
  • Copy it's contents.
  • Paste them in your next post.

I posted the ones I have in my working .iso in post #61 above.

To get in the screenshot "A:\dos\7za.exe x Y:\WIN98\Windows.7z -oX:" your autoexec.bat must contain that EXACT text.
This is WRONG :D, that line should read: "A:\dos\7za.exe x A:\WIN98\Windows.7z -oX:".
If you have "Y" in that line, you either modified the build or the build has a problem of unknown nature.

WHERE exactly did you get the builder and .script from?
WHAT exact version of winbuilder are you running?
Running under WHICH OS?
WHICH source are you using? (I mean is it an UNTOUCHED windows 98 .iso, it is Russian, etc.)


#66 L A M A


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Posted 10 June 2011 - 01:33 PM

Showing your mental age? :cheers: ;)


And no, they are NOT fun. (I mean if you are any older than 12, that is)


:D I thought i was doing the presentation... (on my mental age)


Thanks for the edit. i didn't realize someone would try such a thing anyways. (anyhow, no harm done, i'll better not hijack this one... :rofl: respects: Wonko, Nuno... )

#67 Viden Ivanov

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Posted 11 June 2011 - 09:43 AM

  • The .script I used outputs a .iso named WIN98LiveCD.iso.
    Inside it there is a folder \Win98\.
    Inside it there is a (super-floppy) image named WIN98.IMG.

    From what you wrote earlier you are using "something else".
  • Open the .iso in 7-zip.
  • Open the autoexec.bat in \WIN98LiveCD.iso\Win98\WIN98.IMG\ with notepad or wordpad. (or change to the names you have, like the BOOT.IMA you mentioned)
  • Copy it's contents.
  • Paste them in your next post.

I posted the ones I have in my working .iso in post #61 above.

To get in the screenshot "A:\dos\7za.exe x Y:\WIN98\Windows.7z -oX:" your autoexec.bat must contain that EXACT text.
This is WRONG :ph34r:, that line should read: "A:\dos\7za.exe x A:\WIN98\Windows.7z -oX:".
If you have "Y" in that line, you either modified the build or the build has a problem of unknown nature.

WHERE exactly did you get the builder and .script from?
WHAT exact version of winbuilder are you running?
Running under WHICH OS?
WHICH source are you using? (I mean is it an UNTOUCHED windows 98 .iso, it is Russian, etc.)


I got it exactly from here! http://reboot.pro/10373/
I tried with 0.78 and 0.80
Under XP SP3
Untouched ISO.
In a virtual machine it works.
In the .script it is with Y: (opened it with notepad)

#68 Viden Ivanov

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Posted 11 June 2011 - 11:04 AM

//Boot Files...
TXTAddLine,"%AUTOEXEC%","A:\DOS\xmsdsk %pScrollBox21% X: /t /y /c2","Append"
TXTAddLine,"%AUTOEXEC%","A:\DOS\shsucdx /d:oemCD001 /L:Y","Append"
TXTAddLine,"%AUTOEXEC%","copy start.bat X:\","Append"
TXTAddLine,"%AUTOEXEC%","A:\dos\7za.exe x Y:\WIN98\Windows.7z -oX:","Append"
TXTAddLine,"%AUTOEXEC%","set comspec=X:\WINDOWS\command.com","Append"
TXTAddLine,"%CONFIGSYS%","device=A:\DOS\XCDROM.SYS /D:oemCD001","Append"
TXTAddLine,"%CONFIGSYS%","DEVICE=A:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS /testmem:off","Append"
//TXTAddLine,"%CONFIGSYS%","DEVICE=A:\DOS\emm386.exe noems /Y=X:\windows\emm386.exe","Append"
TXTAddLine,"%MSDOS%"," ","Append"
TXTAddLine,"%MSDOS%"," ","Append"

Hope this helps to find the problem :ph34r:

#69 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 11 June 2011 - 06:00 PM

I don't know, the Y: doesn't make ANY sense. :ph34r:

The .img (as said in my version it is named WIN98.IMG, is mapped to (fd0) by grub4dos.
Thus, when DOS boots, it gets drive letter A:.
The XMS disk will get letter X:.
The CD-ROM will get letter Y:.

The .7z archive is inside WIN98.IMG (or A:\ if you prefer) \WIN98\Windows.7z.

The command line:
A:\dos\7za.exe x Y:\WIN98\Windows.7z -oX
fails because there is NO \WIN98\ directory on CD, nor there is in it a Windows.7z file.

Maybe that's a typo (strange) in the version dated Aug 21 2010 01:04:25 AM

Try editing the .script, replacing:
TXTAddLine,"%AUTOEXEC%","A:\dos\7za.exe x Y:\WIN98\Windows.7z -oX:","Append"
//TXTAddLine,"%AUTOEXEC%","A:\dos\7za.exe x Y:\WIN98\Windows.7z -oX:","Append"

TXTAddLine,"%AUTOEXEC%","A:\dos\7za.exe x A:\WIN98\Windows.7z -oX:","Append"
and try rebuilding.

The download already has a Winbuilder version included, use THAT one (and NOT any newer or "other" version) for the moment.


#70 Viden Ivanov

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Posted 11 June 2011 - 06:32 PM

I tried with both images. Actually I think the Y: is correct. A:\dos\7za.exe is executed from A: that is only 1.44 MB small (the mapped Win98/Boot.img as fd0 from the menu.lst inside the iso). Y: should be the mapped iso itself, on which the Windows.7z is located. On the step it hangs I tried to change to Y:, which should be the CD/mapped ISO...OK, a 'dir' command says: General failure reading drive: Abort Retry Cancel. It seems like the cdrom driver shsucdx.com hangs when Y: is a mapped iso image. What can we do about this ? :ph34r:


#71 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 11 June 2011 - 07:31 PM

I have found the version I had, it's probably a Win98LiveCDBuilder.7z dated 23-12-2009.

I have tried building from the version previously linked to Aug 21 2010 01:04:25 AM, and definitely it uses a completely different approach, though I am having a couple of build errors, I can see the current structure.

Sorry for the misunderstandings. :(

Evidently Beatzero changed the general approach, making a floppy image instead of the "monolithic" super-floppy used before.

So the problem is "one step before".

The shsucdx cannot mount correctly the CD-ROM, now a .iso file, but it's strange as in your screenshot there is a cwsdpmi error. :ph34r:

See comments in this post:

deja vu feeling :), my memory is not as good as it used to be :w00t:.

All in all cannot say if it will be easier to replace the shusucdx with SHSUCDRD or to re-engineer the "container" from .iso to .ima (super-floppy like) or .img (HD-like).
I would think the latter to be the most straightforward.


P.S.: EDIT: can you try with another (older or newer) version of 7-zip?
The C:\cwsdpmi.swp error is strange.
Are you testing the thingy in a VM? (possibly Qemu)
Have you atttached to it a virtual HD (FAT16 or FAT32 formatted)?
Compare with:

#72 Viden Ivanov

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Posted 18 June 2011 - 07:35 AM

Windows can not read of the mapped iso file. Read error on drive that is the mapped iso file. I tried Install Iso win98 from USB, sane result. The mapped iso file can not be read as a device e.g. Y: . I try in reality :cheers: and in VirtualBox with mapped physical usb stick as HD.

#73 Viden Ivanov

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Posted 18 June 2011 - 07:37 AM

Additionally I got it to work! But not from the iso, but from the extracted iso content with some little changes to the autoexebat from boot.img. I'd be really if ISO will work too somehow :cheers:


#74 Wonko the Sane

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Posted 19 June 2011 - 10:07 AM

Additionally I got it to work! But not from the iso, but from the extracted iso content with some little changes to the autoexebat from boot.img. I'd be really if ISO will work too somehow :cheers:

Maybe if you can detail the some little changes you made this may be of use to some other members. :cheers:

As said, if you want to have it working with the .iso you need to use the shusucdx with SHSUCDRD, and map INSTEAD of the CD device, the actual .iso.

If you need help with the latter, just say so. :rofl:


#75 Viden Ivanov

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Posted 19 June 2011 - 12:06 PM

Maybe if you can detail the some little changes you made this may be of use to some other members. :cheers:

As said, if you want to have it working with the .iso you need to use the shusucdx with SHSUCDRD, and map INSTEAD of the CD device, the actual .iso.

If you need help with the latter, just say so. :cheers:


Yes, I'll do so. Some files still misses, the desktop loads fine though. Extract the win98.zip from the iso and in the autoexec.bat do not mount any cd just copy the contents of win98.zip to the ramdisk and continue like in the normal autoexec.bat. I don't know if it's legal to post the .img here, but that is the content of my autoexec.bat(B: is the usb stick, iso.7z is the iso content packed as 7z file and the boot.img must be also copied outside of the iso :
A:\DOS\xmsdsk 64000 X: /t /y /c2


A:\dos\7za.exe x B:\iso.7z -oX:

A:\dos\7za.exe x X:\WIN98\Windows.7z -oX:

set comspec=X:\WINDOWS\command.com
In Grub4Dos it should look like:
title Windows 98 live mounted

map (hd0,0)/isoload.ima (fd0)

map (hd0,0)+1 (fd1)

map --hook

rootnoverify (fd1)

chainloader (fd0)+1

I tried the *f...* everything to get shusucdx to work with no luck and if somebody knows why I will be happy to hear it.

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